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Ocean Lakes Church Service

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Spend a few minutes with Rev. Kirk Lawton for insight and encouragement through the word of God. The longtime Chaplain for Ocean Lakes Family Campground has been an inspiration to thousands of campground guests from all over North America. Located on 310 oceanfront acres in Myrtle Beach, SC, Ocean Lakes is one of the largest family-owned campgrounds in the United States and has welcomed travelers for nearly 50 years. The non-denominational Church Service is held in the Recreation Center every Sunday at 9 AM with up to 800 in attendance.


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Spend a few minutes with Rev. Kirk Lawton for insight and encouragement through the word of God. The longtime Chaplain for Ocean Lakes Family Campground has been an inspiration to thousands of campground guests from all over North America. Located on 310 oceanfront acres in Myrtle Beach, SC, Ocean Lakes is one of the largest family-owned campgrounds in the United States and has welcomed travelers for nearly 50 years. The non-denominational Church Service is held in the Recreation Center every Sunday at 9 AM with up to 800 in attendance.





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When God Does Not Divide the Waters

Last Sunday we concluded a series of messages, all on the subject, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” Today we are going to follow up, in a sense, of what we have been thinking about during these past few weeks. So, as an introduction to today’s message, how do you answer this question: “Do you believe in miracles?” If you say “Yes,” then what about those times when you do NOT receive a miracle in answer to your prayers. This is what we’re thinking about this morning.


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Why Does God Allow It?

We conclude this morning a series of messages, all on the general subject, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” All around us today we can hear stories in the news about terrible happenings around the globe - wars, hunger, poverty, destructive acts in nature (such as fires, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes), events wherein people carelessly take the lives of other - and on and on it goes. Have you ever stopped to ask the question, “Why does God allow all this to happen?” This is our subject for today. Thank you for worshiping with us today from Ocean Lakes Campground.


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How Does God Help Us

We continue this morning a series of messages, all on the general subject, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." Last Sunday we made a beginning at trying to look at some answers which God has for us when life seems to tumble in on top of us. That we only a beginning, so today we will pick up where we left off a week ago. Our question for today is "How Does God Help Us?" Yes, God not only HAS the answer; He IS the answer. So let's spend a few minutes now looking at some additional ways in which God helps us. Thank you for being a part of our congregation today from Ocean Lakes Campground.


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How Does God Help Us?

During the past four Sundays we have been taking a close look at this problem which we all seem to encounter at some time in our lives. We have looked at the subject of pain, and we’ve asked who is to blame when trouble comes our way. Last Sunday we even put the spotlight of blame on Satan himself, who is always trying to separate us from God’s love. Today we are going to begin coming up with some answers that we’ve all been seeking. As you listen to today’s message, will you offer a silent prayer that God may be able to send His blessing to you, just at the point of your greatest need. Thank you for worshiping with us here at Ocean Lakes Campground.


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The Devil Made Me Do It

We continue this morning a series of messages, all on the general subject, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” Can you imagine a scene where two little children are playing – a brother and a sister - when something bad happens and immediately Momma comes in. The guilty child may acknowledge the wrong-doing, but tries to shift the blame by saying, “Johnny (or Susie) made me do it.” Who makes us do wrong? Let’s look at some possibilities as we join now the congregation at worship from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.


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Who's to Blame?

We continue this morning a series of messages, all on the general subject, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” Today the sermon title asks a question, “Who’s to Blame?” This may not seem to be a very important question on the surface, but it is a question which is asked so often when bad things happen to us. “Lord, what have I done to deserve this?” “Why did this happen to me?” “What is the origin of my trouble?” Jesus had to face this very question one day, and we might well learn a lot to help us at this point, if we will let Jesus be our teacher. Let’s hear together what God is trying to say to us through His Word, the Bible. John’s gospel, chapter 9, is where we will be looking.


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The Gift Nobody Wants

Last Sunday we began a series of messages, all on the general subject, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” Today our scriptural basis for the sermon is three-fold: first, from Isaiah’s prophecy, chapter 21, verse 3. Then we move over to the New Testament to the book of Romans, chapter 8, verse 22. Finally, a verse from the last book in the Bible, Revelation, chapter 21, verse 4. If you are where your Bible is handy, you may wish to find these passages and uncover what God is saying to us through them, as we consider today the subject, “The Gift Nobody Wants.” What is that gift? Let’s find out together


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A Look at the Problem

One phrase which we have all heard during the past days is the greeting, “Happy New Year.” For many, this is more than just a greeting; it is a real expression of our wishes that someone else may have joy and happiness in the new year. But reality is that some will have a very difficult year in many ways. This morning we are beginning a series of messages on the subject, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” Our prayer is that we may have the spiritual strength to face even bad times in the year ahead. This may apply to any one of us.


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The Mountain and the Valley

Now that we are already five days into the new year, perhaps some of the excitement of Christmas has faded, and you are now having to settle back down into everyday life and routines. Christmas can be a "mountain-top" experience for some, but how do we deal with the reality of coming back to earth in the valley? This is what we're thinking about this morning, and our prayer for you is that you may find God to be just as real, just as near, and just as supporting in your greatest need when you are in the valley. Thank you for allowing us to worship with you today, as you also worship with us here at Ocean Lakes.


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A Package from Home

On this last Sunday in the year 2024, we who are gathered here at Ocean Lakes will be observing the meal such as Jesus shared with His disciples on that night before His crucifixion. This is known today by several different titles: communion, The Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, and perhaps other less-known titles. The meditation before we partake of the elements of this observance is entitled, "A Package from Home." Can you imagine the thrill of receiving a package from loved ones back home if you are unable to be there at Christmas? Perhaps you have memories of such an event for you, or even for you this year. God has a special blessing for you; our prayer is that you may be able to receive His gift to you as you join with us now in this service.


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Bethlehem or Bedlam?

How we wish it were possible for you who are listening in today to our worship service by podcast to be personally present with those gathered here. On this Sunday before Christmas the majority of our service is devoted to the singing of well-known and beloved Christmas carols. Before our congregation joins hands and sings "Silent Night," we will hear a brief meditation entitled "Bethlehem or Bedlam?" Our prayer for you in our podcast audience is that you will have a blessed and meaningful observance of the birth of our Savior Jesus.


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Emmanuel Is His Name

How many different names can you think of which are used to describe Jesus? One person searched the scriptures and found 88 different titles by which Jesus has been called. We all may have a favorite word which we like to use in referring to Jesus, and as Christmas approaches, we are going to be looking today at one of the most beautiful names He has ever been given - the name “Emmanuel.”


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The Fixin’ Man

There is a phrase which is sometimes used, particularly by those of us who may be from the southern area of the United States, which means to repair something that may be broken. We have “repair shops” for about everything, from automobiles to watches, home appliances, and a host of other things. But that word which southerners sometimes use, instead of “repair” is the word “fix.” “See if you can fix this.” And so today, at the risk of correct grammar, the message is entitled, “The Fixin’ Man.”


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The Time Was Right

Anyone who knows how to prepare a delicious meal is quite aware of the need for proper timing - - how to make everything come together at just the right time. Otherwise, some dishes may be ready to eat far before others are ready, and the food can get cold - - or melted - - and the meal ends in a disaster. God sent His Son, Jesus, to the earth at just the right time - - not too soon or too late. This is what we're thinking about today, and what a wonderful job our Heavenly Father did in this! Thank you for joining our congregation now from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.


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The Man Jesus Made Whole

On this Sunday before Thanksgiving Day, we are thinking about what Jesus did for a man whom Jesus healed, not just from a physical disease, but in a larger sense. He was healed, but Jesus used another word to describe what had taken place - the man was made WHOLE. This story ties right in with the Thanksgiving theme - that of giving thanks. Our prayer is that today’s message will help us all to experience true thanksgiving to God - and be made WHOLE also.


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Living All Your Life

It has wisely been said that “some people die at 40, but are buried at 65.” What is implied here is that some people do not get out of life all that they wish to have; they just exist, but do not really LIVE. Today the message is based on the words of Jesus from John’s gospel, chapter 10, verse 10, where He says, “I have come, that they may have life and have it to the full.” We’ll look today at some of those things that keep us from living “ALL your life.” Thank you for worshipping with us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.


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Losers --- Keepers

Do you remember as a child hearing the expression, “Finders keepers, losers, weepers?” On this Sunday after our national election day, there are probably many people who may be in that second category, as they are at least symbolically “weeping” because the person (or persons) they voted for did not succeed in being elected. But the sermon today is not about politics or elections. It is based on the verse from Mark’s gospel, chapter 8, verse 35 - - the words of Jesus, where He talks about finding and losing. Let’s look together at what Jesus had to say about this.


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The Person I Want As President

With the national election day just ahead, many in America are having feelings of relief to know that we’ll soon be delivered from all the political advertisements that we have endured over the past many months. Now, on this final Sunday before election day, the title of the sermon from Ocean Lakes is “The Person I Want As President.” What? Are we going to have to suffer through another political appeal for your vote? - - especially from the pulpit!! Well, if you’ll stay with us for the next few minutes, you may be pleasantly surprised.


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Life’s Higher Values

What is the most important thing in your life? Your family? Your work? Your friends? Your house? Your money? We would all probably agree that all these things have their own place of importance. This morning we are thinking together about those things in life which we ought to consider our life’s higher values. Maybe this is a good time for us all to set some priorities - not on things, but on qualities that make our life meaningful.


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The Righteousness of God

Would you consider yourself a righteous person? What makes a person righteous? Regular church attendance? Paying your bills? Being good to others? Honesty? There were some people living during Jesus' days on earth who had a very high opinion of themselves - - very righteous, they would say. But Jesus had a different opinion. Today may well be the perfect time to look at our own lives and see where we stand in God's view of righteousness. Thank you for worshipping with us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.
