The Everyday Intuitive
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
15 December 2023: I'm transitioning to a different server. My apologies for the disruption. You'll be able to find The Everyday Intuitive on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify very soon.
United States
15 December 2023: I'm transitioning to a different server. My apologies for the disruption. You'll be able to find The Everyday Intuitive on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify very soon.
Adventures in Reiki with Amy Kristina
Welcome to episode 4 of The Everyday Intuitive Podcast. In this episode, I’m having a conversation with Amy Rushton of Amy Kristina Healing. Amy is a super-curious Reiki master who has taken her healing skills to fascinating levels. In addition, she’s a healing artist; someone who is able to infuse healing energy into the art she creates. I hope you enjoy the episode. You’ll find the transcript on my website: https://ellenmgregg.com/podcast
Healing Ancestral Cycles
In this episode, I'm responding to an inquiry about healing ancestral cycles - the how of it, mostly. The response is a combination of channeling and my own intuitive insights, as well as my experience healing some of my own ancestral cycles.
On Spiritual Awakening with Rebeca Garcia
A conversation with Rebeca Garcia of Illuminatoria in which we talk about everything from intuition to spirit guides, mediumship to witchcraft and more.
Managing Expectations around Our Intuition
A brief chat about managing our expectations around our intuitive abilities and their evolution.
003. Equalizing the Human and Soul
In this episode, we’re exploring the equalization of the human and soul as a way of persevering as a human race. No big deal. Right?
The exploration includes looking at the presiding traits of humans and souls to better understand their differences, sure, and yet also to better understand why equalizing the two gives us a greater chance of success here on Earth.
It also includes actions that we might take toward becoming more equalized - supposing that appeals.
There’s something I need to...
002. Near-Future Earth
In this episode of The Spiral Podcast, we explore how Earth may look by the year 2030. We…
take a look at geographical changes
consider practical preparations for climate-related environmental changes
check in with Earth’s energy grid and field and
gain insight around changes to portals intersecting with Earth’s location.
There’s no soft-soaping here, and yet there are no dramatics, either. This is simply sharing what was channeled on this topic.
Resources Transcript: 002....
001. Divine Sexuality
In this episode of The Spiral Podcast, we’re talking about divine sexuality. By “we’re” I mean my guest Shiai and myself. By divine sexuality, I mean sexuality viewed from a spiritual perspective. We touch upon:
sexual exploration
sexual evolution
sex as “play”
and much more. Put your ear buds in if there are young ears around that you’d rather not hear this discussion and its potential for raising questions you aren’t ready to discuss.
020. Grow Your Clairsentience
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, our topic is clairsentience. This intuitive sense is the strength of empaths, in particular, who commonly feel what’s happening around them and even what’s happening worldwide in addition to their own feelings.
We discuss…
the two pillars of clairsentience
how we might employ clairsentience in service to others
a couple exercises aimed at strengthening clairsentience
…and more. Oh! And there’s a fun spirit voice that chimes in between the...
019. Grow Your Claircognizance
Our topic for episode 19 of Innately Intuitive Podcast is claircognizance: clear knowing. This is the intuitive sense that garners the most interest when I poll my email list. It’s the ability that most people want clearer and stronger access to. The “why” of that is addressed in this episode, and a couple exercises are offered up to strengthen that particular intuitive muscle.
019. Grow Your Claircognizance (blog & transcript)
Jeopardy! (TV show)
The Chase (TV show)
018. ShiftIt Institute with Maureen Pelton & Charlie Hartwell
In episode 018 of Innately Intuitive Podcast, I’m honored to have a conversation with Maureen Pelton and Charlie Hartwell of ShiftIt Institute. In this episode, we speak, among other things, of:
paradigm shifts and how they impact our lives
resistance to change (and therefore evolution)
how non-attachment supports us
the concept of a gender-free future
the advantage of surrender
It’s a rich episode that I’m thrilled to share with you. Enjoy.
ShiftIt Institute...
017. Grow Your Clairvoyance
This episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast focuses on clairvoyance. We discuss how it can appear to us (and how to discern otherwise), and we also explore a couple (or a few) exercises that support the growth of clairvoyance.
Ready to increase your intuitive capacity as it relates to clairvoyance? Give this episode a listen and then take action toward that. Enjoy.
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.
016. Intuition Is an Expression of Your Soul
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re looking at the connection between our intuition (and its various abilities) and our soul. It’s a perspective that’s meant to support our deeper understanding of the beneficial nature of our intuition, which is innate to all of us.
Blog post & trancript: 016. Intuition Is an Expression of Your Soul
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.
015. Grow Your Clairaudience
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re shining the spotlight on clairaudience, a.k.a. clear hearing; one of our basic intuitive senses. Through the episode, it’s made clear what intuitive hearing truly sounds like - and what it doesn’t. There’s also an invitation issued to be intentional about asking spirit guides for help with growing this intuitive sense. Enjoy.
Blog and transcript: 015. Grow Your Clairaudience
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded,...
014. Intuitive Divination
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re exploring intuitive divination. This is a relatively practical episode, in that I walk you through how I use intuition with divination to create a highly personalized experience.
Intuitive abilities sourced for this intuitive divination example include:
I hope you find it empowering. Enjoy.
014. Intuitive Divination (blog and transcript)
The Moon Deck*
013. Cocreative Earth Dwelling
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re offered a different perspective around our relationship to Earth… our relationship with Earth. It’s a bit unorthodox in terms of the comparison drawn, and yet feeling into it reveals its validity.
And it makes clear a hard truth about Earth and about us; one that we can’t possibly hear too often as it reminds us where we stand. This one’s for Earth… and for us.
Blog & Transcript: 013. Cocreative Earth Dwelling
012. The Infinite Path with Susan Luddy
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, I’m talking with Susan Luddy of The Infinite Path. Susan is an End of Life Transition Guide who offers Elder Care and End of Life Doula Services.
Our conversation touches upon...
...and more. It’s a rich, deep, moving episode. Enjoy.
The Infinite Path
Doulagivers Institute
Blog post with transcript: 012. The Infinite Path
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.
011. Change Your Mind About Time
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re talking about the concept of cosmic time - spiralic time - and its difference from human time as we perceive it.
It’s a bit of a mind-bending episode, in a really good way. It encourages us to look at ourselves differently and consider how altering our concept of time might support us to have a better quality of life. Who doesn’t want that?
Transcript: 011. Change Your Mind About Time (blog)
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by...
010. Spirit-Led Giving (and surrendering the ego)
One of the many things I didn’t see coming when I fully opened myself to the intuitive (and indwelling) experience is spirit-led giving, which followed close on the heels of spirit-led shopping. It’s another one of those items that, sure, took me by surprise and yet also took me far, far outside my comfort zone.
And some days, even now, it still does.
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, I’m sharing a few experiences specific to spirit-led giving that began with spirit-led...
009. Intuitive Acuity
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we’re exploring intuitive acuity (and what “acuity” actually means), why it’s important and how to pursue it.
We get into the concept of mastery, including how our ego might perceive it and how spirit does perceive it.
And we’re encouraged to get off our “laurels” when it comes to our intuitive abilities; to quit the assumption that we're a "one-trick pony."
Bonus: We also get an inside scoop on prankster elemental...
008. Intuitive Connection (with a P.S. about the vaccine)
In this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, the topic is intuitive connection. The episode includes explanations of - and ideas for - intuitively connecting (communicating) with spirit guides, angels, in-spirit loved ones, elementals and galactics. It also touches on intuitively connecting with humans using telepathy.
In addition, there’s a P.S. about the COVID-19 vaccines in response to multiple inquiries that showed up in client sessions with me recently.
- CDC: COVID-19 Vaccines -...