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Kingdom Come

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Kingdom Come is hosted by Scott Spiewak. A local New England guy who has a passion for activating every believer of Christ to do the work of the ministry according to 1 John 2:6 and the Ephesians 4 model. The work of the ministry was never meant to be dumbed down to volunteering. Many things in our American Christian culture have been taken for granted and even not understood. Kingdom Come will highlight local testimonies from people that have had a real encounter with Jesus and the person of the Holy Spirit. Through first hand guest interviews, teaching and Scott's passion, the balance of the show will help you.


United States


Kingdom Come is hosted by Scott Spiewak. A local New England guy who has a passion for activating every believer of Christ to do the work of the ministry according to 1 John 2:6 and the Ephesians 4 model. The work of the ministry was never meant to be dumbed down to volunteering. Many things in our American Christian culture have been taken for granted and even not understood. Kingdom Come will highlight local testimonies from people that have had a real encounter with Jesus and the person of the Holy Spirit. Through first hand guest interviews, teaching and Scott's passion, the balance of the show will help you.





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What is House Church? Part II of Answering the Questions Everyone is Asking

The discussion with Steve Leifheit and John Marshall continues with discussing our settings, sharing stories and discussing how beautiful and genuine our house churches are. Some would even call this simple church. In this episode we discuss some of the common misnomer's of church. Things like do we take offerings? Who is our covering? Do we have elders or a pastor we follow? You'll love the chat and appreciate you sharing it with a friend. Acts 2:46 - "House to House" Acts 5:42 - "House to House" Acts 8:3 - "House after House" Acts 10:22 "Cornelius House" Acts 12:12 - "Mary's House" Acts 16:32 - "Jailer's House" Acts 16:40 - "Lydia's House" Acts 18:7 - "Titius Justus House" Acts 20:20 - "House to House" Romans 16:5 - "Prisca + Aquila's House 1 Cor. 16:19 - "Prisca + Aquila's House Colossians 4:15 "Nympha's House" Philemon 1:2 - "Philemon's House"


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What is House Church? Answering the Questions Everyone is Asking

For the past three or four years we have been walking out modeling the early church model both locally and regionally here in New England. It has been a total complete blast. A few of the folks I have done that with are Steve Leifheit, from York, ME as well as John Marshall from Nashua, NH. Both Steve and John aren't strangers to the show as they've both been on in the past to discuss similar topics. If you've not listened to those shows go back and find's worth your time. Today we catch up with Steve and John - getting an update on where things are at with them as well diving into answering some of the many questions brought up in different circles surrounding doing this lifestyle. Acts 2:46 - "House to House" Acts 5:42 - "House to House" Acts 8:3 - "House after House" Acts 10:22 "Cornelius House" Acts 12:12 - "Mary's House" Acts 16:32 - "Jailer's House" Acts 16:40 - "Lydia's House" Acts 18:7 - "Titius Justus House" Acts 20:20 - "House to House" Romans 16:5 - "Prisca + Aquila's House 1 Cor. 16:19 - "Prisca + Aquila's House Colossians 4:15 "Nympha's House" Philemon 1:2 - "Philemon's House"


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The Prayer Tent at the Deerfield Fair 2023

For 7 years now since 2016 we have been taking tents to festivals all over New England as a paid vendor asking folks if they need prayer. This year, something unique occurred...folks were walking into the tent on their own. We made a simple yet profound change to what we were doing. Listen to the stories from the field of God moving across New England through everyday believers hungry to give out the gospel to anyone....mind you...this wasn't a church service or a paid conference. It was folks inconveniencing themselves on a Friday or Saturday sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, getting annoyed I'm sure to find out Salvation would be coming.


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The Story of Elisha and Erica Cole - 2.0

We did a podcast with, Eli (his old name, ha!) & Erica almost two years ago now prior to Covid happening. They're an amazing couple that I was introduced to us by another guest of this show Steve Leifheit. Their house church setting was the first one I had ever been changed me and helped me have courage to launch our own. All that to say, Elisha had been battling depression as well as they were struggling as a couple with their role inside their own house church gathering. Their perception of church leadership wasn't the healthiest like many Christians in America today. As our path's continued to cross and intersect I noticed this past Spring, Elisha had a massive transformation. This recording was our first ever one done outside on their porch...fitting for their story. Listen to an amazing conversation about the power of community, perseverance and grit with a breakthru testimony!


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The Story of Daniel and Jess Penn

We connected with Daniel and Jess Penn through Jess' dad, Rick Demmon's close to a year ago now. They showed up for our annual Barn Dinner hosted on our farm and 200 year old barn. We gather folks from the region for a dinner and worship in the barn. Daniel and Jess are a married couple with a son, Matthew who got touched in our barn, listen to the episode to hear how they got touched...a year has passed and they have been a part of our community since then. Listen to their journey from a church they'd been a part of for decades to a house church setting. They growth the Lord has brought them through is astounding, but what's even better is the way the Lord has been using them all over our town!


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The Prayer Tent at Dover with Katherine Eaton

For years I have been toting around my prayer in the back of our car or truck all over New England. Since that time the Lord has given me a strategy about a year ago an this prayer tent story you are about to listen to is the first of it's kind! Tune in to hear from someone who stepped up to do a prayer tent in her own town, Katherine Eaton. Katherine and I met almost a year ago now when she came out to help in Pittsfield last August at the Hot Air Balloon Festival there. We connected and since then, Katherine has sparked a heart for doing this and furthermore senses a calling and burden to do this.


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The Homeless Christmas Party

We have been serving Harmony Homes and Henry in Manchester, NH for the last 5 years. This year however, something changed. Something shifted. There was an incredibly strong presence of God. It was so tangible and seen and modeled. From the minute the church service started to the homeless doing all their shopping downstairs...God was there! Henry has done an amazing job all these years touching the hearts of hundreds. There was roughly 100 plus volunteers from over a dozen churches across NH. Our team manned the 'prayer tent' area. This year we prayed for over 200 plus homeless! There was, like never before a massive desire from them to us for prayer...they wanted it! Listen in as my new friend Rick Demmons shares stories from the team.


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The Barn Dinner - Regional Gathering of Ministry Friends

Years ago we started out having a few pastors over for dinner. We'd sit around and talk, brainstorm and share about the Ephesians 4:11 model - one of my favorite things...the 5 fold ministry. From those humble beginnings to hosting pastors these gatherings have grown to now having upwards of 65 people come. This past dinner was very sweet. Very special with worship, prayer, prophecy and break-thru for many. Today's show is the testimony of a new local friend from Concord, NH Rick Demmons. Rick and I got introduced to each other about 7-8 weeks ago. He and his family have richly blessed our lives as friends but as kingdom minded believers. They've helped in two prayer tents now as well as attended their first barn dinner Guess what'll have to listen...but God moved mightily.


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The Prayer Tent at the Deerfield Fair 2022 - Man Healed Out of a Wheelchair

For 5-6 years we've been doing prayer tent ministry at public festivals all over New England. In the last year, the Lord had us pivot from going all over to focus on the state we live in - New Hampshire. The Deerfield Fair in particular HAS been one of the most challenging festivals. The toughest places to go...but not anymore. That is changing. We're starting to see people from festival's we've done prayer tents at before...we starting to see them over and over. The work we are doing is starting to penetrate the darkness. It's starting to penetrate the's working! But we need your help. We share on today's show stories from the field praying for others. We prayed for a man two years ago at this festival who came running down the sidewalk looking for the prayer tent to tell us - He's OUT OF HIS WHEELCHAIR!


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The Gathering In Kittery, ME - House Church Rally meets up in Maine

We've been doing regional gatherings at our home here in New Hampshire for the last year. It started out of friendship and has evolved to include upwards of around 30-40 leadership type folks around the area. Many of us all have in common, the movement in our area that is ever expanding. Last weekend in Kittery, ME we had a similar type setting but open the gathering up to anyone who wanted to come and hear about house church. We had roughly 7 house church homes represented with about 35 folks present. Each time we meet the settings differ as do the outcome. We were honored today at Kingdom Come to have a friend of the show Steve Leifheit on the program again. Steve took the lead on setting up the Maine get together which was a nice break for us here in Concord. His passion for this movement is contagious. The show we had him on in the past called The Great Spiritual Reset Part 4 is one of our most listened to program's after 3 years! Thanks for listening and believing in what God is building.


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Unlearning Church 2.0 - Pioneering the Model for Church as we’ve known it

Today's show we are privileged to have local guest Justin Marbury from Calvary Wolfboro, NH and John Marshall from The Church at Nashua join the show. We did a show together close to a year ago called Unlearning Church which would be good as a recap for you to listen. We catch up on all that has happened for each of us regarding what we've been learning about the Ephesians 4:11 model to launching church with this renewed perspective over the last year since doing a show together. Join in and listen to the discussion it will bless you!


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The Prayer Tent at Concord - Testimonies from 2022 Street Festival

For just over 6 years now the New England Healing & Freedom Center has been doing prayer tents all over New England. Specifically on today's show we are highlighting testimonies from the street of what occurred in the tent. This year we partnered with Kingdom Awakening Ministries who are out of Kingston, NH lead by Myles & Leza Milham. Because of this partnership it enabled us to have almost 30 feet of street frontage at the festival...we kept saying all weekend - "we've got a double wide"! You'll enjoy hearing the stories of what God did and how we moved through the everyday believer. If you need prayer please reach out or give us a can be found online


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Jesus was not a Christian

Sometimes a statement goes off in your spirit so much so that you need to get it out. This journey for me started about 5 plus years ago through trial actually. Through learning by mistake. I'm someone by nature who loves taking risk - the Lord has used that gift over and over inside me for HIS GOOD. So I say all that to say, the statement Jesus was not a Christian has been sounding off inside of me for weeks. I so want followers of Him and His teachings to be PUT ON HIM and not on much so I'm willing to talk about it. The challenge in American Christianity is that when men fall - so do the 1,000 people following those men - mostly because they're not on Jesus - they're on or following those men. Our brand of Christianity 99% of the time is missing elements of Christ. It's been created around a certain followers brand of Christianity. Jesus didn't die for a denomination He died for all of humanity!


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Please Stop Praying for Revival - It's already in YOU & UPON YOU!

Today's show is solely based off an encounter I had with the Lord this past week. Something has occurred which isn't for me its for anyone. Its for all of us who carry a burden to see our town's have the gospel be at the center of everything. Scripture wise - today's episode is based off the portion of the woman with the alabaster jar of oil and the difference between true kingdom and self promotion. Why we see men's kingdom's falling and true kingdom advancing. On top of this encounter something occurred yesterday where "Fish are Already Jumping in the Boat" - Tune in and be encouraged that you are on the right track...that YES, God wants to use you where you live!


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Take a Seat at Your Table - Eating the Nutrients off the Table the Lord has Prepared

On today's show, host Scott Spiewak discusses in more detail Psalm 23 and what that has meant to him personally and how to eat at the Lords table. Using the nourishment from that table to be able to deal with anything that comes your way - no matter what. Spiritual warfare is real. It exist and is meant to get us off, as followers of believers into unbelief. God doesn't want that for you and didn't do this to you to teach you a lesson. He's for you! That's the bottom line, end of story...take that to the bank!


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What Happen's When You're Squeezed? Realities of Walking Thru Your Own Personal Valley

Psalm 23 is one of the most used scriptures when attending funerals. Did you know that? But it's actually more about life than death. God has used Psalm 23 in my life for the last 5 years walking through a tumultuous time of a health crisis. There is a piece of the Presence of God that rest's in the valley. It's called perseverance. There's actually much much refreshing in the valley but MOST Christians are too afraid of their own life to even want to be in the valley. Remember, perfect love cast's out fear...then why are so many gripped by fear. I tell you why, they've been introduced to religion. Religion cripples's having a form of godliness but denying the power there of. Tune in to today's episode and learn some tips and tricks to walking in freedom through your own personal valley.


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Living Out Your Dream - Fostering Relationships with Others who have a Seat on Your Bus

Having a dream in your heart from God is not unfamiliar. Doing it and going after that dream is an entirely different beast all together. On today's show, Scott Spiewak the host at Kingdom Come dialogues nuggets on things he's learned in walking out his own dream. We're living in a time with God right now like never before where so many things are changing so fast - there's never been a better TIME TO LAUNCH YOU! Launch wants in your heart to do! We'd love to talk and prayer with you at any time - check out the New England Healing & Freedom Center for more information.


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The Need for Real Community - What does it look like to Nuture Authentic Culture

Local guest Chuck Denningham joins me from East Concord, NH. For the last year the phrase 'community' has been a buzz word in Christian gatherings. What does it mean? How do we create it and is it authentic? As we at Kingdom Come have left traditional church we've learned things from the streets we never saw before in Sunday morning gatherings. Those are things we LOVE to share with you all listening. Most of what I have learned as the host, Scott Spiewak, has really been from failure. We started a local house gathering the last 3/4's of a year. Through that process, we've grown as a group. But now, we've found our rhythm....and something has happened...we're having a total blast! For more information or prayer needs reach out to us at The New England Healing & Freedom Center.


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Conversion VS Conversation - Everyday Discipleship that's Changing the Landscape of Church

For years in any discussion on stories of evangelism it was always about a number. A number of people that were led to the Lord was all that matter. Back in the day, that number was the credibility we were somehow looking for which validated our work. Those days are LONG GONE! Converting someone through leading them through "the Roman's Road' is not the end goal...most of those folks have already left the church out the back door or worse, never even made it to the front door. Evangelism has changed and so has the way we need to go about it. In today's podcast, show host Scott Spiewak, from The New England Healing & Freedom Center shares first hand stories of lesson's learned from 'real time' happenings on the street of how conversation has taken the pressure and guilt off of getting someone converted.


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The 5 Fold Ministry - Activating Every Believer for THEIR work of the ministry

Welcome to the third season of Kingdom Come. The podcast that models how to walk like Jesus walked according to 1 John 2:6. I'm your host Scott Spiewak from The New England Healing & Freedom Center located in Concord, NH. We started doing prayer tents 5 years ago at local festivals and saw God begin moving in miraculous ways. Since then we have prayed for 4,605 people on the streets and standing in dirt fields. I'm an entrepreneur with two businesses but do believe we have been sent here to model a new way. A new way for a new wineskin. Today's show is all about the Ephesians 4:11 scripture. An NFL football analogy given by a friend years ago felt applicable to today given the playoff's happening right now. We sense a SHIFT occurring that will continue until we see more and more of the Ephesians 4 model being both seen and walked out. Enjoy today's discussion.
