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The FLOT Line Show

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to The FLOT Line, with your host, Rick Hughes. For the next 30 minutes, you will be inspired, motivated, and educated, but never manipulated. FLOT is an acronym for Forward Line of Troops. The show teaches principles from the Bible and focuses on God’s 10 unique problem-solving devices. If you choose to learn and apply them, they will act as a main line of resistance in your soul, a FLOT line, preventing the outside sources of adversity from becoming the inside pressure of stress in your soul. The intent is to give you information to help you identify the plan of God for your life.


United States


Welcome to The FLOT Line, with your host, Rick Hughes. For the next 30 minutes, you will be inspired, motivated, and educated, but never manipulated. FLOT is an acronym for Forward Line of Troops. The show teaches principles from the Bible and focuses on God’s 10 unique problem-solving devices. If you choose to learn and apply them, they will act as a main line of resistance in your soul, a FLOT line, preventing the outside sources of adversity from becoming the inside pressure of stress in your soul. The intent is to give you information to help you identify the plan of God for your life.



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The Process, Part 3 (2014)

Without understanding the process and learning the protocol plan of God, you will drift in time and fail to redeem your time wisely. “See that you walk circumspectly, not as a fool but as a wise person, redoing the time because the days are evil” (Eph 5:15-16). The measure of greatness in the plan of God is to serve and see to the needs of others. Learning humility is key to living the Christian life. Never try to promote yourself. “Everyone who promotes himself shall be humbled but he who humbles himself shall be promoted” (Luke 14:11). When you let an irritation go to anger that is when it becomes a sin. Anger is an emotional and reactionary sin. Many people say stupid things in anger. “Do not be hasty to be angry for anger resides in the bosom of a fool” (Eccl 7:9). Anger is never isolated and often leads to other sins. Anger will hinder your prayer life. Amos 1:11 says, “Anger can destroy a nation.” Click for Full Transcript


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You Must Be Born Again (2024)

You are born spiritually dead; therefore, you must be born again to go to heaven. Otherwise, you will be condemned to live forever in the Lake of Fire. “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 1:3). Only your faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross will allow you to be born again. Pray and tell God the Father that you believe His Son Jesus Christ paid for your sins on the cross. Accept His free gift of salvation by faith, not works. “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life” (John 6:40). The moment you are born again, your new life in Christ begins. Click for Full Transcript:


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The Process, Part 2 (2014)

You must be willing to come to the place in your life where you say, “Whatever it takes, Father, I want to grow. I want to be the person you want me to be.” God has a system—the process—He wants us to operate in and it’s called the protocol plan of God. You must learn it. The basis is the filling of the Holy Spirit and Biblical orientation. The process takes a lifetime as we form Christ in us and others can see Christ in us. Here are ways you can fail to learn the process: put priority on people rather than your relationship with God. Fail to execute God’s mandates especially the ones regarding love. You will fail if you attempt to execute God’s plan with your own human power rather than divine power. “Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us” (Eph 3:20). Click for Full Transcript


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The Process, Part 1 (2014)

Winner believers are those who learn the process, which means understanding the Protocol Plan of God and glorifying God to the maximum. “Come my children and listen to me. I will teach you respect for the Lord” (Ps 34:11-14). The protocol plan of God is the process by which you grow to be a winner, one day at a time. “Guide me with Your Word and train me because You are the God of my deliverance” (Ps 25:5). Learn and live the process and God will add days to your life. “My son, do not forget my teaching and let your mind keep my commandants for the length of days and the years of life and the prosperity they will add to it” (Prog 3:1-2). Your life only has meaning when it is related to the Word of God. If you are experiencing ill health or other difficulties, look inside and see if there is sin you haven’t dealt with. Is there any unconfessed sin in your life? If so, admit your sin to God and He will be faithful and just to forgive you. If you are under divine discipline, you are losing time. “My days vanished like smoke and my bones burned like glowing embers” (Ps 102:3). Click for Full Transcript


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The Four C's (2014)

"The Four C’s" describe the process for learning God's Word, understanding Him and growing spiritually: communicate, capture; comprehend, and convert (or comply). The pastor-teacher’s job is to communicate. The ministry of the Holy Spirit empowers you to capture and comprehend what you hear. Then by believing it, you convert it into understanding and applying it to the circumstances in your life. This is wisdom powered by faith. “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom and obtains understanding” (Prov 3:13). Click for Full Transcript:


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Fear and Courage (2014)

Fear is an indicator of stress and a manifestation of arrogance. You can’t be afraid without putting an abnormal emphasis on yourself. Fear is a mental attitude sin and not compatible with the function of your spiritual life. “God has not given us a lifestyle of fear but of power and of love and of sound judgment” (2 Tim 1:7). Fear destroys your capability to think and your capacity to live. Courage is the opposite of fear. Confidence in God produces courage toward man. “We have been endowed with all power from the superior power of His glory resulting in fortitude and steadfastness along with happiness” (Col 1:11). Spiritual courage requires you to make decisions every day to fulfill the mandates of God using the unique invisible assets He has given us. Click for Full Transcript:


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Clashes and Conflicts (2014)

You are in a war called the angelic conflict. The battle is for the hearts and minds of the human race. Satan is trying to vindicate himself so he doesn’t have to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. So Satan and his angels always seek to discredit, distort or eliminate the dissemination of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Be sober and be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet 5:8). You are not authorized to attack Satan’s forces. You are to stay filled with the Holy Spirit and learn the mind of Christ. Here are your orders. “Submit to God” (James 4:7). Resist the devil’s schemes and his attempts to lure you and isolate you. “Continue in the faith grounded and steadfast” (Col 1:23). “Watch, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love” (1 Cor 16:13-14). Personal love for God is your motivational virtue. Click for Full Transcript:


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Gold, Silver and Precious Stones (2014)

Our God is a God of protocol, which demands that the right thing must be done the right way. We cannot make up the rules as we go along. We have to obey God's plan. “Study to show thyself approved unto God” (2 Tim 2:15). Click for Full Transcript:


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Jesus Christ Controls History (2024)

Jesus Christ controls history. Relax. Don’t get angry with the national destruction we’re seeing. Realize there is a cosmic vortex swirling through this nation fueled by satanic propaganda and influence. If you’re not careful, your emotions will take over and destroy you. The Christian life operates on the filling of the Holy Spirit and the content of God’s Word in your soul. Use faith-rest. Claim this promise, "No weapon that is formed against you will prosper” (Is 54:17). Always remember Who’s in control. Click for Full Transcript:


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Pressing Toward the Prize (2014)

Don’t dwell on your past failures. If you’re still alive, God has a plan for you. “I forgot those things that are behind me and I reach forth to the things which are in front” (Phil 4:13). Rebound, stay filled with the Holy Spirit and press on toward the prize. “I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14). The prize is hearing the Lord say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” The Christian life is lived one day at a time. Press toward the finish line by “growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and applying what you learn. As you learn God’s Word and as the Holy Spirit uses it in your life, this conforms you to the image of Jesus Christ. This is the mark you are pressing toward. Click for Full Transcript:


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Giving (2014)

Giving is an attitude toward the Lord and can be an expression of grace toward others. It depends on your understanding of Scripture and being well-motivated. “And not even as we anticipated, but they gave first of themselves to the Lord. Then they gave to us by the will of God” (2 Col 8:5). If you give money—which is the right thing—but it's done in the wrong way it will not glorify God. First, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit when you give. What you give is a matter of the privacy of your priesthood related to the Word of God. Tithing is not relevant in this dispensation. Giving is an expression of worship and it commemorates the grace of God in your life. “Give to the degree determined by means of what God has given to us, not from the distress of our mind [emotions]. God loves the well-motivated believer” (2 Cor 9:7). Click for Full Transcript:


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Do Not Be Anxious (2014)

Worry and fear are sins and won’t help you handle adversity. "Do not be anxious for your life" (Matt 6:25). This is a mandate from God. Worry is self-centered emotionally driven fear. Faith is the absence of fear. “In God I will put my trust and I will not be afraid of what man can do to me” (Ps 56:11). Faith, is you claiming God’s promises. Without faith-rest, you will have stress in your life. If you orient to God’s will and plan for your life then you will focus on how God uses adversity in your life. Wake up and realize that without Christ you have no control over your existence. “Many are the plans in man’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that always prevails” (Prov 19:21). Click for Full Transcript:


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Emotions (2014)

Emotions are an enemy of the Christian. God gives you mentality. You don’t have to let your emotions control your life. Emotions react. Thinking responds. You have a choice. Controlling your emotions is a wonderful thing. “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5). Humility is required to be successful in life. Arrogant people never have it. They are full of self-justification and this is very dangerous because it leads to self-deception. It is critical you understand the plan of God and it starts with “We have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:16). Click for Full Transcript:


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Hearer or Doer (2014)

Many hear the Word of God but never apply it. “Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only” (James 1:22). Being a hearer only means you fail to metabolize what you hear. You’ll lose the blessing of God when you hear and don’t apply truth and you’ll never establish a FLOT line in your soul. The doer of the Word of God replaces human viewpoint with divine viewpoint thinking. The Word of God is streaming in his mentality like a river flowing through his soul and he can easily recall and apply it in his life. Being a doer of the Word starts with what you think. “A doer of the Word will be blessed in what he does” (James 1:25). Analyze yourself from the objectivity of the Word of God that you’ve heard, learned, metabolized and stored in your soul. Click for Full Transcript


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Winner or Loser (2014)

What think ye of Christ? To believe in Jesus Christ and receive Him as your personal Savior is the greatest decision you could ever make. You don’t have any guarantee you will be alive tomorrow so don’t delay another minute if you haven’t his most important decision on where you will spend eternity—heaven or the Lake of Fire. God has a process for living the Christian way of life and you need to learn the process. You will have shame at the Judgment Seat of Christ if you do right things in the wrong way and if you misrepresent Jesus Christ to the world. “So that when He appears we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him” (1 John 2:28). The key is staying filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have unconfessed sin in your life you are producing human good. God can’t allow human good in heaven. Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, you can’t glorify God. Click for Full Transcript


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True Worship (2024)

You cannot give to God what you do not have. You cannot worship God unless you come through the Lord Jesus Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit. “For there is one God and one mediator also between God and men, Christ Jesus” (1 Tim 2:5). “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). True worship comes from what you have learned about Him as taught accurately from the truth of His Word, the Bible. Worship is based on thought, not emotion. This is a warning about not understanding God and His mandates. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6). Click for Full Transcript:


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Is Satan Leading You? (2014)

Satan wants to lead you away from God’s plan, distract you from the Word of God, and make you think you’re doing wonderful things for God because you’re busy at work in the energy of the flesh. If you are in carnality (unconfessed sins in your life) thinking with a human viewpoint instead of a divine one, you are vulnerable to Satan’s leading. How do you know if Satan is trying to lead you? You will be tempted to ignore divine precedents of the Christian life; compromise your core beliefs (found in the Bible); justify yourself; fulfill your lusts; or seek revenge. “Do not be unwise but understand what is the will of the Lord” (Eph 5:17). Click for Full Transcript:


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Who is Leading You (2014)

Satan and his system of evil will tempt you to ignore the divine precedence of the Christian way of life which is learning and using God’s problem-solving devices. As our Lord Jesus Christ did, you need to counter the temptations by staying filled with the Holy Spirit and using the Word of God. As God-man, Christ didn’t do anything you can’t do. He used the unique divine resources God the Father gave him. There is a place God wants you to be (where you can grow and serve Him). There is something He wants you to think (with the mind of Christ). There is something He wants you to do (to glorify Him). When you grow in grace and knowledge you will glorify God to the maximum and be a weapon in the angelic conflict. Or you can do it your way, not God’s way, and be lion bait. “Satan goes around like a lion seeking who he can devour” (1 Pet 5:8). Click for Full Transcript:


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Going It Alone (2014)

With the filling of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in your soul, you can defeat Satan. But without it, you’re powerless. The Holy Spirit is the engine and the Word of God is the fuel He uses to power the engine. The Lord may give you evidence testing before you get to heaven. God will call you to the witness stand and you will have to go it alone. As God-man our Lord depended on the Holy Spirit and the power of God’s Word exactly the same way we are to live the Christian life and prepare for Going It Alone. “It is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Deut 8:3). Keep your eyes on the Lord to withstand the lures of Satan’s world. Click for Full Transcript:


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Evidence Testing (2014)

There will come a time when God asks you to go it alone, in evidence testing. To be prepared for this testing, you must “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior” (2 Pet 3:18). Jesus used the ministry of the Holy Spirit and Scripture to pass His testing, which you need to do also. Jesus Christ cut the template for us to be Christ-like. We can live as He lived in the devil’s world. The Holy Spirit prepared the Lord Jesus Christ for 30 years before He began His public ministry. The greater the impact, the more time is needed to prepare. God will bless you in time and in eternity when you honor Him and His plan. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall not pass away” (Matt 24:35). Click for Full Transcript:
