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The Teaching Ministry of The Upper Room Christian Assembly



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Roots of Righteousness – 003

The Form of Sound Words Catechetical Preaching is an honored tradition stretching back to the Apostolic era. Paul exhorts Timothy to hold fast to the “form of sounds words” (2 Tim 1:13). Hebrews 5:12 speaks of the “first principles of the oracles of God.” The Puritan worthy, Thomas Watson, understands the value of this ministry method and expresses himself as follows: To preach, and not to catechise, is to build without a foundation. This way of catechising is not novel, it is apostolical. The primitive church had their forms of catechism: so much those phrases imply, a ‘form of sound words,’ 2 Tim. 1:13. and ‘the first principles of the oracles of God,’ Heb. 5:12.; and since the church had their catechumenoi, as Grotius and Erasmus observe, many of the ancient fathers have written for it, Fulgentius, Austin, Theodoret, Lactantius, and others. God hath given great success to it. By this laying down of grounds of religion catechistically, Christians have been clearly instructed and wondrously built up in the Christian faith; insomuch, that Julian the apostate, seeing the great success of catechising, did put down all schools and places of public literature, and instructing of youth. Watson, T. (1855). The Select Works of the Rev. Thomas Watson, Comprising His Celebrated Body of Divinity, in a Series of Lectures on the Shorter Catechism, and Various Sermons and Treatises (p. 8). Robert Carter & Brothers. This study provides a sampling of catechetical works which have served the souls of God’s Sheep over the centuries.


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Roots of Righteousness – 002

Introduction – 02 – Of Fruits and Roots Why catechize God’s sheep? Because the Word must be “sounded down” into our souls before roots can be sent down into the ground of God’s grace. Good preaching is like a rooting hormone, it stimulates the growth of roots of righteousness (Prov 12:12) which enable the Believer to be grounded and settled in the faith (Col 1:21-24). A. W. Tozer expresses this need is his classic pithy style: A tree can weather almost any storm if its root is sound, but when the fig tree which our Lord cursed “dried up from the roots” it immediately “withered away” (Mark 11:20–21). A church that is soundly rooted cannot be destroyed, but nothing can save a church whose root is dried up. No stimulation, no advertising campaigns, no gifts of money and no beautiful edifice can bring back life to the rootless tree. Tozer, A. W. (1986). The Root of the Righteous. (p. 5). WingSpread.


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Roots of Righteousness – 001

Introduction – 01 – Explanation of the Concept of a Catechism The Upper Room Christian Assembly Catechism (URCAC) project is introduced in this study. The essence of good catechizing is but the exercise of a minister’s God-given duty to “sound down” the Word of God – to echo the Voice of heaven via a thorough, systematic, plan of public preaching. This time-honored tradition has served the Saints of many generations and proven itself to be an effective instrument of instruction that helps the Believer to develop Roots of Righteousness. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the discipline of catechizing the Church should be experienced as an engaging encounter with the Word of God that draws from the efforts of our godly predecessors while flowing in the liberty of catering the project to the Spirit’s knowledge of our present needs.


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The Behaviour of Christ’s Body – 06

Sobriety for All #3 This study concludes the Topic: Sobriety for All - an exhortation addressed primarily to our older brothers and then to every Christian. Private and Public Prohibition are duties enjoined by Holy Scripture which pronounces judgments against those who ingest intoxication as well as against those who provide it to their neighbors (Isaiah 5:11; Habakkuk 2:15). Three remedies against insobriety are provided in the conclusion of this study.


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Every Good Thing That Is In You

Every Good Thing That Is In You The concept of a Christian or a Christian Community encountering an unsolvable problem is a contradiction in terms because in Jesus are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3) and we are complete in Him (Col 2:10). Paul’s remarkable letter to his friend Philemon sets before us the application of this truth. This study invites you to follow the beautiful process by which one man (Philemon) dug deep, discovered, and displayed the treasure of Jesus which forgives as we have been forgiven, which receives one who once was ones defrauder but is now profitable as ones brother. These inspired principles presented in Philemon’s not-so-private letter will be sufficient to meet any crisis for the treasures of Jesus are found when we reach by the Spirit for every good thing that is in us in Christ Jesus.


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The Behaviour of Christ’s Body - 05

Sobriety for All #2 Our older Christian Brothers remain the focus in this study. Paul’s directive to Timothy regarding the use of a little wine [οἴνῳ ὀλίγῳ] implies Paul’s confidence in Timothy’s commitment to moderation. Christian liberty must not become a license for excess. We count on our older Brothers to set the example of ruling over the seduction of alcoholic spirits, their own spirits, and every evil spirit. From morning to night, the lure of liquor and license must be resisted so that the love of God and neighbor can rule in one’s heart.


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The Promise of the Father and the Faith of the Saints

Acts 1:4–5 And, [Jesus] being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. 5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. This study attempts to give a sweeping overview of the Biblical Theology embedded in Jesus’ terminology: The Promise of the Father. From the prayer of Moses to the promise of Joel; from the New Covenant language of Ezekiel to the dawn of John Baptist’s ministry, a special Promise gains prominence. Jesus’ incarnation and ministry further prepare the people of God for its manifestation by demonstrating the power of the Promise in Himself, while paying the price of His blood, so that all God’s children might be forgiven and receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. As the moment drew near when Jesus would say, “It is finished,” He not only spoke of His death and resurrection, He also pointed to the coming Promise of the Father – The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit - as if to say, “Once I accomplish My redemptive work, do not start your witness until I send the Promise of the Father. I have finished, but don’t you start until you receive the Power of the Holy Spirit. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”


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The Behaviour of Christ’s Body – 04

Sobriety for All #1 Older men are the first of six classes of Christians whom Paul instructs Timothy to exhort as to the critical qualities of their character. The need for sobriety emerges as the core discipline upon which their entire Christian testimony is to be built. When the remaining 5 classes of Christians are subsequently addressed, it becomes apparent that older men are expected to set the example of sobriety so as to establish behaviour which can be confidently emulated by all. If the Church’s older men fail the sobriety test, it is little wonder to find the entire Body unable to walk a straight line. Richard Lenski - Christianity lends balance of mind to all its members, old and young, men and women, and fortifies them against all flighty deceivers who would unsettle them. Lenski, R. C. H. (1937). The interpretation of St. Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians, to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus and to Philemon (p. 912).


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The Behaviour of Christ’s Body - 03

Without Spot or Wrinkle Imagine a Body of Believers (a Christian Church) so serious about their calling to be witnesses for Jesus that not a one of them defiles their garment (Zech 3:3-4 w/ Rev 3:4). That would indeed be a glorious church without spot or wrinkle (Eph 5:25-27). Without question this is an exceedingly high calling (Philip 3:14), but it is in keeping with our basic commission to continue what Jesus began to do and teach (Acts 1:1,8). Through the power of the Holy Spirit, each member of Jesus’ Church can learn the behaviour befitting their special place in the Body. When all our lives adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ such that our good doctrine is accompanied by a good life, we collectively rise to the radiance of Jesus’ glorious Church (Titus 2:1-10).


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The Power To Be Able To Stand

Robert (Bobby) C. Freeman (1955-2013) served our Lord for over 30 years as the pastor of the Sand Hill Bible Church in Auburn, AL. Brother Bobby is now in the presence of his Master, but his life and message continue to impact those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to understand. As Job needed a wise counselor to help him navigate responsibly through the strenuous times of personal suffering (Job 33:23), so will all Christians need sound wisdom when their journey enters seasons of difficulty (2 Tim 3:12; 1 Peter 4:12). Thanks be to God that His Word is our guide (Psalm 119:105) and His Spirit is our Strength (Eph 3:16; 2 Cor 4:16). The Upper Room Christian Assembly was blessed to receive the ministry of God's servant Bobby as he declared the Word of God in the strength of the Spirit for such a times as this. We highly recommend an attentive hearing of this anointed message.


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Making Repentance Clear - 05

Clarifying Our Commitments The last of five primary principles of Biblical Repentance is presented in this study, namely: Biblical Repentance Clarifies our Commitments. A clear pattern is present in the experiences of repentance found in Daniel 9, Psalm 51, Psalm 69, 2 Samuel 24, Joshua 7; James 5:16, Acts 9:4 with 1 Corinthians 15:9, etc. In every case a movement from personal conviction to public commitment to the great concerns of Almighty God is demonstrated. Charles Spurgeon expresses the essence of this working out of repentance, this desire to “undo the evil” one has committed against the Plan, People, Place, and Person of God, as it occurred in David’s life with the following words: [David] had done mischief by his sin, and had, as it were, pulled down [Jerusalem’s] walls; he, therefore, implores the Lord to undo the evil, and establish his church. God can make his cause to prosper, and in answer to prayer he will do so. Without his building we labour in vain; therefore, are we the more instant and constant in prayer. There is surely no grace in us if we do not feel for the church of God, and take a lasting interest in its welfare. Spurgeon, C. H. (n.d.). The treasury of David: Psalms 27-57 (Vol. 2, p. 407). Marshall Brothers.


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Making Repentance Clear - 04

Turn Toward the Truth The 4th of 5 primary principles on clear repentance is presented in this study drawn from Daniel 9:11-14. Daniel identifies the active aspect of Israel’s sin; namely, departing from the voice of God or turning from the Truth. The remedy, therefore, is nothing short of turning toward the very Truth that had previously been resisted. The Thessalonians did not turn from their idols toward alternate creations of religious man. They turned toward the one True and Living God and began to practice Worship according to the Word (1 Thess 1:9). This movement of repentance is critical because without a clear turn toward Jesus – The Way, Truth, and Life – pure religion before God and the Father cannot be reached. The Temple cannot be restored, nor Jerusalem rebuilt, unless the Remnant follows this example of Daniel’s Repentance. Likewise, Jesus’ Church cannot be built toward the original pattern apart from departing from our golden calves and turning toward the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help us God.


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Making Repentance Clear - 03

Who Owes Who? This study investigates the 3rd of 5 principles drawn from Daniel’s portrayal of clear repentance as described in Daniel 9:7-10. Daniel’s relationship with God included a clear understanding of what belongs to God and what belongs to sinful men. Unlike Esau, who mourned his loss but not his sin, Daniel did not barter with God for a blessing while bypassing shame for his sinful behavior. A profound sense of personal and public debt produced “confusion of face” (KJV) or “open shame” (NKJV). Daniel was not interested in a tickling message that touched the sin wound lightly while pronouncing, “Peace, Peace; when there is no peace.” Knowing something of the glory, honour, and blessedness of His Redeemer, Daniel poured out his heart in the language of mourning love, otherwise known as Repentance.


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Making Repentance Clear - 02

Daniel’s Display of Clear Repentance This study presents the first two of five primary principles drawn from the display of clear repentance detailed in the ninth chapter of Daniel’s book. The first two principles are the following:


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Making Repentance Clear - 01

Repentance Unto Salvation Repentance is a first principle or elementary doctrine of the Christian Faith (Heb 6:1). Indeed, entrance into the Christian life is impossible apart from repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21; 2:28). Beyond this, Scripture makes it clear that the Churches of Jesus Christ must live in a disposition of repentance, ever ready (in Paul's language) to put off the old man in order to put on the new (Eph 4:22). James expresses the same idea with these words, "lay aside all filthiness, and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21 NKJV). Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts, but rather be zealous and repent for godly sorrow works repentance unto salvation never to be regretted (Heb 3:7,15; Rev 3:19; 2 Cor 7:10).


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The Behaviour of Christ’s Body – 02

Adorning the Gospel in All Things Titus 1:5 (NKJV) — For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you— “…Titus is to teach them ‘what is in accord with sound doctrine’ (v. 1). We infer from this that doctrine and practice for a Christian are to keep in step with each other. Soundness in the faith is to be accompanied by a lifestyle that harmonizes with it. And Titus’s responsibility is to spell out in detail what that means for various groups in the church.” Campbell, D. (2007). Opening up Titus (p. 46). Day One Publications.


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The Behaviour of Christ’s Body – 01

Christ The Human and The Head Hebrews 10:5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: During His Incarnation, Jesus went about doing only good in every facet of His life. “The whole story of his life was nothing else but a catalogue of good works. You find him everywhere going up and down upon this errand, that he might give sight to the blind, limbs to the lame, health to the sick, liberty to the possessed, life to the dead. You will find him either feeding the hungry or healing the diseased, and having compassion on them that are faint, and raising the dead.” Manton, T. (1874). The Complete Works of Thomas Manton (Vol. 20, p. 364). James Nisbet & Co. While on Earth, godly behaviour was entrusted to Jesus, and He was careful to manifest glorious perfection in His body - the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Eph 1:23). Now that Jesus is ascended (Acts 1:8-11), His Churches are entrusted with His witness both in terms of pointing back to His unique life; and in terms of seeking to display the fullness of Christ to the Earth in our bodily presence. Now are ye the Body of Christ and its members in particular (1 Cor 12:27). No single Christian can fulfill this calling. Indeed, no Church will every reach the fulness of Him that filleth all in all. But we are exhorted to grow up into Him in all things which is the Head (Eph 4:15) for we are presently the Body of Christ in a very meaningful way. The collective behaviour of the various members of any Church become the practical expression of the Behaviour of Christ’s Body in that location for good or bad. God help us to not blaspheme the name of Jesus! (Titus 2:5; 1 Tim 6:1)


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Remembering That God Remembers

The historic events that culminated in Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension are in the past, but the resulting Covenant is eternally relevant. The Communion Ordinance calls upon us to observe this relevance by remembering the New Covenant ratified in Jesus’ blood. Jesus gives a charge to His disciples, “Do this in remembrance of me.” How much more then will He remember His own covenant? Indeed, God remembers His covenant perfectly and His doing so brings the following blessings to the Believer’s life: 1) Exodus, 2) Discipline without Destruction, and 3) Spiritual Advancement. Remembering is the spiritual discipline of walking in the faith of God’s Word and Acts rather than in the fear of what we face.


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The King of Glory – 04

The Categorical Declaration Versus The Categorical Denial – 03 The common trope of a Christian Bible riddled with the relics of religious myths leading its adherents into an unscientific stance toward reality is more of a projection than it is a perception. It turns out that atheistic intellectuals are often the perpetrators of macro-myths which poison the pot of academic discourse despite the presence of otherwise rational ingredients. The Myth of Evolution is a classic case-in-point. The hue and cry directed against Creationists is a diversionary tactic designed to keep the populous from detecting that the scientist hath no clothes. Richard Dawkins claims that the Christian Creationist is either stupid or insane. Me thinketh that the evolutionary biologist doth protest too much and should cease pouring his poison down the ears of they who are half asleep. But their Gertrude – the glory and monetary gain derived from their shtick – is too enticing for their type to cease from betraying their own brethren - humanity. Thank God for Jesus who tells the Truth even while affixed to the cross of cancel culture so that some can find their way back to paradise while the rest are granted mercy toward a future day of repentance – “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do!”


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The King of Glory – 03

The Categorical Declaration Versus The Categorical Denial – 02 The Modern Myth Movement is one of many assaults directed against the Word of God. Under the guise of a neutral scientific method, satanic science has made its way from the Gentile courts into the holy places where Revelation once occupied a higher seat than independent human deduction. These maneuvers seek to undermine the Gospel by spraying the graffiti of a big question mark on the foundation of all Biblical Truth: Creation. This study seeks to scrub off this antichrist ink and restore faith in God’s Holy Writ.
