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The Church Builder Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Encouraging Pastors and Church Leaders in personal and leadership development. Dale O’Shields is the founding and senior pastor of Church of the Redeemer, a multi-site church in the greater Washington DC area. In over 30 years of ministry, he has equipped pastors to plant and develop thriving ministries. This passion led him to establish United Pastors Network, yearly gatherings where worldwide church leaders come together to be reenergized and empowered. The Church Builder Podcast offers pastors and church leaders encouragement in their personal and leadership development throughout the year. Subscribe today to learn how to be strong for long!


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Encouraging Pastors and Church Leaders in personal and leadership development. Dale O’Shields is the founding and senior pastor of Church of the Redeemer, a multi-site church in the greater Washington DC area. In over 30 years of ministry, he has equipped pastors to plant and develop thriving ministries. This passion led him to establish United Pastors Network, yearly gatherings where worldwide church leaders come together to be reenergized and empowered. The Church Builder Podcast offers pastors and church leaders encouragement in their personal and leadership development throughout the year. Subscribe today to learn how to be strong for long!



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Lead Your City — Part 2 | Ep. 030

To be an effective spiritual leader you need to be—spiritual! In today’s episode with Pastor Dale O’Shields and Pastor Dino Rizzo, Executive Director of ARC and Associate Pastor at Church of the Highlands, we gain wisdom on how to lead from a life of significance within the lane God has placed us in. For more leadership resources, visit


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Serve Your City — Part 1 | Ep. 029

Serving your city has never been more important than now. In today’s episode, Pastor Dale interviews Pastor Dino Rizzo, Executive Director of ARC and Associate Pastor at Church of the Highlands, on the impact community outreach has had in his life and the lives of others. You don’t have to start big to make a difference, just start! To find ways, resources and ideas on how you can get involved in your community, visit


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Dealing With Discouragement — Part 2 | Ep. 028

Are you discouraged? We all face it. Join Pastor Dale as he shares life lessons on dealing with discouragement.


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Dealing With Discouragement — Part 1 | Ep. 027

Have you ever “lost the air in your spiritual balloon?” It’s called “discouragement.” In this episode of The Church Builder Podcast, Jody Earley interviews Pastor Dale O’Shields about discouragement — identifying the causes and cure for this common issue in our lives. For more church development resources, visit


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Culture of Engagement | Ep. 026

Have you wanted to create engagement in your church but don’t know where to start? Gain insight from today’s episode as Pastor Dale O’Shields interviews Pastor Robert Barriger on the value of engagement and how to inspire it in your ministry. For more church development resources, visit


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Change Agents | Ep. 025

Have you ever wondered how to introduce positive changes in your church? In this episode, Pastor Dale O’Shields interviews Pastor Robert Barriger on the importance of change and the “how-to’s” of change in the local church. For more church development resources, visit


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Ready To Lead? | Ep. 024

Is Jesus resident or president in your life? In today’s episode with Dr. David Shibley, founder of Global Advance ministry, we’ll dig deeper into how you can prepare to share your faith with others. To learn more about Global Advance or to support this mission, visit


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The Great Commission | Ep. 023

Nothing inspires us more than seeing someone come to faith in Jesus through our influence. Today’s episode, with Dr. David Shibley, founder of Global Advance ministry, will refresh your vision, confidence and passion to share your faith with others! To learn more or to support this mission, visit


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Hurts, Habits and Hang-Ups | Ep. 022

In today’s episode Pastor Dale interviews Craig Brown who has faithfully led Celebrate Recovery at Church of the Redeemer over the last 20 years. Tune in to learn what this program is all about and how your ministry can benefit from it.


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A Family Ministry | Ep. 021

Today’s episode features a very special guest, Pastor Dale O’Shields’ wife, Terry, as she shares her ministry experience being the wife of a Senior Pastor for almost 40 years now. Together, they’ll share the ups and downs they experienced through planting a church with two young children, the valuable lessons learned with managing church and family, and how they navigate doing ministry together.


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The Calling In Your Life | Ep. 020

How do you discover God’s calling for your life? Often people struggle to understand this very important part of spiritual life. In this episode of The Church Builder Podcast, Pastor Dale O’Shields interviews Pastor Robert Barriger, Senior Pastor of Camino de Vida in Lima, Peru about this topic. Listen to Pastor Robert’s personal story of discovering God’s calling.


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A Relevant Church | Ep. 019

While the message of the church never changes, the methods of the church can. Join Pastor Dale as he interviews Pastor Robert Barriger from Camino de Vida in Lima, Peru on what relevancy truly means and looks like. For more church development resources, visit


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The Church Planting Journey | Ep. 018

Church planting is a process that can appear intimidating and overwhelming. In today’s episode, Pastor Dale O’Shields interviews Pastor Layne Schranz, from Church of the Highlands, on the valuable church-planting lessons learned throughout his journey in Birmingham, Alabama. For more church development resources, visit​


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Spiritual Leadership | Ep. 017

While the church can benefit from organizational leadership, the primary role of those in ministry is to provide spiritual leadership. Tune in with Pastor Dale, Jody Earley and Pastor Steve Rivera as they discuss the importance of keeping in perspective what is most valuable in our leadership. For more information on United Pastors Network visit


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Management vs. Leadership | Ep. 016

Management and leadership are two necessary skills in ministry. Join Pastor Dale, Jody Earley and Pastor Steve Rivera as they dig into these abilities, the differences between them and how to maximize them in your life and ministry. For more information on Pastor Dale’s Living & Giving God’s Dream book, visit


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Effective Team Building & Development | Ep. 015

An effective team takes strategy to put together. Join Pastor Dale, Jody Earley and Pastor Steve Rivera as they discuss what it takes to find, train and develop effective team members. For more information on Pastor Dale’s Living & Giving God’s Dream book, visit


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Worldly vs. Godly Success | Ep. 014

We all strive for success. Yet, what kind of success are you exemplifying—God’s or the world’s? Join Pastor Dale as he interviews CBS sportscaster James Brown on his experience living out God’s definition of success versus the world’s.


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The Value of Church Life | Ep. 013

Have you come across the common belief that “Jesus is okay but church is optional”? Join Pastor Dale and CBS sportscaster James Brown as they discuss the value of church life and living a life of excellence.


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Faith in the Workplace | Ep. 012

When you increase your faith, you increase your influence. Tune in as Pastor Dale interviews CBS sportscaster James Brown on his experience with living out his faith as a broadcaster and in the workplace.


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Creating An Evangelistic Weekend Experience | Ep. 011

We all want to see people come to Christ. Hear insights from three senior pastors on the kind of environment that helps people respond to the Gospel.
