Parousia Podcast
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
The Parousia Podcast is an initiative of Parousia aiming to get to know the stories behind some of the regular faces and guests around the Parousia world. The Parousia Podcast is a partnership with Voice of Charity Australia and EWTN Asia-Pacific.
The Parousia Podcast is an initiative of Parousia aiming to get to know the stories behind some of the regular faces and guests around the Parousia world. The Parousia Podcast is a partnership with Voice of Charity Australia and EWTN Asia-Pacific.
Parousia Round Table - Lent, Matt Fradd Tour review, new book releases.
In this second episode of the Parousia Round Table, Charbel and Fr Ben Saliba are joined by guests Anthony Salame and Simon Carrington. They give a wrap up review of the Matt and Cameron Fradd tour, learn more about Simon's upcoming events for Fire Up Ministries, and hear from Anthony about his new children's book "Noah and the Ark of Life". Finally Charbel and Fr Ben lead discussion on the new Ignatius Catholic Study Bible and Lent.
00:00 Welcome and Matt and Cameron Fradd tour wrap up
54.43 Fire Up Ministries with Simon
1:04:47 Anthony Salame's new release "Noah and the Ark of Life"
1:15:19 Ignatius Catholic Study Bible
1:25:12 Lent
Anthony Salame books: https://store.parousiamedia.com/search.php?search_query=Anthony+salame§ion=product#y=493
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible Leather bound: https://store.parousiamedia.com/ignatius-catholic-study-bible-old-and-new-testaments-ignatius-press-scott-hahn-curtis-mitch-leather/
Hard cover: https://store.parousiamedia.com/ignatius-catholic-study-bible-old-and-new-testaments-ignatius-press-scott-hahn-curtis-mitch-hardback/
Ascension Presents The Bible in 10 minuntes: https://youtu.be/Jm3b4Q98Vx8?si=Lau7UhbYHd7WaWiC
Matt Fradd discussion with Trans person: https://youtu.be/ZLzg8Qr_88o?si=mfQY4faJemjjF1Xr
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Jesus and the Jubilee - The Biblical Roots of the Year of God's Favour. John Bergsma
In this episode, Charbel sits down with Dr John Bergsma as they discuss his new book; Jesus and the Jubilee - The Biblical Roots of the Year of God's Favour.
You can purchase Dr John's books here: Jesus And The Jubilee:
A Catholic Introduction To The Bible The Old Testament:
Australia: https://store.parousiamedia.com/a-catholic-introduction-to-the-bible-the-old-testament-john-bergsman-brant-pitre-ignatius-press-hardcover/ USA: https://parousiausa.com/a-catholic-introduction-to-the-bible-the-old-testament-dr-john-bergsma-dr-brant-pitre/
Also mentioned:
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible:
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
The Passion For Sacred Art - Tommy Canning - Catholic Artist
In today's episode, Charbel sits down with world renowned Catholic artist, Tommy Canning. Tommy talks about his inspirations, his love of sacred art and the why the church needs a resurgence in beautiful art. Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Matt Fradd and Carla Shaw - Their conversion stories. Parousia Podcast
In this special live audience episode Charbel and Fr Ben Saliba are joined by Matt Fradd and his childhood friend Carla. Matt and Carla share their conversion stories and how their faith truly changed their lives. Filmed live at St Michael's Belfield in front of an audience of over 500 people during Matt Fradd and Cameron Fradd's Australian Tour of 2025. Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Bill Donaghy - The Gift of Theology of The Body. Parousia Podcast
In this episode Charbel sits down with Bill Donaghy from the Theology of the Body Institute. Bill discusses his life, family, faith, devotion to Our Lady and the inspiration of John Paul II. In this telling interview, Charbel and Bill discuss Theology of the Body, Natural Family Planning, C.S Lewis, J.R Tolkien and more.
Philosophy Of Tolkien USA LINK: https://parousiausa.com/the-philosophy-of-tolkien-the-worldview-behind-the-lord-of-the-rings-peter-kreeft-paperback/
Philosophy Of Tolkien AUSTRALIA LINK: https://store.parousiamedia.com/the-philosophy-of-tolkien-the-worldview-behind-the-lord-of-the-rings-peter-j-kreeft-ignatius-press-paperback/
God Is Beauty AUSTRALIA LINK: https://store.parousiamedia.com/god-is-beauty-a-retreat-on-the-gospel-and-art-karol-wojtila-pope-john-paul-ii-paperback/
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Parousia Round Table - First Episode with guests Fr Ben Saliba, Anthony Salame and Helena Romanous.
Parousia Round Table - FIRST EPISODE. Featuring guests Fr Ben Saliba, Anthony Salame and Helena Romanous. This new series will appear as specials throughout the year discussing news topics, faith and more. In this first episode, the group discuss new content coming for Parousia as well as upcoming Matt Fradd tour and more. Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Cardinal George Pell - The Man Behind the Headlines
In today's episode we look back at a very special Parouisa Podcast interview with Cardinal George Pell. With the 2nd anniversary of his passing we look back at this remastered and re-edited video. https://store.parousiamedia.com/george-cardinal-pell-pax-invictis-a-biography-tess-livingstone-ignatius-press-hardback/
00:00 Introduction and welcome
03:45 Early life
05:20 Vocation calling
08:55 Ordination and early years as a Priest
09:55 Auxiliary Bishop and Archbishop of Melbourne
12:35 Archbishop of Sydney
14:58 Setting up the Melbourne Response
18:30 Setting up Towards Healing in Sydney
19:25 Has the Church in Australia done enough?
21:55 Loss of Faith in society
28:37 Archbishop of Sydney highlights
33:02 Becoming Cardinal
34:20 Called to Roman as prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy
36:00 The works of the Catholic Church
39:15 Time in prison
43:20 Rosary
44:25 Life since leaving prison
45:27 Message to viewers
47:45 Closing
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Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/
to learn ways that you can contribute. Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Simon Carrington - Fire Up Ministries
In today's episode, Charbel sits down with long-time friend, Simon Carrington. They discuss Simon's ministry as well as the early days of Parousia.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
How was it in the beginning? Challenges to Catholic Family Life - Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
In this talk, Deacon Harold looks at the key elements of building lasting relationships. He examines major challenges facing married couples today. Identifying danger signs in communication and exploring how to love your spouse and children even when they seem unloveable. Deacon Harold also provides practical advice for dealing with recurring and enduring issues within marriage and family life.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
J.C. Prins - Award winning author of "The Secret Princess". Parousia Podcast
In today's episode, Charbel sits down with award winning author; J.C. Prins. Infused with devotion to the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this captivating tale from J.C. Prins is masterfully written and beautifully illustrated to fill young hearts and imaginations with goodness, truth, and faith. Purchase
The Secret Princess here: https://store.parousiamedia.com/the-secret-princess-a-tale-of-hope-paperback/
Visit J.C. Prins website. here: www.jcprins.com
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Living In Love - Fr Christian Irdi
In today's audio only podcast, we listen to Fr Christian Irdi's talk "Living In Love". He discusses the essential call of each and every Christian - that is a life in the image of God (imago Dei), who is love. What is Love? How are we called to love? What can we do to be more loving? Are we expected to love our enemies? Fr Christian will answer these questions and show that love is the key to the Kingdom of God.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Dr Robert Haddad - We Have Seen His Glory. The Story of God Among Us. Parousia Podcast
In this episode, Charbel sits down with Dr Robert Haddad as they discuss the presence of God among us through the Eucharist. His new book "We Have Seen His Glory” dives into how God has always dwelt among his people. Over the millennia he has walked and talked among us, appearing as cloud, fire, wind or dove. Today, God is among us in even more proximate and intimate ways. These more intimate ways began when the “Word became flesh”, appearing in a manner that was now visible to “all flesh.” As Jesus Christ, God walked among us and all “saw his glory” in and among the most humble and exalted places.
Purchase Dr Robert Haddad's book here: Australia: https://store.parousiamedia.com/we-have-seen-his-glory-robert-m-haddad-booklet/
USA: https://parousiausa.com/we-have-seen-his-glory-the-story-of-god-among-us-dr-robert-m-haddad-booklet/
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Liz Kelly, Your Majesty, Your Mission. Why The World Needs a Woman Like You
Liz Kelly's talk "Your Majesty, Your Mission: why the world needs a woman like you" filmed live from St Anthony of Padua Parish in Austral, Sydney. Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Liz Kelly, Love Like A Saint
In today's podcast, Charbel sits down with author and speaker Liz Kelly. Liz shares parts of her journey as well as the inspirations behind the books she has written.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Anne-Marie Klobe, inspired author: "I Am Simon" and "A Letter To Judas"
In this week's podcast, Charbel speaks with Anne-Marie Klobe, inspired artist, designer and author. Anne-Marie shares her story, what inspired her to write her books and the letter she has written to each person who reads her book.
Australian links: I Am Simon: https://store.parousiamedia.com/i-am-...
A Letter To Judas: https://store.parousiamedia.com/a-let...
International Links: https://anne-marieklobe.com/books
Anne Marie's websites:
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing...
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Dr Edward Sri: Marriage from Good to Great
It's easy to fall in love. GROWING in love isn't always so easy. A great marriage isn't one that simply stays together. It's one that flourishes with time. Discover five keys to love your spouse more today than you did yesterday.
Fr John Flader: From Time To Eternity - Embracing eternal life with God.
In this Parousia Podcast episode, Charbel sits down with Fr John Flader to discuss his two new books "From Time To Eternity" and "Question Time 6". Fr John discusses the inspirations to what is his third instalment on the theme of the after life. He also shares how the "Question Time" book series originally commenced.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth!
If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Journey To A Franciscan, Fr Elias Mary Mills F.I
In today's episode Charbel sits down with Fr Elias Mary Mills F.I to discuss his journey from childhood to becoming a Franciscan Friar. Fr Elias spent two years in formation as a Carmelite, being professed in 1986. As a volunteer with the Conventual Franciscans at Marytown, he learned about St. Maximilian Kolbe and Total Consecration to the Immaculata. Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/ Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Catholic Statues or Pagan Idols? Raymond De Souza, Parousia Podcast.
God clearly condemns the use of any 'graven images', and yet Catholic churches, claiming to follow the will of God, are packed with statuary from the nave to the altar. Is there a difference between the idols of pagan rites and statues of Catholic religion?
Do Catholics really worship or pray to them? Raymond De Souza journeys through the biblical foundations of statues in Hebrew and Catholic worship, from the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament to the will of Christ in the New Testament, conveyed to us through His Church.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.
Finding Your Inner Beauty - Buchi O'Maria Akpati
Finding your inner beauty: In this week's episode, Charbel speaks with Buchi O'Maria Akpati former makeup artist to the stars and the founder of Beauty Unbound.
This apostolate has one mission: to journey with women who struggle to feel beautiful exactly as they are and give them tools to have a consistent relationship with God and grow in virtue.
Join the Parousia mailing list at https://www.parousiamedia.com/mailing-list/
Parousia is committed to proclaiming the fullness of truth! If you wish to help us in our mission with a donation please visit our website here https://www.parousiamedia.com/donate/ to learn ways that you can contribute.