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Theology on Fire

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

We are a Spirit-filled, Bible teaching and preaching ministry that seeks to “fill the gap” in this area of the Body of Christ. Join us as we cover important topics and explore the Word of God together. We love to declare the Word of God in a way that is understandable and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


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We are a Spirit-filled, Bible teaching and preaching ministry that seeks to “fill the gap” in this area of the Body of Christ. Join us as we cover important topics and explore the Word of God together. We love to declare the Word of God in a way that is understandable and empowered by the Holy Spirit.



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Self-Control and Anger

When I say anger, what do you think of? Is it the image of a big, aggressive man? Anger isn’t always yelling at people or fighting; it is internal before it becomes external. Anger accuses people. It’s bitter and jealous. It shuts people out. Anger says damaging things that hurt the person and ourselves. Where does anger come from and how does God want to deal with it? Let's learn and grow together. Find more at


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What do we need to be content? Is it okay to settle? Should I desire anything beyond what I currently have in my possession? Biblical contentment is not laziness, neither is it setting the bar low and being satisfied with sin in our lives. True Biblical contentment is filled with desire and holy ambition. It is pregnant with faith and allows us to rest in Jesus Himself as our source of all provision, both temporal and eternal. Let your faith be built up as you listen to this Bible study recorded at First New Testament Church. Find more at


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Lament: Healing, Freedom, and Intimacy with God

Just like different categories of movies, so the Bible is filled with different genres, or types, of scripture. There is the lesson-filled history, heart-touching poetry, and harrowing prophecy. Within our Bibles is also the genre of lament, or complaint to God. Though it may sound strange, nearly half of the Psalms are laments and there is even a book called Lamentations. Amazingly, God invites us to lament to Him and in the complaint to find healing, freedom, and intimacy with the God who listens and responds to our cries for help and frustration. So go on...pour out your heart to Jesus. Find more at


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What the Cross Means to Satan

What does the cross mean to Satan? So often we think of the cross in terms of ourselves and God, but fail to realize its implications to the Enemy of our soul. See how the cross responds to Satan's awful reign as our accuser, tempter, and cruel king. You will be blessed, encouraged, and provoked as you meditate on this truth! Find more at


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Moving Beyond the Crowd

There have always been crowds of people who have drawn just close enough to Jesus to hear His words and to receive His help. Though Jesus is gracious enough to minister to these lives, it does not mean that they are His disciples or that Jesus is committed to them. Jesus demands something more from our lives; a faith that provokes action and moves us beyond the crowd, beyond the religious, and beyond our own will. Find more at


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What is Deconstruction and Who are Exvangelicals?

The terms deconstruction and exvangelicalism have come to the forefront of Christian news. Every service, you may be sitting next to someone who is beginning to deconstruct or who has been in the process for years. If the body of Christ is to flourish, we must be armed with the knowledge of what deconstruction is and isn't, so that we can combat the satanic attacks of the exvangelical movement. We all have questions, and we must all be allowed to study for ourselves to know what we believe. The real point is, do those questions lead us to Christ or away from him? Find more at


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You Were Born For This Series - Lesson 5 - "Word and Spirit"

In this fifth and final episode of “You Were Born For This” Leah talks about the Word and the Spirit! She and the ladies of FNT Bible study discuss the difference between, and the necessity for both of these very important aspects of our Christian walk. It's not enough to walk in one, without the other. Join Leah and the ladies of FNT as they take a closer look at the investment of the Godhead in our lives and the exciting possibilities that await us in serving Jesus. This is part 5 of a 5 part series taught by Leah at First New Testament Church's Ladies' Bible Study. Find more at


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You Were Born For This Series - Lesson 4 - "Striving Side by Side"

In this fourth episode of a five-part series, Leah focuses on what the Apostle Paul called "striving side by side." Not only are we “knit” in the womb but as a body of Christ, we are “knit” together. This episode is one of our favorites as we talk about the need to join together as we walk forward in our callings. Join Leah and the ladies of FNT as they take a closer look at the investment of the Godhead in our lives and the exciting possibilities that await us in serving Jesus. This is part 4 of a 5 part series taught by Leah at First New Testament Church's Ladies' Bible Study. Find more at


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You Were Born For This Series - Lesson 3 - "Steadfast Submission"

In this third episode of a five-part series, Leah talks about "steadfast submission." As followers of Jesus, we are called to be steadfast and that is a product of faith. Walking with the Lord requires a constant submission to his will and a heavenly vision that he is working all things together for good. Join Leah and the ladies of FNT as they take a closer look at the investment of the Godhead in our lives and the exciting possibilities that await us in serving Jesus. This is part 3 of a 5 part series taught by Leah at First New Testament Church's Ladies' Bible Study. Find more at


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You Were Born For This Series - Lesson 2 - "Walking Forward"

In this second episode of a five-part series, Leah talks about some essential daily patterns that will help in furthering the ministry God has planned for your life. She covers three key areas that we as Christians should give our attention to. Join Leah and the ladies of FNT as they take a closer look at the investment of the Godhead in our lives and the exciting possibilities that await us in serving Jesus. This is part 2 of a 5 part series taught by Leah at First New Testament Church's Ladies' Bible Study. Find more at


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You Were Born For This Series - Lesson 1 - "You Were Born for This"

In this first episode of a five-part series, Leah Wilkes explores how we are purposefully and thoughtfully created by God. She shares the truth of scripture that as redeemed children of God, an investment has been made in each of our lives with a clear intent and unique purpose. Leah encourages us to be confident, knowing that we are created by the Father, saved by the Son, and indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Join Leah and the ladies of FNT as they take a closer look at the investment of the Godhead in our lives and the exciting possibilities that await us in serving Jesus. This is part 1 of a 5 part series taught by Leah at First New Testament Church's Ladies' Bible Study. Find more at


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Socialism Series - What About when Socialists are Right?!

Surely, Socialists are wrong about everything, right?! Not always. How should we respond when Socialists make a good point, such as the need to care for the poor? Is there a Biblical model for this? Let's look at what God says and how we should be careful to listen and respond Biblically to arguments made for Socialism. You might just end up buying lunch for a socialist...and giving them the Gospel while you do it! This is part 3 of a 3 part series taught at my local church's young adults Sunday School. Find more at


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Socialism Series - Progressive Christians and Socialism

It can be shocking to hear that someone who claims to follow Christ also supports Socialism/Marxism. So, why do Progressive Christians support socialism and what are the basic tenets of Progressive Christianity? More than any political party, Progressive Christians may provide an even harder challenge to those who faithfully follow Jesus, due to their isolation and twisting of scripture. Find out the basics of this movement and stand firm in your faith. This is part 2 of a 3 part series taught at my local church's young adults Sunday School. For a more detailed analysis of Progressive Christianity, be sure to check out The Alisa Childers Podcast and specifically the Progressive Christianity series created by Alisa Childers and Mike Winger. Find more at


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Socialism Series - Is it Biblical?

Let's review the modern American Socialist movement through a Biblical lens. Socialism is much more than just economics and politics; it is an entire worldview whose very foundational assumptions must be scrutinized against scripture. This is part 1 of a 3 part series*, and while I certainly do not cover all possible points, it provides a basic understanding which I pray will be of value. Feel free to share with your youth group, young adults, or anyone else who may be helped by it. For a discussion on race, racism, discrimination, and intersectionality (which I did not attempt to cover in this brief teaching) please see the following video by Mike Winger and Neil Shenvi. *This is a series I taught to the Young Adults Sunday School at my local church (First New Testament Church) Find more at


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The Most Foolish Wise Man That Ever Lived

What was it that changed the wisest man on earth into a fool and how can I avoid the same tragic mistake? Let’s take a look at the life of Solomon and see how someone who was discipled by the worshipper of God, divinely gifted, and had experienced God's powerful presence himself fell into ruin and brought his household and nation with him. No matter our age, we must learn from history so that we do not repeat it ourselves. Find more at


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No More Games, This is Spiritual War

The Christian life is not a game, so quit acting like it is! When we were saved by Jesus, we were enlisted into his ranks and clothed with battle array. It’s time to quit wasting time and energy with the things of this world and let God make us into what He has called us to be, soldiers of the Cross. This earth is our battlefield, and the enemy is not physical, which makes it all the more difficult to stay awake and alert. Be stirred and prepare your heart to serve the Lord! He is coming soon, and our time to advance God’s Kingdom is short! Find more at


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Hello 2021!

Listen as we tell of God's faithfulness and how He exceeded all expectations for this ministry in 2020. You'll also hear our plans, our new schedule for 2021 and be encouraged about God's will for your life as we turn the calendar. Remember, God is glorified by fruit in the lives of His children. No matter the circumstances or trials that may await us, God is calling us to a consistent intimacy with Christ that allows the life of JESUS to flow out. Happy New Year! Find more at


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Christmas Kindling 25 - A Christmas Blessing for You

Thank you so much for joining us for “Christmas Kindling 2020!” Let us pray a blessing over you as we look towards the coming year and a bright future in Jesus. Youtube Channel Find more at


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Christmas Kindling 24 - Traditions!

Let’s talk about traditions! What are some encouraging traditions that we can implement into our yearly Christmas routine? Today, Andrew and Leah talk about some that they would like to do as a family to honor the Lord. In a season where society tries to push us further and further from Christianity, family traditions help us to focus on Who is truly important at this time. Youtube Channel Find more at


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Christmas Kindling 23 - Are Christmas Trees Bad?

Are Christmas trees pagan and did the prophet Jeremiah speak out against them thousands of years ago? Let's learn about one of the most contentious topics when discussing Christmas with other believers and why it doesn't have to divide. Youtube Channel Find more at
