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The Magic Spark

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This Magic Spark podcast is for the open-hearted, magick makers seeking to cultivate consistent soul growth, healing, wellness, and, quite frankly, the highest expression of your soul in this lifetime. Whether you are simply woo-woo curious or a loud and proud broom flying witch, this is a space for those seeking to step into or continue to stand in their soul authenticity, day-to-day, week-to-week….while allowing that authenticity to evolve and grow as it leads you to. This podcast is a home base to continually stumbling upon things that ignite that magic healing spark in you. This space acknowledges that as humans in this strange and messy 3-D incarnation we are on a constant journey of healing. Healing is never a one and done process. We continue to need sparks to instigate and initiate the next leg of our journey. Often, strangely and quite simply….all we ever need is that spark. To hear a little tidbit. To have something explained in a way that finally resonates. To finally experience the energy of not being alone, being seen, feeling connected to the Universe, to ourselves, and to each other. We never need anyones permission to heal, and our healing isn’t something anyone else can do for us….however as humans…lost in a noisy and messy human experience, hearing permission given, having space held, hearing voices and stories of thrival and healing through trauma and wounds (the big and the little), hearing how astrology and the tarot can support us to clarity is often exactly what we need to begin or continue our healing. This podcast is a voice that offers the pings to do just that. At each equinox and solstice we’ll lean into a tarot forecast for the season. Every month we’ll pull a Tarot card as well as lean into the zodiac season to guide us on the path. Episodes will alternate between a solocast and guest interview style. For full details on the formats - head to mini episode #1 right after this trailer. Bonus episodes will offer deeper dives into an and all topics that center around shadow work, the dark goddesses (Hello, Lilith and Hekate) as well as shares from friends and clients of healing to get a bit more real in our conversation of how healing actually happens and what it really feels like rather than quick sound-bite moments. Healing is much like intuition. It’s the quiet small whisper in the background that’s consistent and long term. It’s much less glamorous than we want it to be. When you’re working with wounds of unworthiness, deservedness, scarcity, imposter syndrome, The Mother Wound, or self trust…getting started or continuing on a path of healing… to get to empowerment can be a delicate harmony. The Magic Spark Podcast aims to help you hear more of those quiet whispers of intuition and generate an energetic protective shield for you to safely follow them. I publish two episodes a month, every other week, on Wednesdays (Mercury’s day!) at 5am CST.


United States


This Magic Spark podcast is for the open-hearted, magick makers seeking to cultivate consistent soul growth, healing, wellness, and, quite frankly, the highest expression of your soul in this lifetime. Whether you are simply woo-woo curious or a loud and proud broom flying witch, this is a space for those seeking to step into or continue to stand in their soul authenticity, day-to-day, week-to-week….while allowing that authenticity to evolve and grow as it leads you to. This podcast is a home base to continually stumbling upon things that ignite that magic healing spark in you. This space acknowledges that as humans in this strange and messy 3-D incarnation we are on a constant journey of healing. Healing is never a one and done process. We continue to need sparks to instigate and initiate the next leg of our journey. Often, strangely and quite simply….all we ever need is that spark. To hear a little tidbit. To have something explained in a way that finally resonates. To finally experience the energy of not being alone, being seen, feeling connected to the Universe, to ourselves, and to each other. We never need anyones permission to heal, and our healing isn’t something anyone else can do for us….however as humans…lost in a noisy and messy human experience, hearing permission given, having space held, hearing voices and stories of thrival and healing through trauma and wounds (the big and the little), hearing how astrology and the tarot can support us to clarity is often exactly what we need to begin or continue our healing. This podcast is a voice that offers the pings to do just that. At each equinox and solstice we’ll lean into a tarot forecast for the season. Every month we’ll pull a Tarot card as well as lean into the zodiac season to guide us on the path. Episodes will alternate between a solocast and guest interview style. For full details on the formats - head to mini episode #1 right after this trailer. Bonus episodes will offer deeper dives into an and all topics that center around shadow work, the dark goddesses (Hello, Lilith and Hekate) as well as shares from friends and clients of healing to get a bit more real in our conversation of how healing actually happens and what it really feels like rather than quick sound-bite moments. Healing is much like intuition. It’s the quiet small whisper in the background that’s consistent and long term. It’s much less glamorous than we want it to be. When you’re working with wounds of unworthiness, deservedness, scarcity, imposter syndrome, The Mother Wound, or self trust…getting started or continuing on a path of healing… to get to empowerment can be a delicate harmony. The Magic Spark Podcast aims to help you hear more of those quiet whispers of intuition and generate an energetic protective shield for you to safely follow them. I publish two episodes a month, every other week, on Wednesdays (Mercury’s day!) at 5am CST.



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EP 64 The Gemini Paradox: Embracing Curiosity While Finding Your Ground + Tarot Reading!

In this episode, we dive into the fascinating energy of Gemini, the zodiac's twins. We'll explore the gifts Gemini brings, including: The magic of curiosity, intelligence, and a thirst for knowledge. The ability to adapt, be clever, and find humor in life's twists and turns. The power of education and embracing the joy of lifelong learning. The freedom found in acknowledging that multiple truths can coexist. We'll also delve into the challenges Gemini presents: The wounds of perfectionism, people-pleasing, and the fear of being wrong. The struggle between knowing when to take a stand and when to embrace flexibility. Discerning what's right for you versus what's right for others. Gemini whispers the wisdom of "Yes, And" - the ability to hold seemingly opposing ideas in one mind. We'll chat about how this concept can unlock growth and a more expansive perspective. We'll also touch on the connection between Gemini and the element of Air in tarot, represented by the suit of Swords. The Swords represent our intellect, discernment, and ability to question and analyze information. Gemini encourages us to use these tools to cultivate curiosity and seek truth, asking: What else might be true?What evidence do we have? Where can we find more wisdom by embracing the possibility of being wrong? As well as a short exploration of The Lovers card in the tarot, the card that is connected to the sign of Gemini. Plus as we do each zodiac season we pull one tarot card to guide us on the spirit in which to move through this Gemini season. Spoiler alert, it's The Magician all the way. This season is serious about it's magic, now it's up to us to harness it. Listen in as to how. Join us for an episode that will ignite your curiosity and empower you to embrace the ever-evolving journey of life! Other episodes you'll enjoy: EP 60: Spring 2024 Tarot Forecast Ep 58: Magical Mentoring From the Inside EP 41: Magical Mentoring from the inside with Dionna Eshleman and Keli Lyn Jewel Check out my Deep Dive into the Tarot: The Lover master class here. I use The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne in this episode Activate 30-days Guest Access on Unicorn Wellness Studio here Follow and DM on IG @tandy_gutierrez Get my weekly astro update/self-care Newsletter here Explore offerings at


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EP 63 Embracing Duality: Navigating Gemini Season with Wisdom and Connection

EP 63 Embracing Duality: Navigating Gemini Season with Wisdom and Connection In this episode, listeners are welcomed into Gemini season which runs from May 20th to June 20th, 2024. Gemini season is characterized by adaptability, communication, and curiosity. It encourages shifting perspectives, exploring new ways of doing things, and embracing duality and multiplicity in life. The season is influenced by Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury moving through Gemini, bringing expansive energy and emphasizing communication, learning, and relationships. It's a time to be open to new experiences, challenge old beliefs, and integrate wisdom from information, decisions, and experiences. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, symbolizes duality and communication. It encourages active listening, sharing knowledge, and being open to changing one's mind. However, imbalance in Gemini energy can lead to gossip, indecisiveness, and being distracted by noise. To balance Gemini energy, employ grounding practices like connecting with nature, meditation, and getting on the mat with me, are essential. It's a time to stay open to new perspectives, engage in conversations, and cultivate wisdom through experience. Listeners are advised to focus on integrating mind-body practices during this season, especially emphasizing the importance of physical grounding to manage swirling thoughts and anxiety. Engaging in practices that connect the mind and body, like pilates, can help maintain balance during Gemini season. Overall, Gemini season calls for embracing change, being willing to learn and adapt, and staying grounded to navigate the energetic shifts successfully. Other episodes you'll enjoy: EP 60: Spring 2024 Tarot Forecast Ep 58: Magical Mentoring From the Inside EP 41: Magical Mentoring from the inside with Dionna Eshleman and Keli Lyn Jewel Activate 30-days Guest Access on Unicorn Wellness Studio here Follow and DM on IG @tandy_gutierrez Get my weekly astro update/self-care Newsletter here Explore offerings at


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EP 62: Taurus Season Tarot Forecast

Happy Taurus Season This episode is our single card tarot forecast for April 19th - May 19th 2024. 1 card for the spirit in which to move through things….that turned into two. The Universe has spoken…. Lean into this episode to hear what the Universe wants us to lean into in this particular Pisces season….it’s pure magic. Taurus is represented by The Hierophant in the Tarot. A hierophant is a person, who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. Traditionally it’s a religious figure. Like a priest. In the Smith Rider Waite deck they are depicted seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing Law and Freedom or obedience and disobedience. They’re wearing a triple crown that symbolizes their spiritual superiority and authority via the emperor, also wearing a red cloak - that can symbolize power or bloodshed in the name of their beliefs, with the keys to Heaven are at their feet. Personally I love the keys because I feel like it’s a wink from Hekate - Dark goddess - mother of all witches - saying YOU are the keys to heaven…you don’t need this false gateway. YOU are the bridge between heaven and earth. This card offers us the message of the dangers of following the herd mentality, trying to fit in, doing what the masses are doing. It says to stay away from organized religion and corporations. Taurus, as an energy of the zodiac, offers us: The magic of loyalty, hard work, stability, and ambitionHealing the wounds of the body, care, nourishment, support, worthiness, love, safetyThe power of setting your emotions aside (for a moment) to solve in practical waysThe power of repetition for the long game The pleasure of pleasureThe pleasure of being humanThe challenge of knowing when to be consistent vs. obstinateThe challenge of not always going it aloneA true balance of work and rest Want more Taurus insight: members have an offering in their membership library - in the Astrology section - titled Zodiac Basics: Taurus Follow and DM on IG @tandy_gutierrez Get my Newsletter here. Explore all my offerings at Deck used in this episode: The Muse Tarot


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EP 61: Taurus Season Astrology Forecast

Happy Taurus Season! The Sun sits in Taurus April 19th - May 19th 2024. Taurus season always offers stability, ambition, focus, pleasure seeking obstinance, resiliency, and loyalty - as we say goodbye to the high energy, impatient, competitive, confident bravery of Aries season…not to mention a genuine good-bye to eclipse season. This transition has us implementing plans and projects. It has us setting our emotions aside, and getting super grounded and realistic. It asks what resources do we actually have to work with. Now. In hand and available. There is acceptance here for what is. This could feel like cold water, it could build confidence at there being more resources to work with than you thought you had. This season says, what did you get excited about in Aries season and want to happen instantaneously? A spark has been ignited What were the reveals and pivots of the eclipses in your life? Taurus season hits the pause button and wants to determine what are the practical and tactical applications that we need to get the tires to hit the pavement and bring these excitements, sparks, and visions into being. Taurus is the bull of the chart. It’s going to be about resources. It will ask, What do I have? What do I have to show for my effort? My work? Where do I need to put more effort or any effort for that matter. Taurus requires effort. It requires that we DO something. Taurus is a high manifestor via the long game. No instant gratification to be had here. Like none. Lol. But it’ll move you solidly forward and along the path towards your goal. This season has us in work mode. Time to make the donuts persé. Implement the to-dos. In this Taurus season: April 19th - Sun moves into Taurus April 19th - Saturn Semi-Sextiles the North Node in Aries April 20th - Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 23rd - Full Moon in Scorpio April 25th - Mercury Direct - 2 weeks of shadow begin May 2nd - my birthday! May 2nd - Pluto Stations Retrograde May 6th - Saturn Semi- Square Pluto May 7th - New Moon in Taurus May 15th - Mercury moves into Taurus Taurus season basics - the second sign of the zodiac chart - It says dependability, intelligence, and hard work pay off. Taurus is also the bull of the chart, it gets pegged as the materialistic - connected to finances - and its mantra is I HAVE - I like to reframe and clarify that Taurus is the sensualist of the chart. Ruled by Venus - our goddess Aphrodite - Taurus truly gets what it means to be human, in a 3D skin suit…that a balance of work and pleasure is very much the point of this earth school - it knows financial resources provide food, water, shelter…that are necessary - it also allows us to explore what if what is necessary was also really pleasurable? This season loudly pulls in the question my Magical Mentees are already working with in this cycle - that is Aphrodite’s ultimate question: DOES IT PLEASE ME? Taurus wants cozy fabrics like uber soft cotton, satin, cashmere or velvet. Food is our love language. And yes, Taurus does think it can buy its way to happiness - or a solution. And you know what - sometimes it’s not wrong. It’s is a fixed earth sign, stable, strong and typically inherently grounded. With a strength that is deep and often formidable. Taurus can generate big manifestations when in balance…willing to meet the Universe more than halfway, knowing at their core they are worthy, clear about wants, desires, and needs. There is a heartfelt energy here for life. Everyone thinks it’s high vibrations that cultivate manifestations….but it’s really high vibration connected to GROUNDING. If there is no grounding there is nowhere for the magic to take root in this 3 dimensional life. Grounding is truly what allows magick to manifest. In Balance Taurus is lovingly loyal for a lifetime. They are the earth-parent energy that can and will hold anyone…It's sturdy, grounded, stable, realistic, calm, and they are genuine problem solvers and...


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EP 60: Spring & Aries Season Tarot Forecast

Spring & Aries Season 2024 Tarot Forecast This episode is our full five card tarot forecast for March 19th - April 18th 2024, as well as March 19th - June 19th 2024. 1 card for the theme of this season.1 card for what to release.1 card for what to learn.1 card for the BIG steps for your highest and greatest good this season.1 card for the NEXT step for your highest and greatest good this season. This is a multi-layered episode of both a micro AND macro cycle. This episode may have more weight or significance if you are an Aries native with your sun, rising or moon in this sign, or have major placements or a stellium in Aries in your natal chart. Aries in the Tarot, in the Major Arcana is represented by The Emperor - this is another often demonized card that gets stuck in toxic masculinity narratives of control, willpower by forces, or power hungry motivation. In truth The Emperor is all about strategy and long term goals. It has a genuine connection to entrepreneurs, to father energy, and yes, to colonization and empire. In balance this card brings us balance and secure foundations through conventional values of community, family, what we cultivate and contribute to these structures. It is constructive boundaries, practical matters, food, water shelter….loyalty and fairness. It reminds us we have free will and to exercise our own power to constructively get to what we want, wish and desire. The Emperor is the master builder. Who creates based on soul destiny and personal soul/moral compass. This card represents empowerment through independence and authentic expression. In exaltation it is manifestation based on proficiency of one’s personal power/will power through integrity. The emperor is the external embodiment of inner potential. The emperor in exaltation is the benevolent leader that makes decisions based on the greater good of all. Says we can provide for all and is fair and right to do’s all in how we allocate our resources. It’s in awareness of resources and how to maximize, allocate, and utilize them for the long game. In Imbalance it is all the toxic masculinity, force, ego, violence that takes and wants at all costs, particularly at the cost of others. Cruelty, domination, control, and violence are present here. WIth zero to little concern for long term outcome. It is unchecked desire. It is immature and undereducated - functions from fear and lack of confidence….it is truly the expression of anger being really loud sadness….lack of empathy, lack of love, lack of compassion, and a lack of emotional intelligence. There is a massive disconnect from emotions here. No tools for constructive processing or healing. This card will always call up: What are your long term goals? Are you planning and acting in accordance with the long term?Are you in active emotional processing and growth?How is your relationship to power?Do you exercise constructive empowerment? Do you make decisions? Do you shy away from decisions in order to make others the villain and keep you the victim? Do you make decisions to allow yourself the power you do have in every situation, even if you don’t love the choices, to shine and grow your integrity and path? We have so much goodness to gain from this highly misunderstood card. Aries is cardinal fire energy - In the suites of the Tarot - fire is wands. Wands represent willpower, creativity, and inspiration. It's unpredictable, hot, and wild. And in imbalance it's an illusion, a nonconstructive ego that only says me first, it can be impulsive, and seriously lack direction or purpose, and can have us feeling meaningless. Fire is primal. It’s also the element of magic. Transformation. Change. Alchemy. Fire is considered the seed through which all life springs. It’s creative life force and ultimate potential. Want more Aries insight: members have an offering in their membership library - in the Astrology section - titled Zodiac Basics:...


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EP 59: Spring and Aries Season 2024 Energy Forecast

HOORAY FOR SPRING! We dive into Aries season and all it has to offer us March 19th - April 18th 2024. As well as the overall energetics for Spring in the northern hemisphere and Fall in the southern hemisphere March 19th - June 19th 2024 + Happy Astrological New Year! This is a big shift. An important transition. And in my opinion the most fun time of the year. Aries season always welcomes the high energy, impatient, competitive, ambitious, confident, bravery as we say goodbye to the moody, dreamy, artistic, romantic, creative, emo, grief, empathic, sensitive, idealistic adaptability of Pisces season. This transition has us taking the release and healing we got in Pisces season…as well as all the evaluation we’ve been doing since the fall about what works, what has never worked and what we want moving forward….Aries season supports us to finally start the new things we’ve been sitting on, thinking about, plotting and planning. We won’t reach all the goals in this season. We probably won’t see manifestation this cycle, but we start, we leap, we sprint a fair distance into them. Fire is welcomed back to the chart, to the energetics and fire is magic. It’s an exciting time meant for taking risks and attempting things we’ve not tried before. The risks are supported! Not a yolo type of risk but calculated risks…that we’ve been weaving through and around since Libra season, September 2023. It’s a long time, but it’s the synthesis and understanding of your life lived last year. Aries season asks us to rebirth ourselves, better, stronger, more empowered, and confident…because of the digging, thinking, feeling, shadow work and exploration we’ve been willing to do. It’s not random action. Exalted, wise, Aries is not impulsive. Under Evolved Aries is impulsive, implosive, and definitely does not think about the long game…..but balanced Aries…now that’s a whole other story we are learning and growing into particularly in this cycle. Let’s break it down. In this Aries season: It’s eclipse season Mercury is in pre shadow March 19th - Sun enters Aries March 22nd - mars enters Pisces March 25th - Full moon lunar eclipse (penumbral) in Libra April 1 - Mercury Stations Rx April 5 - Venus enters Aries April 8 - New moon solar eclipse (total) in Aries This cycle - Aries season - and for this community's purpose also an umbrella for all of spring. as a whole it’s going to be a bit wild. Communication is going to be taxed, shifted, weird, and wonky. Both internal and external. And yet there’s so much that offers expressions of communication and growth. Clarity. Brashness. Honesty at a whole other level from yourself and to others. There can be self trust here like never before and you function off of that. It won’t always be received well by others. It’s a time to take the weird way (isn’t it always, around here). A time to not overthink things. Check in with the body, how do you FEEL? Check in with the brain, what do you think? Whats YOUR truth of the situation…..take action based on these things. We are being asked to move into our wise leader (exalted Aries) with a focus on putting ourselves first - moving away from people pleasing and codependency and into the divine I can I am. There is sovereignty to be gained here if the risks are calculated, understood and taken with grounded faith and surrender to your connection with the unseen. There’s a LOT going on here - simply with the eclipses. Aries season and spring ask us to take action. Do. Based on our evaluation of the past year. It’s a mix of cerebral functionality - a little pro and con list here is constructive for Aries….and soul fire audacity. This cycle wants us to jump forward. The nodes of fate are mathematical points in the sky that shift clockwise through the zodiac wheel every 18 months. They denote where the eclipses will take place - as well as what themes/healings are being asked of us as a collective for that period of time. We...


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EP 58: Magical Mentoring From the Inside with Nathan Foster and Meghan Taylor

EP 58: Magical Mentoring from the inside - with Nathan Foster and Meghan Taylor In this bonus episode I am joined by two of my Magical Mentoring clients to share their experiences with and through the containers I hold. There’s no real way to explain what happens inside Magical Mentoring - it is both practical and magical. It’s personal. It’s fun, and deep. Straight forward and liminal. it’s intuitive and has quite a bit of flow to it - yet - there is clear structure. And it unfolds in its own expression during the process. Each session is unique. The only way to truly KNOW what it’s like is to embark on it. But, I know, it’s an unknown…so that can be scary or weird so people don’t take the risk…which means they miss out on the rewards. This episode is a safe way to try and go behind the curtain to better understand, and to perhaps see if it’s a fit for you, at some point on your path. It’s also a wonderful way to get to know the community of Unicorn Wellness and Magical Mentoring. Spring Magical Mentoring is open for enrollment the week this episode is published. I’m scheduling exploration calls February 20th through March 1st, 2024. If this episode piques your interest, head to the link in the show notes to schedule your 30-min exploration call with me to begin Mentoring this March, 2024. If you’re listening to this after these dates, don’t worry, Magical Mentoring happens twice a year. Hang tight till Fall 2024. Those doors will open for exploration in August. If you’re not interested in mentoring, this conversation offers joy, exploration, support, and healing processes. There is a spark here for everyone. My guests on this episode have only worked with me for 4 months. This is a share in real time of their healing and manifestation practices, both tiny & mighty. They are both amazing, magical, space holding educators. Highlights in this episode: How Magical Mentoring work What it feels like to step into spiritual growthWhy feeling nervous can be such a good sign in growthWhat it feels like when you’re on the other side of shadow workHow to step into Lilithian Language - language that creates equitable boundaries and opens up conversations rather than shuts them downHow and why to work with resistanceWhat it’s like to be coached in a truly non-patriarchal spaceHow surprising how magical the practical aspects were - particularly the workouts Ready to explore Group Magical Mentoring NOW? Read full details and schedule your complimentary 30-min call with Tandy at Calls are February 20th - March 1st. Your first tarot reading and to-do list arrive March 8th. Who is Nathan Foster? They is a Queen! Unapologetically. He’s a little bit crunchy, and a little bit Rock n Roll! One of the two amazing hosts of the top rated Queens History Podcast…because, who needs to listen to His-Story when you’ve got Her-Story? He’s a Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising, Taurus Moon, who speaks his mind, yet is grounded and fluid. They like cuddles, long walks on the beach, and meaningful conversations about oppressive patriarchy. Hit ‘em with intellect, and you’re in for a good time! Connect with Nathan: Instagram: @queens_podcast Podcast: Queens Podcast on Apple or Spotify Website: Who is Meghan Taylor? Meghan is a wife, mother to a two year old and three year old, a high school English teacher creeping on 10 years, and a side-hustle calligrapher and painter. She is a huge history enthusiast that has always felt called to discover more about the past, while simultaneously encouraging others in the present to live authentically and believe in themselves! She’s a Taurus sun Leo Rising Sag moon! Connect with Megahn: Instagram: @megtaylor17 Other episodes you'll enjoy: Ep 41: BONUS Magical Mentoring from the inside with Keli Lyn Jewel and Dionna Eshleman Princes in the Tower Tarot Reading on Queens Podcast Connect with...


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EP 57: Pisces Season 2024 Tarot Forecast

This episode is our single card tarot forecast for February 18th - March 19th 2024. 1 card for the spirit in which to move through things….that turned into two. The Universe has spoken…. Lean into this episode to hear what the Universe wants us to lean into in this particular Pisces season….it’s pure magic. Pisces is represented by The Moon in the Tarot. In the RIder Waite Smith deck it is depicted by two dogs howling at the moon, that blocks out the sun. One of the dogs appears wild, and the other domesticated. They stand on land with water in front of them with a crayfish crawling out of the water. The crayfish represents the fearful self…it looks towards a long path in front of it and offers us that thought of…others have done it, can I? There is a message here of the life of the imagination vs. an actual life of decisions. This card traditionally offers us an opportunity to develop our Spirituality deeper, or for the first time. It can offer an awakening of the third eye/pineal gland and the solar plexus…or a spiritual awakening in general. The Moon an alignment between body, spirituality, and psyche. It requires us to make decisions in order to move forward up, out, and away from fear. It’s number 18 - 1 + 8 = 9 karmic closures and cycles ending. Perfect for the last sign of the zodiac chart that finishes the astrological year and says purge, grieve, let go…in order to heal. Pisces, as an energy of the zodiac, offers us: The magic of adaptability, creativity, artistry, fantasy, and idealism.Healing the wounds of worthiness, lack, limitation, love, safety, creativityThe power of allowing your emotions out and throughThe power of hope and potentialThe challenge of creating and keeping healthy boundariesThe challenge of not remaining a victimA true balance of humanity and divinity - our only assignment in life school Want more Pisces insight: members have an offering in their membership library - in the Astrology section - titled Zodiac Basics: Pisces Other episodes you'll enjoy: EP 56: Pisces Season 2024 Energy Forecast EP 41: Magical Mentoring from the inside with Dionna Eshleman and Keli Lyn Jewel Read the full details on Magical Mentoring Schedule your Magical Mentoring exploration call HERE Follow and DM on IG @tandy_gutierrez Get my Newsletter here. Explore all my offerings at Deck used in this episode: The Muse Tarot


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EP 56: Pisces Season 2024 Energy Forecast

Welcome to Pisces season and all it has to offer us February 18th - March 19th 2024. The Sun shifts into Pisces, it is the beginning of a new zodiacal season. Pisces season always brings moody, dreamy, artistic, romantic, creative, empathic, sensitive, idealistic adaptability - as we say goodbye to the futuristic, humanitarian, way-out-there, non-binary, no boundaries, no-right-way-to-do things, rebellious brilliance of Aquarius season. This transition has us taking a pause with our planning, plotting, mapping, and fresh ideas from Capricorn and Aquarius season and asks us to release. Let go. Purge, grieve. Release. Cleanse and heal. It says whatever you don’t want to carry into the astrological new year (Aries season) LET IT GO. It may hurt. It may really scratch the scab off a wound. But it’s for healing. After all, Pisces is the ultimate healer. The final sign in the zodiac wheel. It requires release. This season always empowers us to truly heal. To let false narrative go. To start truly fresh in the Aries season. To not sandbag ourselves to the bottom of the ocean floor. It requires us to feel all the feels, because…why? You’ve got to feel it to heal it. You don’t have to understand. You don’t even need to know why. But you will need to allow feelings up, out, and through. If you’re a native to these emotional gymnastics…let’s GOOOO…if feels are the last thing you want to get into, especially the challenging ones, like anger, rage, frustration, embarrassment, shame, judgment…this season is going to need you to recruit more support. Because without the willingness to go there and feel the yuck….we simply can’t explode into our fresh cycles with full vitality come spring. Tis the work of healing. Tis the work of spiritual and human evolution. Tis the calling of magick, shadow work, empowerment, and wisdom growth. This season has us in the fetal position either in a calm restorative sleep to emerge new at the Equinox….or in deep heaving weeping to finish a cycle of somatic release to finally give us access to our full breadth of healed energy in Aries season. As always, it’ll probably be a cocktail of both. In this Pisces season: Feb 18th - Sun moves into Pisces Feb 19th - The north node is conjunct Chiron Feb 23rd - Mercury -> Pisces Feb 24th - Full Moon in Virgo March 9th - Mercury -. Aries Mar 10th - New Moon in Pisces Mar 11th - Venus -> Pisces This cycle - Pisces season - As a whole, is fairly calm. Things will still move forward. All the planets are still direct. As a collective we’re on the magical mystery tour of staying in witness, remembering that the lessons of the collective do not have to be the lessons of the individual, we’re finishing out our evaluation period of the last year and preparing for action, or are moving into light action. We still have a collective win in this cycle…with a careful eye and understanding that Pisces season is always emo. It will always ask us to let go of something. Internal or external. The channeled info on this energy is that this go round it’s internal….it’s about being wrong…constructively…and finally letting expectations, narratives, unconscious and subconscious programming up and out for true healing. SOme lessons you do get to fully let go of…never to repeat again in this lifetime…or others. Our moment with the north node conjunct Chiron has this energy to it. We are moving into our benevolent leadership power…and to do that old stories, expectations, shames, limitations, or misunderstandings on a frequency have got to go. It’s exciting energy that could be exhausting to move through…AND on the other side of it it is truly new, fresh, vital, abundant, fun, and downright joyful. There’s a lightness to it we haven’t felt for a very long time that’s available to us if we’re willing to excavate, be wrong, and finally fucking let go. Let go is the phrase that keeps moving through. It’s less of a purge and a loss this season…it’s a let that sh*t go....


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EP:55 Aquarius Season 2024 Tarot Forecast

This episode is our single card tarot forecast for January 20th - February 17th 2024.. 1 card for the spirit in which to move through things. This episode may have more weight or significance if you are a Aquarius native and have your sun, rising and or moon in this sign. Aquarius in the Tarot, in the Major Arcana - is represented by The Star card - In the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck it's depicted by a nude female presenting human kneeling with one foot in water and one foot on earth, holding two water vessels that look like vases, pouring water both in the pod and on the earth. Said to be calming waters to heal both the past and the present. There are 8 stars in the sky with one much larger than the other. This card traditionally offers us hope for the future. And guidance to get there. It offers beautification in the home, or a dream living situation, harmonious relationships, and good luck in career and money. The Star is a healer. This card says be inspired. Dreams really can come true. It offers individuality expressed, greater authenticity of self expression, reveals or expansion of unique gifts and talents, - it offers alignment of your soul purpose - tangibly expressed. The imbalance of this card is that you may be blinded by magic dust, and only be making wishes and be delusional that things really come to fruition on wishes and prayers alone. It’s a callout you may be lacking on practicality and patience to get your dreams to become a reality. This card in readings with me and for my community is always a call to embark or edit or check in with your Life By Design. It’s time to wish big. If you aim for the moon and miss you land on a star….not a bad gig. It calls us to really have faith that what we are wishing for is also wishing for us and when we can get honest and real about our wants, wishes, and desires….then magic can happen through clear planning, action AND leaving the door wide open to miracles to support your greatest wish. It’s number 17 - 1 +7 + 8 empowerment, circulation, movement, infinity, stirring and flow between humanity and divinity. This is also an 8 year - 2024…so it’s an important card to lean into, it plays a role this year for sure . Aquarius, as an energy of the zodiac, offers us: The magic of experimentation, creative thinking, and out there solutions.Healing the wounds of belonging, being othered, or labeled as a ‘freak’ for any reason.The power of letting your brain float in the liminal space, The power of high tech futurism for the collectiveThe challenge of getting big ideas to land, with a map and actionable plans and tactics.The challenge of getting connected to other humans. The reality of a life by design that is inclusive, equitable, protective, and provides for all. Aquarius is the element of air. Air in the tarot is represented by swords - our intellect, acumen, thought process, words, and around here our subconscious processing. What we think, read, listen to, who we talk to….all contribute to our whole. It teaches us that by shifting what we consume, the words we speak…we can shift our consciousness, invoke healing and progress. This season invites us into books, podcasts, documentaries, courses that present NEW ways of thinking about well, everything. This can get us into a state of being whipped up into a frenzy in our thoughts…letting our brain run away with us….have stress, anxiety, and overwhelm on high. Consume things that ground you in this season and if your chart is air heavy. This includes foods - think root veggies and clean animal protein….slower and closer to the ground animals…like pork or cattle if those are a fit for your food code…think music that calms, inspires, and drives you along at a moderate pace. In your podcasts and books….aim for voices that are non-inflammatory. Calming, grounded, wise. Want more Aquarius insight: members have an offering in their membership library - in the...


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EP 54: Aquarius Season 2024 Energy Forecast

Welcome to Aquarius season and all it has to offer us January 20th - February 17th 2024. Aquarius season always welcomes futuristic, humanitarian, way-out-there, non-binary, no boundaries, no-right-way-to-do things, rebellious brilliance - as we say goodbye to the diligent, goal oriented, focused, determined, reliable, strong willed and independent spirit of Capricorn season. This transition has us taking the map we started (or perhaps completed) for our goals in Cap season and asks us to make space on that map for the weird, genius, and unexpected ways to get there..that we never anticipated. This season always empowers us to fly our freak flag. To step into more authenticity. To be brave aka vulnerable in our uniqueness ... .to truly step away from any haters, or those who are simply on another journey in this lifetime and do not resonate with what you are here to do. In this Aquarius season: Jan 20th - Sun moves into Aquarius Jan 20th - Pluto enters Aquarius Jan 23rd - Venus enters Capricorn Jan 25th - Full moon in Leo Jan 27th - Uranus Direct Feb 9 - New moon in Aquarius Feb 13 - Mars move into Aquarius Feb 16 - Venus -> Aquarius This cycle - Aquarius season - As a whole, it’s a fairly sweet cycle. Things are moving forward. Literally…all the planets are direct. We’re moving out of the confusion of a very sticky Mercury Retrograde and well…there’s nothing detrimental to the collective transits they be minding their business…now personal charts, or the way these sweet things hit your natal chart…could be another story…but let’s not focus too intensely on that. Let’s take the collective win. The big news in this cycle is Pluto entering Aquarius and Uranus stationing direct. This begins a majorly fresh cycle- pluto takes 11.5 - 30 years to move through a sign. As pluto makes its transit through Aquarius it will have a massive impact on the collective in our systems of power, technologies, science, and data. This energy aims at a we over me perspective and wants things the weird, nonbinary, way-out there way. It also means we have just completed a massive transformation in Capricorn (Pluto is/was there 2008 - a couple of weeks of 2024). Remember, Pluto's mantra is change or pushes at catharsis and does it through underworld journey's (shadow work). We basically just sat through a potential karmic caching of our personal house of Capricorn...if we've been in shadow process - it’s happening. What did you transform - in the last 20 years - around the theme of how you get to our much neutrality.balance/harmony have you cultivated around the amount of rest and self care we actually do as we focus on our goals? It pushed us to use new (softer) more trusting and surrendering tactics to get to our goals. What we learned in that transit not gets to be played out in Aquarius in the coming 20 years. What is possible is so much more than we knew. In very weird ways that actually serve the collective rather than drain it….and of course…the house aquarius sits in in your personal natal chart is coming up for transformation. This is a massively let go or be dragged energy. How good are you at letting go? How good are you at getting curious and allowing fresh ideas in? How high is your vibe? Do you believe and trust in the unseen or are you chained to the mundane mistake of earth school? Uranus stationing direct is also big, in my opinion. It's been retrograde in Taurus for about 5 months. It stays in a sign approximately 7 years. It’s a long transit. And as Uranus is the spellbreaker and the disrupter of the chart (heeeeyyyy magick wand) I think for our community it's massively important. It has the ability to bust the glass ceiling, and disrupt the normative. It, of course, my choose super uncomfortable routes (and probably will) in order to do so…cause hashtag earth school learning gauntlet. But in Taurus it aims for embodiment….integrity in human form. And it will always hit...


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EP 53: Winter and Capricorn Season 2023 - 2024 Tarot Forecast

Capricorn & Winter/Summer 2023/2024 Tarot Forecast This episode is our full five card tarot forecast for December 21st 2023 - March 18th 2024, as well as December 21st 2023 - January 19th 2024. 1 card for the theme of this season.1 card for what to release.1 card for what to learn.1 card for the BIG steps for your highest and greatest good this season.1 card for the NEXT step for your highest and greatest good this season. This is a multi-layered episode of both a micro AND macro cycle. This episode may have more weight or significance if you are a Capricorn native with your sun, rising or moon in this sign, or have major placements or a stellium in Capricorn in your natal chart. Capricorn in the Tarot, in the Major Arcana, is represented by The Devil. This is sticky card ya’ll. It’s one of the most dreaded in the deck and carries way too much baggage from our puritanical, patriarchal, religious history. In the traditional rider waite smith deck this card is depicted by a large devil with horns and wings, satan or the god pan, hovering over Adam and even in chains connecting each other, around the neck. The human pair have tails, one is fire and the other grapes. They are in a dark cave-like space. The images bring up all the fire and brimstone judgment of doing ‘wrong’ ‘immoral’ things and being judged by god and sent to hell. It always calls in the feelings and concepts that humans are inherently bad or wrong and it’s so easy to fall prey to evil…that is if we are not careful, we all end up tempted and at our downfall. Interestingly the chains around the pair’s necks are super loose. They can be easily lifted up and over their heads. In balance this card lets us know that we are one step away from liberation. That we are on the precipice of a breakthrough, happiness, freedom, and connection to our personal divinity. In balance it says you’re one good plan and implementation to better. It calls to Capricorn and Saturn energies of identifying the goal, making a reasonable plan, and putting the appropriate amount of self discipline towards that to-do list slash map. Humaning + manifestation 101. Equal practical and magical effort. Cast the spell, make the wish, utter all the prayers….then meet Divinity at least halfway with thought and effort. In Imbalance it calls us out to our bad habits. The things that we know hold us back and we just have not committed to releasing, unlearning, redoing, or releasing. It calls us out to the places and spaces we’re simply not committed to making things better. Where we give full permission to the what the hell effect. We already overspent yesterday…might as well do the same today and tomorrow because ‘What the hell’. When every genuinely helpful coach, mentor, trainer, and therapist knows that all big things happen in tiny incremental changes, repeated over time. If yesterday was a mess… all the tiny things today that prevent things from being a bigger mess. Don’t even worry about what you need to clean up just yet….if there’s a leak…TURN THE WATER OFF FIRST. The imbalance of this card calls us to the fact we’re functioning out of fear, base instincts, trauma, and wounded nature….rather than trust and our higher selves. In imbalance it can communicate an obsession or incorrect focus on the material aspects of life rather than the emotional or spiritual. Things being all about what you can get or have vs. what you could create, experience, or be. There is no such thing as the devil. The devil is our own limitations of false beliefs. The devil is the devil in all of us. Our bad habits nd the things we allow to hold us back. Capricorn is a cardinal earth energy - In the suites of the Tarot - earth is the pentacles or coins These represent our resources - time, money, energy, body, mind and soul. - It gets minimized and dumbed down to money and abundance. And it very often is that simple but my offering is a reminder that our experience of abundance is based on...


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EP 52: Winter and Capricorn Season 2023 - 2024 Energy Forecast

Blessed Winter Solstice and a focused welcome to Capricorn season everywhere! Today we’ve got our deep dive into Capricorn energy along with my channeled offerings. Let’s see what this season wants us to hear. This episode is an energetic overview with guidance for the next 4 months; December 21st 2023 - March 18th 2024. You may want to revisit each month in this season. Listening multiple times is so empowering as you discover how these channeled messages actually play out in your life. It helps our energies sync and aids in your ability to synthesize and utilize these readings as coaching or mentoring, rather than just adding more noise in your life. The Sun shifts into Capricorn December 21st 2023 - January 19th 2024- it is the beginning of a new zodiacal season as well as our next meteorological season - all hail the winter solstice here in the northern hemisphere - summer in the southern hemisphere. Capricorn season always welcomes the diligent, goal oriented, focused, determined, reliable, strong willed and independent spirit as we say goodbye to the new ideas, enthusiasm, and take aimed-ness of Sagittarius season. This transition has us taking the ideas we got in Sag season and supports us to begin to chart the map up the mountain to the goal(s) we aimed our arrows at in the last cycle. We won’t climb the entire mountain in this season. We won’t get to the top in this cycle of days, but we do begin. And often, starting is the hardest part. In this Capricorn season: Uranus is still Rx Dec 21st - the sun enters Capricorn and we have our Winter/Summer Solstice Dec 23 - Mercury retrograde backtracks into Sagittarius Dec 26 - Full Moon in Cancer Dec 29 - Venus moves into Sagittarius Dec 30 - Jupiter stations direct! Jan 1 - Mercury stations direct - we enter 2 weeks of shadow Jan 4 - Mars enters Capricorn Jan 11 - New Moon in Capricorn Jan 13 - Mercury enters Capricorn Jan 15 - Mercury is free and clear of its shadow! This cycle - Capricorn season - and for this community's purpose also an umbrella for winter- as a whole - will toy with communication. Both internal and external. There are notes from the eclipse season hidden like easter eggs in this cycle. We think we know…but we don’t. There’s a twist…we’re going to need to stay tuned to the details and to be looking for the hidden messages. Be clear - this doesn’t mean anyone is lying…it’s just…there’s MORE…Jupiter going direct is the big news of the cycle…my channeled insight is that while it was retrograde…our luck may seemed to have been going backwards…and when it stations direct…much like a mercury direct…the luck will start to move in the ‘benevolent’ direction…or at the very least stabilize. Jupiter has been Rx since September 3rd…and will station Direct on December 30th. Remember the shifts in energy are not automatic. Not an on and off switch…but more like a dimmer switch of 5 - 14 days until it reaches its direct full speed. This cycle - Capricorn season and winter - asks us to lean into our intuition. Our soul compass. Our deepest knowing…and NOT the pro/con lists or over cerebralizing what is ‘right or best’. Dear listeners of the magic spark, we’re getting taken to task on our magick and our connection to the unseen and knowing without knowing why. Basically the message is ya’ll aren’t basic, you’re too magical to pretend the pro/con list is what makes a ‘good, right, better, or best’ decision. And the Universe is gonna f with us on this. There will be many moments in this cycle that we may need to ask ‘do you know what you know?’ and the gist is soul knowing. Intuition. Magic messaging…not fact, or receipts but the knowing of the unseen, spirit, soul….knowing. Mercury retrograde trickster is here. Aphrodite fuck around and find out is here. It offers blessings, benevolence, and gifts…as well as trickery and trip ups. Be clear we never dismiss intellect or facts around here. But all the messages of this...


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EP 51: Sagittarius Season 2023 Tarot Forecast

This episode is our single card tarot forecast for November 22nd - December 21st 2023. 1 card for the spirit in which to move through things. This episode may have more weight or significance if you are a Sagittarius native and have your sun, rising and or moon in this sign. Sagittarius in the Tarot, in the Major Arcana - is represented by The Temperance card - In the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck it's depicted by an angel, not just any angel this is the archangel Micheal with one foot in a stream of water and one foot on earth, pouring water from one chalice to another. There’s a sunny glowing crown in the background, and our angel has a full expanse of red wings with an orange triangle with the point facing upward on its chest/gown. This card traditionally offers us a move from the unconscious emotional space (the foot in the water) to grounded 3D expression of the unconscious (the foot on the earth) with a new horizon of perspectives (the glowing crown) the flow of water between cups offers a harmony in the flow of ideas, inspiration, and emotions as well as spiritual connection. This card says alchemy is at hand. That we are more protected than we know - Micheal is the kitchen sink of archangels, a warrior guardian to call in when we may not know any other angels - it says we are more protected than we know in the changes and healing we want to move into. Temperance calls to balance but it’s not so pedantic - it’s about past and future and how we create balance with them, in this moment. This card has always offered me, my readings, and my community as a time of transformation, if and when we can take out emotional and energetic lessons/healing/shadows and work with them differently than ever before. It’s a time to explore new perspectives, habits, and tactics to move forward in ways we’ve not been able to before. It’s about being willing to be wrong. To admit mistakes and truly move forward fresh and free. Sagittarius seeks liberation at all costs. Temperance asks us to balance our karma by intellectual exploration that’s put into action. Want a different outcome? Do it differently. It offers magic in the functional practical doing. Temperance is so much the epitome of finding our current balance of practical and magical . It fuses the personal and celestial words. Divine energy can actually touch down in the 3D world. In this cycle you may discover you are more than you ever dreamed. It’s a time when your soul personality can fuse into physical form when anchored in self love and faith + relationship to the divine cosmic expanse. Temperance is number 14 in the deck 4+1 = 5 the number of change Sagittarius, as an energy of the zodiac always, offers us: The magic of education and philosophical exploration. It asks what IF and leaves an opening for unknown and new answers. Healing the wounds of worthiness, confidence, and manifestation,The power of the pull back for tension in order to get our arrow to fly to our bullseye goal.The power of enthusiasm to get us started and carry us through. The challenge of laying foundations and getting enthusiasm focused.The focus for manifesting bigger in our lives. Honor Sag this cycle with a short trip. Think road trip or hike. Horseback riding, a workout of any kind but particularly those that focus on the lower body, thighs, and glutes, documentaries, podcasts, books, classes, tutorials. It’s time to open and expand your mind. Explore the possibilities and potential that you have never known prior. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign - adaptable - in the suites of the Tarot - Fire is represented by wands - this is the element of willpower, creativity, and inspiration. It's unpredictable, hot, and wild. And in imbalance it's an illusion, a non-constructive ego that only says me first, it can be impulsive, and seriously lack direction or purpose, and even have us in feelings of meaningless. The imbalance of Sagittarius is foot in mouth,...


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EP 50: Sagittarius Season 2023 Energy Forecast

Sagittarius season runs November 22nd - December 20th 2023. Sagittarius season always welcomes the forward motion, breath of fresh air, new ideas, fun, and fresh perspectives after the deep dark of Scorpio. In this Sagittarius season: Uranus is still RxMars enters Sag on the 24thWe have a full moon in Gemini on Nov 27th Mercury retroshade begins on the 29thMercury enters Capricorn December 1stVenus moves into Scorpio Dec 4thDec 6th Neptune stations directWe have a new moon in Sagittarius on Dec 12thAnd on Dec 13th mercury stations Rx In some ways it’s a mellow cycle. The big shifts are a mercury Rx and it's still not that big because it happens 3xs a year. And Neptune stations direct early december. The astrology will unravel and reveal itself more in my weekly moonday newsletter (if you don’t receive it already hop on the list at the link in the show notes). The channeled messaging is all about taking it slower than we want to, or than Sag likes to. It’s all about not immediately solving anything, but being aware of things, accepting them, and setting them on the shelf…then exploring potential solutions….as we sift, sort, evaluate, think about, and feel into all our options for solutions….and implementing and taking action LATER. I say this every year. AND it's louder this year. We’re seeing more of where we want to go. We’re allowing ourselves to connect, perhaps for the very first time ever, to what we, on our own terms, want and desire. WITHOUT shame or sandbagging ourselves. And Sag season has us all excited to jump into it - as it does every year..part of the fun and love of the holiday season (if you resonate with that) is not about the holidays at all it’s about the energy of Sag. This is a major moment of understanding the beauty of feeling excited and having truly amazing ideas and visions, and to learn to use it for a long game plan, rather than an instant gratification moment (over spending on gifts that brings shame the rest of the year). Go slower than you want. Actually slow yourself down. It’s still shadow season. We’re still walking the catacombs. It’s not time to activate, initiate or do. And the longer you work outside the energetics the farther you are from your goals, and from the healing you want. I know how hard this is. I have a ton of fire in my chart. I have years of moving too fast. Did it still produce some amazing things and a lot of fun. Yes. but could those wins have been bigger or more sustainable with less burnout and clean up and recovery - for sure. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter…therefore this season is also ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is considered the Santa Claus of the chart. Some astrologers prescribe that Jupitarian energy is benevolent and brings gifts wherever it goes…but nothing is just ONE thing…Jupiter EXPANDS its a gas giant that can gas us up having us think just because we have energy to do something that we currently have the skills to back it up (when we don't). Jupiter also speaks to the indulgence of the season that has us in a lot of shame over spending, eating, wellness, and overall self-care by January. It can be a massively overindulging energy that gaslights us into thinking this is just how it is because it's all we’ve known or seen. Just know, sometimes energy can be trickster. Mercury for sure is. The Magician in the tarot can be. And so can Aphrodite. We can feel and know and be in the energy but discernment and wisdom is still a necessity. Just because we feel the energy doesn’t mean we should hop in and ride along. Stay awake. Be present. Practice awareness. Just because you’re offered something or CAN do something doesn’t mean you should. Make wise choices on your own terms. This is a massive slow down in our culture. It builds stable foundations that stand the test of time and in disposable times, in a capitalistic culture we can very much feel everything should be quick or is easily replaceable - it...


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EP 49: Scorpio Season 2023 Tarot Forecast

This episode is our single card tarot forecast for October 23rd through November 22nd 2023. 1 card for the spirit in which to move through things. This episode may have more weight or significance if you are a Scorpio native and have your sun, rising and or moon in this sign. Scorpio in the Tarot, in the Major Arcana - is represented by The Death card - In the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck it's depicted by a skeleton in knights armor, riding a white horse, carrying a black flag with a white rose and 5 ears of white corn, 4 human figures, a child, 2 adults, one dead, and one bishop…all looking up at the figure of death on the horse. It’s one of the few cards people truly fear in a reading. It’s one of the cards that perpetuates untrue myths about the tarot. The death card doesn’t literally mean death, tho it can and is clearly connected to tales of the four horsemen of the apocalypse…it’s allegory and myth and symbolism. It teaches us that endings are a part of life and necessary. That we cannot avoid of skip them. That we must learn to flow with them and embrace them and simply make our way through. Look them straight in the eye, process them. Experience them. Work through them. Rather than pretend they aren’t happening, disassociate, deflect, or flat out reject them . Acceptance is key with this card. What is happening IS happening. Best to not be surprised, or confused or waste time ‘wishing’ it wasn’t happening. IT IS. NOW WHAT? This is the card of winter - as a season. It says die off, letting go, and endings are necessary and generate fertile compost, healthy soil for new things come spring. It’s a time and card of processing. What has worked in the past year(s), what didn’t work, what has never worked, what do you want to keep, what should you keep doing, what do you need to let go of or walk away from regardless of want or comfort. This card has always offered me, my readings, and my community the depth of the magical, healing and transformational energy of the dark goddesses.Lilith, Hekate, and Kali. In the dark is where healing happens. In the dark is where all life/creative endeavors are borne. This is the essence of the witch - in the darkness we know our true empowerment. It’s the number 13 - the number of the goddess, the number of moon cycles every year, also the number of the amount of moon cycles those with uterus’ typically experience. This card is deeply connected to the cycles of life - and of creative life force. It does represent endings. It says digging in the shadows, the dark, in death, mourning, and loss are necessary fodder for rebirth, creation, and new life. Scorpio, as an energy of the zodiac, offers us: The power of trust through vulnerability Healing subconscious and unconscious wounds Shadow work The benefit of making friends with death, sex, and the occult….anything hidden or unseen reveals for healing Honor Scorpio with a tarot reading, a trusted therapist or a leap of faith in trying to work with one, gett witchier….whatever that means to you, delve into your shadows for shadow work, share the stories we would rather be hidden in safe spaces, create celebrations of life, honoring those who have passed, ancestry and friends, or simply humans we’ve never known but honor their transition, knowing it is a part of the cycle of this life experience. Lean into endings, grief, mourning, and loss. Scorpio season is a time to plot your epic rebirth, come spring. Scorpio is a fixed water sign - in the suites of the Tarot - Water is represented by cups - this is the element of emotions, feelings, psychic healing, channeling, and the connection to spirit/source. The imbalance of Scorpio is super shady…it wants revenge and destruction and pain of others.It wants someone to pay - it wants retribution for their hurts. It wants to avoid feeling any hurt and often responsibility. The imbalance resists emotional growth and would rather kill itself then...


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EP 48: Scorpio Season 2023 Energy Forecast

Scorpio season runs October 23rd thru November 22nd 2023. Scorpio season makes a silent and stealthy entrance. And in my opinion, it began October 16th, when the moon entered Scorpio - directly after our new moon eclipse in Libra...just for 2 days but it was amplified by the magic of the eclipse…that then thickened with Mercury moving into Mercury on October 22nd. We’ve actually been in these energies for a hot minute. This cycle offers us some distinct shifts in the astrology. The most magical of which is our full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28th - this will be the convo that won’t quit for at least 2 weeks, but actually closes out the 18 month cycle of the nodes of fate in Taurus/Scorpio January 18, 2022 - July 17, 2023…so this is no small lunation. Nov 4th Saturn stations direct Nov 8th Venus enters Libra Nov 10th Mercury moves into Sag Nov 13th is our new moon in Scorpio …the overall vibes are of course magical as fuck. It’s shadow season. It’s the witch of the chart, in the witchiest time of year. This is an alchemy moment. Scorpio is death and rebirth. There are layers of rebirth moments in this cycle. The eclipses are always buckets full of magic being dumped into the Universe. The energy is giant in a full moon, and utterly unpredictable. Our job is simply to be present and ride the wave AND this eclipse closes a massive cycle…sooo my channel says…if you have major placements in Taurus or Scorpio - sun rising or moon - or a stellium in either - there’s a grand finale that’s possible here. A gift or reveal from all the grinding, melting, and alchemizing that was done January 18, 2022 - July 17, 2023. There is a major moment here just waiting for us to utter ‘ I did not see that coming’ or mutter ‘plot twist’. Now whether this is the miracle you’ve been praying and casting for, or the curveball you simply don’t know how to hit…’s transformational and in general for the greater good of your path in this lifetime. ACCEPT IT. Don’t waste time trying to understand it. ACCEPT IT. Maybe allow for a hot second to feel surprised or to process… But above all, ACCEPT IT. Scorpio’s main lesson is trust. Mostly learning to trust themselves. But this falls in the faith and surrender category. If we trust ourselves, our intuition, our wants, desires, creativity, pings, and pushes…..then we have the capacity to trust the Unseen forces, to embrace that the UNiverse has our back, that we’ll know when to exit a situation, that we’ll hear when things have taken a shift that no longer serves us. Scorpio offers us presence and navigation of the moment. It offers us the release of controlling things and offers us a dance with co-creation. One of the key pieces to healing, progress, or change is acceptance. The messaging in this cycle is don’t waste time trying to understand things. It’s super ego/human based to think we should or need to understand everything. We don’t. We can’t. We’re not meant to. We’re here to accept and navigate. This Scoprio season is taking us deeper into the underworld. Further into the dark, to allow us to fly higher into the light when the time comes. The Scorpio mantra is I desire. Scorpio is a fixed water sign that has the capacity to heal unconscious and subconscious wounds, once we get crystal clear what we actually want and desire. Desire is necessary for alchemy. You have to want something in order to manifest or heal. Scorpio - the witch of the zodiac - it does not do surface, it goes deep and loves all the improper dinner table talk; death, sex, and the occult. Scorpio offers us the value of things we have been falsely conditioned to keep hidden. It allows us strength and authenticity when we are brave enough to dredge from the bottom of the pond. This season offers us the depth of our human experience in the duality of light and dark. No judgment, just honesty about what is. What do we desire? What do we want? What do we lust for?...


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EP 47: Bonus Witch History with Katy Hearne-Church - The Lineage of Elizabeth Woodville

Witch History with Katy Hearne-Church - The Lineage of Elizabeth Woodville In this bonus episode I am joined by Katy Hearne-Church. Katy is the co-host and creator of Queens Podcast, a fun show about women in history. I invited Katy to come tell us everything she knows about Elizabeth Woodville…and it turned into a gorgeous episode about a wonderfully witchy lineage beginning with melusina, Jacquetta of Luxembourg, Elizabethe Woodville, and Queen Elizabeth I and a returning serpent that had been painted out at some point in history. And what better season to talk about historical witches, learn more about the lineage of witchcraft from the eurocentric lens, and dive deep into ancestry…than the witchiest time of year, spooky-shadow season. Right now. October, November, and December. In the heart of the eclipse portal and as the veil thins and we cruise towards Samhain we learn more about women who laid a trail for us as empowered females who didn’t bow to the norm. Buckle your seatbelts my dear community. We’re getting witchy, historical, hysterical, and crass as Katy walks us through an education on historical women, well known and accused of witchcraft - because are you really anyone… if you haven’t been accused of occult practices? — Highlights in this episode: The story of melusinaA lineage of empowered, powerful, and witchy womenJacquetta of LuxembourgElizabeth WoodvilleQueen Elizabeth IA little Lilith Serpents and mermaidsThe original Starbucks logoA painted out serpent in a historic paintingThe thread of symbolism in serpents from goddess culture to now Connect with Katy via the Queens Podcast: Instagram: @queens_podcast Website: QueensHistoryPodcast Patreon: Podcast: Queens Podcast Apple Spotify Episodes on Queens Podcast mentioned in this episode: The Princes in the Tower - on the Queens Podcast <- I channel for Elizabeth Woodville’s son’s story Jacquetta of Luxembourg part 1 Jacquetta of Luxembourg part 2 Images mentioned in the episode: Melusine Modern Hot Pink Melusine Sculpture Painting of Elizabeth I with Serpent Connect with Tandy: Instagram:@tandy_gutierrez Facebook: @UnicornWellness Website: Appreciate this episode? Leave us a review and rating on Spotify and Apple! And don't forget to share this episode with your community!


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EP 46: Fall and Libra Season 2023 Tarot Forecast

Libra season runs September 23rd - October 23rd 2023 This episode offers our Tarot forecast for not only for these dates but for the full Fall season in the northern hemisphere/spring in the southern - These dates run September 23rd - December 21st, 2023. This is a multi-layered episode of both a micro AND macro cycle. This episode may have more weight or significance if you are a Libra native with your sun, rising or moon in this sign. 1 card for the theme of this season 1 card for what to release 1 card for what to learn 1 card for the next BIG steps for your highest and greatest good this season 1 card for the NEXT step for your highest and greatest good this season. Libra in the Tarot, in the Major Arcana - is represented by Justice - this card offers us Clarity on what is right and retribution for the wrongs of the past. It focuses on the mind, and intellect…rather than the feelings about any of it. What are the facts? What are the parts? What needs to be done to improve,be fair, integrous,or heal?It typically signals a time of NOT DOING - but rather of reaping/receiving karma…or energy and actions you’ve put out in the world prior. It’s a time of things sifting out. Balancing. It also reflects The High Priestess card in action - your knowing is finally guiding you. You know what needs to be done, now will you be grown enough to do it? In balance it signals efforts you've made in the past are finally coming to fruition either literally or energetically. Baggage is being dropped, Healing is happening. In Imbalance Life is going sideways and is out of balance or integrity. Revisit your value system. Are you acting in integrity to what you believe in. Adjust. Pivot. Make shifts towards the more adulting, wiser, or fair. Libra is a cardinal air energy - In the suites of the Tarot - air is represented by swords - intellect, acumen, thought process, our words. Swords are a call to review what are we listening to, reading, thinking, repeating, saying, and stating? What are the conscious and subconscious systems running in us…now? What needs to be adjusted, educated, or supported for constructive expansion. Libra offers us a literal beautiful balance of this 3D incarnation of fairness in our civil liberties for ALL NOT some and beauty and pleasure in our human experiences. At its very best it clarifies communication, meditates, and advocates for better understanding and as much fairness as possible in each situation. . At its worst it’s people pleasing, over talking, spiraling on non action and indecision and hiding in retail therapy or making things look pretty when under the service things are super ugly. Libra has us honoring our thoughts and values in partnership and relationship to each other and other things. While allowing us to realize things will never be perfect, we just need to think about how we show up and be present, do the best with what we have and know and drop the rest and enjoy this life. This energy could feel like the whole goddess mode and era. Feeling your body, mind, spirit, energy, and empowerment with a balance in things looking good and DOING good for self and the greater good…OR it could have us lost in earning our worthiness through co-dependent partnerships, overthinking things, stirring into toxic anxiety and never taking action. Grounding matters in Libra season and for Libra placements…BIG time. Expand your education, thoughts, and words this cycle….stretch for better understanding of re-indigenizing, dismantling internalized patriarchy, unraveling toxic methods of communication, and upleveling through glamor magick. I know. It seems disconnected and yet…multiplicity is the language of this lifetime. Love and expand yourself and you learn how to offer grace, love, and expansion for others. This episode offers us: The power of a glamor magick The magic of fair language The permission to step into your witchiest self The power of balance and harmony The...


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EP 45: Fall and Libra Season 2023 Energy Forecast

Blessed Autumnal Equinox and a well curated welcome to Libra season everywhere! Today we’ve got our deep dive into Libra energies along with my channeled offerings. Let’s see what this season wants us to hear. This is episode is an energetic overview with guidance for the next 4 months: September 23rd - December 21st 2023. You may want to revisit each month in this season. Listening multiple times is so empowering as you discover how these channeled messages actually play out in your life. It helps our energies sync and aids in your ability to synthesize and utilize these readings as coaching or mentoring, rather than just adding more noise in your life. Mark your calendars for the 12th - 15th each month. Every offering in this ecosystem aims to support you to live a life by design rather than a life by default. May you, forever, be deeply rooted and take action in personal integrity, intellect, intuition, and love. The Autumnal Equinox takes place Saturday, September 23rd in the northern hemisphere. An Equinox is one of two times a year when the sun shines directly on the equator, and the northern and southern hemispheres get the same amount of rays. Hence Equal. Light. It offers us a time of down turn in energetics and has us welcoming in restoration and contemplation. It asks for a balance of stillness in our lives. This is the official welcome of shadow season. There is magic to be had here, spells to cast, and manifestations to receive…but they’re all going to need to come from the deep inner stillness of our soul….NOT the hyper movement of our brain or culture...if we want them to actually come to fruition. This season does not play. It says you need to know your own catacombs. Intimately. If you don’t…welcome to the tour….if you do shit’s about to get wonderfully interesting. For those listening not in the northern hemisphere the seasons are different - but the energies of the astrology, zodiac, and channeled guidance - are the same. So, as always, take what resonates with you and leave the rest, there are always magic sparks here for everyone. If you’ve been listening and following along in your Unicorn grimoires since this summer one - THANK YOU - and two - you’ll know we are just moving out of #hotwitches summer. A season when normally we’ve be out to play and living it up in playful loud YOLO style, enjoying the height of growth, yet we were guided to mellow, not to cast a damn spell, to do any and all the things that bolster our frequency, our wellness, our health, and mostly our energetic magical coins…..And to stash those magical units — in our magick bank and wait….until this season…to spend/cast on something big. When are we recommended to do this, you ask? The Full Moon in Aries on September 29th. That’s when. You’ve got lead time to prep. DO NOT MISS THIS WINDOW! I love to cast under a fire moon, not to mention an Aries full moon. Fire is the element of magic, in the sign of the initiator and high manifester. You want to start a wildfire? Invoke it under an Aries new or full moon. The channeled info for Libra season and Autumn in general…. This season says, pull all the things into balance…lol you know SIMPLE….Libra afterall is the scales - balance is the name of the game. But don’t get confused on what balance actually means….we’ll get into that in the deep dive, after this channeled messaging. There is still maintenance here. If you took action on the guidance this summer your frequency has expanded and you’re in the process of receiving upgrades. In the fall it’s about how you receive and hold them. If you listened to the episode about this year 2023 (both the gregorian and astrological new year Jan and March EP’s 23 & 27 this year) I talked about how 2023 was slated to bring us more healing, abundance, joy, pleasure, love, joy, calm, and peace than we’ve ever known before….we’re still in the window of this NOW. In fact most of us are just NOW stepping into...
