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The Present-Day Saint

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

The Present-Day Saint is a podcast featuring the musings of Aaron Marshall on theology, apologetics, ministry and doing life as an evangelical Christian in the state of Utah. Aaron is the Director of Chapter Formation and HR for Ratio Christi, a Christian apologetics ministry on college campuses all across the world. Aaron and his family moved to Utah from North Carolina to start the Ratio chapter at the University of Utah. Aaron is married to Jessalyn and they have five kids.


United States


The Present-Day Saint is a podcast featuring the musings of Aaron Marshall on theology, apologetics, ministry and doing life as an evangelical Christian in the state of Utah. Aaron is the Director of Chapter Formation and HR for Ratio Christi, a Christian apologetics ministry on college campuses all across the world. Aaron and his family moved to Utah from North Carolina to start the Ratio chapter at the University of Utah. Aaron is married to Jessalyn and they have five kids.



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Summer Review - Trip to Israel and Conversations and a Plug for Summit Ministries

0073 - In this episode I talk about what I have been doing the last two months since I have recorded an episode. In June I was able to help lead a trip to Israel with my buddy David who lives there. It was amazing!! I discuss some of the things we did and the places we went. I also discuss some of the conversations that we had and why I think they are more productive than many Christians who go there to evangelize. I also talk about my daughter going to Summit Ministries two week summer camp (after she came on the Israel trip) and why we think that is such a great ministry to get your high school and college students to attend. All that in more in this episode!!! If you want to learn more about Summit go to -


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Does God Exist - Apologetics Series #8

0072 - In this episode in our "Apologetics Series" we take a look at one major argument for God's existence - the Kalam Cosmological Argument. We talk about the two premises in the argument and the evidence for them both scientifically and philosophically. We also take a look at how some atheists respond to this argument. Finally, we briefly touch on the young earth - old earth discussion and how General Revelation and Special Revelation will always match up if Christianity is true. Lots of good information in this episode. I hope you enjoy!!


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 6 - Nature of God and Jesus

0070 - In this episode of our "Loving Your LDS Neighbor" series we take a look at the Biblical and LDS view of God and Jesus. We first look at God and discuss two arguments for God's existence that help us understand God's nature. We then compare this view of God with the LDS view to show the impossibility of the LDS view of God. We then look at how Jesus is viewed by the LDS and compare and contrast that with the Biblical view of Jesus. Your view of God and your view of Jesus has eternal implications so we better make sure that our views are correct (or at least in line with what the Bible teaches).


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 7 - The Transmission of the New Testament Documents

0071 - In this episode of our "Loving Your LDS Neighbor" series we discuss the transmission of the New Testament documents. One of the claims of the LDS church is that the New Testament has not been translated correctly. That usually means that they think certain New Testament teachings were lost during the transmission of the text over all the years. In this episode we touch on some basic Textual Criticism and show how the New Testament has actually been almost perfectly accurately preserved. We show that we can trust that we have what the authors wrote in the New Testament and thus we can be confident that what the New Testament teaches is the accurate teachings of the Apostles.


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 4 - What is the Gospel?

0068 - In this episode we turn to the issue of what must a person do to enter God's family? The Biblical view is that we simply trust in Jesus (have faith) and what he has done for us in his death and resurrection. The LDS view is that we start with faith but then we have to do all kinds of things to obtain eternal life. In this episode we look at what the Bible says on this subject and how the Evangelical view differs from the LDS view on eternal life. We also talk about our identity in Christ and why that is so important. I think this is a really important episode for Evangelicals to listen to and make sure that they are believing and walking in the true Gospel.


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 5 - What about Faith and Works (and Baptism)?

0069 - In this episode of our "Loving Your LDS Neighbor" series we tackle some questions that always come up in regards to the Biblical gospel in our conversations with our LDS friends. In our last episode we presented the Biblical gospel. In those conversations with the LDS two topics will almost always emerge - baptism and faith and works. In this episode we show that the verses that seem to imply baptism is required to enter God's family (have eternal life) don't actually mean that. We also show that James and Paul are hitting at two very different points in their discussion of justification in Romans 3-4 and James 2. We show how good interpretation of these verses can reconcile apparent contradictions in the text. This is a long but important episode!!


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 3 - Tactics in our Evangelistic Conversations

0067 - In this episode we continue in our "Loving Your LDS Neighbor" series with a discussion on Tactics in your evangelistic conversations. Most Christians don't evangelize. Why not? I think it is because they try it once and it doesn't go well (or they never even try in the first place because they are scared) and so they just never try again. In this episode we will talk about the book "Tactics" by Greg Koukl and how you can apply the techniques that he discusses in his book to have productive conversations with your LDS friends (or anyone).


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 1 - Do We Believe the Same Thing?

0065 - In this episode we begin a series called "Loving Your LDS Neighbor." This series was something that I developed for my church back in the Fall. In this series we will go through some of the ways that I have learned to have better conversations with my LDS friends. If you are LDS I really hope you will listen to the series and get a better understanding of where we are coming from. In this episode we will introduce the series by talking about truth. We will discuss the fact that Christians and Mormons believe very different things about reality and thus these are two different religions. We will show that LDS and Evangelicals have a very different view of truth, God, Jesus, Scripture and the Gospel, and thus that is why we say these are two different religions. I hope that you will find this helpful.


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Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 2 - Appropriate Conversation Topics For Different People

0066 - In this episode of our "Loving Your LDS Neighbor" series we take a look at what conversations would be appropriate for someone depending on where they are in their faith journey. We walk through different stages that LDS go through on their journey to grace. At each stage we discuss what good conversation topics would be for a person in that stage. The goal is to make our conversations as fruitful as possible. The techniques discussed in this episode would also have broad application in conversations with all non-Christians. I hope you enjoy!!


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What Does God Want (Part 2) - The Gospel & Discipleship

0064 - In this episode we continue our journey through Michael Heiser's book "What Does God Want?" In this episode we review the second half of the book. We first discuss what the Gospel is and what it isn't. If what God wants is you (to have a human family), then the question becomes how we enter that family? This is done simply by believing the gospel. Once we are members of God's family then he wants us to follow Him (trust him). This is where discipleship comes in. We talk about what Discipleship is and what it isn't. We then discuss some of the main ways that we can become more like Jesus. Hope you enjoy!!!


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What Does God Want (Part 1)

0063 - In this episode we go through Michael Heiser's book "What Does God Want?" What God wants is You!!! We discuss how what God wants is a family - both a human family and a spiritual family. That is why he created us. But we blew it in the Garden and at the Tower of Babel. The Spirit Beings blew it before the Garden and in Genesis 6. We review all of this including the sons of God and the Nephilim. We also discuss how this has huge implications in the storyline of the Mormons and the state of Utah's spiritual darkness. All this and more in under an hour!!


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Why Should We Believe Anything At All?? - Apologetics Series #7

0062 - In this episode in our Apologetics series we finish up our discussion on truth. We talk about why we should believe anything at all? What are good reasons to hold the religious views that you hold? Because your parents believe it? Because your friends believe it? Because your Scriptures say it is true? We discuss why none of these are good reasons to believe something (on its own). That we need good independent reasons to believe that our worldview is true. We talk about what those good reasons are and then why we tend to not want to do the hard work in studying worldviews. All that plus Hume and Kant and more on this episode!!!


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Philippians, Nature of Jesus and Identity in Christ!!

0061 - In this episode we take a look at the book of Philippians and how it can help us look at two topics that come up in discussions with Mormons. We first take a look at Chapter 2 and the nature of Jesus. We then take a look at Chapter 3 and our identity in Christ. We talk about imputed Righteousness and why that is such an important doctrine within Biblical Christianity.


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Logic, Road Runner and Pluralism - Apologetics Series #6

0060 - In the newest episode of our Apologetics Series I start off by recapping the discussion from the last episode in the series about truth. I then get into a discussion about logic and how it can help us determine what is true. I show how many common claims made by people are logically absurd and how you can demonstrate that. Finally, we discuss how the claim of Religious pluralism - that all religions are true - cannot be true. I show how the parable of "The Five Blind Men and the Elephant" doesn't teach pluralism but that there is only one truth. I hope you enjoy!!


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Martin Luther King, Unjust Laws, Morality and Arguments for God's Existence

0059 - In this episode we take a look at Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail." In honor of MLK day last week we are taking a look at one of his most famous letters. In this letter he defends his actions in protesting "unjust laws." He roots his understanding of justice and injustice in God. I talk about how that is the only place that could properly ground objective morality. I discuss how the Mormon view of God cannot account for objective morality as it is not grounded in God's nature. We then talk about modern applications to Dr. King's letter in the area of abortion laws and activism. A lot to digest - grab a Dr. Pepper and enjoy!!!


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WELCOME BACK!!! - Update on Life and Ministry!!!

0058 - Welcome Back!! After a long hiatus I am finally back to recording the podcast again. Lots has happened since I last recorded so I spend some time in this episode updating listeners on our life and ministry. God has moved us down to Utah County, Utah and we are doing Ratio Christi at Utah Valley University. We are hoping to plant a church and start Christian Study Centers/Coffee Shops near BYU and UVU (and other places in the future). I hope you enjoy this episode!!


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What is Truth? Tests for Truth - You can't handle the truth - Apologetics Series #5

0057 - In this episode of our apologetics series we look at truth! What is truth? Everyone talks about it but what does it mean to say that something is true. We talk about theories of truth vs. tests for truth and then we discuss six truths about truth. We show how all truth is absolute - there are no relative truths! We also discuss how most Christians treat their faith as subjective and not objective. We discuss all of this and more in this episode. This is such an important episode and I try to make it as exciting as possible!!! Hope you enjoy!


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Student Debrief from Utah Mission Trip - Why they came, what they learned and why you should come!!

0056 - In this episode we interview five students that came with us on our most recent Ratio Christi Applied Apologetics Mission Trip to Utah. We talk to them about why they came and what they learned when they were out here. We also talk about why other students should come on this trip. I hope that you will listen as these students talk about the state of Christianity among their peers and why we need trips like this to challenge Christian students. If you would like to talk to me about scheduling a trip or anything having to do with the ministry please email me at -


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Why we bring students to Utah for Mission trips and why YOU should come on the next trip!!

0055 - On this episode David Halevy and I discuss our recent Mission trip out here in Utah that we helped lead. At the beginning of June we brought 29 other people out here for a week long mission trip of evangelism and discipleship. In this episode we discuss why our mission trips are different than 95% of mission trips out there and why we think it is so important for all Christians to come on a trip like this. We talk all things mission trip and the plans that we have to do one in Israel next year. Please let me know if you would be interested in bringing a group out here for a Mission Trip (or just come by yourself) -


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More Worldview Stuff - How do we figure out which one is right?? - Apologetics Series #4

0054 - In this episode we continue our Apologetics series by looking more into the true worldview. I discuss how biblical christianity and Mormonism cannot both be true. I talk about how most Christians do not have a Christian worldview. I then talk about how we determine the correct worldview ( is Christianity). All that in about thirty minutes! Let me know what you think of the podcast - email me at
