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The Great Shalom Podcast : Overcoming Learning Disabilities

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Faith health, healing, & innovative education for overcoming learning problems


San Antonio, TX


Faith health, healing, & innovative education for overcoming learning problems






P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas USA 78630 512-249-7629

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Pattern of Lies

How to not be Fooled by the Lies We see how to not be deceived by the pattern of lies, liars, and lying spirits. We can look around us and see that we , our friends, and a good deal of our nation has been deceived, and badly so. We have a story in the Bible about a liar sent to be used in warfare. His name was Rabshakeh, and he was a captain, sent my a brutal marauding emperor Senacharib, to talk to the men of Judah, get them snookered, discouraged, and confused. Thus, he hoped to make his...


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Wicked Rulers and Blessed Children: Prophetic light

Wicked Rulers and Blessed Children -- prophetic light from II Chronicles. In a time when we are presented with darkness, lies, and threatenings... we have the hope, life and light from previous generations. We have concern for our health, for our livelihood, and for our children. God knows. God cares. God has a plan. It is encoded in the Bible, for sure. Amazing that I found this in II Chronicales chapter 21! After last year people finding prophetic revelation in chapter 20. Blessings to you...


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Winning the War with Praise and Prophets

What happens when you are attacked? Viciously. Unnecessarily? Good news! God takes care of His. From the lesson of King Jehosaphat -- he sought the Lord he listened to the answers - through the Word, through the prophets he did as told He showed up The Lord fought the battle by setting "ambushments." The enemy killed themselves. The kingdom of Judah was left with spoils of war. Then they had rest, peace. Notice some of the details in the story! Why did the army have so very many people? Why...


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Pattern of Decisions Makes for Patterns of Results

Trusting we still have the liberty to read the Bible in public, out loud, we read II Chronicles 15 & 16. King Asa does some things well and wisely and good good results. Then, he changes and chooses unwise pattern. He gets sick and dies. King Asa decides to trust his doctors, rather than the Lord. he feet get worse. Then he dies. Even tho, over all, he was a pretty good king. Conversations from about hospitals, Predictions include Nuremberg like...


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How to Build Confidence in the Student with LDs

Great topic for back to school! Confidence for overcoming school challenges is a vital issue for the student who has some sort of learning problem. First, one must start with the right identity or self concept. Then one must say, enunciate positive confessions (both good self-talk and appropriate words in social context.) This is fundamental. Almost always, the process of diagnosis and the school situation gives the bright student the idea that he or she is stupid. From that perspective,...


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Teaching What to Think or How to Think?

It used to be a rallying cry in education that we should teach students how to think rather than what to think. Looks like it was honored in the breach, doesn't it? When educators today do attempt to teach thinking skills, it is called "critical thinking." Why not analytical and synthetic thinking? Analytical thinking could sort through claims to find which are true/factual. Synthetic could build arguments and create in whatever topic area. Critical thinking sounds negative. It sounds...


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More Things To do With Your Children

As the end of summer is in sight, please spend some quality time with your children. Here are some ideas. Soon, we will come up with some pointers on how to help your child think, learn, and sort out truth from lies. Still, we have a document that helps you sort out what is true and what is false -- in any situation. Simply use these 20 questions. To get it, simply sign up for announcements on the form beside this post on the right hand column of our website Fake emails...


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Things to Do in the Summer with Children

July is already ending. Some of us are realizing that we haven't done what we wanted to do with the kids this summer. Others are running out of ideas. LOL Anyway, the episodes that I share about activities are always popular, so I'll include one or two now. Just having fun is of real value for children who are drilled mercilessly on their weaknesses during school-time. Use the summer as fun time, and some of that fun can be very educative. Further their strengths. Do something multi-sensory...


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How to Get Prayers Answered

Third in our series on healing. Nearly everyone needs a healing. Here we have lots of mothers who are praying for healing for their children. Among the grandparent generation, healing is top priority, top of mind. So far, we have established that healing is in the atonement. So, it is not a matter of getting God to heal us, but to receive the healing that he has already provided. Firstly, people seem not to know that healing is available. Often, when they first find out, they see miraculous...


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Bible on Healing: Jesus Interprets Isaiah 53

Second in our little teaching on healing. We went thru the meaning of the Hebrew in Isaiah 53: "He took away our griefs" meaning he carried away our sickness. Now, we can hear what Matthew records as Jesus' teaching on the subject. You will see that Jesus, too, thought that you are already healed by the Messiah's work on the cross. Because Matthew wrote it down, you can also tell that this is what the first church understood to be Jesus' teaching and work. This is not just a history lesson...


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Jesus Offers Healing — Let’s Consider Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 54

Let's review our understanding about healing. I am meeting so many who are sick and resigned to being sick. some don't know. Some have forgotten. Some know, but getting tired, are taking on stories about why God is making them sick. Let's not make up stories. No matter how much God may use what satan does, it is not God making you sick. Let's go right to the Scripture and see what it says. Time to get it right. Time to remember. time to get sorted out. Isaiah 53 says healing is available and...


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As We Celebrate Our National Heritage, Let’s Also Spark a Legacy in our Children

We are coming up to our Independence Day Celebration, July the 4th. Given the severe trials our nation is undergoing, it is a good time to consider our national heritage in godliness. Not just the founders, but leading clergy and thinkers for the next century said that they didn't think that a democratic republic would stand without having first stood on the virtuous character created by Biblical godliness. This is clearly controversial today. The controversy demonstrates its truth. This...


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What we Are Up To — The Mission of this Ministry

We hope to offer hope and faith to mothers (and fathers and teachers and caregivers) of children who have learning problems. We preach faith. (Never give up. Reach until you have a testimony!) We believe in healing and we will take it any way it comes. Miraculous. Healings. Innovative educational techniques. Better health. Because all truth is God's. The percentage of children who have some sort of learning problem is enormous. But each parent feels alone. There ARE answers. Some of those...


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Autism Overcome!

This has been burning on my heart since I started this broadcast 12 years ago! Someone recently claimed victories in autism through deliverance ministry. I don't doubt that. I also know of scientific studies showing victories through chelation therapy. Looks like toxicity is at least the most often culprit. Yet, even still, people who know better will claim that we know nothing and nothing can be done. Banish that idea! Perish the thought! In 10 points I give you a very quick overview of...


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What is True? Math. Responsibility!

I have been very restrained for the ministry's sake, but you know I have been warning against the v"accinashuns." Since we had Dr. Wakefield on back in January 2009, I figured more conversation on "vacciNasions" would be tolerated. I knew people were so afraid they couldn't think. When people are that afraid and feel under attack, often they attack. Others, knowing what was going on were simply happy to have some reprieve; they were coming for help for their child's problem, after all, not...


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Overcoming Learning Problems Thru Innovation in Methods

Last week we talked about a miraculous healing. I also have some victory to tell about in terms of innovation in pedagogical methods. People who speak King James might want to call it "witty inventions." Anyway, I put together what I knew as a mother, grandmother, preschool educator, tutor, and so forth, and brought my grandsons from serious problems to entering a private school and making the honor roll. Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second grade honor roll at one of the best schools in...


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“Zero Percent Chance of Living”

"Zero Percent Chance of Living" is what the medic said about my grandson when he took him off the icy pavement and put him into the ambulance. But we believe in healing. I called up another ministry in that town. We all prayed. He turned 5 in a coma. When he came to, the nurses celebrated with me. When my grandson went to a room and I had a moment, I called the DPS medic to thank him. He was speechless. That is how this broadcast started. My daughter and her sons had a terrible auto...


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The Secrets to Overcoming ADD & ADHD

Dr. Linda Classen, resident expert on ADD/ADHD tells us how to handle and overcoming attention problems -- what are often called ADD and ADHD. She tells about the prevalence physical problems in the brain, how to deal with presenting problems as a parent or educator, and even her personal challenges. Widely respected and giving easy to understand information that is not as widely known as it should be. What do you look for? What can a teacher do? How can we handle this as a challenge of...


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Well, I know Mothers' Day has passed, but I felt moved to give you a blessing. It is from Psalm 112. God is interesting in blessing you. And your children. And your grandchildren. Did you know it? So here is your Mothers' Day Blessing. Just listen. I have been working now for 12 years to give you a blessing. Are you getting it? All? Kind of like God's blessing ... you have to partner to all of it. It just works that way. I can prove it by Scripture or by logic. Either way. Getting More to...


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What IF the DoomsDay Scenario is True? Got Reasonable Answers.

You have heard it. The doctors are grappling with what is going on with the "v***ne." The news is very very serious. What if the doomsday scenario is true? What if a massive die-off is exactly what was intended? As a mother and grandmother, I am concerned. As a minister and educator, I am going to address the situation for everyone with logic, reason, and the Bible. What if... what if the worst case scenario? But what is the best case scenario. Let's go down the decision tree. I think you...
