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Time Out for Something Spiritual

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Time Out for Something Spiritual *** Michael G. Reccia, trance medium responsible for the eight internationally acclaimed books in the Joseph Communications series, and Tony Clarkson, founder of the Sanctuary of Healing, a long-established major complimentary therapy and spiritual centre located at the heart of the UK, invite you to join them weekly for their lively Time Out for Something Spiritual podcast. *** Enjoy a regular break from the pressures and demands of the physical world as you tune in to Michael and Tony, who each week will share knowledge offered by an advanced soul group as they focus on, examine, explain and often redefine aspects of spiritual life you may long have sought further insights into. *** From life after death to angels; reincarnation to spirit guides…. Time Out for Something Spiritual offers an engaging, informative, no-nonsense, non-denominational approach to spirituality, demystifying the mystical and revealing who and what you really are, why you are here, the amazing things you are capable of, and the active transformational role you can choose to play not only in your own life but also in the future shaping of our world and the quality of experience of all life here. *** Be sure to catch this unique weekly podcast. *** For more input, please also check out our websites and channels: https://thejosephcommunications.co.uk https://www.worldmeditationalliance.org/ https://thesanctuaryofhealing.co.uk/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIg0zK5oHG-o1wzYynrfZA https://www.youtube.com/@step-by-stepcourseinhigher2727


United Kingdom


Time Out for Something Spiritual *** Michael G. Reccia, trance medium responsible for the eight internationally acclaimed books in the Joseph Communications series, and Tony Clarkson, founder of the Sanctuary of Healing, a long-established major complimentary therapy and spiritual centre located at the heart of the UK, invite you to join them weekly for their lively Time Out for Something Spiritual podcast. *** Enjoy a regular break from the pressures and demands of the physical world as you tune in to Michael and Tony, who each week will share knowledge offered by an advanced soul group as they focus on, examine, explain and often redefine aspects of spiritual life you may long have sought further insights into. *** From life after death to angels; reincarnation to spirit guides…. Time Out for Something Spiritual offers an engaging, informative, no-nonsense, non-denominational approach to spirituality, demystifying the mystical and revealing who and what you really are, why you are here, the amazing things you are capable of, and the active transformational role you can choose to play not only in your own life but also in the future shaping of our world and the quality of experience of all life here. *** Be sure to catch this unique weekly podcast. *** For more input, please also check out our websites and channels: https://thejosephcommunications.co.uk https://www.worldmeditationalliance.org/ https://thesanctuaryofhealing.co.uk/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIg0zK5oHG-o1wzYynrfZA https://www.youtube.com/@step-by-stepcourseinhigher2727



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Episode 45: Spiritual Vision Versus Tunnel Vision

In the quest for material gain, money and power, many of us have lost our ability to 'see' clearly. In today's episode Michael and Tony discuss our blinkered state and how much more fulfilled and happy we can become once we open our eyes to our spiritual truth.


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Episode 44: Playing God? Thoughts on Assisted Dying

*Please note that there is some mild interference in the audio quality of this episode due to a problem with the microphone. We hope you are still able to enjoy it. Today Michael and Tony discuss the topics of assisted dying and prolonging life. Michael draws on the wisdom, knowledge and advice of spirit guides and explains their perspective on this sensitive subject.


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Episode 43: A House Divided

*Please note that there is some mild interference in the audio quality of this episode due to a problem with the microphone. We hope you are still able to enjoy it. Each of us is a facet of God sent out into the universe to gain experience. But what happens if we ignore our original mission? What if we choose to banish all notions of God and the divine from our lives? What are the repercussions? In today's episode Michael and Tony talk about our divine source and how we can reconnect to it.


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Episode 42: Soul Contracts

Soul Contracts or 'Your Life's Mission' (what you are here to do) is a topic discussed by many individuals as they progress through their spiritual journey. How do you know what your soul contract is? Can you change it? How do you know if you've completed it? In this episode, Michael explains the intricacies of the Soul Contract and how we can intuit what it is by listening to our heart-mind.


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Episode 41: Distractions

In today's episode, Michael and Tony discuss distractions, or more specifically, spiritual distractions, the kind that interfere with our ability to connect with our higher-selves and the God within. Learn about what these distractions are and how they manifest and you'll be well-equipped to recognise and avoid them on your spiritual journey.


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Episode 40: Any Thoughts on God

The biggest of topics: the nature of God. Today, Michael and Tony talk about the eternal, universal energy that surrounds us. By understanding and accepting that we are facets of the divine; of the universal force of love that is God, we can gain a new appreciation of life and the wonder of creation.


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Episode 39: Spiritual Protection

How can you prevent negative energies from affecting your good vibrations? Today, Michael and Tony discuss the energetic 'soup' we exist in and explain how we can maintain our spiritual energies. Michael shares some visualisation exercises which can help you protect both your physical environment as well as your inner spiritual home.


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Episode 38: Hierarchy

In today's episode Tony, Michael and the Persian Gentleman deconstruct the hierarchy myth. Whilst there are different levels of vibrational experience in the spiritual realms, we are all spiritual beings, capable of raising and enhancing our spiritual vibrations and our connection to the divine. Whether an Angel, soul guide or human, no soul is more significant or more worthy than the next.


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Episode 37: Head Mind, Heart Mind

Today's topic is the Head Mind and the Heart Mind. Michael, Tony and The Persian Gentleman discuss how the head mind dominates for the majority of us. It is concerned with worldly affairs and seeks only to survive and protect the individual on a singular level. Conversely, the heart mind is the spiritual connection to divinity - constantly and ever-connected to higher vibrations. Learn how to access your heart mind and how to reap the benefits that embracing it brings.


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Episode 36: Quiet

In today's episode, Michael, Tony and The Persian Gentleman (Michael's spirit guide) discuss the cacophony of noise in our world. Our phones, computers, other people: there is so much static around us that we are unable to connect with the higher vibrations that can enhance our lives. Silence is bliss. Silence is restorative. Learn how to truly become 'quiet' for just 10 minutes each day, and truly enjoy a new perspective on life.


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Episode 35: The Ego - with a surprise special guest

There are so many definitions as to what the ego actually is. Today, Michael, Tony and their special guest discuss the human ego. What is it? Why do we have one? What does it mean? As a unique expression of the divine, learn why your ego matters and how it contributes to the greater good.


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Episode 34: The Illusion of Earthly Power

You only need to turn on the TV, radio, or look around you to see how many people are intent on possessing both money and power. Today, Michael and Tony discuss why living a life chasing power and wealth is a waste of your time - you cannot take it with you when you die. The only things you take into the afterlife are the experiences and the consequences of your actions of your life here on Earth.


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Episode 33: Rest in Peace? I don't think so!

In today's episode, Michael reminds us that there's no such thing as resting in peace when we die. As spiritual beings there is so much work for us to do, and Michael gives us some insight into what that work might look like for us.


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Episode 32: I'm dead! What will I see in the mirror?

Many people wonder what form they will take after death. How will we see ourselves and other souls in the afterlife? In today's episode, Michael and Tony discuss the details of exactly what we can expect to see in the mirror when we die.


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Episode 31: The Life Review

You may have come across the term 'The Life Review' in various spiritual literature. This is not a judgement from a vengeful God, but an opportunity to relive every aspect of your life: the good and the bad under the guidance of spiritual advisors. Michael and Tony delve into the Life Review process and how this event will ultimately enable further spiritual growth.


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Episode 30: The Lower Astral

A narrow bandwidth of vibrational reality: The Lower Astral is a grim, grey place where some souls who have made 'low' choices based on corruption or exploitation of others may find themselves after departing this world. This is not a place of judgement or punishment. The way out of this place is simple, all they have to do is acknowledge the actions and decisions they have taken that have restricted their spiritual growth. Michael and Tony discuss how to do the groundwork now, so that souls can be elevated to a higher vibration of spiritual energy at the point of death.


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Episode 29: What's it like to die?

Continuing our theme of life after death, Michael and Tony discuss what happens when we die and Michael provides real examples of spirit experiences as they passed over. An uplifting episode not to be missed!


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Episode 28: Darkness Be Gone: An Unplanned Podcast

Sometimes things go wrong. You might get stuck in a traffic jam, or your computer crashes and you lose your work. Perhaps you have a terrible headache or a nagging sense of anxiety. That's exactly what happened when Michael and Tony tried to record their podcasts today, and this episode was made in response.


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Episode 27: Life After Death - The Only Honest Response

In today's episode Michael and Tony begin a multi-part series on the subject of Life After Death. Michael and Tony discuss current perspectives on what happens when we die and provide an insightful commentary on what actually happens, and how they know it. To explore this concept in greater depth, read Michael's book 'Your Life After Death': Your Life After Death (thejosephcommunications.co.uk)


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Episode 26: Living a Spiritual Life Daily

Living a more spiritual life doesn't mean completely changing your way of life. By acknowledging that you are a spiritual being, angelic in nature, a few small adjustments will result in tremendous spiritual growth. Michael and Tony explain how you can achieve this in your day-to-day life.
