Peaceful at Heart
Don Neufeld
While there are plenty of books by men, for men, on the topic of “Christian masculinity,” these books generally fail to address men’s propensities for violence and the traditional inequity between men and women, often endorsing inequity and sanctioning aggressive behavior as an appropriate “manly” response to conflict. Peaceful at Heart cuts through this conversation by offering a uniquely Anabaptist Christian perspective on masculinity. The vision of masculinity presented in this book is more peaceful, just, caring, life-giving for men, and more sensitive to women and children than both traditional images of masculinity and the hypermasculine images promoted by contemporary popular culture and wider evangelical Christianity. Peaceful at Heart addresses men and masculinity using Anabaptist theological themes of discipleship, community, and peace. As a collaborative project by men, for men, this book demonstrates through personal narratives, theological reflection, and practical guidance the importance of collective discernment, accountability, and mutual encouragement regarding how to live as a peaceful man in a violent world.
Duration - 11h 13m.
Author - Don Neufeld.
Narrator - Cedric Martin.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2019 Don Neufeld ©.
United States
While there are plenty of books by men, for men, on the topic of “Christian masculinity,” these books generally fail to address men’s propensities for violence and the traditional inequity between men and women, often endorsing inequity and sanctioning aggressive behavior as an appropriate “manly” response to conflict. Peaceful at Heart cuts through this conversation by offering a uniquely Anabaptist Christian perspective on masculinity. The vision of masculinity presented in this book is more peaceful, just, caring, life-giving for men, and more sensitive to women and children than both traditional images of masculinity and the hypermasculine images promoted by contemporary popular culture and wider evangelical Christianity. Peaceful at Heart addresses men and masculinity using Anabaptist theological themes of discipleship, community, and peace. As a collaborative project by men, for men, this book demonstrates through personal narratives, theological reflection, and practical guidance the importance of collective discernment, accountability, and mutual encouragement regarding how to live as a peaceful man in a violent world. Duration - 11h 13m. Author - Don Neufeld. Narrator - Cedric Martin. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2019 Don Neufeld ©.
Opening Credits
Chapter 1 Masculinity and Human Need by Don Neufeld
Chapter 2 Masculinities - Interdisciplinary Orientations by Jamie Pitts
Chapter 3 Tradition and Change in the Quest for a Healthy Masculinity by Kurt Horst
Chapter 4 An African American Man by Leonard Dow
Chapter 5 A Latino Man by Hugo Saucedo
Chapter 6 An Indigenous Man by Harry Lafond
Chapter 7 An Asian Man by Hyung Jin Kim Sun
Chapter 8 A Gay Man by Pieter Niemeyer
Chapter 9 Men Reading the Bible by Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld
Chapter 10 Men, Masculinity, and Discipleship by David Augsburger
Chapter 11 Men in Community by Gareth Brandt
Chapter 12 The Gospel Gift of Peace by Marty Troyer
Chapter 13 Trading Manpower for the Power of Love by David Evans
Chapter 14 Cultivating an Inner Spiritual Life by Scott Brubaker Zehr
Chapter 15 Becoming Men of Peace and Reconciliation by John Powell
Conclusion by Don Neufeld and Steve Thomas
Afterword 1 The Grace of Our Stories by Cyneatha Millsaps
Afterword 2 Masculinity Close to Home by Carol Penner
Afterword 3 From Toxic Masculinity to Peacful Communities by Sara Wenger Shenk
Ending Credits