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Word Fitly Spoken

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Hear testimonies of how God works in the lives of everyday people--stories of how they came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and stories of how God has worked in their lives and in the lives of those around them. Listen in and be blessed!


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Hear testimonies of how God works in the lives of everyday people--stories of how they came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and stories of how God has worked in their lives and in the lives of those around them. Listen in and be blessed!





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Tom Lacy

Brother Tom Lacy speaks about how God changed his life by helping him to overcome alcoholism and then leading him into a life of service. Listen and be blessed!


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Fellowship of the Unashamed

In the early 20th Century, a Zimbabwean Pastor wrote a prayer called the "Fellowship of the Unashamed" and placed it in his desk shortly before he was put to death for preaching about Jesus Christ. A very dear friend of ours, Bob Davis, used to quote this prayer to motivate men into service for God. Shortly before Bob passed away, we recorded him citing this prayer. Please listen and be blessed!


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Doug and Russ Part 2

Doug Adkins and Russ White serve at Winns Baptist Church and much of their service is performed behind the scenes, yet what they do for the Lord and His church is incredibly valuable to all who attend at Winns. Listen to their testimonies on how they came to know the Lord and how they felt called to serve Him.


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Doug and Russ Part 1

Doug Adkins and Russ White serve at Winns Baptist Church and much of their service is performed behind the scenes, yet what they do for the Lord and His church is incredibly valuable to all who attend at Winns. Listen to their testimonies on how they came to know the Lord and how they felt called to serve Him.


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Feast of Tabernacles Fellowship

The Podcast team broadcasts live from the Winn's Baptist Church 2022 Feast of Tabernacles Fellowship Day. Listen in as people speak about what God's Feast means to them and how He has worked in their lives.


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Bob Davis and Kairos Prison Ministry

Bob Davis talks about the challenges and blessings of prison ministry.


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Annette Reeder, The Biblical Nutritionist

Annette talks about being healthy and taking care of your body.


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Bob Davis and Kairos Prison Ministries

Bob Davis’ testimony and stories of his work with the Kairos Prison Ministries


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Steve and Annette and their adventures in Israel

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to SEE the places mentioned in the Bible? To actually BE in the same place that our Lord and Savior once stood? Steve and Annette Reeder share their testimonies and stories about their visits to the Holy Land. Listen and be blessed!


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Travis Rector and 40 Days for Life Ministry

Travis Rector gives his testimony, talks about the importance of God in his family life, and discusses his involvement with the 40 Days for Life ministry. Listen and be truly blessed.


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Jason Harris

Jason Harris tells his story of how he overcame alcoholism and other issues by committing his life to Jesus Christ. This powerful story will truly bless you and encourage those who have similar struggles that there is hope to overcome any challenge we may face.


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Matt Sutton

Matt Sutton shares some of his experiences growing up, finding faith, loving others, and sharing the gospel.


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Dean Martin

Listen to our Brother, Dean Martin, discuss how he came to know Christ as his Savior and how God continues to work in his life.


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Winn's Choir Ministries

In this episode, Kathy and Sharon continue their interview by discussing the choir ministries at Winn's Baptist Church which include Little Lambs, Masterpiece Kids, Set Apart Student Worship team, and the adult choir.


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Introduction to Word Fitly Spoken - Stan and Carl

This is the introduction to the Word Fitly Spoken Podcast. Stan and Carl give their testimonies and some information about them selves as well as the reason behind this podcast.


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Kathy and Sharon - Part 1

This is the first part of the interview with Kathy and Sharon where they provide their testimonies and stories from their lives.
