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Her Journey Towards Change Life Coaching

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to my podcast, Her Journey Towards Change. This is a faith-based life coaching podcast for women who, like me, are on a journey to live the best life possible...and then something happens. Something un-foreseen and everything changes. Life feels foreign. You feel stuck. It's difficult to move forward. And reaching out can be hard. Right? Believe me, I know. If this is you, this podcast is for you. I don't claim to have all the answers, but I do know who does. God wants more for you. You were created to live your best life. So, I hope you go on this journey with me to a more positive perspective and take those hard steps together through Her Journey Towards Change.


United States


Welcome to my podcast, Her Journey Towards Change. This is a faith-based life coaching podcast for women who, like me, are on a journey to live the best life possible...and then something happens. Something un-foreseen and everything changes. Life feels foreign. You feel stuck. It's difficult to move forward. And reaching out can be hard. Right? Believe me, I know. If this is you, this podcast is for you. I don't claim to have all the answers, but I do know who does. God wants more for you. You were created to live your best life. So, I hope you go on this journey with me to a more positive perspective and take those hard steps together through Her Journey Towards Change.





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5 Ways To Cope With a Narcissist's Cold Shoulder/Episode 95

In today's episode, we're delving into an important topic: coping with the cold shoulder behavior from a narcissist. This behavior is not acceptable and in this episode, we will explore five practical strategies to help you when you are up against this challenging behavior. Although, many of us have been given or given the so called "cold shoulder," this form is different in that the intent is more to punish and become controlling rather than from feelings of insecurity or being vulnerable. Understanding this behavior will help but it doesn't excuse the harmful impact it has on relationships. Listen in to hear more about how to deal with this in a more effective way. Feel free to follow for more content through Facebook and Instagram. My website is always a great place to reach out if you want to talk. Can't wait to get acquainted. www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com www.Instagram.com/LauraConrad.LifeCoach 865-281-1281


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If you're like me, you might sometimes allow emotions to control your decisions for various reasons. It's important to recognize that emotions are a natural and essential part of life. While they can sometimes lead to biased or irrational decisions, they can also provide valuable insights and motivation. Developing healthy emotions and learning to balance them with rational thinking can help make more informed and balanced decisions. But...letting emotions control your decisions can sometimes lead to impulsive or irrational choices. In today's episode, I share seven reason why you should not allow emotions to control your decisions. Please listen in to the seven reasons that resonate with me the most. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Laur... Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/herjo... Email: laura@lauraconradchristianlifecoach.com Phone: 865-281-1281


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WHEN WORDS HURT: What God Wants Me to Know/ Episode 93

We are all human and we make mistakes. We hurt people and people hurt us. I recently was hurt by another's words, and I want to share what God is saying to me. What He wants me to know when words hurt. Please listen in and be looking for the transcript and audio on my blog/website. www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com www.lauraconradlifecoach.com https://www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange Psalm:139:14 Copyright: HerJourneyTowardsChange Laura Conard Life Coach


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In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending cycle of seeking validation from others. We often find ourselves constantly worrying about what people think of us, our actions, and our choices. But, living your life according to other people’s opinions can be detrimental to your well-being and personal growth. It’s time to break free from this mindset and embrace your authenticity. Here are a few compelling reasons why you shouldn’t worry about what others think. Authenticity breeds happiness: When you focus on living your life based on what makes you genuinely happy, you are more likely to find fulfillment and contentment. Embracing your true self allows you to engage in activities, pursue goals, and surround yourself with people who align with your values and passions. By staying true to who you are, you create an environment that nourishes your soul and promotes genuine happiness. Opinions are subjective: Opinions are just that—subjective viewpoints shaped by personal experiences, biases, and beliefs. People’s opinions can often be inconsistent, contradictory, or influenced by societal pressures. Relying on the ever-changing opinions of others as a compass for your life can lead to confusion and a lack of clarity. Instead, trust God and trust your own judgment and intuition to guide you towards a path that resonates with your authentic self. You can’t please everyone: No matter what you do or how hard you try; you will never be able to please everyone. People have diverse perspectives, preferences, and expectations. It’s important to remember that you are not responsible for meeting everyone’s approval. By trying to please everyone, you risk losing your own identity and sacrificing your own happiness. Focus on surrounding yourself with individuals who appreciate and accept you for who you truly are. Self-growth and self-discovery: When you stop worrying about what others think, you open yourself up to a world of self-growth and self-discovery. You have the freedom to explore your own interests, take risks, and learn from your experiences. Without the fear of judgment or criticism, you can fully embrace opportunities for personal development and unlock your true potential. Inspire others through authenticity: By embracing your authenticity and living your truth, you become an inspiration to others. When people see someone unapologetically being themselves, it encourages them to do the same. By breaking free from societal expectations and norms, you empower others to embrace their unique qualities and pursue their dreams. Your authenticity becomes a ripple effect, creating a more accepting and inclusive world. Worrying about what others think can be a significant obstacle to living a fulfilling and authentic life. Embrace your uniqueness, trust your instincts, and let go of the need for external validation. Remember, you are the author of your own story, and your journey should be guided by your own happiness and personal growth. By focusing on your true self and fostering genuine connections with like-minded individuals, you’ll create a life that reflects your values and aspirations. So, go out there and shine your light, unencumbered by the opinions of others. And, when you place your trust in God and rely on His guidance, you tap into a source of wisdom and clarity beyond human understanding. By seeking His will through prayer and meditation, you can find comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your journey. God’s Word provides timeless principles and teachings that can help navigate life’s challenges and provide direction for your choices. Relying on God’s guidance can bring a sense of peace and assurance, freeing you from the burden of seeking validation from others. Relying on God and His Word allows you to align your life with a greater purpose. Recognizing that you are uniquely created by a loving God, you can embrace your identity as a child of God and live in accordance with His...


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The hatred or the love for good vs. bad is what either divides us or unties us. The hatred or love for God is what either divides us or untite us. I've heard it said that there's a fine line between love and hate and I'm seeing this more and more, in the world we live. In today's episode, I want to talk about how COMPASSION, the comapssion Jesus showed and the comapssion we can show to others, can make a difference in the world we live in. I share five ways that Jesus shared compassion to others without judgement, even while he was dying on the cross. Compassion can help us see beyonfd our own needs and desires and to focus on what truly matters in life. So, whether we believe in God or not, the act of showing compassion and helping others can bring a sense of connection, purpose, and fulfillment that can enrich our lives and the lives of others. The world is hurting. The world is missing some key ingredients of love, compassion, kindess and understanding. May we come together to help fill this void. Thank you for listening in and come back for the next episode. In the meantime... Trust Your Journey. Trust the Change and Trust God to see You through. https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com 1-865-281-1281


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Spring is just around the corner and daylight savings time is only three days away. In this episode, I share 10 ways to make postive life changes during DST plus 10 Steps in How to Set New Goals. It's packed full of creative ideas on taking adavantage of losing that hour and how to SPRING FORWARD with positve change. I'd love to hear your ideas so please share them with me at: laura@lauraconradchristianlifecoach.com 865-281-1281 and follow by blog on my website under BLOG POSTS at: https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com Daylight Savings Time and Springing Forward can be an opportunity to make those positve changes. Thanks for tuning in. Please come back for another episode. Until then, Trust Your Journey. Trust the Change and Trust God To See You Through.


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Breaking Free from Being Stuck: What the Bible Says and Helpful Tips

A Biblical Journey to Making Positive Changes in Life Today's episode is #89 is for those who feel like you're just going through the motions, like you're stuck in a rut and can't seem to find your way out? Maybe you're feeling unfulfilled in your job or in your personal relationships. Maybe you're not living the life you imagined for yourself. Whatever the reason, if you're feeling stuck, it's time to take action and make changes in your life and to do so with guidance of the Bible. In this episode, you will hear biblical suggestions and helpful tips on ways to get unstuck in life and start moving forward with positive change as well as, three things to stop doing to make that positive change. The show notes will be available soon over on my website at https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com Feel free to reach out if you are looking to get unstuck. I'd love to get acquainted. Until next episode, Trust Your Journey, Trust the Change, and Trust God will see you through. 865-281-1281 laura@LauraConradChristianLifeCoach.com https://www.instagram.com/lauraconrad.lifecoach


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Getting "unstuck" in a negative or limiting mindset can be frustrating. I know. I've been there. It's not a pretty place to be. It can hinder our progress in whatever we are trying to accomplish. But, it's important to remember that we have the power to change our thoughts and perspective. We have a choice. To read the full transcript, go over to my website at https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com You will be able to read the 5 Ways to Shift a Negative Mindset, 5 Bible Verses and 5 Books that will be helpful in making that shift. You can reach me at 1-865-281-1281 or laura@lauraconradchristianlifecoach.com for more information or a free call to discuss whatever is on your heart.


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If you could count happiness in dollar bills, how rich do you think you would be this very moment? This is obviuosly a hypothetical question but the fact remains, there is a hypothetical answer for each of us. And I'm sure we could all say, it depends on the day. I get that. No one day will be the same. For every day we live, we will have different circumstances, different obstacles, and a different perspective. So how is it even possible to to measure our happiness? How can we know the wealth of our happiness? First, I think we have to know what happiness really is. What does it mean to be happy? What does it look or feel like? How do we know we are happy? And if we're not, how do we obtain happiness? and second, what does God say about it? Does He even promise us happiness? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, happiness is the feeling of being pleased or happy. The definition of "feeling" is a fact of feeling something physical. Pleased means happy or satisfied. So, it is basically a physical feeling of satisfaction. Nothing more. Nothing less. Happiness is a feeling expressed outwardly. And it comes and goes, depending on our circumstances. We can be influenced to be happy or unhappy depending on factors surrounding us. If we are around someone who is laughing, we can also start laughing. Picture yourself in a crowd, at football game or an event. If your team is winning, you...along with the crowd, can be happy. If your team is losing, you and the crowd around you can be unhappy. Happiness and unhappiness and be contagious. It can be imitated and expressed outwardly. And I believe happiness is a choice. It's a choice because it can be dictated by oiur emotions of the moment we are in. Not only is it a choice, but it can be material based. We are always searching for that next thing to bring us happiness.That new car. A bigger house. A better job. We choose what makes us happy and sometimes, it's never enough. So we continue looking for that person, place or thing to make us happy. Sadly, it's not found in material things because there will always be something better. We will always want to upgrade. And, finding happiness in someone else is not the answer because we are imperfect people. We have flaws and sooner or later, that happiness will be lost when that person let's you down. Don't get me wrong. Happiness is a good thing. It's one of the many emotions God has created us to feel. I can't imagine not having a sense of happiness and feeling a smile across my face. Happiness is a good feeling. But that's my point. It's a feeling. So, what do we do when we realize momey, people, places and things can't buy happiness? We look inward. Where do we find true meaning of happiness? Something deeper? Something reliable no matter what our life circumstances may be. That would be this thing called joy. According to the very same dictionary, joy is defined as great happiness. I respectfully disagree. I believe the two are completely different. Happiness and joy are not dependant on one another. Happiness doesn't bring joy nor does joy come from happiness. Miriam Webster defines joy as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or by good fortune, or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. Author and minister, Rick Warren, says this about joy: " Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright and the determined choice to praise God in every situation." I can definitely relate to Rick Warren's idea of joy. For me, my spiritual joy can not be lost and can not be taken. It is deep within me that no one else can take or remove unless I allow it. And allowing that to happen is a choice. There's a video that went viral and it's posted on YouTube that I absolutely love. You might have seen it. It's a preschool class singing during their church program. They are singing to the song by Zack Williams called -Old Church...


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It's Monday and I want to share some motivation about the "what if's" we have when we doubt and how it can mess with our mindset and keep us from moving forward with all the things we want to accomplish. It's so easy to go through life asking ourselves...What if it's too hard? What if I can't do it? What if I'm not good enough? What if I get rejected? What if they don't understand? What if I start and stop again, or quit on that goal, What if I fail? This type of anxious thinking is negative. It takes away our freedom from what could be possible. These are the silent lies we subconsciously think and allow to control us. And as common as it is, it doesn't have to be this way. There is a better way. The next time you doubt. The next time you find yourself asking "what if"?...think this instead.,, WHEN GOD. When God sees my need. When God hears my heart. When God knows my struggle. When God shows the way. When God gives me clarity. When God heals my heart. When God knows what's best. When God answers my prayer. Let go of the "what if" I fail mindset and think WHEN GOD...because He only wants what's best for us. He won't let us down. He knows our past. He know our present. And He knows our future. And He will answer, someway someday and make the "what if's" disappear. There is nothing He can't do. No struggle too hard. No circumstance impossible. So if you find yourself asking WHAT IF?...Don't go there. Remind yourself, WHEN GOD! Philippians 4:6-7 Luke 1: 37 Proverbs 16:3 Psalm 23:4 John 15:7 Mark 11:24 Philippians 4:13 I hope this episode has encouraged you and your mindset will shift from the What If's to When God. Faith is a powerful thing to have. It's a confidence in the grace of God that allows a positive mindset to happen. I hope you come back Friday for another encouraging episode. Laura https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com FACEBOOK; https://www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/LauraConrad.LifeCoach 865-281-1281 Laura@LauraConradChristianLifeCoach.com Feel free to reach out for a free 45-minute call. let's go the journey together.


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In today's episode #85, I share 8 tips to getting unstuck which is the part 2 of Wednesday's episode " 8 THINGS YOU MIGHT BE DOING IF YOU'RE STUCK' We all get stuck in life every now and then, but we don't have to stay stuck. We have options. God has given us tools and resources, as well as people in our lives to prevent us from getting stuck...and helping us get 'unstuck'. If you would like to read the post that goes along with this episode, go over to my website and read the blog post. https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com You can find me on all the socials of your choice, but I mostly hang out on FaceBook and Instagram. The links are below. FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LauraConrad.LifeCoach Today's encouaging scriptures are: Philippians 3:13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things Christ who strengthens me. I hope today's episode has been an encouragement. Change may be hard, but it's a fact of life and it can be a good thing. There can be beauty in change. If you are feeling "stuck" in your season of life, please reach out to a friend or famil member, And know that I'm here anytime you want to chat. laura@LauraConradChristianLifeCoach.com 865-281-1281 https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com


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In today's Episode #84, I discuss what it means to be "stuck" and I share eight things you might be doing if you're stuck. How do I know this? Because I was stuck in more ways than eight, but these are the things I was doing that made me realize I was STUCK. We all get stuck, every now and then, whether it be at work, in a relationship, making a decision or having a stuck mindset. It's normal and a normal part of life. But "stuck" is not a place we want to stay for a long time. We don't have to stay stuck. We always have options in moving forward, even if it's only one step at a time...it's still progress. 8 THINGS YOU MIGHT BE DOING IF YOU'RE STUCK 1. No matter what you do, nothing changes. 2. You can't find joy and happiness. 3. Everything seems harder than it used to be. 4. You know what your goals are but not sure what to do. 5. You're not motivated and you can't focus. 6. You do as little as possible and you procrastinate. 7. You overthink everything and it's difficult to make decisions. 8. You find yourself doing the same thing over and over and not getting any results. If you are needing a new perspective, a new way of doing things, a new strategy...and would like to start making progress in moving forward in a positive direction, you don't have to do it alone. I'd love to chat and help in any way that I can. Feel free to reach out for a FREE 45-minute phone call and see what your next step can be. Come back on Friday for a new episode on 8 Tips to Getting Unstuck. These eight ways helped me and I hope they can help you. https:www./HerJourneyTowardsChange.com 865-281-1281 Laura@LauraConradChristianLifeCoach.com INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/lauraconrad.lifecoach


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In today's episode #83, I ask you a question I find asking myself many times. Are you trusting God in your journey? I talk about the seasons of change, not only with the weather but in life, as well. And how everything we go through, good and not so good, is temporary. I share my thoughts on how we try to control "things" rather than learning to "let go" of those things that cannot be controlled. I share some of my favorite verses from my Bible reading this morning. And I share the importance of focusing on what you "can' do rather than what you can't. Maybe if we could remind ourselves that seasons are temporary,and they come and go with a purpose...then, maybe the hard seasons of our journey won't seem so hard and become more valuable. You can find the transcript to this audio on my website at: https://www.herjourneytowardschange.com/are-you-trusting-god-in-your-journey/ You can follow my posts on: Instagram: https://www.instgram.com/lauraconrad.lifecoach FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange


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4 'GO-TO' Stress Relievers

In today's episode #82, I discuss four go-to stress relievers that help me when I am in the moment of stress but not wanting the stress to control me. There are many healthy ways to deal with stress. But, when Monday comes back around and you're hit with work stress, it can be a struggle. These four stress relievers help me and I hope they will help you, as well. I'd love to hear how you deal with stress. What are some of your "go-to" stress relievers? Please share. WEBSITE: https://www.HerJourneyTowardsChange.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lauraconrad.lifecoach FREE INQUIRY CALL: 865-281-1281


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Have you ever been faced with moments when it just goes black? You know...when you're faced with circumstances or a decision and you just can't seem to make heads or tails of it? Confusion sets in and you're at a loss. The past two years have been hard for many of us. Life has been hard. My hope and prayer is that 2022 will be encouraging and full of God's blessings. Listen in to today's short episode to know what to do during those moments when you just don't know what to do. If you're stuck, lonely, needing encouragement to move forward in a positive direction, I'm here. I'd love to chat. If you want more inspiration like this, follow me on Instagram and my website. https://www.instagram.com/lauraconrad.lifecoach https://www.herjourneytowardschange.com


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28 Quiet Devotionals with the Lord with Author Becky Sims

In today's episode #80 of Tuesday's Talk, I discuss with Hope*Writer and Author, Becky Sims, her new book, Porch Chair Prayers. Becky says, "We all need a few minutes to rest, reflect, and spend time with the Lord." I truly loved my conversation with her as she shared her inspiration behind the concept and birth of her book, as well as the meaning of each devotional. Becky has a strong faith in Jesus and a love for writing encouraging letters to friends and others. In July 2020, she began a blog, porchchairprayers.com, to help other women longing to grow closer to the Lord to gain hope and meaning in their lives, while looking forward with confidence to eternity in Heaven. A new post is released each Sunday morning. Porch Chair Prayers: 28 quiet devotions with the Lord is a devotional book incorporating blog post devotions already released. It was self-published with the help of her sons who did the editing, formatting, and cover designing.This time in our world is especially difficult with social distancing separating us from family, friends, and even our churches. Fear and confusion can overpower peace and quiet time for many women. Each devotion contains a title and Bible verses, followed by a short life story, poem, or action steps. The focus then returns the reader back to the truths of God, concluding with a prayer and journal prompt. These readings can be completed in as little as 3 minutes, while allowing for further study and reflection. Becky is a wife, mother, Hope*Writer, former teacher, and author. She has been active in her church choir. She especially enjoys her quiet time with the Lord and often spends time in her porch chair in prayer. You can follow Becky's work on the following links below: 2 Contributions to this book: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Well-Daily-Devotions-Balanced/dp/B002SB8NMG and 1 Contribution to this book: https://www.amazon.com/Light-Healthy-Holidays-First-Health/dp/0830746730/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/beckysims22 WEBSITE: https://porchchairprayers.com


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How To Deal With Someone Who Really Gets On Your Nerves

Today's episode #79 is entitled, Flipping The Character Coin, as I talk with author, writer, podcaster and Army wife of 15 years, a dog mom of eight years and a girl mom of six years, Elisa Preston. She’s an avid cookie baker and eater and she'd spend every day in the sun if she could. She's written three small town novels about love and family, all found on Amazon. She lives in western New York with her family. Elisa will be giving away a free copy of her most recent book, At The Corner of Summer & Harvest, which is found on Amazon. Any likes or comments on this episode will automatically put you in the drawing. On her blog and podcast, Praise Through It, Elisa writes and speaks about seeing the praiseworthy side of our daily struggles, especially when it comes to how God sees us, how we see ourselves, and how we see our closest people. Have you ever flipped a coin? That one coin has two sides. Sometimes we don't see or share the other side of our coin. Sometimes, it's all one-sided. Elisa and I discuss her blog and podcast episode entitled, Flipping The Character Coin, and how it's all about considering that we rarely see the whole of the person and considering that there's more than what meets the eye. I also give a few character scenarios that may be on the not-so-positive side and Elisa shares her Flipping The Charcater Coin concept to help see the other side of that charcater that I hadn't seen before. We both share some of our struggles with this and Elisa summarizes how practicing this concept can bring us closer to a postive change and more importantly, closer to God. You can find Elisa Preston on all the links below: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/elisapreston PODCAST: https://www.elisapreston.com/praisethroughitpodcast FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/praisethroughit AMAZON: https://www.elisapreston.com/books WIVES OF INTEGRITY CONFERENCE: May 2021 Information available through Marriage Legacy Builders https://www.marriagelegacybuilders.com


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YOU ARE NOT YOUR STRUGGLE/Mid-Week Motivation Pt.1

Today's episode #78 is for all women, including myself, who are challenged from the lesser to the greatest degree possible with self-doubt and limiting beliefs of who you ARE and who you ARE NOT, according to your appearance, status quo, expectations of others, achievements or self-worth. Today, I want to raise awareness of those misconceptions and lies we tell ourselves. I want to challenge your limiting beliefs, your doubts, your failures and replace them with the truth; the more rational and reasonable logic. Because you are more. Way more than what you or anyone else says or thinks you are. You are more according the the God I love, know, trust and serve. Tune in to next week's Mid-Week Motivation of Who You Really Are. WEBSITE: https://www.herhjourneytowardschange.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/HerJourneyTowardsChange INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lauraconrad.lifecoach PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR WOMEN: https://www.facebok.com//groups/herjourneytowardschangesisterhood


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Tuesday's Talk with Author Anna Kettle Episode #77

In today's episode, I talk with Author Anna Kettle about her new book release, SAND BETWEEN YOUR TOES-Inspirations for a Slower, Simpler, and More Soulful Life. Anna is a Christian writer, blogger and an award-winning marketing professional. Her first book, 'Sand Between Your Toes' is out now. This beautifully presented book is an inspiring collection of daily devotionals, hope-filled prayers, and practical tips and ideas that will encourage readers to slow down, simplify and find God's peace each day amid life's many complications. Anna is a coffee lover, bookworm, travel enthusiast, music fan, keen foodie, gatherer of people, and a big believer in the healing power of words. She is married to husband Andy, and mom to their little boy, Ben. They live in the beautiful waterfront city of Liverpool, England. You can find Anna at the following links: WEBSITE: https://www.annakettle.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/annakettlewrites FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/annakettlewrites LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/annakettlewrites


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Tuesday's Talk with Writer/Blogger Rachel Rains Episode #76

Today's Tuesday's Talk guest is Writer and Blogger Rachel Rains. Rachel finds tremendous joy equipping and encouraging maturing believers to find meaning in the journey-this side of Heaven! Especially through the widely shared campaign, #theLoveChallenge. Rachel currently resides in southern Oklahoma with her amazing husband, DeWayne, and admits to frequently bragging about her true pride and joy, her adulting daughter, #StormyGirl. On this episode, Rachel and I discuss her on-going campaign #theLoveChallenge. As she explains, ' The Love Challenge is a strategy for tackling the greatest challenge ever set before us: loving one another.' She goes on to say, "If the world is our mission field as Christ followers, then the Love Challenge is our field guide; prompting us to be "so full" of God's love. But the world isn't only a mission field, but it is a battlefield littered with broken, messy circumstances and challenging, un-loveable people.So how do we navigate a fallen, imperfect world? she asks. We are to love as God does; overflowing with His tender, loving care." Rachel is giving a free download for your lockscreen wallpaper for your phone. Just click the link below. https://ameaningfuljourney.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=a3a86ab05f67b20d647321227&id=3676426ead You can find Rachel at the following links: Website: https://www.ameaningfuljourney.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ameaningfuljourney FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/AMeaningfulJourneyBlog
