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Breadcrumbs Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

“Staying Engaged in the Word of God, one morsel at a time.”


United States


“Staying Engaged in the Word of God, one morsel at a time.”



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Head Scratchers

There are so many things that just leave us speechless and scratching our heads these days. Good ole horse sense seems to be a thing of the past, but one thing we do not have to worry about is what God is up to even when things He is putting us through do not make sense in the moment. He has everything under control, and His plan is clear.


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Keep The Change

Change is inevitable, but none of us like it very much. However, to be molded into what God wants us to be, we need to submit ourselves from time to time to the changes he is wanting to make in our lives.


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Your Cage is Open

We often feel trapped by our own fears, yet it is because we do not step out by faith and realize that the Lord has wonderful plans for us if we would only make the first step forward. If you do, you will be surprised to find that your cage has been open all this time.


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Why is There No Y?

Life does gets messy, and things can get crazy, but God will show up in the good and the bad times with us. He gives our life rhyme and reason.


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The Pied Piper

The message has been preached, the warnings have been given, it is now time to respond. It's time to pay the piper.


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Hero to Zero in Sixty Seconds

We as humans are fickle and very quick to judge others, hold grudges, and forget the wonderful things others have done, and relegate them to the back burner for a miniscule infraction. Thankfully, God forgives and forgets and still says, "You are my child and I love you."


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The Annulment

God has always sought to have a relationship with His creation. When the Israelites rejected Him, we, the Gentiles, were given this extraordinary opportunity. I for one am glad to be able to be the Bride of Christ, and I am watching and waiting for His return.


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A Place Reserved For You

There is a place in the Kingdom of God for all of us, and the benefits package is out of this world. God promises not only everlasting life to us, but abundant life while we are still here as well. Your spot is reserved.


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Scarecrows in a Cucumber field

When it comes to praise, worship, glory, and giving credit where credit is due, God is a jealous God. He is the Almighty, and beside Him there is no other God and He takes this very seriously. He is loving, but He will not share His Glory, nor should He. He is the Creator of all things.


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We should never despise our leaders or those who have gone before us, because they have paved the way and marked the best path for us. Battles have been won and lost and blood has been spilt so that we can be free and live in safety.


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I Will Not Let You Go-“Lord, Change me.”

Change can come about in our lives, by incorporating two ingredients. First, we must ask God, who is our Father and wants to give good things to His children. Secondly, by having tenacity and persistence, which is manifest through the actions we take to bring about change.


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Winkie Face

We know that life never slows down, but we do have control of the brakes. We should use them from time to time to stop, pause, and refresh in order to remain effective in our homes, jobs and ministries.


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But the Rope Broke

Life is filled with moments that almost seem to be coincidences; however, when we look back we can see the hand of God was working things for our good all along. These are 'but God' moments.


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The Fitted Sheet

When life gets busy, messy and overwhelming, it is easy to feel defeated, but we must remember, we can do all things through Christ. We can overcome. We can conquer this battle!


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Don’t Fly Off The Handle

We know life will inevitably be messy at times but let us not expedite that and add to it by always being out of control. We must learn to trust in the Lord and let Him take control of our lives.


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A Weighty Matter

God takes fairness and equitable treatment very seriously. He measures with just weights and expects the same from us. It is not the extra pinch of salt that you took without paying that is the problem, but the motive of your heart.


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Inwardly Calculating

We must not be 'that' friend who is always out to see what they can get from a relationship, nor should be hang onto so called friends who are that way either. Freely we have received, therefore, freely, we should give to others.


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Jesus knew the value of building relationships with others. Not only is it what the human experience craves and needs, but when a trust is built with others, your words and actions will carry more influence and weight.


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Christ Revealed in the Living Word

As Christ was born of God physically, when we are born again of water and The Spirit, we are born of God who is that selfsame Spirit. Old things are passed away, and all things become new.


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The Missing Usher

Acts 2 tells us that when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one mind and one accord, and the miraculous happened in their midst. We should take notes.
