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The Soul Alignment Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to The Soul Alignment Podcast! This podcast is for you if you desire to create a soul-aligned, magical and fulfilling life for yourself. If you're ready to heal your blocks, activate your soul gifts & your purpose and step into the most powerful, aligned version of yourself - you're in the right place! Join me for my favorite practices, teachings, insights & inspiring interviews so that you can start to align with your soul and connect to your deepest essence.


United States


Welcome to The Soul Alignment Podcast! This podcast is for you if you desire to create a soul-aligned, magical and fulfilling life for yourself. If you're ready to heal your blocks, activate your soul gifts & your purpose and step into the most powerful, aligned version of yourself - you're in the right place! Join me for my favorite practices, teachings, insights & inspiring interviews so that you can start to align with your soul and connect to your deepest essence.



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39. How I went from 25€ Sessions to a 6-Figure Business in less than 2 Years

When I started my business in September 2021, I was offering Akashic Record Readings for 25€ an hour, earning a few hundred Euros a month. Since then, I've built a 6-figure business in less than 2 years, I'm running group programs with dozens of women and I'm living a beautiful and abundant life. Reflecting on my journey, I'd like to share with you what I've learnt and what I think was important to get me from where I started to where I'm now. In this episode, I share: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram: @chiaranaala If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings: *Free* 2-day Soul Awakening Immersion to start remembering your soul's essence, activate your psychic abilities and embody your unique magic: *Free* Past Life and Witch Wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: * Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb:


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38. How to Deal with (the Fear of) Judgement

3 months ago, I started sharing light language on my Instagram. Sharing this part of my work has been the most polarizing thing I've ever shared since I started this business and it was the first time people openly (and often publicly) judged, criticized and shamed me for what I do. I received my first really spiteful and hateful comments and realized how incredibly triggering those videos are for some people. But the most important thing for me was to realize that I don't care about anyone's opinion anymore. None of these comments touched me in any way or made me feel insecure about myself or my work. Had I done this 2 years ago or even less than that - these comments would have really hurt me and make me question myself. Being judged, criticized or misunderstood used to be one of my biggest fears since I can remember and it was the very reason I used to hide so many parts of myself because I was scared. I wanted to be liked by everyone and I was scared of rejection. I've come a long way and there's a lot I've learnt on this path of fully letting go of the fear of being seen & the fear of judgement. In this episode, I share: If you're ready to go deep into healing the fear of judgement and fully align with your soul purpose, activate your soul gifts and psychic abilities and release your blocks around sharing your most authentic expression with the world, apply for one of the last spots in the next round of Divine Feminine Rising (we start end of May 2024!): For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings: *Free* 2-day Soul Awakening Immersion to start remembering your soul's essence, activate your psychic abilities and embody your unique magic: *Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose: * Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb:


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37. Money, Financial Abundance & Why Investments Are Portals

In this episode, I'm sharing my journey with money and financial abundance over the last few years. I'm also diving deep into why an investment in yourself can be a portal to a completely new timeline and why I think you don't have to end up as a poor healer. I'm sharing: APPLY FOR DIVINE FEMININE RISING: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings: *Free* 2-day Soul Awakening Immersion to start remembering your soul's essence, activate your psychic abilities and embody your unique magic: *Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: * Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb:


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36. 7 Practical Things You Can Do Daily To Align With Your Soul & Highest Timeline

Living in soul alignment is a daily practice and commitment. Whether you already feel aligned or you're just starting to connect with your soul more deeply - the practices I share in this episode can really help you to move into alignment and stay aligned on a daily basis. In this episode I cover why soul alignment is a daily practice and 7 very practical things you can do and implement to become & stay aligned. Find me on Instagram: *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* 2-Day Soul Awakening immersion to start remembering your soul's essence, activate your psychic abilities and embody your unique magic: APPLY FOR DIVINE FEMININE RISING:


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35. 11 Signs You Were Born to Be A Healer

If you're feeling really drawn to healing work, you're attracted to all kinds of spiritual practices and modalities and you admire those who are embodied in their healing gifts - you might also have thought about becoming a healer yourself. In this episode, I share 11 signs that I've noticed over and over again that almost every embodied healer has in common. I've seen this again and again with my clients who turn out to be amazing healers and also looking back at my own journey. In this episode, I go deep into the 11 signs that becoming a healer might be your path and I also share my personal experiences with each of these signs to give you some context. I also go into my experiences and my journey before waking up to my soul purpose because not everyone realizes what they came here to do until they're literally pushed into the right direction... As I share in the episode, I've channelled a *free* 2-day immersion SOUL AWAKENING to support you to remember your soul's essence, activate your psychic abilities and start embodying your magic. This is for you if you know deep down you're a healer, psychic, mystic, witch or spiritual guide but you feel that you're not yet accessing your fullest potential yet. You can sign up for the replays of Day 1 and Day 2 here:


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34. How to Move Through Timeline Shifts & Stuckness with Grace

If you've been feeling stuck, you've suddenly been lacking clarity, it feels hard to make any decision at all and you feel like all of a sudden a lot of things have been coming up to be processed - you might be in between timelines. When we find ourselves on the verge of shifting into a new version of ourselves but we're not yet fully there, this is usually the most challenging period on any healing journey. Especially if you're doing a lot of energy & healing work, you're on your awakening journey and you've recently let go of a lot of old energies - you might move into the space that I like to call 'the void'. The space in between two timelines where you haven't fully let go of the old but you're also not yet fully aligned with the new. Oftentimes this can feel really challenging and uncomfortable, which is why I recorded this episode to help you move through it with more ease, grace & acceptance. In this episode, I cover: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings: *Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose: * Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb:


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33. 5 Misconceptions About Your Soul Purpose That Are Keeping You Stuck

Over the last years of supporting people to align with their soul purpose, I've discovered that there are several misconceptions about the concept of soul purpose that can keep people stuck or lead them to believe they're doing something wrong. In this episode, I cover: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala: If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings: *Free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free" to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose: * Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb:


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32. The Witch Wound, Signs You Have it & How to Heal

The witch wound is an inherited, collective trauma that many of us carry and that usually manifests as a fear of being seen, speaking up, and stepping into your full magic and power. In this episode, I cover: If you're ready to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power - click the link below to sign up for my *free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free": Also check out my other free offerings: *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose: And of course follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala for more inspiring content!


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31. Crystals - How to Work with them for A More Soul-Aligned, Magical Life with Emily Shurmer

Have you been feeling drawn to crystals but you never really knew how to actually start working with them? Or you've been using them for a while but you feel like you want to go deeper? For this episode, I invited Emily Shurmer, a crystal energy healer and mindset coach , to talk about: This episode has all the information you need to take your work with crystals to the next level! To connect with Emily: IG: To connect with Chiara: IG: @chiaranaala If you're curious about the energy work that I do, check out my free offerings: *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose:


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30. The Impact of Food & the State of your Nervous System on Channelling & Psychic Abilities

When it comes to learning how to channel & activating your psychic abilities, there are several different aspects that are important to consider. In my experience, the physical body is oftentimes not taken into consideration. A lot of people focus on their higher chakras, their energy, healing blocks, activating their psychic gifts etc. (which is all super important!) but completely ignore the state of their body and their nervous system. In this episode, I cover: For more Content around Soul Alignment, Soul Gifts & Activating your Highest Timeline, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. If you're curious about the energy work that I do, check out my free offerings: *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose:


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29. Using Astrocartography to find Your Most Soul-Aligned Places in the World with Helena Woods

Have you ever wondered what would be a good place for you in terms of living, career, love, finding community, spiritual growth or just to have a beautiful vacation? Or you've felt really drawn to certain places and never really knew why? Or maybe you went to a place together with someone and you both got a completely different energy from that place? Astrocartography might give you some really fascinating insights! When I first found astrocartography, I was so fascinated because I really felt like it was extremely accurate in describing the energy certain places hold for me based on my birth chart. It explained a lot of the experiences I have had while travelling the world in the last couple of years. This is why I'm so excited to share this episode with Astrocartographer Helena Woods. Helena is an Astrologist and Astrocartographer and she helps people find their places in the world, based on what it is that they want. She also runs courses on different topics around Astrocartography & Astrology! In this episode, we cover: To connect with Helena: IG: @mshelenawoods Website: Youtube: Astrocartography with Helena / @mshelenawoods


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28. How to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person

Being highly sensitive in a world that's not necessarily made for that can be a challenge. However, if you know how to work with your sensitive nature, it can also turn out to be such a gift. In this episode, I cover: If you'd like to listen to the podcast episode on How to clear & Protect your energy on a daily basis (which is so important if you're highly sensitive) - look for episode 16! For more, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. If you want to go deeper into energy work and aligning with your soul, try one of my free sessions: *Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving: *Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline: *Free* Divine Feminine Awakening to awaken your feminine energy & start aligning with your soul purpose:


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27. Starseeds - What They Are, Why They're Here and the Signs you Might be a Starseed

At this point in time, we have so many starseeds here on earth that are waking up to their soul mission. Every starseed came here with certain soul gifts, skills & abilities that are meant to be activated and shared in this lifetime. Whether you know you're a starseed or you've been wondering - this episode is for you! In this episode, I cover: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. If you want to experience what it's like to work with me, check out one of my free offerings: Codes of Isis: Divine Feminine Awakening: Sacred Womb Healing: And if you want to go even deeper, learn more about my signature group program Divine Feminine Rising:


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26. Grounding - Why It's so Important & My Favorite Grounding Practices *PLUS: Mini Earth Star Chakra Activation*

In my experience, grounding and feeling grounded is one of the foundations for going deeper into energy work & activating your purpose, your gifts, your psychic abilities. If you're not grounded, you will have a much harder time to receive and properly integrate certain activations, healings & higher frequencies. The more grounded you are, the more easeful your journey will be and the more easily you will be able to tap into your psychic gifts. In this episode, I discuss: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. If you want to experience what it's like to work with me, check out one of my free offerings: Codes of Isis: Divine Feminine Awakening: Sacred Womb Healing: Or check out my signature group program Divine Feminine Rising:


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25. Light Language - What it Is, What it Does, Where it Comes from *PLUS: 2 Mini-LL-Activations*

Light language is an energetic language that bypasses human limitations around the meaning of words and instead, speaks directly to the soul. It shifts the receiver's energy to a higher frequency and is commonly used for healing and activation, as well as to remove blocks, fears and limitations. In this episode, I cover: PLUS: If you want to apply for Divine Feminine Rising, click here: If you want to sign up for a *free* channelled healing & activation with Goddess Isis, click here: For more inspiring content & insights, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala


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24. 7 Things I Have Learned In 2023

For this first episode of the new year, I felt called to share 7 things that I learned from 2023. 2023 was quite a big year for me in so many different ways. I spent more than half of the year travelling and living in different countries, I launched the first ever round of Divine Feminine Rising, I learnt so much about myself and what it means for me to live in alignment with my soul. This episode includes my reflections on sisterhood, investing in myself, being seen, the importance of intuition, boundaries, perfectionism & so much more. And: my signature program DIVINE FEMININE RISING is launching again! This program is for you if you want to step into your divine feminine expression and soul purpose by healing your blocks & limitations and activating your soul gifts. We start January 15! Click the link to apply: If you'd like to get a feeling for my work, sign up for one of my *free* offerings: Divine Feminine Awakening, a 2-day immersion to awaken your divine feminine energy and start aligning with your soul purpose: Sacred womb, a womb healing experience to unlock your divine feminine essence, express your unique soul gifts & open up to abundance: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala


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23. The Akashic Records - What they Are, Questions you Can Ask & How to Access them

The Akashic Records are the metaphysical Records of your soul's journey where all the information about your soul is being stored. They hold the energetic imprint of all of your soul’s experiences, thoughts, emotions, choices and actions through all of your past lifetimes, your present incarnation, as well as future possibilities. The Akashic Records are an incredible tool to support you on your soul's journey and to receive guidance and insights. They're very close to my heart because Akashic Record Readings were the first thing I offered when I started my business! In this episode, I cover: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram: @chiaranaala To book an Akashic Record Reading with me, click here: And if you're ready to align with your soul purpose, activate your soul gifts & open up your psychic abilities, apply for Divine Feminine Rising here: If you want to get a feeling for my work, you can still sign up for the replays of my free 2-day immersion Divine Feminine Awakening:


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22. Your Soul Purpose & How to Align with It

One of the questions I get asked the most by the people who come into my field is 'How do I find my soul purpose?'. When we talk about soul purpose, what we mean by it is basically the reason why your soul came into this lifetime - the reason why you’re here. It's your divine calling, your unique energetic frequency, the truest expression of who you are. In this episode, I share: For more inspiring content around soul alignment, soul purpose and your truest expression, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. If you want to start aligning with your soul purpose, sign up for my *free* 2-day immersion 'Divine Feminine Awakening', where you will start to connect with your deepest essence and take the first steps to align with your purpose: If you're ready to fully uncover and start living your soul purpose, apply for my signature program Divine Feminine Rising: Or if you'd like to get some information around what your soul purpose actually is and what's blocking you from aligning with it, book an Akashic Record Reading with me: Contact me if the times don't work for your timezone and we'll figure something out!


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21. The Different Types of Spirit Guides & Signs Your Guides are Communicating with You

If you've ever wondered what kind of spirit guides you might have on your spirit team - this episode is for you! I cover: For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. For more info on my signature program Divine Feminine Rising, in which we will do all the necessary healing & activation work so that you can communicate with your own spirit guides, click here:


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20. Diving Deep Into the Ka - the 16 Ka Channels & their Benefits Explained

The Ka is one of the most profound and life-changing modalities I've ever worked with. The results for myself and also for the dozens of clients I've worked with to activate their Ka have been absolutely incredible. In this episode, I offer you deeper insights into what the 16 different Ka channels are all about, how they work and what shifts you can expect from each of them in your life. I also share how different everyone's journey might be and some insights into my own experience with the various levels. Note: a few months ago I recorded another episode on the Ka called 'The Ka Body & Benefits of Activating your Ka' together with Athina Bailey. If you want an overview of the Ka, the benefits of activating it and our personal experiences with the Ka - listen to episode 9 of the Soul Alignment Podcast first before diving into this one! However, you can totally listen to this deep dive on its own as well. For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala. If you want to experience the energy of the Ka yourself, sign up for my free 2-day Immersion 'Divine Feminine Awakening':
