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Yahrtzeit Yomi

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A daily snippet of a historical Jewish Yahrtzeit that took place on this day in history.


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A daily snippet of a historical Jewish Yahrtzeit that took place on this day in history.



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The Minchas Elazar - ב סיון

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1074!! ב סיון (Shabbos) The Minchas Elazar Munkatcher Rebbe רב חיים אלעזר ב״ר צבי הירש שפירא מנחת אלעזר האדמו״ר ממונקאטש (1868 - 1937) ---------------------------------------- The following edition of Yahrtzeit Yomi featuring The Minchas Elazar is sponsored by Wolf Custom Apparel & Promotions (WolfCustom.com) as a zechus for abundant Brachos, Yeshuos and Refuos for all of Klal Yisrael. Order your apparel now for your school, business, event or family from wolfcustom.com, or reach out to Nochum at 347-545-2155. ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk --------------------------------------------------- AH GUTTEN CHOIDESH RABBOISAI!!!! The holy month of Sivan has arrived!! And for this chat, that means a new month of opportunities to learn from our greatest heroes and leaders!!! To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a specific Tzaddik (unlisted on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule) is $180. MAY THE ZECHUS OF ALL THE TZADDIKIM PROTECT US FROM ALL TZAROS, AND MAY HASHEM GRANT US, AND ALL OF KLAL YISROEL, A MONTH OF YESHUOS, NECHAMOS AND BESUROS TOVOS!!! Sivan Yahrtzeits!! --------------------------------------------------- 1. Taken 2. Taken 3. The Bartenura 4. Kesivas Bereishis 5. Na’aseh V’nishma/Yiddish 6. Dovid HaMelech/Baal Shem Tov/Imrei Emes 7. The Ger Tzedek 8. Rav Moshe Blau 9. Kaf Hachaim 10. Rav Gershon Edelstein 11. Minchas Yitzchak 12. Birchas Avraham 13. Moshe ascends 14. Rav Chaim Volozhiner 15. Rav Yitzchak Dov Koppelman 16. Rav Gedalya Nadel 17. Rav Aharon Karliner 18. Rav Yeruchem Levovitz 19. 20. Tach V’Tat 21. Tzara’as Miriam 22. The Korban Ha’Eidah 23. "Purim Sheini" 24. Rav Aharon Shurin 25. Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz 26. Rabi Yonasan ben Uziel/Rabi Yosi ben Kisma 27. Rav Dovid Trenk 28. Rav Gustman 29. Shlichas Meraglim 30. Rav Shlomo Kluger


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Rav Meir of Premishlan - כט אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1073!! כט אייר Rav Meir of Premishlan רב מאיר ב״ר אהרן ליב מפרעמישלאן (1783 - 1850) ---------------------------------------------------- Friends, here are the lyrics, courtesy of Jyrics.com, to the beautiful, touching single from R’ Dovi Meisels and R’ Pinky Weber, based on the sublime idea of Reb Meir Premishlaner, mentioned in the previous audio. זכותו יגן עלינו!! דער הייליגער רבי מאיר פרמישלאנער האט אמאל געזאגט ריבונו של עולם של עולם כאטש די זמן הגאולה איז נאך נישט דא אבער ריבונו של עולם של עולם (x2) ביזען קרעטשמע דארף מען אויך א טרינק ווייל די גרויסע גלות איז דאך גארנישט גרינג אוי ריבונו של עולם של עולם (x2) לא עת האסף המקנה כאטש די צייט איז נאכנישט דא הארציגער טאטע די געב אינץ שוין ווייל ווער נאך ווי א טאטע אליין ווייסט וואס איז פאר זיין קינד די איינציגסטע טרייסט השקו השקו הצאן ביזען קרעטשמע דארף מען אויך א טרינק ווייל די גרויסע גלות איז דאך גארנישט גרינג אוי ריבונו של עולם של עולם (x2) --------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Shmuel HaNavi - כח אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1072!! כח אייר Shmuel HaNavi שמואל בן אלקנה הרמתי משה ואהרן בכהניו ושמואל בקראי שמו (תהלים צט:ו) ---------------------------------------- The following edition of Yahrtzeit Yomi featuring Shmuel HaNavi is sponsored by Wolf Custom Apparel & Promotions (WolfCustom.com) as a zechus for abundant Brachos, Yeshuos and Refuos for all of Klal Yisrael. Order your apparel now for your school, business, event or family from wolfcustom.com, or reach out to Nochum at 347-545-2155. ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rav Naftoli of Ropshitz - יא אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1054!! יא אייר Rav Naftoli of Ropshitz רב נפתלי צבי ב״ר מנחם מענדל אילה שלוחה (1760 - 1827) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Pri Megadim - י אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1053!! י אייר (Shabbos) The Pri Megadim רב יוסף ב״ר מאיר תאומים פרי מגדים (1727 - 1792) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Rif - י אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1052!! י אייר (Shabbos) The Rif רב יצחק ב״ר יעקב הכהן אלפסי הלכות רב אלפס (1013 - 1103) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rav Zundel Kroizer - ח אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1051!! ח אייר Rav Zundel Kroizer רב זונדל ב״ר צבי הערש אור החמה (1924 - 2014) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Kli Yakar - ז אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1049!! ז אייר The Kli Yakar רב שלמה אפרים ב״ר אהרן לונטשיץ כלי יקר אב״ד פראג (1550 - 1619) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Ralbag - ו אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1048!! ו אייר The Ralbag רבינו לוי ב״ר גרשום (1288 - 1344) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Imrei Binah - ה אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1047!! ה אייר The Imrei Binah Rav Meir Auerbach רב מאיר ב״ר יצחק איצק אמרי בינה (1815 - 1878) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Beis HaLevi - ד אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1046!! ד אייר The Beis HaLevi רב יוסף דוב ב״ר יצחק זאב הלוי סולובייצ'יק בית הלוי (1820 - 1892) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rav Binyomin Kaminetzky - ב אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1042!! ב אייר Rav Binyomin Kaminetzky Rosh Yeshiva South Shore רב בנימן בן מו״ר יעקב קמנצקי חלקת בנימן ראש ישיבה תורת חיים בחוף הדרום (1935 - 2016) ----------------------------------------------------------- Today’s Yahrtzeit Yomi edition featuring Rav Binyomin Kaminetzky zl has been dedicated anonymously. For future dedications or sponsorships, or to request a specific tzaddik, please see below. א גוט׳ן ערב שבת!! ----------------------------------------------------------- AH GUTTEN EREV SHABBOS RABBOISAI!! On the occasion of the 7th yahrtzeit of Rav Binyomin Kaminetzky ZTL, we have the distinct privilege to hear from his grandson, Rav Shmuel (ben Rav Mordechai) Kaminetzky Shlita (pictured above), associate dean of Yeshiva of South Shore. We offer our most heartfelt thanks to Reb Shmuel for sharing his unique, accurate and affectionate perspective of his revered Zaideh with us, and we wish him only continued success in his עבודת הקודש!!! ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rav Yosef Breuer - ג אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1043!! ג אייר (Shabbos) Rav Yosef Breuer רב לוי יוסף ב״ר שלמה זלמן רב ד׳קהילת קהל עדת ישורון (1882 - 1980) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Yahrtzeit Yomi #1045!! הפטרת פרשת קדושים!! כשקורין שתי פרשיות, מפטירים באחרונה, מלבד באחרי מות וקדשים דמפטירין ׳הלוא בני כשיים׳ (רמ״א סוף סימן תכח) THE MOST INFREQUENT HAFTORAH!!! 😃😃😃 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Tzlofchad - א אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1041!! א אייר צלפחד מקושש עצים היה (שבת צו:) ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר וימצאו איש מקשש עצים ביום השבת (במדבר טו:לב) אמר במדרש דלשם שמים נתכוין (תוספות בבא בתרא קיט: ד״ה אפילו) Tzlofchad - The Unsung Hero of the Midbar!! (Let me explain…..) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein - א אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1040!! א אייר Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein רב זכריה שמעון ב״ר יצחק הכהן וורללערשטיין (1958 - 2022) --------------------------------------------- Today’s Yahrtzeit Yomi edition featuring Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein zl has been dedicated anonymously. For future dedications or sponsorships, or to request a specific tzaddik, please see below. א גוט חודש!! ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rav Akiva Yosef Schlesinger - א אייר

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1039!! א אייר Rav Akiva Yosef Schlesinger רב עקיבה יוסף ב״ר יחיאל שלזינגר לב העברי (1838 - 1922) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Ri Migash - ל ניסן

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1037!! ל ניסן The Ri Migash רב יוסף ב״ר מאיר הלוי אבן מיגאש (1077 - 1141) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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Rav Chaim Vital - כט ניסן

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1037!! כט ניסן Rav Chaim Vital רב חַיִּים בֶּן יוֹסֵף וִיטָאל עץ חיים (1542 - 1620) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.


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The Fall of Yericho

Yahrtzeit Yomi #1036!! כח ניסן The Fall of Yericho ויהי ביום השביעי……ויסבו את העיר כמשפט הזה שבע פעמים…. (יהושע ו:טו) (The following audio feature is from the Yahrtzeit Yomi archives) ---------------------------------------------------- Share the Yahrtzeit Yomi link with your contacts!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/JimbwNtBaX31vmRDdnO3yk To dedicate or sponsor, please contact 917-841-5059. Sponsorships can be paid by Zelle to the same number. First come, first served. Monthly sponsorships are $540. Weekly sponsorships are $180. Daily sponsorships are as follows: Dedications (l’Zecher Nishmas, Zechus shidduch/refuah/yeshuah, etc.) are $50. Sponsorships (fliers, advertising, promotions, additional links, etc.) are $100. The cost to request and sponsor a Tzaddik that is not included on the Yahrtzeit Yomi schedule is $180.
