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UncommonTEEN: The Podcast for Christian Teen Girls

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Being a teen girl today is tough. Being a Christian Teen Girl today is even more challenging. Join Teen Life Coach Jamie Kirschner as she helps teen girls overcome the real life challenges they are facing, but in a way that stays true to who God created them to be!


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Being a teen girl today is tough. Being a Christian Teen Girl today is even more challenging. Join Teen Life Coach Jamie Kirschner as she helps teen girls overcome the real life challenges they are facing, but in a way that stays true to who God created them to be!



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125. Peek Inside the Mind of a Teen Guy with Zach Lloyd

Ladies, this week we are getting inside the mind of a teenage guy. Zach Lloyd is a fitness and anti-diet coach. As a teen guy, Zach was bullied quite a bit until he began to workout and get fit. He understood what it was like to be on both sides of the spectrum as a teen guy...someone who didn't fit in at all to someone who got a lot of attention. He talks to us about how teen guys try to gain the attention of teen girls. How the majority of teen guys are really insecure, even if they are fit and in shape. He also talks about how they deal with a lot of the same insecurities that we deal with and what we can do to overcome those insecurities. This is a two part episode, so be on the lookout, because next week we dig more into emotional eating (or not eating), why we do it and how we can over come. Check out Zach's website here: http://www.zachlloydcoaching.com/ The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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124. How Do I Keep Peace When Life is Hard?

I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone of you when I say that this world is crazy! And on top of that, there is a real enemy out there who wants nothing more than to steal our joy and our peace from us, to kill, and to destroy everything that we have. How do we keep our peace when life is hard. How do we walk through this life and win when we have an enemy who is out to get us? We’re all going to face challenging circumstances in life. Many of us have heard about the story of the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand. Storms came to both of their houses, but it was the wise man’s house that was still standing after the storm had passed. Storms come to everybody’s house, but it’s what we do in the midst of those storms that really make a difference. Can we actually keep peace when life is hard? The answer is, yes! We can! But how? The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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123. AMA: How Do I Share Jesus without Being Pushy?

On this week’s Ask Me Anything Episode, we are answering Chloe’s and Danika’s questions. Chloes says, “I have a friend who is not sure what to believe. I want to persuade them to turn to God but I’m not really sure how to do it without sounding like I'm forcing them. Danika says, “I have a question… I know this girl that is an atheist and she brought up a situation that made her question if the Lord is real. My question it was I sent to help her to turn to the Lord? And if so, how do I help her without pushing her?" Know that no two people are the same, every conversation is going to look different and that’s okay! With what we’re going to talk about today, hopefully, you will be ready to crush those comfort zones and step into your God-given purpose as you share the Good News of Jesus with those around you. Okay, so how do you even have a conversation with someone, especially a friend or a family member, to know if they are even open to hearing the Good News. Again, no two people are the same—no two conversations are the same. Jesus healed some, He taught others, and to some gave a Word of Knowledge. 2 Types of Witnessing (Sharing Jesus) CARE: Connect, Ask Questions, Relate, Encourage Connect with them. "Hey, how are you doing?" and stop and really listen to how they are doing! Ask quest The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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122. I'm Doubting & Questioning My Faith, What Do I Do?

Lately, I have had a lot of questions from you amazing ladies talking about your faith, and how doubts creep in or you find yourself questioning your faith and it scares you. So, let’s ask these questions, “is it a sin to question your faith? What do you do if doubts start to creep in and you ask yourself questions like, “Does God really exist?” “Is the Bible really true?” Does that mean you’re walking away from God. Does that mean that God is mad at you and that you are no longer a Christian? If this is you, let me put your fears to rest…no it is not a sin to question your faith. No it does not mean that you are walking away from God and no it doesn’t mean you are no longer a Christian. God is not mad at you, because of this, either! Did you know that questioning your faith can actually be a part of your growth journey as a Christian? Why do we have those doubts try to creep in from time to time? What do we do with questions and doubt? Podcast Episodes Mentioned in this Episode 115. Is Jesus Really the Only Way to God? Answering the question, "Why would God send someone to hell if they've never heard about Him?" 36. If God is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen? Season 1 Episode 16: Why Did God Allo The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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121. Is Being Single Bad? with Grace McCready

This week I have the honor of interviewing Grace McCready on the UncommonTEEN Podcast! Grace is no stranger to our podcast or tothis week I get the incredible honor of interviewing somebody who is no stranger to the Uncommon Team podcast. This is actually the third time that she has been on our podcast, but I get the incredible honor of interviewing Grace McCready and I am so excited about what she's going to be talking to you all about today. Now Grace has a heart for Christian teen girls, talking to you all about the real life challenges that you're walking through in her blog, Tizzy's Tidbits of Truth. She was also one of the speakers at Last Year's Uncommon Teen Live. I just love her heart for God. I love her heart for you all, and I'm excited about what she's gonna be talking to you all about today: It's Okay to Be Single! The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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120. AMA: How Do I Choose Joy and Peace When it Feels So Far Away? Part 2

We are on part 2 of answering Isy’s question. Isy said, “I’m a Christian and I love God, but I struggle with both depression and anxiety, and I feel sad and tired a lot of the time, I desperately want to keep looking to the Lord and receiving His joy and peace, but it just feels so hard to be joyful when I just feel so down and anxious. Do you have any tips on how I can keep on choosing God’s joy and peace even when it feels so far away?” Ladies, if you are feeling like Isy, I want you to know that you aren’t alone and I also want you to know that there is hope. I remember being in a place similar to this. I struggled so much with anxiety and depression…and honestly loneliness and I didn’t know how to break free. I would see these people walking around with smiles on their faces like they didn’t have a care in the world and I couldn’t understand and didn’t even know if it was possible to ever get to that place, but I did. What I’m sharing in this series are the steps to how I went from struggling with depression and anxiety to living a life of joy. Is everything perfect…no, not at all, but I know that God is on my side and that He’s fighting my battles for me…and the same is true for you! In Isaiah 41:10, God is saying to you, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Last week, we began talking about 6 things we can do to overcome anything the enemy tries to throw at us. Briefly, I’ll summarize what we talked about, but if you haven’t listened to part 1 of this series, I encourage you to go back and listen! The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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119. AMA: How Do I Choose Joy and Peace When it Feels So Far Away?

Isy says, “I’m a Christian and I love God, but I struggle with both depression and anxiety, and I feel sad and tired a lot of the time, I desperately want to keep looking to the Lord and receiving His joy and peace, but it just feels so hard to be joyful when I just feel so down and anxious. Do you have any tips on how I can keep on choosing God’s joy and peace even when it feels so far away?” First, I want to say that I hate that you’re walking through this. I truly believe that the enemy is coming after teens today more than he has ever before, but it’s because you all have inside of you the power of God to shake this world in a positive way. God wants to use you to make an impact bigger than ever before. People need what you have and if they enemy can stop you, then he wins. We aren’t going to let that happen. That’s honestly my heart behind starting the UncommonTEEN Podcast. My heart is that you are so strong in your walk with God that the enemy and this world can’t shake you. And Isy, I don’t want you to feel alone, because so many of the Christian teen girls I talk to, struggle with this same thing. But the good news is, there is hope. You can overcome! Just as Psalm 118:6 says, with God on your side, you don’t have to fear! Today, we’re going to start talking about 6 things you can do to overcome whatever the enemy is throwing at you. We’ll only get through 3 today and will do the last 3 next week. I have seen so many teens girls that I coach take these steps and I have watched how God has transformed their lives. One girl who is currently going through my coaching program right now was in a really dark place and in just a few short weeks, she is now walking around with the joy of the Lord as her strength. It is so fun to watch, and I know God can and will do the same for you! I can’t take credit for any of this, I’m just so thankful God allows me to be a part of your journey! The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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118: AMA-Is There A Way to Stand Up to Bullies that Stays True to the Bible?

Leah says, “There's a girl in my grade, we'll call her Jane. Jane is the "queen bee" of our grade. She has the nicest clothes (her parents are very rich) and she is VERY popular because she's dating a popular boy as well. She's also a bully. She'll bully kids who are very shy, and a girl has left the school because of her. Also, recently our grade voted for prefects (class leaders), and I was made a perfect. Jane was not. She was very disappointed, but now she keeps interfering with everything we are doing. We're organizing an event this coming week, and she's always involved, as well as ordering me around. I don't have a strong personality, is there any way that I can stand up to her that stays true to the scriptures?” To answer this question or really any other question that has to do with bullying, let’s first answer the question what is bullying and what is not bullying. Bullying is an act that causes harm to someone else that is intentional and repetitive. This can be physical, which includes hitting someone, pushing them, or even damaging their property. Bullying can be verbal, such as name calling, or insulting or teasing someone in a way that’s meant to hurt them. It can also be social, such as trying to manipulate someone, spread rumors about them, or excluding them on purpose. And bullying can be cyber, which is using online platforms to threaten or humiliate others. Bullying again is not a one-time act, it’s repetitive. It is not an argument between two people. It’s not a friend or someone else who is having a bad day, and they say or do something mean. Bullies tend to go after people who they perceive are weaker than they are. They feel like it gives them power. The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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117. AMA: How do we stop comparing ourselves to “pretty girls “or “popular girls?”

I used to be the queen of comparison. Every single time I would walk into a room, the first thing I would do is search out who was in the room. I was not from a family who had a lot of money. We got new clothes once a year and that was right before school started, and they weren’t from the mall. They were the cheapest clothes that we could buy. So, as you can probably tell, they weren’t the nicest clothes, or the newest trends and I hated it. I remember one time, while in middle school, staying the night at my grandma’s house on a school night. I didn’t go home before coming to her house, so I didn’t have any clothes to wear to school the next day…and there was no way that I was going to where the same clothes two days in a row, even if I did wash them. My grandma had some extra clothes laying around her house, but the only thing that would fit me was a skirt. This skirt was long and had pink flowers. At that time, long skirts were not fashionable; skirts that were down to your knees were. I had a black shirt that I wore the day before, so I went ahead and wore that again with this skirt. Only, I wasn’t going to go out of the house looking like what I had thought at the time of as an old lady. Ha-ha…so, what I did was I rolled up the waste of this skirt until it was knee length. Do you know how much of a bulge I had at my waste from the extra fabric? Oh, my goodness! I was so embarrassed. I know, I know. Please forgive me, I was in middle school at the time…what did I know? I had a problem with always comparing myself to others, but this day, I really had a problem comparing myself to everyone around me. As a result of constantly comparing myself to everyone around me, I fell into what I like to call the comparison trap, and because I got stuck in this comparison trap, eventually I compromised who I was so much that I completely lost who I was as a person. Have you have done that? Have you ever walked into a room, saw another girl or group of girls and began to compare yourself with them? I’m not talking about from a “Who does she think she is” mentality or an , “I’m better than you” mentality, but from an “I wish I The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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116. AMA: I Like A Christian Guy, but He Doesn't Like Me. What Should I do?

This week's episode, we answer another AMA question with our special guest, Pastor Chris Dubois. This week, we are answering, "I like this Christian guy, but he doesn't like me back. What should I do?" We also dig deeper into what a healthy Christian Relationship actually looks like! The enemy wants nothing more than for you to lose in life, but with God on your side, he doesn't get to win! Chris Dubois Website Chris Dubois Book The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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115. Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

In this week's episode, we're answering the questions, "Is Jesus the Only Way to Get to Heaven?" and "If someone has never heard about Jesus, so they haven't had the chance to accept or reject Him, dies, will they go to heaven?" A survey was done recently among Americans about what they believe about heaven. In this survey, these people were asked: On top of this survey, a couple years ago a pastor at a church in New York told his congregation that the belief that anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus is going to hell is insanity. He then went on to say that’s not even what Jesus believed. He then went on to say that many people take many paths to get to God. But is what this New York pastor saying true? The short answer, no. He is deceived and sadly leading many people away from God not toward God. John 14:1-6 says and this is Jesus speaking, "“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in Me (Jesus). There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” “No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me." If these are the words that came right out of Jesus’ mouth himself, how ca n this pastor claim that Jesus did not believe this as Truth. It’s a lie and deceptive. Jesus is the only way because He’s the only One who took our sins, replaced our sins with His perfect life and all we have to do is receive this free gift that He gives us! It’s that ea The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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114. What Does a Healthy Christian Relationship Looks Like? Part 1

This week, Pastor Chris Dubois is joining us on the UncommonTEEN Podcast. He is the founder and senior Pastor of the Awakening Church in Dover, NH. Along with being a husband and father of 6 kids, he is also the author of three books, including the one we are going to be talking about today called, “A Better Approach to Dating: Navigating the Modern Dating Scene with God’s Guidance. This is a 2 part episode. In this week's episode, Pastor Chris Dubois answers the question, "What does a healthy Christian Relationship Look Like?" In part 2, airing on April 8th, 2024, we are answering the question, "I like this Christian guy, but he doesn't like me. What should I do?" You aren't going to want to miss these episodes! Check out Pastor Chris Dubois book here: A Better Approach to Dating: Navigating the Modern Dating Scene with God's Guidance The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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113. AMA: If I Mess Up, Will I Lose My Salvation?

Dayla says, “I have a relationship with Jesus, but I struggle when I feel like I’m not close to Him. When I’m close with Him, I know that I would go to heaven, but sometimes I feel like when I don't feel close to Him, that I won’t go to heaven and I’m very scared about that.” In this week's episode, we're going to answer the questions: 1. What is Salvation? 2. How do we know if we are saved? 3. How do we get saved? 4. If you mess up, can you lose your salvation? 5. What does it mean to be out of fellowship with God? The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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112. It's Time to Take a Stand!

How many of you would agree that we can be our own biggest obstacle? Like, we want to do something, but yet we let fear stop us. Or, we have these great desires, yet we lack the motivation to do what we need to do in order to get them done. Or someone compliments us on something, yet we immediately start thinking of all the ways that we aren’t good enough. Joshua felt the same way when God was calling him to do big things. He felt weak. He was scared. He probably had the thought, “Who am I to do something like this? God, I know you know everything, but me? Like, don’t you know who I am?” When God was telling Joshua to step out and do what he had called him to do, but all Joshua wanted to do was run and hide. Joshua 1:1-2 says, “After the death of Moses the Lord’s servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant. He said, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them. I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you—” So, Moses had just died. The Israelites are getting ready to step into the promised land. They have some big challenges they are getting ready to face and now they need a new leader…and that new leader is Joshua. Oh, and did I mention how many Israelites that Joshua was supposed to lead? It wasn’t 50. It wasn’t 100 or even 1,000. We’re talking Joshua is being called in to lead 2-3 million people! As you can imagine, Joshua is facing some pretty big insecurities right about now. He is having to come to grips with the reality that he was no longer going to be a follower, but God was calling him out to be a leader. But God isn’t just going to leave Joshua to figure this out on his own. I love what he tells Joshua next. Joshua 1:5-9 says, “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you. 6 “Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to pos The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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111. Overcoming Anxiety with Caris Snider

One thing I love about author, speaker and life coach Caris Snider is her heart for God and her message on how to overcome anxiety with the Word of God! I guess that's really two things! This week, Caris gives us practical steps that we can take in order to not just deal with anxiety and depression, but overcome them once and for all! Ladies, there is hope! There is freedom!! Be sure to check out Caris Snider's new Devotional for Teens! This is a must-have book for everyone ages 13 through 18! Here's a little sneak peek below: From "Anxiety Elephants for Teens: a 90-Day Devotional:" Anxiety is more prevalent now in the lives of teens than ever before. As the world has become more confusing, and the pressures are on the next generation for a host of anxiety-inducing issues, teenagers may find themselves crippled under the weight of their fears. Nevertheless, Scripture has something to say about the mental health issues our teens face. Anxiety expert Caris Snider will walk readers through how to manage their symptoms and trust in God through this ninety-day devotional. Caris’s relatable prose and kind voice will ease readers through their daily struggles as they see God’s providential hand in their lives. As teens face an unprecedented world, ensure they are equipped with this guide on tackling their fears…and embracing the future God has paved for them. Anxiety Elephants for Teens: A 90-Day Devotional Available March 5, 2024! Pre-Order Your Copy Now: Amazon Barnes & Noble Christianbook End Game Press The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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110. AMA: What Does a Pure Christian Relationship Look Like?

This week’s AMA question is a compilation of several questions I have received over the past couple months. I have had questions on, what do I do if I’m dating a guy and I know it’s not right to what does a pure Christian relationship look like to when do I even know it’s time to start dating? So, I’m going to answer these questions and more! All right, so let’s start with the question, how do you know when it’s time to start dating. Well, I can give you my advice, but in the end it’s really a decision between you, your parents and God. However, I truly believe that there are times that are better than others and I truly believe that there are things we can do to keep ourselves out of trouble when the time is right. But before I even answer that question, I want to talk about dating today. The way that this world has set up dating is honestly preparing us for divorce. I mean think about it. You think a guy is cute. He thinks you’re cute. You start hanging out. You begin to date. Then, when he’s no fun anymore or he thinks you’re no fun anymore, it’s time to move to the next guy. It’s not about commitment. It’s not about what’s best for the other person. It’s not about if you’re going to marry them one day or not. Song of Solomon 8:4 tells us and this is from the Message Bible. It says, “Oh, let me warn you, sisters, don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready." The reason is because every person that you date, you are giving a piece of your heart away to and when it’s time to give your heart to the man God has for you, there’s not a lot left to give. It’s been broken. It’s been bruised. So, how do you know when the time is right? The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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109. AMA: Grace Asks, "Why Do You Believe In God? And Why Should I?"

In this week's Ask Me Anything Episode, Grace asks: "Why do you believe in God? And why should I? Why do I believe in God? When I was at the lowest of lows, God came in and rescued me. When I was completely broken, He still wanted me. When my own family didn’t want me, God said, “I want you!” When the world said there was no use for me, I was just a throwaway, God said, “I have a purpose for you.” When the world said that I wasn’t worth loving, God said, “I love you so much that I sent my Son Jesus to die for you!” When I heard that God wanted to come into my life, take my past, take my brokenness and make me brand new, I was all in. I had tried living life without God and it didn’t work. This was the hope I so desperately needed! And let me tell you, my life didn’t change overnight, but even through the hard times, I know didn’t have to walk my life alone. God was with me. Now, when I look back on my life, it still amazes me how God took that broken 17 year old and transformed her life so much that the people I grew up with no longer recognize me. I tell people my story and they are in shock that those were stories about me because God has absolutely changed my life. To learn more about my story and why I said yes to Jesus and why should you, check out this week's epidose of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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108. Make Room with Mandie Maass

Ladies, I am so excited about our special guest this week, Mandie Maass. Mandie is a Bible teacher, a speaker, a published writer, and the host of the Be the Brave Ones podcast. She is also the founder and visionary behind Brave Girls Gather, which is a ministry on a mission to see your generation live out their faith with resilience and courage. She has been championing Encouraging and mentoring teens for over a decade. And she wants girls everywhere to know that they have what it takes to live out the purpose God has for their life. In today's episode, Mandie talks about what it means to make room for Jesus. Making room for Jesus first starts with examining: Recently, I had one of you all ask the question, "What do I do if I don't have anyone to talk to?" Mandie answers that question as well in this week's episode. Check out this week's episode to learn more! The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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107. Dream Big

I heard my pastor say this years ago and it had such an impact on me that it has stuck with me ever since. He said, “Big dreams and small dreams cost you the same…your life.” Ephesians 3:16-20 tells us the same thing. It says, and this is Paul speaking, “I pray that from God’s glorious, unlimited resources that He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. When this world tells us not to get our hopes up, I want to encourage you to do the exact opposite. Get your hopes up as high as they can go. God wants to use you to do big things for His kingdom. Ladies, if you struggle with feeling like you don’t have a purpose or that you’re a mistake or that you have no idea why God created you, I want you to know that God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you on purpose, with a purpose for a purpose. You being here on this earth during this time is proof that God saw a problem that only you could solve. He created you just like you are, with all of your quirks on purpose, because there are certain people who will be drawn to you so you can make a difference in their lives for the Lord. The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com


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106. Are My Prayers Even Working?

Have you ever wondered if your prayers are working? Have you ever felt like you were just talking to yourself when you were praying…or maybe you felt like you just aren’t doing it right…like maybe God’s not listening because there’s something you’re missing? If that’s you, know that I have been there, too! When I first gave my life to Jesus at the age of 17, I felt this exact same way. When I became a Christian, nobody explained to me how to pray or how to even read the Bible. I had to figure it out on my own and it wasn’t an easy journey. Funny story, because I had heard all of these ultra-spiritual people praying, I actually thought that in order to talk to God through prayer, I had to start out by saying, “Heavenly Father” or “God” in a way that made me sound so sophisticated. Haha…I’m so glad I don’t have to act like that when I’m talking to God, I can just be myself. But even in the midst of not knowing how to pray or even how to read the Bible, I didn’t give up. One thing I have learned about God over the years is that when we reach out to God, it doesn’t matter how far away we were, He will always us right where we are, and I desperately needed Him to do that! Over the years I learned that the Bible actually has a lot to say about prayer and that God did actually want to answer my prayers. He wants to answer your prayers, too! But did you know that God can’t answer just any prayers. There’s only one type of prayer God can answer, and this is the number one reason I truly believe that we may not see God answering our prayers. The only kind of prayers that God can answer are prayers of faith based on the Word of God. Check out this week's episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast to learn more! The Beautiful Movement's Summer Box is now available for pre-sale! You have a chance to sign up before they sell out again! The Theme: “Walking with Jesus,” a box to help you go deeper with God this summer! Go to www.jointhebeautifulmovement.com, enter in code uncommonteen and get 15% off your first box! Follow on IG @the_beautiful_movement What does your summer look like? What is one thing you are doing that will change your life forever? What are you doing that will bring you great friends who love Jesus and help you grow in your walk with the Lord? If your answer is, "not a whole lot," I want to invite you to join me at this year's UncommonTEEN Live! Meet your new bestie, grow in your walk with God, all while having fun! Grab Your Tickets Here! Ladies, we have had challenges recently with the UncommonTEEN App and had to close it down. Don't worry, a new app is coming soon!! If you still want to ask your Ask Me Anything Questions or if you need prayer, head on over to UncommonTEEN.com. For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast! For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast unless you say you would like it to be used. Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live Conference: UncommonTEENlive.com
