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The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast. I am Payam Riazi, your host for this show. Our intention with this platform is to "Be a Light for Change." Our inner light can transform our reality and create meaningful experiences. By honouring our individuality and differences as people while living from a place of unconditional love & reverence, we can explore ourselves and our connection to the universe. We are all one. Join us and be a part of our YOUniverse.




Welcome to The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast. I am Payam Riazi, your host for this show. Our intention with this platform is to "Be a Light for Change." Our inner light can transform our reality and create meaningful experiences. By honouring our individuality and differences as people while living from a place of unconditional love & reverence, we can explore ourselves and our connection to the universe. We are all one. Join us and be a part of our YOUniverse.



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The Only Way Out, Is Through

The only way out is through. Life is going to bring many challenges, setbacks, and disappointments. Without experiencing setbacks, we wouldn't have the contrast to recognize and enjoy the experiences of our successful times. One of the bigger challenges we face in our daily weak yet comfortable lives is the mental setbacks we place on ourselves (almost always subconsciously)... Stuck, bitter, dying... That's what many people mentally stuck go through throughout their internal mind complex. We avoid the pain necessary due to its discomfort and lack of courage, even though we know that the pain we avoid fuels our growth and expansion. I talk about the psychology behind our daily decisions to live more comfortable lives, even though the paradox of living comfortably is to live uncomfortably. In this episode, you'll get a clearer understanding of how to equip your self-talk better to be able to handle more stress, pain, and hardship to allow yourself to spearhead any challenge toward your growth, expansion, and success. Support the Show.


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Shaping Life through Persistence, Discipline, and the 75 Hard Program with special guest Prasanna

Ever pondered how minor, deliberate choices can cause a ripple effect that profoundly transforms your life? Step into a fascinating conversation with my friend Pras, as we peel back the layers on our journey with the 75 Hard Program, a tough but rewarding personal development initiative. From the grueling sessions of exercising twice a day for 45 minutes to overcoming skepticism about its sustainability, we expose you to the raw and riveting details of our pursuit towards personal excellence. Our narrative is punctuated with vibrant discussions on the surprising power of small decisions - a wholesome meal, a daily workout - that build momentum and foster personal growth. Pras reveals how the 75 Hard Program sculpted not just his physique, but also his habits, pushing him towards a healthier, more disciplined lifestyle. We also touch upon the resonating impact of our actions, how they inspire those around us, and the significance of these transformations in navigating the choppy waters of a pandemic. In a bold move towards more personal terrains, we candidly share about dealing with gynecomastia, a condition often misunderstood and stigmatized. From the emotional turmoil of living with it since puberty to the experience of undergoing surgery, we bring to light the silent struggles often hidden behind smiles. Along the way, we aim to inspire you to embrace your imperfections, make conscious choices, and realize that every small step taken with intent can lead to monumental changes in your life. Tune in and discover how life can be reshaped with persistence, discipline, and an audacious commitment to personal excellence. Support the Show.


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Am I on the Right Path? How to Make Decisions That are Aligned with Your HIGHEST SELF

In this episode, we uncover how we can observe what the world is telling us about the choices we CHOOSE to make every day. The choices have a direct impact on the life we experience. The CRAZY THING is we have the POWER TO CHOOSE DIFFERENT. But we don't. How come? As you listen to this episode, I share with you TWO WAYS that you can learn to become self-aware when it comes to your life choices so that you can tune in and find out if you are on the road to your highest timeline and hero's journey OR if you're still walking In your "shadow timeline" operating at a sub-par level than you are capable. We are here for a reason. We must do everything we can to utilize our gifts and live an extraordinary life while having love and service at the forefront of our lives. This can only happen if we understand how to move forward and make decisions that reflect our highest good. Much Love, Payam | The InfiniteYOUniverse Podcast Support the Show.


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LETTING GO TO RECEIVE - Main Lesson From My Recent Mushrooms Experience

During my recent mushroom experience, I had a profound realization that has stuck with me ever since. I learned to move forward in life and attract what I truly want. I need to know to "let go" of the baggage I willingly carry with me. This could be anything from negative thoughts and emotions to past experiences, relationships, and responsibilities that no longer serve me. By releasing these burdens, I can create space for new things to come into my life and truly thrive. The journey of life is a JOURNEY. We are meant to fuck up. We are meant to be confused. We are meant to go through SHIT because that is how we GROW! BUT, We are also meant to LIVE. We are also meant to have joy. We are also meant to experience inner peace. We are meant to LOVE. This human experience is a roller coaster of a journey; everything that illuminates a shadow for us offers an experience to grow and evolve, which our souls long to do. Much Love Payam | The InfiniteYOUniverse Podcast Support the Show.


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The Longest Road We Will Ever Travel Is From Our Mind To Our Heart

The longest road we can take as humans is from our minds to our hearts. Everything we operate from is mainly from our mind complex. From the masses trying to survive their hardship to wondering what to do next, we have a primed nervous system on over-drive while our entire reality is stuck in the space between our heads. Many of us (me included) can find ourselves physically there but mentally gone. You're in outer space. This distortion causes us to lose touch with our innate POWER: LOVE. When we lose touch with the inward awareness that lies dormant within many of us, just waiting to be unleashed, we lose our way as people. We lose our humanity. Yes, we are souls that come and go and "life" has many meanings and definitions depending on our incarnation. But, right now, the here and now, the awareness that reads and listens to these words is a human. We must connect with ourselves again in order to be able to connect with one another. Heaven and hell live in the same place, in our mind complex. As you listen to this episode, think to yourself and brainstorm disciplines you can create for yourself to be able to tune inward and connect to the REAL YOU. The YOU that is INFINITE, DIVINE, transcends all that we know and are. Much Love, Payam | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Podcast Support the Show.


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2 Ways God/Universe Speaks To YOU

In this episode, we discuss two main ways the universe/God speaks to you. We discover how synchronistic numbers play a role and the messages they can bring, as well as how the higher web of intelligence can send intentional messages to us THROUGH other people. Everything around us is the creation of an internal dialogue inside our minds. We can start to learn how to mute out the noise and tune into the frequency of God/Universe. This is our 10th episode together! Thank you so much for being on this journey with me. Payam | The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast Support the Show.


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How to find your way back to yourself, with Shirlee Williams

I talk with Mindset and Perspective Coach Shirlee Williams in today's episode! Shirlee has been in the service space for most of her life, going from helping serve children with special needs to operating her yoga studio for over a decade to transitioning full-time into the online space helping women over the age of 45 to find their meaning again and to live a purposeful and BADASS life. We touch on our stories, our shared perspective on life and what it means to have the sovereign CHOICE to bring our energy back to ourselves and internalize our true power rather than losing it via various externalities like people, occupations and substances. VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: You can find Shirlee here: Support the Show.


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Value Systems - How to Navigate Past FOMO & Build a Better Life

In this episode, we delve into various daily choices that embody unique value characteristics. These choices can serve as our guiding light or true north, should we choose to adopt them. In our pursuit of building a fulfilling life, we often face distractions and temptations that offer temporary relief but do not align with our true desires and values. These distractions can include vacations, partying, and promiscuity, but they lack intrinsic value in pursuing our genuine aspirations. With love, Payam | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Support the Show.


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Do You REALLY Love Yourself? (Probably Not)

This episode (recorded 2 weeks before upload) uncovers the notion of "self-love" and what we've been taught to believe it is and isn't. Self Love is often taught by society as taking an action (or consistent) action that deviates AWAY from our greatest potential. The unfortunate thing is that once we allow mediocre thinking to infect us, we start to deviate away from OUR truth and OUR SELF-LOVE a small degree at a time, and by the time we know it, we've entrapped ourselves in a life that we seek to escape daily. I'm here to tell you that I've been there. Heck, I'm STILL THERE. BUT, I'm clawing out of my mental impressment one day at a time, with ONE CONSCIOUS CHOICE, ONE DAY AT A TIME. At the end of our life, when we leave our human vessel, we will see that not a single grain of sand on earth was misplaced. Everything is synchronized to a harmonious power in the "background" of our daily existence. HOWEVER, I believe that we have an honour and DUTY to make every day on earth count towards growing, healing and shaping our lives to what we CHOOSE to CREATE and not be victims of. When we embrace self-induced discomfort (discipline), over time, we begin to truly love ourselves because we start to believe that we CAN do what we set our mind and body to. Once we do this and expand the capacity of love, we feel for OURSELVES; we begin to expand the capacity of love FOR OTHERS. Love is a gift, and I love myself and you. Payam | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Support the Show.


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Doors of Polarity - Universal Truth of YinYang

In this episode, we uncover the brilliant wisdom represented to us when we look at the YinYang symbol and how we can carry out its wisdom with us in our everyday lives. Our world is not black and white. Our world runs with so much artistry and machinery "in the backgrounds of our lives" that we often look past and don't even know it's there. In this episode, we uncover what happens when doors close before us and what that means when we look at it from an abundant mindset with the law of polarity as its rooted concept. Rejection is Redirection. Black implies White. Self implies other. In implies out. Out implies in. This is polarity. Payam | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Podcast Support the Show.


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You are the Common Denominator

In this episode, we unpack the principle of self-accountability and how being accountable for our trials and tribulations can help pave the way to growth in every aspect of our lives. When we allow the fingers of judgment to point at us instead of another, we begin to free ourselves from our own self-created and limited conditioning that we have forged over the years growing up in a society that subtly and bluntly teaches us to disregard self-accountability but instead cast judgement and blame on others as it's much easier to do so (at least in its temporary emotional charge). When we judge another, we are often gifted the light into the depths of our being where we feel most insecure. Everything that pains us blossoms as an opportunity for healing and growth. This does not mean acting pusillanimously, disregarding when others wrong or hurt you. It means to look within yourself in an accountable and self-aware manner as you go about your daily unconscious judgements. Be a light for change, soul tribe! Payam | The InfiniteYouniverse Support the Show.


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Following the BreadCrumbs of Life - A Payam Riazi Philosophy

Our actions are rooted in the energetic code/footprint of either fear or love. Every choice we make in our daily lives has this encoded energetically. In this episode, we uncover how to tap into our intuition and listen to the universe's magic. Our day-to-day reality is filled with inspiration, magic and play; we must put ourselves in its vibrational accord to notice it. As we go about our lives, we are often gifted an innate internal "whisper," a "breadcrumb" that comes from our soul for us to follow. Unfortunately, most of us are too busy mentally to notice these breadcrumbs; if we do, we often overlook them and dismiss the curiosities of life that come our way. These curiosities, or breadcrumbs, come to us usually when it seems inconvenient. Still, the thing is, following the curiosities that we deep down yearn for are the exact choices we need to make in our lives that will start to better our lives in whatever capacity and measure we deem appropriate. The next time you pause and notice a breadcrumb of curiosity, follow it with love; you never know the outcome(s) that await that single choice. Thank you so much for your time with me. Until next time. Payam Riazi | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Podcast Support the Show.


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Oh, Human - Poem Series & Reflection

In this episode, we explore a piece of artistry that I wrote which highlights the shared theme of all of human existence, which is to learn how to love ourselves. From my perspective, we either act on love or fear. Whatever actions we take in our daily lives carry an energetic footprint, its DNA, of either love or fear energy. Therefore, as we all go about our daily lives, our own stories, I see it from the fundamental string that connects us all: how we all innately want to be and feel love. We won't ever be able to feel bliss in its entirety as a human, but we can come so damn close. We're all here to learn how to love ourselves, and when we can fill our own life with love, we start to emit and shine our light and love onto others around us. Both actions of love and fear are contagious. As Ram Das beautifully says, "In the end, we're all just walking each other home." Thank you so much for your time, Energetically, Payam | TheInfiniteYOUniverse Support the Show.


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The Power Of Last Times - How Death Can Shift Our Minds Towards Gratitude

In this episode, we uncover the humble perspective of not knowing our last day here on earth or when the last opportunity we have to do a hobby or get to see a loved one or a friend. This perspective shift serves as a daily reminder to let go of petty feelings and judgement and embrace where our feet are as we strive to live in the present. When we live in the present moment, we allow ourselves to be immersed in the only activity that exists at that time. When we do this, we can thoroughly soak in the energy, beauty and grace of what is happening around us and appreciate the serenity of those we are privileged to share it with. When we go about our day sucked into our phone, social media or the chatter in our brain, we may appear to walk around "free." Unfortunately, most of us may be walking around in the illusion of being free, but most are trapped in a self govern and led to prison in their mind. When we learn to embrace the beauty of not knowing if tomorrow is going to come, as scary as that may seem, it allows us to tap into a more humble and grateful attitude and start to appreciate the "minor" things that we walk passed each day blindly. Support the Show.


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What & Who Is God? Who Am I?

In this episode of The InfiniteYOUniverse Podcast, we uncover the mystic and wonder who we are in our truth. We discuss how God, the universal light and energy of all things and beings, is within us. It is the underlying force of creation that brings us all to unity. We uncover the miracle and utter beauty of what it means to be alive and how we can start to be more mindful and grateful to have God given us the ability to wake up today. Thank you for listening. Payam Support the Show.


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Welcome to The InfiniteYOUniverse Podcast!

Welcome to The InfiniteYouniverse Podcast. I'm your host, Payam Riazi. I created this show to share my message and wisdom with this new and growing community. Our motto here is to be a light for change. Like a lighthouse, if we can illuminate the light of our best, highest self, we can bend and alter the fabric of our reality and create profound experiences in our external world by creating a shift from within first. We explore how we operate and honour our individuality as people, embracing our differences while living from a place of unconditional love for each other, knowing that we come from a singular source of creation. We are all one. Welcome to our YOUniverse! Support the Show.
