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The Dr. Luis Sandoval Show – Virgin Most Powerful Radio

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Dr. Luis Sandoval, Psychiatrist on the Healing and Deliverance Ministry in the Diocese of Orange, offers weekly insight into issues of mental health, the discernment of spirits and healing for mind, soul, and body.


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Dr. Luis Sandoval, Psychiatrist on the Healing and Deliverance Ministry in the Diocese of Orange, offers weekly insight into issues of mental health, the discernment of spirits and healing for mind, soul, and body.







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05 Sep 24 – The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Do you ever feel hopeless? Is there too much sorrow in your life? The month of September is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. Let's look at how we can find hope in the midst of our own sorrows, and the powerful promises she attaches to praying them


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29 Aug 24 – Psychosis: How to Identify and Treat

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Do you know a loved one with psychosis? How do identify it and help them? How do I know it is not spiritual? Let's look at these topics today,bipolar%20disorder%2C%20or%20severe%20depression.


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22 Aug 24 – Victory Over Tragedy with Our Lady

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Our Lady of Victory Church in Maui survives wildfire Our Lady of Victory helps cure Saint Theresa Our Lady of Victory and the Battle of Lepanto,a%20sea%20battle%20at%20Lepanto.


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15 Aug 24 – The Assumption: Our Lady, Model of Virtue

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) On the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, let's focus on how we can use her virtues as a model for our own lives on our journey towards heaven


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08 Aug 24 – The Art of Spiritual Warfare

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Are you surprised or shocked by how our faith is attacked? Do you want to be prepared for battle? What is your strategy? Let's look at some points from the Art of War by Sun Tzu and apply them to our Catholic Faith


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01 Aug 24 – Helping a Loved One Through Mental Illness

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Are you or someone you know suffering with mental illness or drug addiction? What kind of help is out there? Let's talk about it


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25 Jul 24 – Precious Blood: Therapy for Souls

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Is your soul ready to receive the Holy Eucharist?


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18 Jul 24 – I Want to Get Better – What is the Best Medication?

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) What is the best medication for me to take? If I have enough faith do I need medication? Will I get addicted if I take medication? Why is God not healing me even though I pray? Is there any connection to our spiritual life? Let's talk about these challenging topics


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11 Jul 24 – Don’t Let Scrupulosity Paralyze You

7/11/2024 Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Do you ever feel like everything you do or think is a sin? Are you experiencing scrupulosity or could you be experiencing OCD, or both? Let's talk about it...


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04 Jul 24 – Forgiveness = Catholic Independence

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) If you have not forgiven your neighbor, no one is free Is it a sin to not forgive? Can I go into heaven if I cannot forgive? Will my neighbor go into heaven if I do not forgive him or her? Can I go into heaven if my neighbor does not forgive me? Let's look at a case were a man was dead inside until he forgave his brother Matthew 18:21-22 Luke 23:24 1John 1:9 Matthew 22:36-40 Matthew 5:21-26 It is through the Blood of Christ that we are forgiven. It was given to us freely, and so we must forgive freely Matthew 10:5-8


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27 Jun 24 – Living Your Best Life – No Regrets

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Are we living our best life or will we have a lot of regrets on our deathbed? Let's look at common death bed regrets to avoid,'t%20work%20so%20hard.” What did the Saints have to say on their deathbeds?


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20 Jun 24 – Will I Make It to Heaven?

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) It can be scary to think that I might not make it to heaven. Many people worry about this and end up with high levels of anxiety. But, there is a formula that can help us out. Let's see what Jesus has to say and what we must do to inherit the Kingdom of God


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13 Jun 24 – How Do I Approach a Loved One with Dementia?

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Is someone you know suffering from memory loss or are you worried that they have dementia? How do we care for them while coming to terms with their loss? Lets talk about it.


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06 Jun 24 – The Science of Mental Health vs Faith in God

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) How do I reconcile having mental health issues and being Catholic? Is it okay? Can I take medication and have faith in God? Let's talk about these pressing issues:


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30 May 24 – Dealing with Death and Loss

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) How do we deal with loss and death of a loved one, especially if they committed suicide? As Catholics we believe that life is not over due to physical death, the soul goes on to eternity and must be taken care of For our own grieving we can go through different stages:,facing%20these%20life%2Dchanging%20events. What happens if my loved one committed suicide?


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23 May 24 – Therapy From the Saints

Catholic Psychiatrist & Medical Doctor, Dr. Luis Sandoval, encourages those who have a stigma against going to therapy to then turn to the saints. There is nothing wrong with going to therapy or visiting a doctor. Still, there are some people who think that therapy may not be for them. Dr. Luis Sandoval offers us a solution. By turning to the Saints of the Catholic Church, one can find advice or share stories to help bring peace of mind. There are thousands of Saints in the Catholic Church and we can find all kinds of related experiences from those who are closer to Christ then we are. Getting closer to Christ may not feel good at first but no one is cured from one therapy session, either. Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Do we always need to go to see a therapist when we are feeling down? Sometimes it our soul that is in need of therapy Here are some inspirational quotes from the saints and the Bible that serve as medicine for the soul


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16 May 24 – Are You Worth It?

Understanding yourself is the prerequisite for recognizing your worth. We are told time and time again that we have infinite value in God's eyes but we need to understand our strengths and offer up our weaknesses. We must be able to see ourselves the way God sees us. The world has brainwashed us to believe that we can only be valued if we look a certain way or if we need to make a certain amount. How can this be when we are all individually and uniquely created by God? Dr. Sandoval wants to remind you that being you is enough to reach out to God. However, we can only truly know Him and ourselves by striving to live a sacramental lifestyle according to the Catholic Church. Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Is it worth it? Am I worth it? Are you worth it? Well these are simple questions without simple answers Before you can answer these, why don't we talk about who we are


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09 May 24 – Does Sleep Deprivation Lead to Suicide?

How can sleep affect our mental health? How does mental health affect our prayer life? Only until very recently, there was little scientific research to back this idea up – and as a result, sleep treatments have been overlooked as a potential remedy for poor mental health and lack of focus in prayer. Join Dr. Luis Sandoval, a Catholic Psychiatrist, to promote the importance of sleep. Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) In today's show we take a look at insomnia and what can potentially cause deprivation of sleep, and if there is a link to eventual suicide Does sleep deprivation lead to suicide? There are a lot of reasons that someone might take their life and we don't always have the answers as to why. In this article, this mother believes that sleep deprivation let her son taking his life:


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02 May 24 – Confession vs Therapy: What’s the Difference?

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Do you ever do a confess your sins during therapy? Or, do you ever make your confession a therapy session? Let's talk about the difference and how to approach each with our hearts


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25 Apr 24 – Is My Spouse Narcissistic?

Today's Topics: 1, 2, 3, 4) Does my spouse have narcissistic traits? It can be hard to live in a marriage where I feel that my spouse does no love me and only cares about themselves. But can I save my marriage? It is important to consider all aspects, spiritual, personality traits, and dynamics in our marriage to see how we can make improvements Today we explore narcissistic personality disorder and how it can affect others. If we feel that this is affecting our marriage, don't underestimate the power of prayer and perhaps the need for therapy
