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This Perfect Moment

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Join Eric Walrabenstein, aka Eric Wal, for a meditative exploration of the inner dimension of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness and the surprising ways they can help you live a happier, healthier life starting today. You'll discover how you can use ancient wisdom to elevate your moods, increase your energy, reduce stress, heal from past traumas, and much more. A best-selling author and ordained Yogacharya (Master of Yoga), over the past 30 years, Eric has helped tens of thousands of his students from around the globe live with more joy and success in every corner of their lives including helping over 5,000 U.S. service members and veterans heal from chronic stress and PTSD. Learn more at


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Join Eric Walrabenstein, aka Eric Wal, for a meditative exploration of the inner dimension of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness and the surprising ways they can help you live a happier, healthier life starting today. You'll discover how you can use ancient wisdom to elevate your moods, increase your energy, reduce stress, heal from past traumas, and much more. A best-selling author and ordained Yogacharya (Master of Yoga), over the past 30 years, Eric has helped tens of thousands of his students from around the globe live with more joy and success in every corner of their lives including helping over 5,000 U.S. service members and veterans heal from chronic stress and PTSD. Learn more at





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Unreasonable Happiness

Episode 17: There's a reason so many struggle to find deep and lasting happiness in their lives—and it's one that hardly anyone is talking about. In this episode, we'll explore the reason lasting happiness can seem so elusive and discover the secret to inviting it effortlessly into our lives.


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Perverting Scripture

Episode 16: Scripture from the world's great spiritual traditions contains powerful guidance to help lift us to the lives of freedom we were meant to live—but only if we are able to interpret its sometimes obscure and dense wisdom. In this episode, we'll be exploring how to avoid the top three mistakes that hold us back from enjoying the true power scripture has to fill our lives with joy and wonder—regardless of tradition.


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The Yoga Problem

Episode 15: With 36 million Americans practicing yoga, this ancient science of transformation is more popular today than ever before. But is what so many people practicing really yoga? And should you care? Join me for an exploration of why millions of people are practicing yoga, but are still not getting the amazing benefits they deserve.


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In Praise of Selfishness

Episode 14: It was St. Francis who said that "in giving, it is that we receive." And while there may be much truth in that, there is also a hidden danger that awaits those who give too much. Join me for an exploration of the magic of service—and just as importantly, how you can avoid the trap that leads millions into lives of exhaustion, overwhelm, and worse.


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The Power Inside You

Episode 13: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." Join me to explore Goethe's words and how we can use them to tap the great power that lives dormant within us all; a power that can literally to change the trajectory of our lives and deliver us the joy and abundance and freedom we yearn for.


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Blessings in Disguise

Episode 12: "The purpose of a spiritual friend is to insult you." In this episode we use Trungpa Rinpoche's words to explore the hidden gift that lives embedded in all of life's difficulties and how we can use a specific type of practice to create ever greater measures of inner peace and joy, despite what life brings our way.


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The Universe Inside

Episode 11: "Don't be lonely, the entire universe is inside you." These words, written by the poet and Sufi mystic Rumi, point to an overlooked truth about the nature of who we are. It's a truth that can bring great joy and freedom into our lives. Join me as we explore.


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Nothing Outside You

Episode 10: What if nothing outside of you could ever disturb you? No matter what you saw, what you heard, or how you were treated? This alluring fantasy might be closer than you think. In this episode, we'll explore the true source of the disturbing feelings we call emotions, and the simple steps we can take to live with more ease, clarity, and joy.


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The Truth of Things

Episode 9: "I see only what you see, it's just that I notice what I see." With these words from the enlightened master Ramana Maharshi, we explore how quite often, things are not as they seem, and we'll learn how, with the right effort, we can pierce through the illusion to find ever greater clarity, joy, and our most essential identity.


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You Are Not Broken

Episode 8: "Let come what comes, let go what goes, see what remains." In this episode we use Ramana Maharshi's sage advice to explore our most essential nature and consider how we may already be free, whole, and perfect without even noticing it.


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What is Lacking?

Episode 7: "What in this moment is lacking? And to answer, look, don't think." The words of my Zen Master spoken to me some 30 years ago continue to serve me and my students in profound ways. Join me in this episode and learn how they can help you reconnect with the nourishing simplicity present in each moment of your life.


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Mastering Desire

Episode 6: Desire is a powerful force in our lives, and it's one that can too often lead us down a path that damages our health, our relationships, and and even career success. In this episode, we'll be exploring how cravings and desires are able to exert such control over us, and we'll learn how ancient wisdom can help us take back control once and for all.


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Resistance is Futile

Episode 5: "You thank God for the good things that happen to you, but not for the bad. This is where you go wrong." These words were spoken by a great sage, Ramana Maharshi. In this episode, we'll be using them to investigating an invisible habit that can overwhelm our lives with unnecessary suffering, and then look at how to skillfully use the practice of surrender to enjoy more calm, more joy, more often.


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Yoga, the Bible, & Happiness

Episode 4: In this episode we'll be exploring the answers to three listener questions. You'll learn about how happiness can lead to enlightenment, how yoga relates to Biblical teachings, and how you can find peace and joy right in this moment—even if you have a full and busy life. Learn more about Eric and the life-changing benefits of yoga, meditation and the mind-body arts at


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The Path to Wholeness

Episode 3: The Taoist Master, Chuang Tzu, invited us home to wholeness with his famous words "Come with me to the palace of nowhere, where all the many things are one." In this episode, we'll explore why the fullness of being can seem so elusive, and we'll look at techniques from yoga, meditation, and other spiritual traditions you can use to relax into the experience of your truest essence.


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The Inner Solution

Episode 2: The Buddha taught that "your worst enemy cannot hurt you as much as your mind unguarded." In this episode, we'll explore how it is that your mind can work against you, and more importantly, how you can win it over to your side making it our greatest ally for creating a life of happiness, clarity, and ease.


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What About Now?

Episode 1: The great Zen Master Eihei Dogen taught "if you cannot find the truth where you are now, you will never find it." In this episode, we'll explore this teaching to understand how these century-old words can have a dramatic impact on our lives today.
