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The Hell Project

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

"Without Jesus we are all dead" I discuss the bible and conditional immortality. This is the biblical view that shows that rejecting the author of life leads to death and not an existence of eternal torment. For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: or listen on


United States


"Without Jesus we are all dead" I discuss the bible and conditional immortality. This is the biblical view that shows that rejecting the author of life leads to death and not an existence of eternal torment. For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: or listen on



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Conditional Immortality and the Soul with William Tanksley Jr.

Due to the common idea that to be a conditionalist you must believe in soul sleep (see's refutations of conditionalism) or a physicalist (soul and body are a united whole and never separate) I have asked William to join me in discussing how dualists think of Hell and the soul. William contributes to Rethinking Hell and is writing a paper on a conditionalist reading of Revelation with Chris Date. You can see some of the work here: For some of William's writings go to: To see more of the backstory of this channel, go here: I do this for free and am very happy to continue to do so to the extent that my videos will not be monetised if my youtube ever grows that big. If you'd like to support what I do or just stay up to date with the resources I create you can do so at my website: #soul #theology #hell Get full access to The Hell Project at


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The Bible Teaches Annihilationism: A Conversation with Joseph Dear

Joseph Dear has written 'The Bible Teaches Annihilationism' ( an extensive look at not only what the bible teaches, but church history and responses to traditional and universalist arguments. Joseph has contributed a lot of time and study to the topic and much of what he has written can also be found at the Rethinking Hell website or at his own blog here: For Joseph's contributions go to: To see more of the backstory of this channel, go to I do this for free and am very happy to continue to do so to the extent that my videos will not be monetised if my youtube ever grows that big. If you'd like to support what I do or just stay up to date with the resources I create you can do so at my website. Get full access to The Hell Project at


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Changing your Mind on Hell?

Dan Page changed his mind from believing and teaching Eternal Conscious Torment to Conditionalism. We discuss why. We reference a note that Dan posted on his Facebook page. You can see it here with some edits to fit in the description: “This rather lengthy post is primarily for my friends who call themselves Christians. ... Since the beginning of my relationship with God I’ve often heard people say something along the lines of, “the Bible says everyone is going to live forever in one of two places.” I’m now quite sure that’s not at all what the Bible says. The primary picture the scriptures paint is one of eternal life (eternally alive & preserved) in heaven or eternal death (eternally dead & destroyed) in hell. I’m not trying to stir up discord or cause division. Nor am I saying that hell isn’t real. Of course it is. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28) When we bring the most honest hermeneutic we can to the scriptures, being committed to letting them speak to us rather than us telling them what we think they say, that’s when we find ourselves more able to discover what the truth truly is. No matter how long any individual, church or religious organization has believed anything, it doesn’t make it right or mean it’s true. I remember the cognitive dissonance with which I wrestled as I began questioning ECT. As I’ve continued to read & study the Bible being honest about what never seemed compatible with believing that love & justice would allow for let alone require ECT, it’s come to this: doesn’t inviting someone who never asked to exist to consider & respond to the good news communicated & confirmed in the gospel & person of Jesus Christ all the while having to include the reality of eternal conscious torment in a fiery hell if they refuse His gift of eternal life create its own cognitive dissonance? God is good & He is love & in His image He created every human being who was, is & will ever be? Yet the overwhelming majority of humanity will be tormented if not tortured eternally? Where, even once (yes, once), in the entirety of the Old Testament or the Book of Acts or any of the letters written by Paul, Peter or James does anything even hinting at ECT appear? ... If it isn’t & someone’s rejecting God because of it, then it's not God they’re rejecting but a distorted & disfigured caricature of Him. There is no doubt whatsoever that the misinterpretation of scripture leads to the misrepresentation of God. While some will say that’s exactly what I’m doing here concerning this, obviously I would beg to differ. The bottom line is that I am trying to expose as clearly as I can that which I’ve come to see is an absolutely humungous misunderstanding concerning immortality being something anyone has who has not yet received the gift of eternal life in Christ (Genesis 2:16-17 / Matthew 7:13-14 / John 3:16 / Romans 6:23 / 1 Corinthians 15:53-54 / 2 Timothy 1:10 / 1 John 5:11-12). Knowing that how we look at what we see very much influences what it is we see, I do have to say I see the scriptural support for conditional immortality far outweighs that for eternal conscious torment. May whatever the truth is always be our passion & prize. May we always be willing to say “I was wrong” about anything & anyone, including the Bible & God, whenever the need to do so arises. The best questions to ask about whatever the Bible addresses are what does this actually say & what does it truly mean? This includes being aware of context historically, culturally & geographically. It requires being willing & able to acknowledge & address the difference between metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism, allusion & imagery, etc. Is something timely or timeless? Is it a promise, a proverb or a principle / a moral, civil or ceremonial law / a commandment, exhortation or observation? Is a verse or passage primarily descriptive or...


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10 Reasons People Won't Burn in Hell Forever

Having started this channel I have made a few friends from around the world who have also come to view conditionalism due to scripture. Michael Pearce is one such friend and we're going to be discussing 10 reasons people won't burn in hell forever. To see more of the backstory of this channel, go here: I do this for free and am very happy to continue to do so to the extent that my videos will not be monetised if my youtube ever grows that big. If you'd like to support what I do or just stay up to date with the resources I create you can do so here: #biblestudy #theology #hell Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A conversation with John Tancock - Hell and Evangelism

John Tancock has a lot of experience with evangelism and apologetics and has been engaging with both since his late teens. He has contributed to a number of apologetics leaflets and written articles for Premier Christianity and appeared on Premier Radio. He headed up the Rethinking Hell conference in London in 2016. He is a fascinating bloke as can be seen in his Premier blurb: 'JT' was born in a pub, has led and planted a number of churches and has worked in apologetics since his teens. He regularly travels to Zambia, where he indulges himself in Bible teaching and his love of ants (yes, ants). This conversation is about JT's Christian walk, how his view on hell has impacted his faith and relationship with other Christians. We will also look into how hell impacts evangelism and apologetics. For some of JT's writings on apologetics: For JT's blog: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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Psalm 37 - Judgement and New Creation - A sermon

I spoke from Psalm 37 on the 5th of September 2021 as part of a series on Psalms in my previous church. It is a Psalm which I find brings clarity to the hope that Christians can have, even in suffering, and why even God's judgement is good news. You can watch it on YouTube, or read the script here: The Hell Project's Substack The script isn't always what I've said as I can tend to go off script every now and then... #hell #judgement #hope Want to hear more about the view before the videos come out? Check out my substack: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A Conversation with Chris Date (Rethinking Hell) - Live Stream

Chris Date has been engaging with the hell debate for a number of years having edited the book, Rethinking Hell ( and become the face of Rethinking Hell Live on youtube ( We'll be chatting about hell, the book of Revelation and whatever else comes up in the course of the conversation. Chris references an article he has written (but gave two titles in the chat) here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos see the website: For more on Rethinking Hell, their blog, podcasts and conference go to: #Revelation #hell #conditionalimmortality I do this for free and am very happy to continue to do so to the extent that my videos will not be monetised if my youtube ever grows that big. If you'd like to buy my a coffee or donate to the channel, you can do so through paypal: Alternatively use and both donate and earn Bitcoin while you listen! Timeline: 0:00 Introduction and summary of video 3:00 Chris shares his testimony 10:30 Chris shares his journey to rethinking hell 21:28 Phil shares his journey in rethinking hell 28:12 Chris gives a summary of the conditionalist view of Revelation 14 verse 11 36:29 Follow up and conversation on Revelation 14 38:00 Engagement with GK Beale's (traditional view of hell) commentary on Revelation 14 42:00 Why is eternal torment used to symbolise destruction? 43:50 What does Revelation 14 verse 11 mean by 'have no rest'? 47:00 More engagement with GK Beale's defense of the traditional view of Revelation 14 49:30 What does smoke represent? 50:30 Is annihilation a soft punishment? People obviously seek death when faced with great suffering. 58:40 A look at Revelation 20:10-15 1:14:00 A look at the definition of death 1:21:00 Final question and conclusions Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A Response to Joshua Sharp (Baptist Standard) - Live Stream

The original article I am responding to is here: I don't know much about Joshua Sharp but would be happy to interact if for some reason this little live stream gets back to him. This is a fairly easy going article and treats CI/Annihilationism fairly well but I thought I'd respond to it as I needed to test out some new tech I had at the time. For other resources and scripts to non-live videos see the website: you want to buy me a coffee or support what I do, you can pay for a substack subscription or donate here: or just listen to this on the app. Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A Response to James White's Comments on Conditional Immortality

I was asked to respond to a video by Dr James White on Alpha & Omega Ministries and host of The Dividing Line show. You can find Dr White's video here: #hell #judgement #christianity Want to hear more about the view before the videos come out? Check out for the backstory and scripts from the videos. If you want to buy me a coffee or help pay for some website costs you can do so here: or just listen to this on the app. Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A Conversation with Dr Glenn Peoples ( - Live Stream

Dr Glenn Peoples and I will be discussing Conditional Immortality, a bit of its history and what direction the debate over hell seems to be taking since Dr Peoples started engaging with it several years ago. Dr Glenn Peoples has been blogging online at for going on 16 years now. He has discussed a wide range of topics covering philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, biblicial hermeneutics and various others. He has also written a huge amount in the defense of Conditional Immortality including a dialogue with one of the foremost defenders of the traditional view, Robert Peterson (he engaged with Edward Fudge in the book Two Views of Hell - Dr Peoples is also one of the main contributors to the Rethinking Hell Ministry and some of his talks and presentations can be found across youtube. His letter to traditionalist friends is well worth a read for anyone who is looking to engage in this conversation. To read it, go here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos see the website: #hell #conditionalimmortality #christianity For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A Conversation with Michael Jones (Inspiring Philosophy) - What is hell?

**As one of my first streams, I had some pretty annoying technical glitches but I hope you enjoy the conversation!** Inspiring Philosophy is an excellent channel with a library full of videos on all sorts of theological, apologetic and philosophical topics. The channel points people to Jesus and Michael Jones, the creator of these videos, is clearly a gifted debater and theologian. He has also created a video on hell. I thought I'd have a conversation with him about it as it is one of the only videos on his channel that I outright disagree on given that it mostly leans on CS Lewis and Luke 16 for its view. If you're looking for a debate, I'm not expecting this to be that. More a conversation between two guys who love Jesus and the bible and want to discuss what it says about God's judgement. Original video: To support Michael's work, go here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A Response to John MacArthur on Hell - Live Stream

John MacArthur's sermon on hell has been viewed over 670,000 times and he misrepresents annihilationism pretty badly. He also puts words and ideas into scripture that are not necessarily in the text. I'm not here to demonise John MacArthur or his sermon but I am here to show that an alternative to MacArthur's interpretations exist and they are worth looking into. Original video: Rethinking Hell's response: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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Lazarus and The Rich Man is not about Hell! - An in depth look at Luke 16

Does the parable of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31 teach eternal conscious torment? Does it teach anything about hell at all? I explore the context and the main point of the parable and as far as I can see, it says very little about God's judgement after resurrection (i.e. Hell). For further reading and sources go to For deeper perspectives on the parable see here: Joseph Dear of Rethinking Hell writes more in the link in the description: If you are inclined to think the parable should be taken literally, then there is a good and challenging read by Roger Harper, an Anglican vicar and Canon, here: To see more of the backstory, go here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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The Good News of Hell - A seminar on what the bible says about judgement

I was asked to deliver a seminar to a local church which covered the three main views of hell and the scripture that best answered the question 'what does God's judgement look like?' and why it was part of the good news of Christianity. The overall aim was to introduce the topic so that the audience could continue their own study. I tried to stay as neutral as possible throughout to help people make up their own minds. You can be the judge as to how successful I was. If you'd like a copy of the PowerPoint, go to Let me know what you found most helpful in the comments. To see more of the backstory, go here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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The Language of Hell - Gehenna

Does Jesus talk more about hell than any other author in the New Testament? Maybe. Does he teach the traditional view of hell? Maybe not. This video will explore what the word Gehenna meant when Jesus used it and whether we are right to think he taught a view that the wicked would face eternal conscious torment. Have no idea what I'm talking about? See an explanation of Conditional Immortality here: To see more of the backstory, go here: I do this for free and am very happy to continue to do so to the extent that my videos will not be monetised if my youtube ever grows that big. If you'd like to buy my a coffee or donate to the channel, you can do so through paypal: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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The Language of Hell - Hades, Sheol and Luke 16

I take a look at Luke 16:19-31 and the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and discuss why it is important to the hell debate and how it is often misused to portray a picture of hell that is not actually accurate. Through the video I also discuss what Hades and Sheol are throughout the bible. It turns out, Luke 16:19-31 isn't necessarily a good defence for the traditionalist position. For a video on why there are translations of the English bible and what makes a good translation, click here: For references to scholars and bible verses go here: To see more of the backstory, go here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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A response to Bill Wiese (23 Minutes in Hell)

I tested out live streaming on my channel and used Bill Wiese's talk as a tester of how to switch between screens. Bill Wiese is author of 23 Minutes in Hell and has his own YouTube channel and has visited many churches, mostly in the US I believe, to share his story of visiting hell. He invites Christians to dig into what the bible says about hell which is what I'm going to do here. Bill's talk can be viewed here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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What is Eternal Conscious Torment? The majority view of Hell - Part 2

What are the philosophical arguments that work alongside the bible passages supporting the traditional view of hell? There are six, whether they are good arguments will be discussed in future discussions. I refer to specific teachers in this video and two of them have had a particularly positive impact on my faith but I do disagree with their views and arguments on hell. Albert Mohler Jnr wrote the quote in the book "Hell Under Fire" which can be bought here: John Piper's quote of humanity being an eternal embodied soul can be found here: Greg Koukl's quote can be found here: For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at


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What is Eternal Conscious Torment? The majority view of Hell - Part 1

The majority view of the Christian doctrine of hell is often labelled Eternal Conscious Torment or ECT for short. It is also called the traditional view due to it being the majority view since around Augustine, potentially as far back as the time between the Old and New Testaments, depending on who you read! This audio from a video ( explains a view which I used to hold but is not the view of The Hell Project. I want to be clear as to what I am disagreeing with so this two part series will help show what the view is, how it is defended from the bible (part 1) as well as the philosophy (part 2) that works alongside the passages and will help with clarity when discussing other perspectives in future. For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: #eternaltorment #conditionalimmortality Get full access to The Hell Project at


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What is Conditional Immortality?

What is Conditional Immortality? Is it biblical? This is just an introduction to the view and more will be discussed in detail as episodes are released. --- About the Podcast --- I've been studying hell on and off since some point in 2016 and I needed an outlet for my studying so I created a channel. The Hell Project will look at what the traditional view of hell is and why the view held by The Hell Project is a better way to understand the story of the bible and the victory over death that Jesus won on the cross and through his resurrection. Come and learn about a core doctrine of Christianity with me where I will defend the view that without Jesus, we're all dead. To see more of the backstory, go here: This is the audio from my youtube channel and this intro was published in July 2019. For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website: If you want to buy me a coffee you can pay for a subscription on substack or use Paypal here: Get full access to The Hell Project at
