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The Well & Witchy Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

If you’re looking to fearlessly rise up and be the woman you were destined to be and live your best life with both wellness and spiritual flows, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your go-to for all things magic, inspiration, and empowerment. I’ll be spilling the tea about witchcraft, spell work, spirituality, intuitive wellness, self love, and much more. I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed and you are here. If you're ready to start living your life in a more meaningful and magical way, then you don't want to miss The Well & Witchy Podcast. Support this podcast:


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If you’re looking to fearlessly rise up and be the woman you were destined to be and live your best life with both wellness and spiritual flows, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your go-to for all things magic, inspiration, and empowerment. I’ll be spilling the tea about witchcraft, spell work, spirituality, intuitive wellness, self love, and much more. I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed and you are here. If you're ready to start living your life in a more meaningful and magical way, then you don't want to miss The Well & Witchy Podcast. Support this podcast:



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Own Your Weird - FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS - August 2022

This Full Moon in Aquarius from August 11th-13th is the is an invitation to move forward, to innovate, to break out of old outdated structures and do things a new way. But at the same time slowing down, being well-thought out in our decisions, and honoring our needs. Detach from the stories and identities that are not of your highest good. We’re being pulled to accept and love ourselves unconditionally. Moon Magick Newsletter: Moon Magick...


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Sustain Your Inner Fire - NEW MOON IN LEO - JULY 2022

This new Moon in Leo from July 28-29th is the time to declare who you are both to yourself and the Universe. It’s an opportunity to decide what parts of yourself are ready for the world to see. Give yourself permission to be your most authentic self and decide what that means to you. Moon Magick Newsletter: Moon Magick Printable Journal Guide: Well & Witchy...
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An Honesty Episode - Why MLMs Suck + Burned By Beachbody

This wasn't the witchy episode you were expecting, but it's time I said my peace and laid it all to rest for GOOD. Have you or someone you love been victimized by an MLM? Well if so, you're not alone! In this Episode You'll Discover: - How I Got Roped into an MLM/Beachbody - My Journey & Story - Reasons Why Beachbody is Harmful & Why I Quit - How I've Been Relearning & Forming A Healthy Relationship With Fitness - Why Diet Culture Sucks As well as some other tea! It has been a long, bumpy journey. But it’s an important story, and it’s one people need to hear. MLMs are an exploitative, fake, deceiving, life sucking, money stealing, economy draining, evil industry and they need to be exposed. All of them. If you’ve been effected by one. I encourage you to speak out. So that it doesn’t happen to someone else. Resources/Accounts I Follow: @antimlmbossbabe @themlmbossbabe @antibeachbodycoach @coachbrittanymorgon @antimlmnicole --- Support this podcast:


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Aura Photography & Color Magic with Jane Grote

The witch is in! I’m starting pride month and the season 2 of The Well & Witchy Podcast with all the rainbows, auras, good energy and magic. In this episode I’m joined by Nashville’s very own aura reader + photographer Jane Grote of Tertiary Sight. Give her a warm witchy welcome! Working at the junction of mysticism & technology to make the metaphysical tangible, @tertiarysight is Nashville's aura photography studio. Tertiary Sight is an experience that invites people to have their aura portrait taken as a tool for self-empowerment. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: - What Auras Are and How They’re Captured on Film - How Jane Reads Auras and the Impact Readings Have - Color Magic & Energy Work - Chakra Systems in Relation to Auras - Conscious + Spiritual Business & Navigating Our Current World - How we’re managing Eclipse Season and a few dreams about Cardi B. Please share, subscribe and review also if you feel called to do so. It helps get the witchy wisdoms out to those who need it! Jane's Links IG: @tertiarysight Website: --- Support this podcast:


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Shedding Shame + Sex Magick with Jere-Ann Wagner

We’re starting the new year turned on, sweetie. 😏Gorgeous gorgeous girls don’t carry sex shame in 2022. Today’s newest episode, Shedding Shame + Sex Magick, features Intuitive Sex & Soul Guide Jere-Ann Wagner(@guided_awakenings). Jere-Ann helps women shed their shame and reclaim their power, passion, pleasure and purpose. She’s a phenomenal healer, teacher, guide, and mentor. Jere-Ann is nine years sober; and after a difficult past she now heals the world through her work as a spiritual leader, mother, wife, and friend. We celebrate her in this episode, and I encourage you to do the same! 🤘🏼 BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: Please share, subscribe and review also if you feel called to do so. It helps get the witchy wisdoms out to those who need it! Jere-Ann’s Links: Instagram: @guided_awakenings Resources Link: Website: --- Support this podcast:


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Finding Your Courage with Arya Yaguareté

Today’s newest episode, Finding Your Courage, features Heart Guide Arya Yaguareté. Arya guides starseeds and lightworkers to discover their authentic selves and create lives that are in alignment with their destinies. Having gone through this journey herself, Arya walked away from a stereotypical dream life. She left her marriage, her 6-figure corporate career and moved across the country to a small mountain town. Through her firsthand experience working with the divine and her own inner...


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Intuition, Embodiment and Magnetism with Hilay Farooq

Today’s newest episode, Intuition, Embodiment and Magnetism, features Feminine Magnetism Expert Hilay Farooq. Hilay helps high-achieving women sync with their intuitive body, gain clarity on their personal truth and finally receive the love & life of their dreams. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: Please share, subscribe and review also if you feel called to do so. It helps get the witchy wisdoms out to those who need it! Hilay's Links: Instagram: Community:...


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The Impact of Energy with Erika Julia

Britt and Erika talk about all things energy, mindfulness, taking up space, and more. Erika combines design with shamanic and intuitive energy clearing practices, to create transformative and nourishing space for the soul. Recently she traveled to Costa Rica for a month long course on the shamanic path and a few months later returned to support a plant medicine retreat. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: Since this podcast was recorded, Erika shifted her business focus...


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Sound Magic & Summoning the Unknown with Jake Blackwood

Today’s episode features wizard, artist, and writer Jake Blackwood. Britt and Jake discuss Jake’s latest project titled “Halogen Transmission” by Ghostpowder. Ghostpowder is an international collective of experimental mages and ambient occultists. It was formed by Jake Blackwood and Ryan Madej on the edge of the digital horizon. This first project is a ritual that allows access to a world beyond. There are some sounds that have power. The ability to influence the sphere of reality that we occupy. From the earliest prehistoric people to the most modern Abrahamic sects, it has been understood that sounds have power. Some are forbidden. It is accepted that certain sounds have the ability to influence the sphere of reality that we occupy. It’s claimed that some sounds have the ability to heal or to draw in massive crowds while others are forbidden to use. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: Jake’s Links: Twitter: @JBlackwoodSays When you explore this, please let Jake know what encounters you have or what you’ve summoned. Let him know the effect you’ve produced so that he may catalog and truly understand what it is he’s discovered. You can contact him at the phone number below. (313) 312-4636 Thank you for tuning in to the Well & Witchy Podcast. --- Support this podcast:


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Intuitive Tarot, Reiki, and Healing with Carly Morrison

Today’s episode features Intuitive Tarot Reader, Reiki Grandmaster and Healer Carly Morrison. Carly has read tarot intuitively since the age of thirteen. She has also dedicated much of her life to healing and learning the modalities to help others on their paths. She’s studied the Melchizedek Method to Level 3 as well as Serenity Vibrational healing Level 1. Carly is also a Reiki Grand Master. She offers Online Tarot Readings as well as Phone Readings, Absent Reiki, Tarot Party Bookings,...


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Astrology in Life & Biz with Emily McCall

Emily is an intuitive healer and branding astrologer here to help you connect your soul’s purpose with your business so you can begin living your life in full, ecstatic alignment. She creates custom brands for mystical & spiritual entrepreneurs from start to finish that attract their dream clients to their website. She looks at your personal and businesses’ birth charts (yes, your business has one too!) and tailors a branding and messaging strategy into something that is as unique as you...


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Auras All Around & Baby Witchery

Today’s episode features Aaron Shirley. By day, Aaron Shirley is owner of Memory Lane Events and Memory Lane Market. By night, she’s a practicing baby witch! A reminder that witches are everyday people. We all have different paths, specialties and gifts. We all start at different times. And that’s okay! Aaron has recently gotten into angel card readings in the last several years. Aaron also reads auras and uses her empath spirit, crystals, and manifestation techniques to help guide her in...


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Divine Feminine Energy, Pleasure, & HERstory with Victoria Richmond

Today’s episode features Victoria Richmond. Victoria is a a Womb Healer, Pleasure & Feminine Embodiment Guide, & a Trauma, Inner Child, & Shadow Work Alchemist. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: Victoria’s Links: Instagram: @victoriawhitleyy Website: The book Britt mentioned: Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be by Heatherash Amara When you finish listening we’d love to hear your feedback! Take a screenshot of you...


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Let’s Talk Cannabis + Naturopathic Medicine with Mackenzie Clark

Cannabis is used by many in their daily lives recreationally as well as medicinally, and it’s good to know the details. Many witches use cannabis in their crafts as well. In today’s episode, Britt interviews 4th year Naturopathic Medical Student and cannabis advocate from Portland, Oregon —Mackenzie Clark. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER: When you finish listening we’d love to hear your feedback! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, share it to your Instagram stories, and tag me @bestlifewithbritt or @wellandwitchy & @medicinalmackenzie. Mackenzie’s Links: Instagram: @medicinalmackenzie TikTok: @hangrypizzakween You can join us in the Facebook Group to share your takeaways here: Or Slide in my DMS, I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaways were! Please subscribe and review if you feel called to do so. It helps get the witchy wisdoms out to those who need it! Thank you for tuning in to the Well & Witchy Podcast. ** As a reminder, Mackenzie is a 4th-year student. Please do not take the words of this podcast as medicinal advice and consult your doctor if you are experiencing concerns! [end legal jargon]. --- Support this podcast:


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Energetic Leadership with Rachael Fisher

In today’s episode Britt hosts expert guest Rachael Fisher. Rachael is an Energetic Leadership Coach. She specializes in embodiment, energetic mastery, quantum healing, & emotional + mental alchemy for leaders. Britt and Rachael deep dive into business energetics, energetic leadership, saying “fxck” the rules, and paving your own path to success. Rachael’s Links: Instagram: @iamrachaelfisher 1:1 Coaching: The Embodied Leadership Mastermind:...


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Witchy Titles, Cerridwen, and Baby Witch Tips with Rebecca Anuwen

In this episode Britt sits down with Rebecca Anuwen. Together they chat about witchy identity, Rebecca’s path, her work with the Welsh goddess Cerridwen. We also talk more about Rebecca’s work and how you can get involved! Rebecca-Anuwen is a modern-day witch, author, priestess and kinesiologist. She teaches you to trust your intuition and use your magic to create real change in your life. She is head witch at The Witch Academy; the place to take your magic and life to the next level. Rebecca also runs the ReEnchant Your Life Podcast, which I was lucky enough to be on myself! Rebecca loves to work with women who are ready to break free of limitations and societal expectations so they can express themselves fully and joyously, in a way that’s meaningful to them. Rebecca is the creator of SHEro’s Journey. SHEro’s Journey is a path dedicated to your remembering your true power and potential as you unapologetically embrace all of your perfectly, imperfect self. Rebecca has a knack (or rather two decades of experience) of showing people how they can Re-Enchant their lives as they remember and embody their own blend of magic. Rebecca's Links: Podcast: Rainn & Resin Links --- Support this podcast:


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Human Design, Energy and Self Love with Jem Welzel

Hiatus is over, and in today's episode Britt is joined by energy witch, massage therapist, and healer Jem Welzel of Love Hazel Healing. Jem is a nonbinary energy witch. They help move stuck energy in a variety of ways. Through Bodywork. Through Reiki and Energy Work. Through Deep Breathing and Movement. Through Tarot and Human Design. Jem is a catalyst. When you work with them, you will have access to new awarenesses. You will discover patterns keeping you small. You will come to a...


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Norsin' Around - Yule Is HERE

In this episode Britt and Thomas talk about Yule. What is it, how do we celebrate it, and we even talk a bit about the Great Conjunction too. This episode was recorded on the first day of Yule and the Great Conjunction. It is the start of the Norsin’ Around x Well & Witchy series, where all things Norse from celebrations, gods, goddesses, rituals, and more will be talked about in more detail. Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season and abundant New Year. See you in 2021. Thomas’s...


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New Moon Rituals, Eclipse Szn and Intention Setting

ECLIPSE SZN really do be like that sometimes. The energy is erratic and the downloads and breakthroughs are plentiful. This episode is the audio from an IG Live workshop Britt hosted on the Well & Witchy Instagram account. Britt goes into detail on her new moon rituals and how to set powerful intentions, but with a twist. Eclipse szn isn't anything to mess with, and your new moon ritual should look a little different this month. Listen in to learn all the do's and don'ts. LINKS Email: Instagram: Facebook: Well & Witchy Women Facebook Group: --- Support this podcast:


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The Magic of NLP & Mastering Your Mindset with Calvin Coyles

Award winning entrepreneur, international speaker, and best-selling author Calvin Coyles joins Britt on the podcast to talk about his first years in business, NLP, emotions and limiting beliefs. Calvin Coyles is the founder of Wild Success, which is the company Britt chose for her Life Coach and NLP certifications. Having him on this episode to lay down his wisdom and explain the magic behind NLP is an incredible opportunity. Listen in and browse the links below to learn...
