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Seeking Truth with Julie Roys

Religion & Spirituality

In a world where conflicting answers are offered for each question, people need to hear from knowledgeable, trusted voices, who can help them make sense of the chaos. Seeking Truth with Julie Roys engages these voices and helps listeners discern issues related to faith and culture from a biblical perspective.


Chicago, IL


In a world where conflicting answers are offered for each question, people need to hear from knowledgeable, trusted voices, who can help them make sense of the chaos. Seeking Truth with Julie Roys engages these voices and helps listeners discern issues related to faith and culture from a biblical perspective.



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Mancow Muller Discusses His Faith and Why He Still Believes in the Church

It’s not very often that a former “shock-jock” confronts a nationally-known pastor for his sin on the front page of a Chicago daily newspaper. But recently, that’s precisely what well-known radio host Mancow Muller did—calling out Harvest Bible Chapel Pastor, James MacDonald, on the front page of the Daily Herald. Many readers were surprised that Mancow would so openly confront MacDonald for creating “a culture of authoritarianism, secrecy, intimidation, outlandish fundraising expectations,...


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Meredith Andrews: Worship & Passion for the Church Fuels Her Music

You’ve likely heard her songs like “How Great is the Love,” “Not for a Moment,” and “Spirit of the Living God” on the radio, but leading worship in the church remains Meredith Andrews’ passion. For years, she was on staff at Harvest Bible Chapel and toured with Harvest’s Vertical Church Band. Now she and her family are in Nashville, but recently was in the Chicago area for the Vertical Church Conference. That’s where I caught up with this Dove Award-winning singer/songwriter and had an...


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Kathryn Scott: Still "Hungry" for God & Excited About Spiritual Awakening in Ireland

Kathryn Scott: Still "Hungry" for God & Excited About Spiritual Awakening in Ireland by Julie Roys


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One Refugee's Story Reveals Horror of U.N. Camps

Many refugees have fled war-torn areas where they witnessed unspeakable atrocities and barely escaped with their lives. After weeks, months, or even years, they arrive at a refugee camp run by the United Nations, places billed as safe havens for refugees until they can be resettled or it’s safe to return home. But as recent reports have revealed, the workers in these camps can perpetrate some of the same horrors that refugees have fled, abusing adolescent and pre-adolescent boys and girls...


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Christian Terrorism Expert Warns Against Admitting Refugees

Christians are divided over whether to support President Trump’s tighter limits and restrictions on refugees coming into the country. Some say Trump’s harder line violates Jesus’ commandment to welcome the stranger, while others say it’s necessary to protect citizens, which is government’s God-given role. I’ll discuss the issue with Christian leaders on both sides of the debate on my radio show Up For Debate ( But in advance of that discussion, I interviewed Brigitte...


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"The Case for Christ" Movie Reveals Lee Strobel’s Intensely Personal Journey to Faith

His books making the case for Christ and the Christian faith have sold more than 14-million copies. And now the story of Lee Strobel, the atheist reporter-turned Christian apologist, has been made into a feature film that will hit theaters in April. I had the privilege this week of being the first journalist to screen The Case for Christ and then interview Lee about it. I was surprised by how personal and raw this depiction of Lee’s life is. It doesn’t just depict his intellectual journey to...


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Student Group Uses Ingenious Methods to Fight Abortion and Engage Millennials

The Women’s March banned Students for Life from its event this past weekend. But the young, innovative group of activists got revenge by planting themselves – and their oversized banners – at the front of the march. The move got the attention of thousands on social media, who shared the image on Facebook and Twitter. It got my attention too. So I contacted Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, and was able to interview her today. Hear about her fascinating – and at times,...


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Interview with Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Julie Roys interviews former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann at the Illinois Family Institute's Faith, Family and Freedom Fall Banquet.


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Reclaiming God's Design for Human Sexuality

Sex. Our culture is saturated with it, but the church rarely addresses it. Juli Slattery wants to change that. She's co-founder of Authentic Intimacy, a ministry aiming to reclaim God's design for human sexuality — and a guest on the newest edition of Seeking Truth with Julie Roys. In this episode, Julie explores: - How can sex abuse victims find healing? - Does a wife has a sexual duty to a husband? - What's the spiritual purpose of human sexuality? - What hope is there for women who are...


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Is Abolishing Marriage the Left's End Game? Interview with Paul Kengor

Are progressives truly fighting for gay rights and income equality? Or, is their objective far more radical and insidious than most Americans imagine? Are they actually out to destroy marriage and family — and seizing gay rights as a means to this end? In this episode of Seeking Truth, Julie interviews Dr. Paul Kengor, author of “Takedown: From communists to progressives, how the Left has sabotaged family and marriage.” And, in this riveting and eye-opening discussion, Dr. Kengor shows how...


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Revolutionizing Pro-Life Outreach: Save the Storks Puts Crisis Pregnancy Centers on Wheels

Despite the 4,000 crisis pregnancy centers in the U.S., studies show that most women considering abortion don’t know about the services these centers provide. And sadly, they think abortion is their only option. So, one pro-life group, called Save the Storks, has come up with an ingenious way to bring these pregnancy centers to the women. The group has built specially designed vans that operate as mobile medical units. And, it parks these vans where abortion-vulnerable women are – outside...


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If Fetuses Aren't Human, Then What Is Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden?

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) this week is crying foul because of a Doritos ultrasound ad that allegedly used the “#antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses.” But, one has to wonder who or what NARAL thinks these fetuses really are? I actually talked with one of those so-called “humaniz(ed) fetuses” last week – Melissa Ohden, a woman who survived a saline-infused abortion designed to end her life at only five months gestation. Miraculously, she survived. And today,...


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Volf & Qureshi Debate – Do Muslims & Christians Worship the Same God?

A controversy at Wheaton College has spurred a national debate on whether Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Certainly Muslims deny the Trinity and deity of Christ. Yet, is there enough overlap between the two religion’s concept of God to sufficiently claim that adherents of both worship the same God? In this edition of Seeking Truth, Julie Roys explores the issue with Dr. Miroslav Volf, and Dr. Nabeel Qureshi. Volf is the leading Protestant proponent of the view that Muslims and...


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The 40 Film: A Wake-Up Call About Abortion

One million babies are slaughtered in the U.S. every year — sometimes in our own backyards — yet we often go about our everyday business without even giving it a thought. The 40 Film seeks to change that. It’s been called a wake-up call for America — a cinematic experience that will forever change the way you see this issue. Highlighting the testimonies of those whose lives have been devastated by abortion, the film explores the true legacy of Roe v. Wade over the past 40-plus years. With...


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Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?

Do Muslims & Christians worship the same God? Julie Roys explores this question with Nabeel Qureshi, a former Muslim and itinerant speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. The issue recently became the focus of national debate when Wheaton College suspended a professor for asserting that Muslims and Christians "are people of the book" and "worship the same God." Qureshi addresses this controversy and also explores what's appropriate when reaching out to Muslims; whether Islam is...
