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The Verdict with Pastor John Munro Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

What’s your verdict? Join Pastor John Munro for daily Bible study where he offers clear, insightful Bible teaching that will challenge you to come to your own verdict! And don’t miss Avizandum, his weekly podcast commenting on timely issues and topics. Learn more and find more resources at


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What’s your verdict? Join Pastor John Munro for daily Bible study where he offers clear, insightful Bible teaching that will challenge you to come to your own verdict! And don’t miss Avizandum, his weekly podcast commenting on timely issues and topics. Learn more and find more resources at



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Justification Apart from Works, Pt. 1

Some people believe that by observing certain religious rituals, they can confirm their own salvation. But are rituals and ceremonies really necessary to be saved? Pastor John Munro examines what Scripture teaches about the place of these religious observances in the Christian life.


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Justification of the Wicked, Pt. 2

When asked if they are going to Heaven, many people say “I hope so” or “I’m trying my best.” But in this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro explains why being saved has nothing to do with trying hard or doing your best, and everything to do with God’s grace and His Son, Jesus Christ.


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Justification of the Wicked, Pt. 1

When you think of Heaven, you may imagine it being full of good, upstanding people. But on this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro explains that God doesn’t justify good or religious people. Instead, He saves the wicked and the ungodly! We’re unpacking this surprising yet marvelous truth as we dig deeper into the book of Romans.


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Faith Alone, Pt. 2

The Bible teaches that we’re all equal before God. And no matter who you are or what you’ve accomplished, none of us can do anything to save ourselves. There’s only one path to salvation. Pastor John Munro discusses what it means to be justified by Faith Alone.


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AVIZANDUM: Burial or Cremation

Is there anything wrong with a Christian being cremated? John deals with this very personal issue and common question raised by many families by offering biblical background and personal thoughts.


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Faith Alone, Pt. 1

Most of us are proud of what we can do or what we’ve accomplished. But when it comes to God’s way of salvation, we bring nothing to the table. Does this surprise you? Pastor John Munro continues in the book of Romans and explores what it means to be justified by Faith Alone.


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The Justice of God, Pt. 2

The Bible tells us that God is a holy God, and He will judge sin. But we read also of His mercy and compassion. This sounds like a contradiction. What are we to think? In this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro discusses how God’s justice and God’s love are perfectly demonstrated at the cross of Christ.


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The Justice of God, Pt. 1

We all have a sense of justice. The guilty should be convicted and the innocent should be protected. Pastor John Munro explains that while God is indeed a God of love and compassion, He is also a God of justice! How can we make sense of this? How are these ideas compatible? Join us as we explore the answers in the book of Romans.


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Grace Alone, Pt. 2

Many people think they can earn their way to Heaven. They give their money to a church, volunteer their time, and try their best to live good lives. But Pastor John Munro explains that the only way to Heaven is by the grace of God—through faith in Jesus Christ.


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Grace Alone, Pt. 1

The Bible makes it clear that we have all sinned against God. And no religion, ritual, or good deed can redeem us. So then, how is it possible to find peace with God? On this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro takes us to the book of Romans to learn about the important truth of justification.


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AVIZANDUM: Marriage Advice

Having a strong and lasting Christian marriage means more than a beautiful ceremony. Don't miss the podcast as John discusses important relationship considerations and the value of premarital counseling.


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A Guilty Verdict, Pt. 2

Some people might argue that people are inherently good and that it’s really our environment or our circumstances that cause our problems. But Pastor John Munro explains that the real problem goes much deeper. All of us are flawed—we’re guilty of sin. Yet, through God’s grace, there is hope!


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A Guilty Verdict, Pt. 1

When we face problems in life, our first instinct is usually to find someone or something to blame. But Pastor John Munro explains that our deepest problem has nothing to do with our family, our circumstances, or the world around us—our greatest problem is the nature of our own hearts.


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Final Arguments, Pt. 2

Some people make the choice to live however they want. They believe that the judgment of God doesn’t apply to them. They pretend they are somehow exempt from the consequences of their choices. In this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro examines the case against these claims, as presented by Paul in the book of Romans.


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Final Arguments, Pt. 1

In our study of Romans, we’ve read that without Christ, no one can escape God’s judgment. But are there really no exceptions? Is there no good person, no good deed that can earn God’s favor? Pastor John Munro addresses these questions as we explore the Final Arguments of Paul in Romans chapter 3.


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Profession But Not Possession, Pt. 2

Some Christians seem more concerned with their image than they are with their faith. But in this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro explores the difference between professing Jesus Christ with our mouths and the reality of possessing saving faith in our hearts.


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AVIZANDUM: Justice for All

Equal justice under the law is a worthy goal. But the reality can be quite different. Recently John was thinking of some of the differences in US and Scottish criminal trials, and he draws our attention to God’s requirements for us in our dealings with one another.


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Profession But Not Possession, Pt. 1

In today’s world, image is a top priority. Celebrities, influencers, and politicians go to great lengths to project a certain image and hide their flaws. On this episode of THE VERDICT, Pastor John Munro challenges us to be less concerned with externals and what other people think, and to focus instead on the condition of our hearts.


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Principles of Divine Judgment, Pt. 2

Scripture teaches that all of us are guilty of sin. And regardless of circumstances or intentions, not one of us can escape God’s perfect judgment. But the Bible also explains that God has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. In this episode, Pastor John Munro discusses how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the divine solution to the problem of sin.


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Principles of Divine Judgment, Pt. 1

Everyone is supposed to be equal under the law. But the reality is that human justice is often less than perfect. In this episode of The Verdict, Pastor John Munro helps us look beyond this fallen world, and reflect on the perfect and impartial justice of God.
