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A Gal and Her Bible

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

"A Gal and Her Bible" offers practical insight and prayer into your circumstances in light of God’s Word. "Our life circumstances are just as unique as our fingerprint, But God is intricately involved in every detail. There is always Hope through Jesus Christ, our Savior, no matter how difficult the circumstances are." About the Host. Bettye Nicole ministers to and supports women experiencing relational issues, divorce, depression, and grief, utilizing practical biblical counseling. She believes in teaching the application of biblical principles and instilling faith and confidence in the Word of God and the God of the Word. As believers, we are not exempt from challenging circumstances; therefore, we must strengthen our core beliefs that we may endure life trials with the hope of overcoming them in Christ.." Fight all your battles on your knees in PRAYER, and you will WIN every time. Be Encouraged, Encouraged? Support this podcast by rating and sharing it with someone. Buy me a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BettyeNicole Read my Youversion devotionals here https://my.bible.com/search/plans?query=Bettye%20Nicole


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"A Gal and Her Bible" offers practical insight and prayer into your circumstances in light of God’s Word. "Our life circumstances are just as unique as our fingerprint, But God is intricately involved in every detail. There is always Hope through Jesus Christ, our Savior, no matter how difficult the circumstances are." About the Host. Bettye Nicole ministers to and supports women experiencing relational issues, divorce, depression, and grief, utilizing practical biblical counseling. She believes in teaching the application of biblical principles and instilling faith and confidence in the Word of God and the God of the Word. As believers, we are not exempt from challenging circumstances; therefore, we must strengthen our core beliefs that we may endure life trials with the hope of overcoming them in Christ.." Fight all your battles on your knees in PRAYER, and you will WIN every time. Be Encouraged, Encouraged? Support this podcast by rating and sharing it with someone. Buy me a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BettyeNicole Read my Youversion devotionals here https://my.bible.com/search/plans?query=Bettye%20Nicole





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October 12th| Prayer Call| Don't give up on God| Dealing With the Emotion of Anger

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October 5th| Prayer Call| Emotional Warfare Part 1

This month, our prayer focus will be on our emotional health. Support the show


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September 28th|Prayer Call| The enemy is after your faith|

In this episode, the listeners share prayer requests and encouragement. Trust God even when you can't trace Him. Be Encouraged. Support the show


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September 14th| Prayer Call| You need God's strength|Planning for the future| Cutting out distractions|

We need God's strength in our lives because our strength is limited to our humanity, but the strength of God is supernatural, and it has no limits; it knows no bounds. It is perfect in measure and will carry you through your most trying times. Are there any areas of your life where you may feel weak today? Maybe you are tired of the mundane or dealing with circumstances or relationships that are draining the life out of you; if this is true for you, there is strength for you today. In God's presence, there is the fullness of joy- contentment and strength. 'Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. 'Joshua 1:9 Be Encouraged, Bettye Support the show


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Live Call In Encouragement & Prayer Call| God Is Able| Prayer & Fasting| August 10th

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What is stopping you from entering in God's Rest? Matthew 11:28-30

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July 20th| Prayer Call| When your back is against the wall.

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July 13th| Prayer Call| Problem with Unbelief| Finding hope amidst sorrow|

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July 6th|Prayer Call| Deliverance| You can change your course|

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June 29th| Prayer Call| Are you struggling with shame, guilt or regret?

Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. Isaiah 54:4 NIV Support the show


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How Journaling & Therapy Exposed My Barrier to God's Love| Judging myself harshly| Love is worth it!

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When you need discernment| Solomon's example| 1 Kings 3| Bible Study

In this episode, we walk through 1 King chapter 3 to gather principles from Solomon's prayer. When we pray for discernment, God most often gives us problems to solve as a training ground. Support the show


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Praying in Desperation| How to handle conflict in prayer| 1 Samuel| Bible Study

In this episode, I walk throuugh the first twenty verses of 1 Samuel. When most view this chapter, they hone in on Hannah's barrenness but I believe there are principles we can glean from her godly reaction to being provoked. Support the show


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Why do you keep looking back? God Is Calling you Forward|

In today's episode, I share the importance of trusting God and moving forward even if "the desire" to look back is there. We see this in the Children of Israel's lives and, for most of us, in ours as well. We are all prone to look back, but God has called us Forward! Listen in as I share a few personal stories and Biblical examples. Be Encouraged, Scripture Reference Psalm 106 Psalm 139 Support the show


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Struggling to Trust God? The real problem is in God's view!

In this episode, I talk about trusting God, dealing with disappointment, and How God relates to and speaks to us. Prayerfully you are encouraged! Bible References Psalm 40:1-4 Job 23:6-11 Proverbs 3:5-6 Support this Podcast https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BettyeNicole Support the show


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Intro| Books I am reading|| Making Decisions| Prayers|Encouragement|

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Ep 10| Overcoming Insecurity & Fear

In today's episode, I talk about overcoming insecurity. I share a few lessons I learned in my journey, and we look to a few of God's servants in scripture who struggled with insecurity as well. Blog post Sometimes, God has not released specific blessings over your life because you don't believe you are worthy of His good gifts. Maybe you have felt the sting of rejection of someone, and the value they placed on you has caused you to devalue yourself. This is not of God! Satan will use our insecurity and make us place value in the lies he fed us over the years. Since the beginning of time, this has been his trick, and he knows that once you understand who you are in Christ, insecurity has to go. Are you always uncertain about yourself and constantly wrestling with anxiety? Do you lack confidence in the way you look or the gifts God has given you? Answering these questions is a good way to gauge where you are. You are worthy of what God has for you. Not because you are perfect but because God IS, and He covers our mistakes, regret, shame, and guilt with the blood of Jesus Christ. Don't settle for the lies of Satan. Don't believe that your best days are behind. There is this consistent theme in scripture where God says, " Fear not, move forward and trust me." We can't change the past, but we can change our future every day. When His servants are obedient in that, He then opens doors and leads us into victory. We all have a choice, choose to believe what God says. He declared this over us "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:16 ESV God IS intentional with everything He creates. He has a plan for you, believe it. Be Encouraged, Bettye NIcole Support the show


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Ep9| Building godly-friendships| What does that look like?

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Ep8|Misplaced Priorities| Putting First things First!

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EP7| Fasting| Renewing Your Faith While In The Waiting!

In today's episode, I share my testimony on fasting and how the Lord strengthened me to continue to wait on Him. God may not come when you want Him, But He is an On-time God. The process is just as necessary as the promise. God is concerned with both. God sees and knows every detail of your life; trust that He will fulfill His word at the appointed time. Bible Verses Habakkuk Chapters 1-3 Support the show
