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The Thoughts I Have Toward You

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A weekly program of encouragement for the glory of Jesus Christ.


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A weekly program of encouragement for the glory of Jesus Christ.





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The Power of Faith: Lessons from the Persecuted Church of Smyrna

Are you ready for an invigorating journey into the heart of early Christian history? Strap in as we embark on a voyage to the city of Smyrna in modern-day Turkey, a place once home to a small Christian population amidst a larger Jewish one. We unpack Jesus' letter to the Church in Revelation 2:8-11, where He acknowledges their tribulations and poverty and promises the faithful ones that they will not be hurt by the second death. As we pull back the veil, we reveal how some Jews of Smyrna conspired with Romans, a conspiracy portrayed by Jesus as the synagogue of Satan. This chapter is an eye-opener as we discuss these historical facts and their impact on the early Church, paving the way for an understanding of Jesus’ words. What does it mean to remain faithful in the face of persecution? Ponder this as we delve into the lives of Polycarp and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, two faithful Christians who stood firm in their faith despite intense persecution. Drawing inspiration from Revelation 2:10, we reflect on the significance of standing firm and counting the cost. But it doesn’t stop there. We further explore the power of prayer, the importance of repentance, and the value of active participation in our local churches. We all bear a collective responsibility - a responsibility to pray for Israel, our families, and ourselves. Join us on this inspiring journey as we uncover the richness of our faith, the power of our commitment, and the strength of standing firm against all odds. Support the Show.


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Unpacking Revelation 2: Exploring Our Roles as Believers and Impact of the Church Today

Ever wondered about the real implications of Revelation 2 in our lives as believers? Well, I promise you'll gain some deep insights in this podcast episode as we unpack the profound words of Jesus, who is omnipresent in every gathering of believers, applauds our endurance and discernment, but challenges us for straying from our first love. We tread on the path of understanding His message, referencing Matthew 18:20 and Psalms 119:105, to illuminate the cruciality of His presence in our lives and how His words are still poignant and essential for the church today. In our spiritual discourse, we urge you to rediscover the significance of our purpose as believers and the dangers of losing sight of our core focus. While appreciating the value of hard work, we emphasize that salvation comes by grace and not by works alone. As we contemplate the role of the church in today's society, we underline the church's duty to rise amid adversity for Jesus loves us. As His followers, we ought to make our faith count and seek His blessings. Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the mysteries and wonders of our faith. Support the Show.


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Divine Dialogues: The Life-Changing Power of Prayer

Join us on a transformative journey through the life of John, an unwavering disciple of Jesus, whose profound commitment to prayer, even in the face of exile, illuminated the divine power within each of us. Imagine, being alone on an island, yet so deeply connected to the divine that you can hear the voice of God. This isn't a fiction, it's John's reality - a testament to the transformative power of prayer and faith. We share personal stories that bring to life John's remarkable faith, drawing upon the poignant words of Peter, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.' We challenge you to rethink your relationship with prayer, to see it not as a last-ditch effort, but as the first line of defense. Furthermore, we implore you to remember that every moment matters, and divine love and grace are always within your reach. As we wrap up, we invite you to join us in thanking Jesus and making a commitment to seek His divine love and grace every day. Support the Show.


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Exploring Divine Encounters in Revelation and Lessons in Humility from Jesus

Are you seeking a fresh perspective on faith? On today's episode, we journey through the awe-inspiring visions of John's divine encounter in Revelation. Picture this - John praying on the Lord's Day, a voice like a trumpet, the sight of seven golden lampstands and the Son of Man. An image that has been a beacon of hope for many over the years, yet during a teaching session in Israel in 2019, a new understanding unfolded. Join us as we dissect this profound revelation. Fasten your spiritual seatbelts as we navigate through the second part of the episode, where we draw strength and inspiration from the compassionate act of Jesus washing the disciples' feet in John 13. In today's world filled with turmoil, this symbolic act of service and humility reminds us that Jesus will set things right, offering hope to those searching for something more. If you've made a decision for Christ or feel the call to lead someone to Jesus, this is a conversation you wouldn't want to miss. Tune in for an enriching exploration that is sure to inspire and challenge you in your faith journey. Support the Show.


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Unravelling the Biblical Interactions of Jesus, Menorah and Gentiles

Imagine standing amidst seven golden lamp stands, face to face with a figure you recognize as the Son of Man. That’s the vision we break down in the first part of our podcast, exploring its profound significance in the book of Revelation and extending our prayers for Jewish believers. We delve into the mystical connection between Jesus, the Menorah, and Gentiles. Our exploration underscores the teachings of Romans; Jesus came for the Jew first, and then the Greek. This connection is fascinating and has far-reaching implications you wouldn’t want to miss! In the second half of the podcast, we explore the power of prayer and the transformative decisions it can lead to, especially when it involves accepting Jesus and believing in resurrection. We share vital resources to help you navigate your journey after choosing Christ, because a decision of this magnitude alters the course of your life significantly. As your guides in this spiritual journey, we promise to make this episode impactful and enlightening, serving as a reminder of the immense significance of the choices we make in faith. Support the Show.


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The Power of Commitment in Miraculous and Treacherous Times

Are you prepared for what's to come? This bold question is the driving force behind our latest podcast episode, as we explore the miraculous and treacherous times we are living in. Drawing from the wisdom of the book of Revelation, we examine the rise of a one world currency through the advent of digital currencies. Our dialogue brings God's hand into sharp focus in the happenings around us, urging you to choose hope over fear. We delve into the urgency of spreading the gospel truth to those yet to embrace it, preparing for the return of Jesus. We push the envelope further by challenging the depth of your commitment to God's cause. Drawing inspiration from the gripping narrative of Elliot Ness and Malone from The Untouchables, we urge you to fortify your relationship with Jesus Christ. The significance of repentance isn't lost on us, as we implore you to renew your commitment to God. We provide a prayer of recommitment to aid your fresh journey with Him. Prepare to be inspired, to live with hope, and to fulfill the Lord's mission, as we navigate these turbulent times together. Support the Show.


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Invitation to Awakening: The Profound Teachings of Jesus

Do you ever wonder what messages Jesus would pen down in his letters to us today? Prepare to embark on a spiritual expedition, as we decode the profound teachings embedded in the seven letters written by John to the seven churches in Asia. This episode is no ordinary discourse, it's a peek into the divine essence of faith, with intriguing interpretations of Jesus as the one who is, who was, and who is to come, and the Holy Spirit as the seven spirits. We delve into how accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior reveals the Holy Spirit within us. Our journey doesn't stop there; we move to the thought-provoking parable of Lazarus and the rich man. This episode provokes deep reflection on our relationship with God and the significance of seeking Jesus before it's too late. We'll also guide you on how to invite Jesus into your life, underscore the importance of repentance and humility, and help you settle your eternal address. This isn't just a podcast episode, it's a spiritual awakening and an invitation to explore the depths of your faith. So, are you ready to embark on this sacred journey? Support the Show.


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Revelation's Special Blessing

Today, we promise you an enlightening exploration into the book of Revelation and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Strap in as we journey through divine revelations, interpreting the scripture literally and understanding the Book of Revelation as a beacon of hope, not fear. The example of John 3:16 is used to illustrate how a literal interpretation of the scripture provides a vivid understanding of these profound truths. This conversation is aimed to re-instill a sense of hope and assurance in the divine plan in your heart. We also focus on the urgency of sharing the gospel and the power of reading scripture out loud. Have you ever thought about the impact of an open heart guided by the Holy Spirit? We delve into how this can lead to a true understanding of scripture and deepen our walk with Christ. Not only do we discuss the importance of accepting Jesus as our Savior and the power of prayer, but also how the scripture from Romans 10:9 can provide solace. Get ready to feel inspired to share your own stories of faith and salvation. Let's embark on this journey of discovery and faith together! Support the Show.


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Revelation: Prophecy & Hope

Starting anew. Join me for the first study in the book of Revelation. Support the Show.


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God Moments

Revelation 1:17-20 Support the show (


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Grafted Believers and the Glorified Christ PT 2

Revelation 1:14-16 Support the show


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Grafted Believers and the Glorified Christ PT 1

Revelation 1: 12-13 Support the show (


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The Power Of Prayer Revelation 1:10-11

What is your prayer life like? John's was dynamic! Support the show (


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What Are You Prepared To Do?

Join us as we discover the circumstances of John's imprisonment and how his circumstances apply to us today. Support the show (


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Seven Churches, Seven Spirits, Kingship & Priesthood

Join us as we Finish the preamble to the book of Revelation Support the show (


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Revelation's Special Blessing

Did you know the book of Revelation contains a special blessing? Join me and let's learn together. Support the show (


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Revelation Prophecy and Hope

Join me as we kick off our study in the book of Revelation. I can't wait to see what God reveals to us! Support the show (


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How Do I Know the Bible is True Part 3- Prophecy, The Calling Card of God

Join me as we close out this series where we explored the trustworthiness of God's word. Today we go oner predictive prophecy and amazing statistical evidence. Support the show (


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How Do I Know the Bible is True PT 2 Why Is This So important?

Join us as we discover a few examples of the archeological finds that support the accuracy and therefore, trustworthiness of the Bible. Support the show (


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How Do I Know the Bible Is True?

Join us as we answer the question, is the Bible trustworthy? How do I Know it's true? This is the opening study in our series on eschatology. Let's see what the Lord has in store! Support the show (
