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You Are The Spell

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Aunt Carla’s podcast that helps spiritual practitioners develop magickal confidence and sovereignty in their practice.


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Aunt Carla’s podcast that helps spiritual practitioners develop magickal confidence and sovereignty in their practice.



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Quantum Jumping for Witches | Big Magick 101

MAGICKAL RESOURCES I CREATED FOR YOU! FREE “Future You Grimoire” aka Vision Book of Shadows: Magickal YOU Membership Coven: Quantum jumping is a concept based on the idea that by altering your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions, you can shift to a parallel reality or alternate version of yourself where your desired outcomes are realized. If you are a witch already using magick to change your reality, you might be interested in an advanced method of making significant personal transformation or shifts in your mindset. The term "quantum jumping" borrows from quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, where things can behave in seemingly counterintuitive ways. Incorporating quantum jumping into your magickal practice involves using magickal tools, rituals, symbols from your magickal tradition to amplify your personal growth. This is what I call “BIG MAGICK!” In order to create major change in your life, one spell will not be enough. You may have one overarching goal, such as buying a house, but it’s very possible that you’ll need more than one spell, and more than one moon cycle. Take buying a house. Buying a house will require that you set many intentions - larger and smaller - over a period of time. You may need to raise money. You may need to clean up your credit. You may need to search for the right and perfect house. And throughout this process, you may need to improve your mindset so that you feel worthy of this intention. And you’ll need to keep your motivation going when things get tough. Some witches may think that these things can only be dealt with on the mundane side, but all of these steps can be made smoother with the help of magickal tools. This is where Big Magick comes in. Big Magick is the process a witch can use to change their life. From creating a Vision Book of Shadows to working with archetypes to activating a portal that speeds up your journey to manifestation, there is so much metaphysical help available. In this episode, I talk a bit about my own journey with Big Magick, and offer some ideas on how you can get started. If you’re interested in learning how to perform Big Magick, you’ll want to check out the latest episode of the “You Are The Spell”! To get your free Vision Book of Shadows pages, visit


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Practical Elemental Magick for Earth Day | Spellcraft Blueprint Series 2/6

MAGICKAL RESOURCES I CREATED FOR YOU! Your Spellcraft Blueprint Bundle: Magickal YOU Membership Coven: For Earth Day, I’m excited to teach practical elemental magick! It’s impossible to talk about magick without also talking about the natural elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The earth is beneath us, and provides stability and nourishment. We inhale and exhale air, and require it to live. Fire gives us heat, and cooks our food. We also require water, and our bodies are made up of over 60% of it. Rituals incorporate these natural elements because everything in the Universe is made up of a combination of them. When we place natural elements on our altar, they act as batteries to power our spell. Depending on your desired outcome, you can use the power of the elements to reinforce your spell, as well as your personal power. By the way, all of the elements of nature are contained within the human body, which makes YOU inherently magickal. Always remember that! I think everyone has one or two elements that they feel a particular affinity to. When you know what they are, you can incorporate them into your spells, and most definitely your self-care rituals. One way that you can personalize your spellcrafting is to take into consideration the elements involved in your desired outcome, and I’m excited to share that in this episode! If you’re interested in learning how to develop your own Spellcraft Blueprint, you’ll want to check out the latest episode of the “You Are The Spell”! **To get my FREE eBook, “Pathways to Power: The Art of Magick and Manifestation”, visit**


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How do YOU cast spells? | Spellcraft Blueprint Series 1/6

MAGICKAL RESOURCES I CREATED FOR YOU! Your Spellcraft Blueprint Bundle: Magickal YOU Membership Coven: When you are/were starting out with magick, you might read books, take classes, or scroll IG or TikTok for ideas. You learn how certain herbs work better than others for you. You may prefer to use a particular element (fire magick, anyone?), or have a certain kind of way that you speak or pray over your work. Perhaps you have particular magickal traditions from your family, or your upbringing or other spiritual teachings that you have learned over the years. You may find yourself fascinated with Tarot. Or perhaps fall in love with the moon and her phases. Or you may dedicate your work to your ancestors. Or some combination of the above. The thing is, the more you learn, and the more you do, you naturally start experimenting with different things. When you find your own way of making magick, THAT is when it becomes meaningful. THAT is when it becomes powerful. THAT is your Spellcraft Blueprint. When I was a young witch, I would have never imagined that playing with crayons or meeting my “Future You” was magickal! But my Magickal YOU coven uses these tools to manifest all kinds of desires from new jobs, to lovers, to amazing travel. Who knew If you’re interested in learning how to develop your own Spellcraft Blueprint, you’ll want to check out the latest episode of the “You Are The Spell”! To get my FREE eBook, “Pathways to Power: The Art of Magick and Manifestation”, visit


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YATS: Ostara, Easter, Spring Equinox and Aries Season - St. Patrick’s Day too!

Sign up for the FREE “Spring Fling Witchy Planner & Journal” at and get your invite for the Spring Equinox Manifestation Circle on March 19th at 7pm ET. Ostara is a modern Pagan and Wiccan holiday that celebrates the spring equinox, which usually falls around March 20th or 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. One of the eight Sabbats observed in the Wheel of the Year, Ostara is celebrated by various modern Pagan and Wiccan communities around the world as a time of joy, hope, and renewal. This year, the Spring Equinox falls on Tuesday, March 19th, a couple of days from now. Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Eostre or Ostara, who represents fertility, renewal, dawn, and spring. She was said to be associated with the dawn and the awakening of life in nature after the long winter months. Tune in to learn more about the Spring Equinox, and other holidays celebrated at this time of year. Also sign up for the FREE Empowered Modern Witches Summit, hosted by my friend Tenae Stewart, author of The Modern Witch’s Guide to Natural Magick. This virtual event will be taking place March 18-20, 2024. During the summit, I'll be giving a brand-new presentation: “Moonlit Metamorphosis: Cultivating Consistency with Moon Phases and Future You Magick”. Sign up for this summit at Sign up for the FREE “Spring Fling Witchy Planner & Journal” at and get your invite for the Spring Equinox Manifestation Circle on March 19th at 7pm ET.


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Yule, Christmas & Santa Claus

Yule has its origins in ancient Norse and Germanic pagan celebrations that marked the winter solstice, which marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice usually happens around December 21st. The ancient Norse believed that during this time, the sun was reborn, and the days would gradually lengthen. They enjoyed a twelve-day feast that celebrated the return of the sun. Come to my FREE Winter Witch Party! 🎄 ‌ I’m having Winter Witch Week starting tomorrow, Monday, Dec 18th through Wednesday, Dec 20th. ‌ I’ll be teaching how to use magick and astrology to manifest a magickal New Year. ‌ Here’s the schedule: ‌ ❄️ Mon, Dec 18th: Old Year’s Audit & Collective Tarot Ritual ‌ ❄️ Tues, Dec 19th: New Year’s Astro Planning ‌ ❄️ Wed, Dec 20th: Vision Board Party ‌ ❄️ Thurs, Dec 21st: Winter Solstice Group Ritual ‌ When you sign up, you’ll receive my Winter Witch Workbook right away, so you can start thinking about what you’d like to call into 2024. ‌ On Thurs, Dec 21st, we’ll celebrate the Winter Solstice and welcome Winter with a community manifestation ritual. Sign up at


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Samhain, Halloween & Day of the Dead

Happy Halloweek, Everyone! Today is October 30th, which is Halloween Eve. Tomorrow, October 31st is Samhain, as well as Halloween. Then we have Nov 1st and 2nd, which commemorates El Dia De Los Muertos, The Day of the Dead. With all of the witchy holidays happening this week, I’m excited to unpack their origin stories, and offer suggestions for celebrations! I'm excited to be presenting a talk on how to unearth your family history during the Ancestral Magic Summit, hosted by Wendy Mata at Bruja Power. Check out my Cosmic Weather Report on YouTube: "The Thinning of the Veil is a LIE" The Ancestral Magic Summit takes place from November 1-3, and will feature 26 presentations from spiritual practitioners from various paths. The best part is that you can attend FREE, so sign up at


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Interview with Jamie Della, A Box of Magick | You Are The Spell Podcast

Interview with Jamie Della, A Box of Magick | You Are The Spell Podcast


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Interview with Hana O'Neill from Suburban Witchery

Get to know Hana O’Neill aka “The Suburban Witch” ✨ ‌ For this week’s “You Are The Spell” podcast, I’m excited to talk to Australian Witch Hana O’Neill from @suburban_witchery, and host of @witchtalkspodcast. ‌ Hana’s goal is to make Witchcraft and alternative spirituality fun, informative and accessible to all. She runs a course on Psychic Divination, blogs about Witchcraft and Astrology with pop culture references to fandoms such as Disney. ‌ She hosts the podcast ‘Witch Talks’ interviewing key Witches in the community, has a thriving YouTube channel with content from Spellcrafting, Tarot tutorials, Witchcraft basics and even details her own journey from Pentecostal Christian to proud Witch.


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Mabon & The Autumn Equinox

The days are getting shorter, the temperature is feeling cooler, and Starbucks is selling Pumpkin Spice Lattes again. You know that means, right? That the Season of the Witch is approaching! In today’s episode of “You Are The Spell”, I’m talking about Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox. Mabon is a pagan holiday and one of the eight annual festivals celebrated within the Witches’ Wheel of the Year. It falls around September 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and marks the point in the year when day and night are approximately equal in length, signifying the changing of the seasons from summer to autumn. It’s a time to give thanks for the harvest and to honor the balance between light and darkness. It's a time to appreciate the fruits of the earth, reflect on the changing cycles of life, and prepare for the colder months ahead. I’m hosting a free equinox ritual this Friday, Sept 22nd at 7pm ET. If you can’t make it live, the replay will be available. Sign up now at


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Spiritual Burnout for Magickal People

For the past few months, I’d been feeling burned out spiritually. It’s not something I was advertising, but I had been feeling kinda run down. In my usual Capricorn way, I tried to push through it. But as you know, pushing through is how we get burned out in the first place, and therefore, not the solution. If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re also on some kind of spiritual journey, and you and I both know that it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup. If I call myself a spiritual teacher, how can I teach if I’m feeling disconnected from Spirit? How can I teach something if I don’t believe it? It took me a while, but I eventually found ways to pour back into myself. Now that I’m feeling energized again, I decided to take a pause and talk about spiritual burnout, because I knew that I wasn’t the only one out there dealing with it. So in today’s episode, we’ll explore the causes, and signs of spiritual burnout, and strategies to overcome it. I hope that this episode can help you on your path. If you'd like to take my free 5 day email spellcrafting course, sign up at


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Lammas and Lughnasadh: The First Harvest!

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is a traditional festival celebrated on August 1st (or thereabouts) in the Northern Hemisphere and February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere. Lughnasadh is a pagan holiday associated with the god Lugh (Lú) in ancient Celtic mythology, and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats during the year. The name "Lammas" is derived from the Old English term "hlafmaesse," which means "loaf mass" and emphasizes the importance of the first wheat harvest and offering loaves of bread to the church. Lammas is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals of the Celtic calendar and marks the beginning of the harvest season. It is a cross-quarter day, falling halfway between the summer solstice (Litha) and the autumn equinox (Mabon). Lammas is also known as Lughnasadh, (pronounced "LOO-nah-sa), a pagan holiday associated with the god Lugh (Lú) in ancient Celtic mythology, and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats during the year.


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Put Your Spell Together

Over the last few episodes, I’ve focused on how to create your own personalized and powerful spells. In other words, magickal spells that only YOU could create! Part 1 was about Alignment, which is the process of bringing your thoughts, feelings, and actions into harmony with the intentions of your spell. In Part 2 I talked about the importance of the natural elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Part 3 was about Sympathetic magick, also known as imitative magick, which all magickal spells use at some point. Part 4 I talked about how the body is a magick wand, and how your senses enhance your power Part 5 was about magickal timing. While these episodes gave a foundation of what spells incorporate, you may find yourself asking, “what do I do now??” So for Part 6, the final episode in this spellcrafting series, is “Put It All Together”! How to use everything you’ve learned to create your own spells! If you want to learn more about using magickal timing in your spells, sign up for my spellcraft mini-course at ⁠⁠


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Happy Summer Solstice aka Litha aka Midsummer

Litha, also known as Midsummer or Summer Solstice (between June 20th and June 23rd each year) marks the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere (for those in the southern hemisphere, it’s your Winter Solstice), it also marks an important transition point in Earth’s seasonal cycle. It’s a time when fertile energy is at its peak, and all around us, new life is rapidly growing. It's also the first day of Cancer Season. Hello Summer! The festival of Litha is a way of honoring the fertile energy of nature and celebrating the beauty and magic of our natural world. Litha is also called Sun Moon Summer Solstice, which means that the day of the full moon is at its longest length while the days grow shorter. On the Wheel of the Year, this marks the time when the seeds have been sown and begin to grow in abundance The important theme of Litha is being grateful for the abundance in your life. From Litha, the days become gradually shorter until Yule when the days begin to grow steadily longer again. Litha is typically a bright and exciting celebration. It celebrates the growing crops, the Sun, abundance, and the first day of Summer! I encourage you to celebrate the Summer Solstice as a way of honoring nature’s incredible fertile energy at this time of year, and as a way to connect with our natural world on a deeper, more meaningful level. I truly believe that by recognizing and celebrating the little shifts in Earth’s natural rhythms, we can become more attuned to nature and feel more grounded in our everyday lives. To sign up for the free Summer Solstice manifestation ritual (and replay), go to You can get the free Beginner's Guide to Witchy Gardening at


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Magickal Timing for Your Spells

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Timing is everything”, and it’s true. But it’s especially true when it comes to magick. Whether it’s the astrological season, the phases of the moon, or even the days of the week, you can plan your spells and rituals to be in alignment with the energies that are the strongest in real time. If you imagine the astrological seasons as a clock in the sky, you will discover that certain times of the year provide the best energies for certain manifestation rituals. From Aries to Pisces, each astrological season provides approximately 30 days to work through a particular energy that is the strongest. Even if the astrological season isn’t your sun sign, you can still tap into its energy. You can perform spells and rituals that are aligned with the best timing. Mundane actions taken at the right time will also be more likely to bear fruit. One of my favorite magickal tools is aligning my desires with the monthly New Moons, which is a great time to plan. In my membership group, Magickal YOU, we have a monthly Crayon Coven for the New Moon. During this live session, we talk about the energies that are strongest, set intentions, draw and color in the monthly sigil, and then activate it within a group manifestation ritual. The way I see it, Working with the seasons is like shopping at a farmer’s market. You might be in the mood for strawberries, but watermelon happens to be in season. If you had your heart set on strawberries, you can get frozen strawberries at the grocery store, but it won’t have the same energy as fresh watermelon. By going with the flow, and harnessing the energy that the season presents to you, the fruit salad that you create will taste amazing. If you want to learn more about using magickal timing in your spells, sign up for my spellcraft mini-course at


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Your Body is a Magick Wand

You may have heard the saying: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” But have you ever considered what that really means? To me, that’s a reminder of how we are made of spirit. When you think about it, no matter what your physical body looks like, tall, short, slim or thick, your spirit is the best part of you. When we die, all that’s left of us is a shell of skin and bones, while our spirit, the thing that animates that shell, goes somewhere else. Many of us believe that our spirit lives on forever. There is a school of thought that says that each of us, before we incarnated on this earth as humans, our spirit agreed that we have some kind of work to do while we are here. And that this is work that we wouldn’t be able to do without this physical body. Our spirit could be floating around in the astral plane somewhere, but it might not be able to see, touch, taste, dance, sing, scream, listen, etc, without having a physical body to express its needs. Thinking about this now, it reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend earlier this week who admitted that she was just starting to get comfortable with her body, and what it looked like in a bathing suit. At the time, I said that our bodies are the only one we have, so we might as well make peace with it. We were talking about summer bodies and how they looked in bathing suits, but when I now view this conversation through the lens of how our body is a home for our divine essence, I feel surprisingly less self-conscious. Think about it. What does your size or shape really have to do with your soul’s Divine Mission? I’m pretty sure that my Divine Mission isn’t to be a supermodel. If anything, my Divine Mission is to live a life of my own choosing, and inspire others to do the same. And having a belly and big thighs isn’t keeping me from doing that. So the summer is gonna get whatever body I bring to it. And my spirit is gonna tell me what it wants, and I’m gonna listen to it. If you want to learn more about writing your own magick spells, sign up for my free 5-day spellcraft mini-course at


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What is Sympathetic Magick?

Have you ever wondered how magick works? Me either, but I have my theories, and it all comes down to sympathetic magick and correspondences. "What's that?", you ask. Sympathetic magick, also known as imitative magick, is based on imitation or correspondence. Any time you perform a spell, you are manipulating objects or performing actions that influence your desired outcome. In magick, correspondence is the belief that there is a natural connection between different things, such as planets, herbs, colors, crystals, and symbols. When performing a spell, a spiritual practitioner stacks as many correspondences as possible, and the resulting ritual would represent them and their desired outcome. When planning your next spell, take into account how many correspondences you use. The more you can layer into your ritual, the more powerful it will be. If you want to learn more about using correspondence in your spells, sign up for my free 5-day spellcraft mini-course at


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The Elements of Magick

It’s impossible to talk about magick without also talking about the natural elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The earth is beneath us, and provides stability and nourishment. We inhale and exhale air, and require it to live. Fire gives us heat, and cooks our food. We also require water, and our bodies are made up of over 60% of it. Rituals incorporate these natural elements because everything in the Universe is made up of a combination of them. When we place natural elements on our altar, they act as batteries to power our spell. In the last episode, we talked about intention. Depending on your desired outcome, you can use the power of the elements to reinforce your spell, as well as your personal power. The philosopher Aristotle later supported the theory of four basic elements, and also added the element of “ether” which is now thought of as “space”. While the discussion of space is outside the scope of what I teach, my personal opinion is that Aristotle’s “ether” is the invisible substance which holds the stars in the sky, controls gravity, and most importantly - is the invisible astral plane where magick actually happens. By the way, all of the elements of nature are contained within the human body, which makes YOU inherently magickal. Always remember that! If you want to learn more about writing your own spells, sign up for my spellcraft mini-course at


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Set intentions for your manifestations

If you’ve ever had a spell fail miserably, or maybe just not manifest the way you wanted, you may have set an intention was out of alignment. Over the next few episodes, I’ll be focusing on how to create your own personalized and powerful spells. In other words, magickal spells that only YOU could create! Alignment is the process of bringing your thoughts, feelings, and actions into harmony with your intentions. When you are aligned, you are more likely to take steps that will help you achieve your goals. There are a few things you can do to increase your alignment: Be clear about your intentions.Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.Take action. If you want to learn more about how your intentions affect your spells, sign up for my spellcraft mini-course at


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Beltane: Is that a Maypole in your pocket?

MAGICKAL RESOURCES I CREATED FOR YOU! Your Spellcraft Blueprint Bundle: Magickal YOU Membership Coven: Beltane is the Gaelic May Day festival. It is traditionally held on May 1st, or about midway between the spring equinox and summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. In Irish mythology, Beltane marked the beginning of summer and was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. My magickal background is Hoodoo, not Wicca, but I have come to appreciate the Witch’s Wheel of the Year that is celebrated by my Wiccan and other pagan friends. The Witch’s Wheel of the Year honors and celebrates the seasons and cycles that we experience on our planet, as well as in our communities, homes, and bodies. So, we begin our celebrations by noticing the energy around us. Witchcraft is in large part the practice of listening to the quality of the energy in our communities. What is happening in the natural world? What colors do you see? What do you hear? As Hoodoo practitioners (also known as rootworkers) work with roots, herbs, and plants, it makes sense that we would be conscious of nature’s cycles. Modern day rootworkers may use dried herbs from the grocery store, but once upon a time, our ancestors grew their own herbs, and foraged them from the earth. Since I moved to Westchester County, New York from New York City, I now have access to fresh herbs, and I like to use them as much as possible. Two years ago, I started my first garden, and have enjoyed learning how to grow my own herbs. Beltane is the Season of Planting, Fertility, and Sexuality when we celebrate the sexual energy and the fertility in plant, animal, and human world. If you’d like to celebrate Beltane by starting your own Witchy Garden, be sure to get my free ebook, “A Beginner’s Guide to Witchy Gardening”. Just sign up at If you’re interested in learning how to develop your own Spellcraft Blueprint, you’ll want to check out the latest episode of the “You Are The Spell”! To get my FREE eBook, “Pathways to Power: The Art of Magick and Manifestation”, visit


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Aries Season 2023: Coming In Hot!

Monday, March 20th is the Spring Equinox, aka Ostara. It also marks Aries season, which as I mentioned, is coming in HOT! Depending on where you live, Spring Equinox heralds the return of daylight, although you might still be feeling the effects of winter snow, bitter cold, and overcast gray days. Are you feeling impatient for more light and sun, wondering when spring will finally appear? Believe it or not, the antsy feeling to emerge from your winter cocoon is actually a sign that spring has arrived, whether or not you see actual signs in nature. Spring energy is intense, and not for the faint of heart. The desire that has you chomping at the bit to go outside and do fun things is the same energy that enables flowers such as daffodils, crocus, and snowdrops to burn through the snow and bloom. THAT is the energy of Aries, which is the beginning of the astrological cycle. Aries is a fire sign. It’s ruled by Mars, the planet of fire and drive, and symbolized by the ram. When you consider these details, you can think of the season of early spring as hot and direct. To help you take advantage of what this magickal season has to offer, I’m throwing a Spring Fling Party to gather the community together to do what we do best - share magick! I’ve made a party favor for you in the form of a 50+ page Witchy Planner & Journal! This Spring Fling Witchy Planner & Journal includes: Manifestation Moon Calendars for March-June Last Season Audit Journal Prompts & Pages Spring Equinox Tarot Spread Book of Shadows Pages New Spring Articles And more! Get your Spring Fling Witchy Planner & Journal by signing up at
