Deeper Riches Podcast
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Here on the Deeper Riches podcast, we engage in a rich conversation about the deep things of God, letting the Word of God shape our worldview and impact every area of our daily life. We are renewing our minds here, and we hope you, too, will be challenged, encouraged, and built up as you listen.
United States
Here on the Deeper Riches podcast, we engage in a rich conversation about the deep things of God, letting the Word of God shape our worldview and impact every area of our daily life. We are renewing our minds here, and we hope you, too, will be challenged, encouraged, and built up as you listen.
S3 E9 Judgment Day (Royal Priesthood Series)
On this episode we wrap up the first half of our series, A Handbook for the Royal Priesthood, as we dive into the return of Christ and the day of judgment. The final pillar of history for the Royal Priesthood to grasp is that God has a good plan for the end of the world. When we really understand God's plan for the end, we can orient our lives to fully engage in the story of history that God is even now perfectly bringing to completion. We don't need to be afraid to talk about the day of judgment, or to study the end of the world, because we know the One who has the ability to execute perfect judgment and keep all of His promises. In fact, the more we know about the end of the world, the more hope we can have today. Show Notes: https://deeperriches.com/?p=3862
S3 E8 We Are Kingdom People (Royal Priesthood Series)
This episode of the Deeper Riches Podcast puts the “Royal” in the Royal Priesthood. As adopted sons and daughters of the King of the Universe, we are royalty. But what is this kingdom that we have entered into? What does it mean to do “kingdom work” or be a “kingdom person”? What is the real work of this kingdom of priests? We return to the story of the history of the world and explore what God revealed about His Kingdom through the first three kings of Israel: Saul, David, and Solomon. We also dive into the parables Jesus told about his kingdom and take away some big lessons about the nature of the Kingdom of God. Show Notes at https://deeperriches.com/?p=3830
S3 E7 What Is the Church? (Royal Priesthood Series)
In this episode of the Deeper Riches Podcast we discuss “The Church,” which is the Body of Christ on the earth, and the Bride who awaits His return. Sadly, today we have been led to believe that our spiritual growth is an individual matter. But the story God is telling through the history of the world is not primarily a story about ME. It’s a story about WE. In this episode, we attempt to bridge the gap between the American “ME-centered” approach to Christianity and the way the Bible describes the Body of Christ as a priesthood of believers who are being built up TOGETHER as the Body of Christ, the Church. We re-examine the concepts of belonging, spiritual gifts, and church membership and present a Biblical alternative to finding “your best Christian life now.” We are invited into so much more. God's plan for the Church was one of the great mysteries in all the universe, a thing into which angels longed to look.
S3 E6 We Are Priests Like Living Stones (Royal Priesthood Series)
If you are in Christ, you are a part of the Royal Priesthood. Along with every believer of Jesus, we are being built up, like living stones, into a holy temple where God dwells. We are made to be instruments of reconciliation between God and man. In this episode we explore our Priesthood, and talk about what makes it distinct from the Levitical priesthood established in the Law. We analyze the story of Melchizedek, and gain new insights into our own priestly duties based on the story of this obscure royal priest. If we belong to the Body of Christ, we have already been anointed and ordained and consecrated for this high calling. Isn’t it about time we learn what this Priesthood is all about? Show notes at DeeperRiches.com
S3 E5 Law and Gospel (Royal Priesthood Series)
On this episode of the podcast, we discuss the giving of the Law of Moses. Through this Law, God gave to mankind an unbelievable grace: He revealed the gospel more fully than ever before. We will trace how God clearly communicated his standard for right and wrong, the standard by which all of mankind is judged, and the standard of which we all fall short. But in the Law God also revealed that He would take payment for our sin with the blood of a perfect, spotless sacrifice, and restore us to a right relationship with Him. Without this Law, there is no gospel. We hope that this episode challenges your previous conceptions of the Law, and gives you an extra measure of gratitude this Easter season. Show Notes: deeperriches.com/?p=3713
S3 E4 Let My People Go (Royal Priesthood Series)
On this episode, we discuss God as DELIVERER. We dive into the story of the Exodus, when God delivered His people out of slavery in Egypt. Next to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Exodus is the most miracle-filled story in the Bible. The story is so pivotal, that the Israelites were commanded to remember and reenact it every single year forever. This story is also foundational to the Royal Priesthood today, because before we can serve God in the wilderness, we must actually leave the system of Egypt. This is an application rich episode, worth listening all the way through. It will challenge you, but it is our hope that you, too, will hear the call of God on your behalf, to “Let my people go!” Show notes at: https://deeperriches.com/?p=3686
S3 E3 Walk by Faith (Royal Priesthood Series)
On this 3rd episode in the Handbook for the Royal Priesthood series, we examine the life of Father Abraham as a model of walking by FAITH. God counted Abraham’s faith as righteousness, so what exactly did Abraham believe? And how did he exercise that faith? In an age where it is becoming increasingly more costly to walk by faith and stand for Christ, the Royal Priesthood needs to consider what it means to follow in the footsteps of Abraham and walk by faith. Show notes at: https://deeperriches.com/?p=3670
S3 E2 Be Fruitful and Multiply (Royal Priesthood Series)
In this episode, we trace the mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” from Adam to Noah, to the birth of the nations, and all the way to Revelation. We unpack what it means to be fruitful and multiply as the Royal Priesthood for God's glory. Show notes and transcript at: deeperriches.com/podcast-be-fruitful-and-multiply/
S3 E1 The Glory Of God (Royal Priesthood Series)
On this first episode of the new series, A Handbook for the Royal Priesthood, we dive into The Glory of God. Before creating the universe, God existed in glory. Therefore, the first pillar of the Royal Priesthood is that God created the world for his own glory. His glory demands a stage. We define glory, discuss how it relates to creation, sin and worship, and explore what it means to glorify God in a uniquely Christian way. Show notes, transcripts and more at: https://deeperriches.com/?p=3610
S3 Teaser: A Handbook for the Royal Priesthood
On this teaser episode, we introduce Season 3 of the Deeper Riches Podcast, and discuss the origins of our new project: A Handbook for the Royal Priesthood. Show Notes: deeperriches.com/podcast-season3-teaser
S2 E10 Devil, Not Today! (Spiritual Warfare Part 5)
On this final episode of our series about Spiritual Warfare we dive into James 4 and discuss the connection between interpersonal conflict and spiritual warfare. Then we look at some famous Old Testament battles to learn three more tactics of Spiritual Warfare: Singing, Shouting, and Lifting Holy Hands to God. Show Notes at: https://deeperriches.com/?p=3435
S2 E9 Flaming Arrows (Spiritual Warfare Part 4)
In this fourth episode on Spiritual Warfare, we wrap up our discussion of Ephesians 6:10-20, the Armor of God. We delve deeper into what's actually happening in the spiritual realms: Who are these "rulers and authorities" Paul writes about? What is faith, exactly, and how do we exercise it? Why is the helmet of salvation mentioned here? Is the sword of the Spirit really the only offensive weapon in the Armor? The conversation gets a little controversial, with discussions of the "word of faith" movement, how children make life hard, and whether or not you can "pray on" the armor of God. Listen to our thoughts and then decide for yourselves. This episode is a little more practical, but of course that's steeped in deep and rich theology. Enjoy! Show notes at https://deeperriches.com/?p=3424
S2 E8 Armor Up (Spiritual Warfare Part 3)
On this third episode in our series on Spiritual Warfare, we finally dive into Ephesians 6:10-20, and talk about how to take up and put on the Armor of God. David gives an overview of the book of Ephesians to place the Armor of God in context, and we discuss how Spiritual Warfare manifests in the ordinary living of everyday life. Show Notes at: https://deeperriches.com/?p=3395
S2 E7 Soldierly Pursuits (Spiritual Warfare Part 2)
Contrary to what our enemy wants us to believe, ALL of life is war. There is no separate part of the Christian life called "Spiritual Warfare." Building on our overview of spiritual warfare, in this episode we dive into 2 Timothy 2 and explain what it means to have the mindset of a soldier in Christ, eager to do what pleases the One who enlisted us. How do we tell if the things we are chasing after are worthy of the time of soldier, or if they are "civilian pursuits"? What is the final objective of our Commanding Officer? Are all Christians soldiers, or just full-time ministers and missionaries? What does it mean to be captured by the enemy to do his will? Should we engage in arguments about politics? What does it mean to be willing to suffer for the gospel? Does pursuing the Great Commission mean I have to give up "the good life"? Join us as we uncover the real heart issues which determine whether our pursuits are civilian or soldierly in the fight.
S2 E6 Spiritual Warfare Part 1
On this episode we discuss Spiritual Warfare. Christ defeated all the spiritual forces of evil on the cross, putting all rulers and authorities to open shame, yet we still have a battle to fight in the spiritual realm until He returns. The war has been won, but the battle rages on. On this first episode about Spiritual Warfare, we dive into the cosmic battle that has been raging since the Garden of Eden: a battle over our worship and the knowledge of God. A battle over our minds, our culture, our neighbors, and the nations. We look at the end game, where this whole thing is heading, and what our spiritual wrestling looks like on the way there.
S2 E5 Is This the End of the World?
In this episode, we discuss how current events in the world today resemble Jesus' prophecies about the end of the world in Matthew chapter 24. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Deconstruction movement, a global pandemic that resembles a plague... What should our posture be when we see these potential signs of the end of the world? We can bury our heads in the sand, or we can ready ourselves for Christ's return. As followers of Jesus, we can respond to all this bad news with faith, love, and hope! Show Notes at deeperriches.com
S2 E4 The Secret Reward of Christian Fasting
What is Biblical Fasting? Should all Christians fast? What are the benefits of fasting? What are the dangers? Does God like fasting? Is fasting a way to manipulate God? We discuss all this and more on this special episode of the Deeper Riches Podcast. Though fasting has fallen out of favor in most American Christian circles, new research shows many health benefits of this ancient practice. We discuss the spiritual benefits of fasting, discuss our own fasting practice, and dive into what the Bible has to say about fasting. Show notes and more at https://deeperriches.com/?p=3284
S2 E3 My Personal Testimony of Healing
On this special episode of the podcast, Michelle shares her personal testimony of trusting God through sickness and experiencing radical healing through prayer. Show notes at deeperriches.com/podcasts
S2 E2 Jesus, the WORD (John 1)
In this episode, we dive into the Gospel of John and talk about the earth-shattering statement: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God..." Show notes and full transcript at deeperriches.com
S2 E1 - Words, Words, Words
If we say God is "awesome," and we say pizza is "awesome," what does the word "awesome" really mean? On this season opener of the Deeper Riches podcast, we discuss why words matter, especially when we are talking about the things of God. We talk definitions and connotations; the vulgarization of holy language; and how to slow down and savor the Scriptures by rightly handling the words. Show notes at DeeperRiches.com