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Relationships and Relatable Life Chronicles


Relationships and Relatable Life Chronicles is for education, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, and enlightenment. People all over the world experience similar issues on different levels/degrees. People desire and want for the same or similiar things, which also depends on if mindsets are mature or immature. Most people seek in others, things they lack in self, often ending up in unhealthy relationships and terrible situations. How people think is formed out of their experiences in life. Unfortunately, most people hold on to the negativity they've experienced. It's why the world is full of people with unhealed hearts and minds. This podcast is one that many can personally relate to or at least may know someone who can relate to it. I've combined my podcasts into one. Listen, enjoy, and share! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Relationships and Relatable Life Chronicles is for education, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, and enlightenment. People all over the world experience similar issues on different levels/degrees. People desire and want for the same or similiar things, which also depends on if mindsets are mature or immature. Most people seek in others, things they lack in self, often ending up in unhealthy relationships and terrible situations. How people think is formed out of their experiences in life. Unfortunately, most people hold on to the negativity they've experienced. It's why the world is full of people with unhealed hearts and minds. This podcast is one that many can personally relate to or at least may know someone who can relate to it. I've combined my podcasts into one. Listen, enjoy, and share! Become a supporter of this podcast:



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Episode 536 A Parent Can Help to Make or Break Their Children

A parent can make or break their children. The sad part is because of unhealed hearts and minds, people can't see the damage they're doing to their children. They can't see the devastation they're causing in the children's lives. Many people are unhealed adults who are still carrying around past pain that has hindered and tainted their lives. Unfortunately many of these people are parents who project their hurt onto and into the lives of their children. Many children are reared in horrible conditions, enduring things no child should ever endure. Unfortunately many parents are hurting their children mentally, emotionally, and physically, to include sexually. This is absolutely wrong!. Many parents are treating their children similar or worse than they were treated. The cycle then, continues! It's a sad truth! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 535 Who You're Pretending to be is Preventing and Hindering Your Mental Growth

You can't mature, grow, and progress by remaining mentally where you've always been. There's no way you can get past something you refuse to let go of. You can't let go until you allow yourself to heal and become better. Many people, although grown in age, have not mentally matured because of remaining stuck in the mental states they've always been in. When people don't heal from their issues they hold on to those things and allow those things to take a strong hold in their lives, which can lead to dysfunction. It causes insecurities, and other issues. Many people end up making bad choices and decisions. Many people allow and accept unnecessary things in their lives due to mindsets. Most people are prisoners to their own ways of thinking.Yet, they refuse to change. By faking and pretendibg, you'll always remain the same. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 534 Can't Undo the Past But You Can Allow It To Disrupt Your Present and Future

Most people in the world are holding on to pains they should have let go, long ago. The past is gone forever, yet most people allow the memories of their bad experiences to ruin their lives. When you carry that baggage it taints you and causes you to lead a dysfunctional lives. People are carrying old pain and is allowing it to affect them in many ways. If you don't let go of the baggage, you can't move forward mentally. You may accomplish things, but mentally you'll remain the same. This is why many people live their lives on the wheel, go around in vicious cycles, getting nowhere! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 533 Compromising Your Mental Health for Love

This is one of the biggest problems people face in life. They compromise their mental health for love, when it isn't love at all. People have gone to the extreme only to end up with mental health issues. If someone is bringing that much stress into your life, it's because you have given them permission to do so. When you allow it, it's considered as self-inflicted. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 532 The World's Most Controversial Book

The Bible is the most controversial book in the entire world. That alone, is a phenomonen? There are millions of book people haven't heard of, but everyone has heard of the Bible. Don't just know of the Bible; read it, and live it! It will change your life! People seek after everything in this world, but I'm here to tell you that the "Good Book" has everything you need! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 531 It's Not Your Fault They Cheated

Too many people blame self when they're cheated on, but truth is although many cheaters will have 101 excuses, you're not to blame. A cheater will cheat, because that's who they are and what they've become comfortable with. It's a problem within the individual. If you're an insecure person you may be manipulated into thinking it's your fault. It's NOT!! Cheaters are individuals with their own issues that haven't been resolved. They go through life causing pain to those who allow it. Cheaters need to work on self in order to become better. No matter how much you love them, you can't change them, but you surely can lose yourself trying. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 530 Self Inflicted Pain Is Reality for Most People

This mindset affect many facets of a person's life. Most people go through life inflicting pain upon themselves because of their own mindsets. Unfortunately, because people haven't healed from their pains, they allow drama and chaos from others into their lives. Self inflicted pain is real! You must know and love yourself enough to let go of the pain that's keeping you stuck! Stop giving your power to people and things. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 529 When You Can't Walk Away It's Because of Who You Are

It's NOT their fault, it's yours! You are responsible and accountable for who and/or what you allow into your life! If you find yourself not being able to walk away from something or someone that's not good for you, the person responsible is self. You can't walk away because of who YOU are. You got into that situation because of who YOU are. You're the one, with the power to change your life! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 528 Unhealed Inner Issues Can Affect Your Entire Life for a Lifetime

Going through life with your own unhealed inner issues, allowing those of others, and along everything life throws at you, makes you worse when you aren't trying to become better. People go through life holding on to negativity and projecting it too! You can't become better by remaining the same with the same ole mindset. Everything and everyone along the way will affect you negatively because of the negative mindset you have; that has caused you to be the person you are. It affects you, your relationships, and everything along the way. Whatever you open yourself up to is what you will get! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 527 When You Don't Care What You Have To Do

It's a very unfortuante thing, the many people who don't care what they have to do to get what they want or who they want. Anyone with this type of mindset is a person who is bringing drama and self inflicted pain into their own life. Any time a person don't care what they have to do, they will end up doing anything! These types of people are dangerous because they lack integrity and honest. In their minds they will do whatever they feel it may take to get what they want (what they want, who they want, get to the next level, money, status, positions, etc.). Most of these people, have no remorse. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 526 It's Not Over Until the Divorce is Final

I do understand there are some people who live under the same roof, but aren't actually together as husband and wife. However, they are still husband and wife, if they're still married. Some people says it's such paperwork. Well, funny thing is it took paperwork to get you married and therefore, it will take paperwork to get you divorced. People want to make all types of excuses, but the bottom line is, if they're married, it's just that! Regardless of the situation, they are or at least they shiould be off limits. When you choose to involve yourself in such a relationship any way you look at it, that person is a cheater, you're setting yourself up for drama, and it's wrong! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 525 You Can't See Because Your Eyes Are Willfully Closed

Many people are walking around with eyes to see, but they're blind of freewill. They're blind because they want what they want and who they want. Most people don't care about the drama they have to endure, they want what and who they want. Unfortunately this mindset leads many into bad situations and unhealthy relationships. This is a clear sign of a person with an unhealed heart and mind. You're responsible for what and who you allow into your life. People treat you how you let them. Most people are in denial about their relationships and their lives in general. People go through life subjecting themselves to unnecessary pain and drama and it's the very reason why most people are unhappy. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 524 Your Thoughts of Past Trauma Will Ruin Your Life If You Allow

Most people have unhealed hearts and minds, which comes from past bad experiences and trauma. How you allow your past pains to affect you, falls on you! You can choose to live a cycle in life, or you can choose to become the best you possible. You're responsible and accountable for your OWN life!! It's not your trauma or past bad experiences that's the problem, it's you! The mindset you have can make or break you! Unfortunately, most people hang onto the negativity, and because of it, people are miserble and living in misery. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 523 Be Careful of Who Feelings You're Playing With

You never know who you're dealing with when you're out there cheating/messing around. Many people think they're slick until they are caught up in unnecessary drama. Be careful, becuase while you're playing around, the other person isn't! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 522 No Matter What They Do To You You're Your Biggest Problem

Most people lose self, while focused on their significant others even when they're being treated like crap. Whatever you allow from your significant other is exactly what you'll get. When you're angry and hurt about it, look at the person staring back at you in the mirror. It falls on you. If you take it, they will give it. When you heal from your pain, you become a better person, one who loves his or herself. When you love yourself, you will not take unnecessary crap from your significant other or anyone else. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 521 Cold Hearts of the Lost

Hearts have truly wax cold. There is so much murdering going on. The devil is busy doing what he does, killing, stealing, and destroying. He's tricking people into doing the unthinkable, because they've given him entry through thier negative thoughts. If you let the devil in, he will try to take over, and will; if you let him. People are murdering out of anger, hurt, old pain, etc. Others are murdering, because they've lost their minds to the devil. Demons are literally taking the minds of people. People who don't want to listen, oftentimes end up going down dark roads leading to destruction. No person or nothing is worth it. You only have one life to live and no one should ever choose to live their life with cold hearts and minds. If someone doesn't want to be with you, life goes on. They aren't worth you doing the unthinkable. To hurt or kill people because it's over between you and them is completely the devil's work. There is no situation worth anyone doing things they can't undo. Stop being prisoners to negative mindsets. Too many people go through life allowing how they think, to ruin their lives. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 520 A Healthy Relationship is Work but it Shouldn't be Hardwork

Most people are unhappy in their relationships, because their relationships are unhealthy. I don't care how much you love someone, you have to put in the work to make it work. However, it shouldn't be hardwork. Too many people settle for unhealthy relationships and think it's the best they'll ever have. Most people just want to be with someone, and unfortunately, many people settle for just that; someone. More than not, it ends up being a person who isn't good for them. You get what you open yourself up too, and what you allow and accept. Most people are miserable, lonely, and unhappy in their relationships, and spend most time fighting in one way or another. It's unhealthy, but most people can't see it. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 519 It Doesn't Matter How Much You Love Them, They Must Love His or Herself

Who you love and how you love is determined by your mindset and their mindset. In relationships, most people put all of their everything into who they're with, while the other person isn't treating them the same way. People settle for one-sided love and it's normally that love, which comes along with a lot of unnecessary drama. As I always say, if a person isn't enhancing your life then, they're the wrong person for you. People can and will drain you in every way possible if you allow it. Too many people believe in it's better to have some love, rather than, no love at all. Loving someone who isn't loving his or herself is going to cause you a lot of drama, and it's a clear sign they have unresolved inner issues. It's important to first know and love yourself so that you don't open yourself up to people who aren't good for you. You can't see this when you're blind to love. If you're blind to love, you're blind to reality. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 518 Beauty Isn't A Fix For Your unresolved Inner Issues

Most people think if they look good it fixes them, not understanding the hurt and pain inside is what causing them to believe and think how they do about themselves. Change your mindset it will change your life. Most people go through life miserable, because of their unresolved inner issues. They project them and take on those of other people. Women think they have to expose their bodies to be accepted. It's really sad! People can't find happiness in their relationships, because of their own inner issues and the inner issues of those their involved with. Stop following societal views and opinions, that comes from other broken people. Afterwhile, we will have a world full of people who look the same and act the same. It's happening before our eyes! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 517 You Would Rather Stay Than To Be Alone

Unfortunately, this is the case for many. Most people would rather stay in their unhappy and unhealthy mindsets than to be alone. Most people have crippling mindsets that has caused major insecurities in their lives. The greatest enemy for most is their own mindsets. If you're afraid to be alone or if you have an issue with being alone, it means you have unresolved issues that you need to deal with in order to heal, let them go, and move on. Most people are far too busy trying to find love, than trying to heal and become better individuals. People are allowing so much foolishness in their lives to be with someone who's doing nothing but cause them drama, draining them, and taking from them. This is clear sign of not loving yourself. Any time you allow and accept anything for love, it is exactly what you will get. I've always said, if they don't enhance your life, you're with the wrong person. You create the monster/s in your life. You!!! Become a supporter of this podcast:
