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Truth be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Mike Johnson (Congressman and constitutional law attorney) and Kelly Johnson (Licensed Pastoral Counselor and educator) present thoughtful analysis of hot topics and current events from a Christian perspective—and interviews with some of the most influential people in politics, law, the media, the church, and other arenas.


United States


Mike Johnson (Congressman and constitutional law attorney) and Kelly Johnson (Licensed Pastoral Counselor and educator) present thoughtful analysis of hot topics and current events from a Christian perspective—and interviews with some of the most influential people in politics, law, the media, the church, and other arenas.



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Episode 69: Who We Are and How We Should Lead (in Washington and Around the World)

As chaos ensues on Capitol Hill and in foreign affairs, and a war begins in Israel, Mike is working around the clock in Congress to help resolve the unprecedented crises that will quite literally determine the future of our nation—and the survival of freedom around the globe. At the center of it all is an open debate about who we are as conservatives and how we should lead. It made us think of a very important and timely conversation that Mike had last summer with one of the living legends of the movement, and we decided to share it again this week. Everyone will benefit greatly from the priceless advice and perspective given here by Dr. Lee Edwards, the 90 year-old former Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought at The Heritage Foundation, a leading historian of American conservatism, and the author of more than 25 books, including biographies of Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Edwin Meese III. NEXT WEEK: Mike and Kelly will share their personal insights and much more about the truly historic developments occuring as we speak. SHOW NOTES: Lee Edwards, Ph.D. (Heritage Foundation publications) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnso


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Episode 68: The Border is at a Breaking Point (and Congress is Close)

In this episode, Mike briefly addresses the latest on the looming government shutdown, and the tumultous Merrick Garland hearing, and then discusses the historic breaking point in the border catastrophe. As we are being overrun, Mike and Kelly present the answers that every Christian and freedom-loving American need to know and be able to simply explain: Why is a secure border essential? Why is it morally correct to insist upon a wall that can't be breached? What does the Bible tell us about all this? SHOW NOTES: The Border Crisis Reaches Historic Breaking Point (Fox News) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 67: The Best News for Religious Freedom in 50 Years(!) and the Latest on the Capitol Hill Intrigue

Mike begins this program with a brief summary of where things stand on the current controversies in Congress? Will we have a govenrment shutdown on September 30th? Will President Biden be impeached? He answers it all in his interview with Meet the Press. Then... did you know there's been a seismic shift in the restoration of our constitional guarantee to the free exercise of religion? From the military, to our children’s schools, houses of worship, charities, businesses and the marketplace, our local veterans’ memorials and our neighborhoods, Americans have more religious freedom than we’ve had in 50 years. Today, we discuss this new reality and what it means for prayer in schools, Ten Commandments displays, and a myriad of other issues, with attorney Hiram Sasser, the Executive General Counsel of First Liberty Institute. SHOW NOTES: Restoring Faith in America website (with free resources)) First Liberty Institute website Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 66: How to Stand for Religious Freedom & Address the "Separation of Church and State"

Recent events have inspired us to cover one of the most important–and most misunderstood–principles in American society today. What place should religion have in the free marketplace of ideas? Does the so-called “separation of church and state” prevent a public official from sharing his religious viewpoints or factoring his beliefs into his daily decisions? Do students in public schools still have any rights to religious expression? Are there simple rules of thumb that can help all of us to understand our rights, exercise them, and encourage others to do the same? In this episode, Mike explains in simple terms what the law actually says and why it’s so important. He also answers the most frequently asked questions about this subject in a thoughtful discussion with his special guest and son, Jack Johnson (a Christian student leader who is practicing these principles on his school campus). SHOW NOTES: The Louisiana Student Rights Review (free download) "Separation of Church and State" explained (Mike's FB post) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 65: Hope in Times of Disaster and What’s Next with the White House Scandals (An interview with Congressman James Comer, House Oversight Committee Chairman)

In this episode, Mike and Kelly discuss the trials and tribulations that so many are enduring right now, including the many victims of our nation’s natural disasters, and the breaking news regarding their dear friend, Majority Whip Steve Scalise. They also discuss the hope that we find in Scripture about endurance. Then, Mike discusses breaking news on the Biden investigations with another good friend and colleague, Congessman James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who is leading the charge in uncovering shocking new evidence. To end on a cheerful note, Mike and Kelly share the clip of what they refer to as their favorite radio interview of all time. You won’t want to miss today’s program. SHOW NOTES: Steve Scalise diagnosed with blood cancer ( Wildfire Update in Louisiana (KPLC-7 News) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Epsiode 64: Trump's Arrest, the Republican Candidates Debate, & the Most-Watched Video of All Time

Mike stops on the road in his district to provide his analysis and reaction to the big developments of the past two days. What does the arrest of Donald Trump mean for his near and distant future, the future of our justice system, and the country itself? Who had the best night at the first Republican Presidential Candidates Debate? Donald Trump skipped the event and the granted an interview to Tucker Carlson instead... which just broke the record for the most-watched video of all time... in less than 24 hours. There's a lot here to discuss! SHOW NOTES: Tucker Carlson interview with President Trump Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 63: Scandals Mounting in the White House & DOJ

This episode provides a summary of the complex and unprecedented developments of the last week pertaining to the Biden family scandals, the appointment of a new Special Counsel, and what appears to be the largest political scandal in American history. Also covered is new information about the FBI's targeting of "traditional Catholics" and the now disproven testimony of FBI Director Wray. The implications of all this are staggering, and as Mike summarizes here, “We are now in uncharted waters as a nation.” SHOW NOTES: Mike interview on Kudlow (Fox Business) Mike interview with Trey Gowdy (Fox News) Death toll rising from Maui wildfires (NBC News) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 62: Biden in Trouble, Trump in Court, and Young Men Rejecting the Left's Agenda

In this episode, Mike and Kelly summarize the latest developments with the unprecedented legal situations of both the 45th and 46th Presidents—and provide an important perspective on what it all means for our country. What are the American people to make of the Devon Archer deposition, and the charges listed in the third indictment of President Trump? Is it time for the House to finally proceed with an impeachment inquiry of President Biden? If so, what can the country expect? This episode also includes a very insightful interview with special guest Jack Johnson, the current Governor of Louisiana Boys State (and Mike and Kelly's firstborn son) regarding the big story in national media this week that high school boys are becoming more conservative— while girls are still trending in the opposite direction. Why is this happening, and what does it mean for the future of our country? What can parents and grandparents do to help their children and grandchildren learn to think counterculturally and develop a Biblical worldview and a love of Truth? SHOW NOTES: Mike interview before Devon Archer deposition (Fox News) New study: 12th grade boys becoming conservative while girls remain liberal (Fox News) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 61: Shocking Political Scandals & the Path Forward (A Discussion with Congressman Andy Biggs, House Judiciary & Oversight Committees)

We wish we could move on to lighter topics this week, but the truly incredible developments and mounting scandals in Washington right now demand the attention of every American. In today's episode, Mike summarizes the latest evidence that has been uncovered by the key Congressional committees, and what all of it means for the future of our beleagured country. He is joined in this important conversation by Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ), who is the immediate past chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, and a member of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees. SHOW NOTES: Weaponization Committee questions (July 20, 2023) Mornings with Maria interview (Fox Business) Cong. Andy Biggs website Missouri & Louisiana v. Biden court case resources Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 60: Fireworks on Capitol Hill: Confronting the Scandals of the Biden DOJ & FBI

In today's episode, Mike discusses the content and the fallout from Wednesday's landmark House Judiciary hearing with FBI Director Chris Wray. As the scandals stack up and a growing majority of Americans have lost faith in our nation's premier law enforcement agency, the director's testimony only made matters worse. Also included here are excerpts from several interviews following the hearing, in which Mike explains the huge implications of the lawless activity that has been uncovered. Mike begins with a brief update and overview of what is being called "the most conservative National Defense Authorization Act in our history," and why "wokeness" in the U.S. military may soon be a thing of the past. SHOW NOTES: Mike Johnson questions of FBI Director Wray (Fox News clip) Christopher Wray, the Unartful Dodger (Wall Street Journal) Mike Johnson on America Reports (Fox News) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 59: Huge Developments in the Defense of Freedom (Interview with La. Attorney General Jeff Landry)

A landmark federal court ruling issued on July 4th has sent shockwaves throughout the country and has HUGE implications for the survival of free speech in America. On today's show, Mike discusses this development with his good friend, La. Attorney General Jeff Landry, who is leading the litigation that is shaping up to be one of the most explosive and important First Amendment cases in history. As the court found, the Republican attorneys general "have produced evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content." Speaking of censorship, Mike and Kelly also discuss the implications of their friend Kirk Cameron's battle with the American Library Association and its overt effort to sabotage his pro-faith, pro-family "story hour" movement. Why is there such hostility against conservatives voices, and especially the Christian faith? Mike and Kelly present the answer. After a momentous Independence Day, today's epsiode reminds us freedom must be vigorously defended now more than ever. SHOW NOTES: Kirk Cameron under attack by public libraries (Fox News) Federal judge blocks Biden offcials from censoring conservatives Link to Judge Doughty opinion Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 58: Breaking News-Landmark Supreme Court Rulings & a New Initiative that Could Change the World

We're delighted to relay some breaking and very encouraging news on this early Friday morning! Yesterday (June 29), the Supreme Court issued two landmark opinions that will have a significant effect on American society and the survival of our constitional rights. Mike summarizes here why the decisions to strike down affirmative action programs and reinforce the liberty of religious persons in the workplace can help restore sanity and common sense in our nation. (Even more landmark Supreme Court opinions are expected later today...) ALSO, Mike presents in this episode his long-awaited announcement about the ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP (ARC)--a new, historic, international movement of top conservative thought leaders from around the globe who are uniting to develop a vision and strategy to oppose the rise of radical Leftist ideologies and big government tyranny, and defend the moral, cultural, and spiritual foundations that ensure human flourishing. You don't want to miss this important epsiode. SHOW NOTES: Alliance for Responsible Citizenship website Mike's 2 min. ARC summary video Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 57: Explosive Investigations on Capitol Hill, the One Year Anniversary of Dobbs, and the True Source of Joy

Returning after a devastating storm and following a crazy two weeks in Washington, Mike and Kelly discuss the latest breaking news on the corruption being exposed in the White House and the Department of Justice, and why these developments are so dangerous to our nation. They also reflect on where the issue of life stands in America one year after the fall of Roe v. Wade, and they share a viral clip of one of the simplest and most encouraging summaries of lasting joy that has ever been broadcast. SHOW NOTES: IRS Whistleblower's Shocking Testimony about the Bidens Special Counsel Durham testfies to Congress OU Softball champions share their faith (Fox News) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 56: Responding Biblically to "Pride Month" and the Culture Wars

As truth is now openly challenged and a deluge of huge cultural issues are hitting close to home for every American, it’s becoming more important than ever for all people of good conscience, and certainly Christians, to be able to think through the issues and respond appropriately. In this episode, Mike and Kelly discuss the impact of the explosive documentary, “What is a Woman?,” how conservatives and traditionalists are finally awakening from their slumber and fighting back, and what the Bible says about our specific approach to the culture wars. They also discuss the new initiative to recognize June as “Fidelity Month,” to help restore Americans’ belief in the importance of values like patriotism, religion, family, and community. SHOW NOTES: "What is a Woman?" documentary website "Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?" (Victor Davis Hanson) "Responding to Pride Month with Fidelity Month" (Jim Denison, Ph.D.) Fidelity Month website Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 55: Debt Ceiling Battle Update, Woke Corporations & the Embrace of Truth

In this episode, Mike provides the very latest on the debt ceiling negotiation and its consequences for everyone. He then interviews Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on the outrageous woke/LGBTQ+ agenda of Target, Anheuser-Busch, and some of America's largest corporations--and how Christians and other conscientious citizens should respond. They also discuss this week's backlash in the Louisiana Legislature, where one Republican state senator derailed a bill to protect young children from dangerous and experimental transgender surgeries. Also included here is the brief commencement address that Mike delivered at Louisiana Tech University on May 20, 2023, on the importance of embracing TRUTH. SHOW NOTES: Target CEO Scoffs at Trans Agenda Uproar (The Washington Stand) Religious Landscape of America Undergoing Massive Change (Politico) Mike's Commencement Address at La. Tech University (video) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 54: Artificial Intelligence, the Debt Ceiling & the Weaponization of Government

In this episode, Mike provides compelling updates from Capitol Hill about the biggest issues facing the country-- including the fateful debt ceiling negotiations, and viral clips of the week regarding new information on the weaponization of the FBI and other government agencies. He also provides some behind-the-scenes insights about what is potentially the biggest issue facing our future-- the rise and risks of Artificial Intelligence. The information in today's show will be shocking to most listeners. SHOW NOTES: Clip of Judiciary's Weaponization Hearing (Fox News, 5/18) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 53: Simple Guidance for Graduates (and All of Us)

In this episode, we address the latest alarming studies concerning the education, despair and confusion of America's young people--but then share some timeless, Biblical, countercultural advice on how our new high school and college graduates--and all of us--can find and remain on the RIGHT PATH. There IS hope for the future! SHOW NOTES: COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS (Mike Johnson, May 8, 2021) Student scores on History & Civics plummet (USA Today) CDC study on teen girls mental health crisis (CBS News) CDC report says 25% of teens no longer 'straight' (Daily Mail) Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 52: Addressing the Unprecedented Threats to America's Children--and National Security

In this episode, Mike and Kelly broadcast from Capitol Hill with the latest developments on the debt ceiling/federal spending cut legislation passed through the House on Wednesday, and why it matters so much. They also discuss the latest, truly alarming reports on the growing threats to America's children, and why and how every person of good faith must take a stand today to protect the innocence of our kids and reform our nation's culture. SHOW NOTES: Breitbart article on the debt ceiling legislation Post on the wild hearing at the La. Legislature (*Warning: Very graphic language) U.N. report calls for decriminalization of crimes against children Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 51: The Christian Position on Border Security & Immigration

In today's House Judiciary Committee markup of "The Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023" (H.R. 2640)--a bill Mike co-authored--the Democrat opponents of the bill claimed he and his Republican colleagues are "anti-Christian" and "immoral" for trying to fix the profound humanitarian, national security, and economic catastrophe that the Biden Administration's policies have unleashed on our country. Are the Democrats correct? We are compelled to share again here the 4th epsiode of our show (originally aired on April 5, 2022), which explains exactly why all people of faith should support strong border security--and the simple way to correct the Left’s claim that such a position is inconsistent with our Biblical mandates. The moment that Title 42 expires on May 11, 2023, America's strongest remaining tool to deter in any way the flow of illegal aliens will be gone, and the unmitigated disaster at our border will become exponentially worse. Mike and Kelly present here what every freedom-loving American urgently needs to know RIGHT NOW to thoughtfully address this topic. SHOW NOTES: The Biblical Basis for Border Security (Mike Johnson post) GOP’s bill to stiffen border security clears Judiciary Committee (Washinton Times, 4/20/23) Mr. Johnson, who represents Louisiana, pointed out that he, not Mr. Cicilline, is an evangelical Christian. And he said Leviticus’ charge is to individuals, not to the government. “You have to see to whom the order is given. That order is not given to civil authorities and the government. That order is given to individuals,” he said. “We do reach out to the sojourner, but it is not the job of the federal government to do it.” Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC © 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson


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Episode 50: A Best of Show Replay (The Crisis of Western Civilization & How to Save It—with Dr. Os Guinness)

To celebrate our landmark 50th episode, we are sharing again one of the first and best shows in our archive. In our 3rd episode, recorded on March 30, 2022, Mike sat down with the influential English author and social critic, Os Guinness, D.Phil, to discuss the unprecedented threats facing the West and the survival of ordered liberty. The fateful “civilizational moment” they described here more than a year ago is coming to full fruition right now—and it has never been more important for us to understand what's behind these extraordinary challenges and what we must do to overcome them and preserve freedom. We want to thank everyone sincerely for the overwhelming encouragement and support that you've shown for our podcast and for contiunung to help us share it, and the TRUTH, with more and more people! SHOW NOTES: Os Guinness website Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC ©2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson
