

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

interMission is a mission-focused podcast from Adventist Health based in California.


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interMission is a mission-focused podcast from Adventist Health based in California.



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#47 What I Learned in the Fall of 2013

Listen to Alex Bryan's Digital interMission here in case you missed the livestream. In this week's episode, Alex discusses a critical life decision he made and how he learned its okay to forgive yourself when things don't turn out great. Enjoy!


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#46 What I Learned in the Winter of 2006

Alex Bryan continues the "What I've Learned" series with talk on what he learned from his first child back in 2006. After having a child, Alex and his family soon realized they were constantly looking out for their new daughter. It made him realize that we can always be looking out for others when they cry out for help. Enjoy this powerful message on giving up our selfishness to serve others!


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#45 What I Learned The Hard Way by Dustin Aho

The What I've Learned series continues this week with Dustin Aho sharing a message about how he learned what matters most in his life. He asks us to consider the same question—with everything going on in today's world, what really matters most in our lives?


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#44 What I Learned The Hard Way by Shelly Trumbo

Join Shelly Trumbo, Community Integration Executive at Adventist Health, this week as the What I've Learned series continues on with great story from Shelly. Sometimes it takes painful mistakes to learn valuable lessons and that is exactly what happened to Shelly on a hiking trip. Enjoy!


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#43 What I Learned The Hard Way by Japhet De Oliveira

This week, Japhet De Oliveira continues the What I've Learned series with a talk on being welcoming. This is a lesson he learned the hard way from people not welcoming him. How can we make others feel comfortable and welcome them?


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#42 What I Learned The Hard Way by Sam Leonor

On the second episode of the What I Learned series, Sam Leonor shares a story from something he learned from Father Boyle. Listen as he encourages us to stay faithful to our mission and calling.


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#41 What I Learned The Hard Way by Alex Bryan

Join Adventist Health as we begin a new season of the interMission podcast. In this season, we are starting a series called "What I've Learned..." with stories from Alex Bryan, Shelly Trumbo, Dustin Aho and more. Join for these inspirational messages of hope.


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#40 Bread and Fish

On this week's Digital interMission, Sam Leonor talks about how God uses meager resources to provide huge miracles in our lives. In the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, a boy only had five loaves of bread and two fish, but Jesus multiplied it and fed everyone. When you feel low, give everything to God and watch what He can do!


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#39 Absolutely

In this week's Digital interMission, join Japhet De Oliveira as he talks about what is absolutely needed in our lives. Enjoy this reflection.


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#38 I'd Rather Be Sick

This week on Digital interMission, Alex Bryan wraps up Nurses Week 2020 with a special interMission. He shares his favorite stories of nursing from history and gives thanks to all nurses. Enjoy this message and thank a nurse during these unprecedented times.


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#37 The Eyes Have It

This week on Digital interMission, Alex Bryan discusses the power of our eyes and what we see. Jesus tells us our eyes are "The lamp of our bodies." Don't fall asleep and let the dogs of life take over your ability to see. Develop healthy eyes and see things with clarity.


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#36 Phantom

This week on Digital interMission, Alex Bryan shares what living God's Love really implies. Listen as he takes us through some talented opera singing while explaining the love God has for us.


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#35 Love and Wonder

In this week's episode of Digital interMission, Sam Leonor shares an inspiring message about the love of God. He invites us to consider how the love of God is greater than anything our minds can comprehend.


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#34 Breaking the Rules

Digital interMission on April 14 is by Alex Bryan. In this episode, he challenges us to break the rules so others can be loved and included. Alex shares a few stories from his life how he adjusted things and changed rules to include and love others.


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#33 Holy Space

In the fourth recording of Digital interMission, Japhet De Oliveira shares the story of King Saul and his jealousy for David. Through this, a holy space was created for Saul to enter in to. How can we create holy spaces for people in our lives?


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#32 Happiness vs. Joy

In the third week of Digital interMission, Sam Leonor brings us a message of the differences between happiness and joy. Happiness is always dependent on circumstances while having joy is not dependent on circumstances. Can we choose joy instead of happiness?


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#31 Camel Coat

Join Alex Bryan for the second Digital interMission recording where he talks about a coat that may not look good but does its job of comfort. How can we give each other comfort in a time like this? How can we love each other well and be strong?


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#30 See Big. Hear Small.

Today's interMission is a bit different than previous episodes. This is our first, temporary installment of Digital interMission, as regular interMission has been put on hold while we work remote for the next few weeks. Listen to Alex Bryan as he discusses paying attention to the small details of life while also keeping the big picture in mind.


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#29 Ostrich Eggs and Google Maps for the Soul

On today's interMission, Sam Leonor gives inspiration on keeping our eyes focused on what matters most when we go through times of trouble or being lost. He shares how in life we must have a reliable point of reference in times of storms to navigate through these tough times.


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#28 Pool Parties, Fear and Dropping Bombs

Alex Bryan, Mission Executive, shares the story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he navigated the storms of his own life. FDR had three major storms; his own health, The Great Depression and World War II. As he navigated these storms, FDR stayed resilient and continued to inspire the country to do the same. When we go through storms in our own lives, how will we respond and how we will continue to encourage those around us?
