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Unfolding Words

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Unfolding Words is a weekly Bible Study-focused podcast. You will hear biblical truth taught in context and with the text's background in mind to gain a fuller understanding--all in 30 minutes or less. This unfolding helps you to see just how beautiful the Bible is. The result: light for your Christian walk and life for your soul. The podcast name is based on Psalm 119:130: "The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple." | New episodes every Monday.


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Unfolding Words is a weekly Bible Study-focused podcast. You will hear biblical truth taught in context and with the text's background in mind to gain a fuller understanding--all in 30 minutes or less. This unfolding helps you to see just how beautiful the Bible is. The result: light for your Christian walk and life for your soul. The podcast name is based on Psalm 119:130: "The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple." | New episodes every Monday.



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Is Your Life Marked By the Presence of God?

God has already promised He would dwell among His people. His presence is the best promise and it reassures us. If we grieve the Holy Spirit and shut the door on the promise of His presence, then we miss out on His presence and the blessing He brings. How often we seek God’s hand for blessing instead of for God’s face in order to see God Himself? God is to be our main pursuit. The way into the fullness of blessing is not by seeking blessing, but by seeking God. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode115 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcastshttp://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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When Good is Bad and Bad is Good

There are so many voices telling us how to live. What’s right. What’s wrong. And much of it opposed what the Bible mandates as right or wrong. They are trying to take gender off of birth certificates. Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight! It’s the world that says that evil is good and good is evil. Sin causes moral confusion and the inability to discern good from evil. When we reject God’s standards, we exalt our personal standards, which merely reflect our sinful values. God has a standard for good and we need to take heed to it. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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Understanding Jesus as the Word of God

John opens his book proclaiming and persuading people about the truth of who Jesus is. The opening verses clearly state that Jesus is God and highlight his unique relationship with God the Father. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode114 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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You Were Made For Rest

God has built rest into our biological makeup. We have to sleep. We have to stop and rest our bodies and minds. God modeled rest for us during creation. God rested after He created the world implying that His creative work is complete and He now rules over it. He didn’t design us to strive all the time. Rest is a divine gift from God. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode113 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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Are You Offering Strange Fire to God?

On the first day of the job, newly-installed priest Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, failed to obey the proper practice God had commanded. What they did is referred to as “strange fire” on the altar. What does this mean for us today? Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode112 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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When the Tables Turned: What We Can Learn From Jesus' Cleansing of the Temple

Many times when people reference Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2, they reference Jesus’ anger. But there is so much more going on—mainly the reason behind Jesus’ anger. And the story is not just a historical account, but a call for you to want everyone to have access to Jesus. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode111 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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Facing Your Golden Calf..and Why the Old Testament Story Still Matters

It's so easy to read the story of the golden calf in the Old Testament and think the Israelites were so ridiculous for worshipping a statue. Given the culture of that time, it made perfect sense to them. Looking at the story in context and in the culture of the Ancient Near East, you'll see how easy it is to erect idols--and how ridiculous your own idols are today. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode110 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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Debunking the "I Love Jesus, But I Don't Do Church" Theology

There's a dangerous theology creeping up in Christianity where people proclaim that they love Jesus without the church. You can’t love Jesus and hate the church. According to Scripture, the church is the bride of Christ . When we talk down about the church, we are referring to Jesus’s bride. We cannot think for one moment that Jesus is okay with Christians making disparaging remarks about the bride of Christ that He gave His very life for. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode109 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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The Importance of "One Another"

It can be easy to think that your walk with God is personal. But as a Christian every thing we do affects other people. In this episode, I share five commands related to the phrase "one another" and how we can incorporate this important topic into our lives as Christian. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode108 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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107: A Thirst Trap of a Different Kind

Living water in jars of clay—that’s essentially what wells are when mentioned in the Bible. Jesus is the living water that flows out of believers who are walking wells in this earth. The stone that Jacob rolled off of the mouth of the well foreshadows the rolling away of the great stone from Jesus’ tomb. But this stone will never have to be put back over the well again. Living water flows into eternity for both Jew and Gentile.Every human soul has thirst—not a physical thirst. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode107 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords Review Unfolding Words in Podchaser to let me know what you think of the show. If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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106: Is Your God Too Safe? REPLAY

God promised the children of Israel a land flowing with milk and honey as they wandered in the wilderness for decades. And just as they were on the cusp of crossing over into it, a group rose up and asked to stay in nearby cities east of the Jordan because the land was beneficial for their flocks. Instead of moving into their Promised Land, they opted for ease and peace in the border land. What they saw was enough for them rather than the unknown goodness that God had assured. In this episode, we'll look at how opting for easy can point to the fact that you are serving a safe God you created. Mentioned on the Show: Numbers 32:5Your God Is Too Safe by Mark BuchananReach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode106 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords Review Unfolding Words in Podchaser to let me know what you think of the show. If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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105: God Has Not Forgotten You in Your Waiting

Most of us are waiting for something from God. And most of us think waiting sucks. But it’s in the wait that we learn from God and about God. This microwave society makes waiting seem unnecessary . But waiting provides lessons that we can’t get any other way, strengthens us, makes us realize God makes things happen—not us. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode105 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcastshttp://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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104: When Your Walls of Jericho Come Tumbling Down

As the people of Jericho were shut in, it describes not only a physical defense, but it also represents a resistance to the plans of God. Comfort can create a place that you don’t want to leave. A place that closes you off to the new that God wants to do. In America we live in a land of plenty, a land of comfort. If our comfortable circumstances change, our comfort level changes. Don’t depend on your walls of comfort and ease—especially when the discomfort of life kicks in. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode104 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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103: Psalms of Ascent - Unity in a Selfie Culture

The word "unity" conjures up images of a utopian world. In a perfect world, unity would reign among nations, people groups, marriages, and in relationships. Sadly, the world we live in is a broken world full of broken relationships. Since the fall, every human has lived in broken relationships with others and God. But God’s aim for us has always been unity—both with Him and with each other. So how are we to strive for unity when we are used to focusing on our selves? God provided a model for us that is both both good and pleasant for us. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode103 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the show (https://cash.app/$UnfoldingWords) Support the Show.


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102: Psalms of Ascent - When the Lord Changes Circumstances for the Better

What an exciting moment in Israel's history the return to Jerusalem after exile must have been. The Israelite nation endured seventy long years in captivity, and then in the blink of an eye, God turned things around. They could hardly believe it. It was too good to be true—except it was. God is in the restoration business and we need to believe this for our lives as well. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode102 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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101: Psalms of Ascent - How Are You To Go?

As servants of Jesus, we are all on a pilgrimage. The idea of pilgrimage paints the picture of traveling upon a path that is marked out and set before us to make an upward journey. This is not about blazing our own trails to God, but about walking in the well-worn path of faith of Jesus Christ and the saints before us. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode101 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the show (https://cash.app/$UnfoldingWords) Support the Show.


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100: How God Opens the Eyes of Your Heart

We must learn to open God’s book—the Bible. God has spoken so our aim is to try to understand what God has said. The more we study the Word, the more freely the light comes. “The unfolding of your words gives light” means that God’s Word gives light, but also that this light grows increasingly with our understanding of the Word. As you allow God’s Word into your heart through studying and meditating on it, your heart is flooded with light. This mirrors what Paul said in Ephesians 1:17-18, “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.” Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode100 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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099: When God Says Go, Don't Say No

God uses humble and simple saints for the purpose of advancing His kingdom through His appointed plans. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode99 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Support the Show.


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098: You Are God's Treasured Possession + Hiatus Announcement

God didn't just save you from sin. He saved you for Himself. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode98 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Become a Patreon supporter of the show: Patreon.com/unfoldingwords Support the Show.


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097: Right In Your Own Eyes

The book of Judges tells us everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Right is the same word for judge—to make straight. Every single person determined what “right” was. This led to anarchy. This is a dangerous, lawless time marked by moral in decline. At the beginning of the period there is no clear leader to follow Joshua, and by the end there is no leader at all. The book of Judges includes some of the worst stories of the Bible and closes with these sad words: ‘In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes’ (Judges 21:25). Listen in to see how you can live right in God's eye. Resources: BibleProject: The Book of Judges Judges: A Practical Theological Commentary by James B. Jordan Thru the Bible Judges Study Guide Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www.unfoldingwords.com/blog/episode97 or email antracia@unfoldingwords.com Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study printable: www.unfoldingwords.com/newsletter-signup Connect with me on social media: Instagram http://www.instagram.com/unfoldingwords Twitter http://www.twitter.com/unfolding_words Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/unfoldingwords If you enjoyed this episode head on over to Apple Podcastshttp://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unfolding-words/id1390433611?mt=2 and kindly leave a 5-star rating, a review and be sure to subscribe! Shop for truth on a tee at my Unfolding Words Etsy Store Pick up a copy of my latest Bible Studies: Harvest of Kindness: A Study of Ruth and Dust & Divinity: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Become a Patreon supporter of the show: Patreon.com/unfoldingwords Support the Show.
