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Safe Recovery- is a new show designed to address Predatory behavior in 12 step meetings, and it's culture. Join us to discuss new approaches in our world, our culture with alcohol and drug overuse. "Empowerment" not "Powerless" is our slogan. We will discuss and explore alternatives to AA. We want to support men and women who have written new books on healing from alcohol dependency/drug overuse. Alternative healing, both spiritual and secular to create our better selves is what we are all about. Living Happy Lives, sober or with moderation. You choose...Americans need to step up and be more EMPOWERED! No more powerless modality.


United States


Safe Recovery- is a new show designed to address Predatory behavior in 12 step meetings, and it's culture. Join us to discuss new approaches in our world, our culture with alcohol and drug overuse. "Empowerment" not "Powerless" is our slogan. We will discuss and explore alternatives to AA. We want to support men and women who have written new books on healing from alcohol dependency/drug overuse. Alternative healing, both spiritual and secular to create our better selves is what we are all about. Living Happy Lives, sober or with moderation. You choose...Americans need to step up and be more EMPOWERED! No more powerless modality.



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The Lies in the AA Big Book disected, discussed, debated.

A discussion about Chapter 5 which is usually read before every AA meeting. What is truth and what parts are outright lies. Monica and Evelyn tear it up !


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What happens when you're in AA, leave and now you have no friends?

30 min show about when you leave AA, but all you had were stepper friends. Join Monica Richardson for a live show.


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Steven Slate author of Freedom Model

Steven Slate author of Freedom Model, The Fredoom Model for addictions : Escape the Treatment & Recovery. join Monica RIchardson - Host- filmmaker of The 13th Step documentary, blogger and podcaster.


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The 13th Step- A film exposing the dark side of Alcoholics Anonymous

The 13th Step is a ground breaking documentary film released in 2016 on AMAZON Prime. The 13th Step appeared in Cannes and was exibited in the Documentary Corner in 2015. The film won best Documentary in The Beverly Hills Film Festival. A story that uncovers sex offenders, violent offenders and old timers who prey on innocent, vulnerable, AA members. Monica Richardson the Director, and long time AA member, left in 2011 to make the film after desperately trying to make things safer in AA. AA...


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AA 's entry into Hollywood, The Lost Weekend, The Days of Wine and Roses

Marty Mann, the first successful woman in AA already was living a life of the rich and famous . Marty was in the marketing and adversting business and... her lover , Priscilla, worked at Vogue. Many connections were made for Marty and Bill Wilson through this high society , wealthy hook ups. Still, long after they were gone, Hollywood was still pushing AA - After 80 years of AA- non stop propaganda there are some 95 % of those who go who fail, die or kill themsleves by AA standards. Where...


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The stupid things AA sponsors say- are there any "good " sponsors?

Did your sponsees or sponsors get mad when you left AA? What is the triggering factor? Join Monica Richardson for a 1 hour show -


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More about Alcoholism, Chapter 3 of the Big Book, tearing it up again

AA 's Big Book has alot of tall orders in it. This chapter maybe is the most confusing and strange. Join Monica Richardson for a live show as we tear it apart.


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Working with Others tearing up just one more chapter of The Big Book

Join host Monica Richardson for an hour of talk radio, and you too can call into Blog Talk Radio, Safe Recovery to disect the truth about AA Big Book and whats true and what is not. Share your ideas, opinions and criticisms.


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Into Action What kind of lies are in the Big Book of AA

Into Action - as we dive into Chapter 6 of the Big Book of AA we find a wee bit more lies. Join us with callers from around the world as we tear up the BB of Alcoholics Anonymous. Join Monica Richardson and many other ex steppers who have left and are free from the tides that bind one who joins the 12 step giant.


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Tearing up the AA Big Book just one more time - where are the lies

Join Monica Richardson for a new 2021 Podcast discussing the problems in the 1935 AA Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book.


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Were you harmed in Rehab, Sober Living or AA sexually harassed or assaulted ?

Join Us for a 1 hour show - call in live to speak with host Monica RIchardson to speak up and out - Joining forces to get legal action going to fight back Rehab and Sober Living run and operated by Two Hatter AA / NA members - No more - will we stay silent . #metoo, #TIMESUP, #exposeAA, #quietNoMORE,


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Pilot authors a Book about HIMS PROGRAM Forced to attend AA meetings for life

The HIMS Nightmare is a practical guide to surviving the “Human Intervention Motivation Study” program for pilots who are in recovery from substance abuse, or who are sucked into the program despite not being addicted to mood-altering substances. The HIMS program is not what it is portrayed to be. Developed in 1974 as a means for returning substance-abusers to the cockpit, HIMS has grown to become a monster intended to put as many pilots as possible under the complete control of their...


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Lawyers, Pilots and being forced to AA and speak AA speak - Is that a thing ?

Lawyers discuss the reality of being forced to attend AA - AA based rehab and even forced to talk their "talk" so they can fly. How is this possible. Listen in for the facts behind the madness. A Lawyer from Cleveland, Ohio will join me to discuss the new movement to push back and stop teh coercion. The FAA just made it a requirement that all pilots in the HIMS Program will be forced to go to AA meetings for the "Life" of theri flying careers now ! Not so FAST we say. Larry is licensed...


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Zach Rhoads author and addiction specialist -

Zach Rhoads- author Addiction Specialist. Monica Richardson is a host of podcast Safe Recovery. Zach is an author and educational consultant working with families in Vermont. He is also an addiction coach in Stanton Peele’s Life Process Program His book Outgrowing Addiction: With Common Sense Instead of “Disease” Therapy (with Stanton Peele) will be published by Upper Access Press in May 2019. He hosts the podcast FSDP Presents on behalf of Families for Sensible Drug Policy. Zach Rhoads is a...


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Is AA Highly effective ? Stanton Peele author debates NOT so fast !

Blog Talk Radio Safe Recovery podcast created by Filmmaker, activist, victims advocate, Monica Richardson hosts this 1 hour show- this week with author Stanton Peele. Join us as we take on the Addiction Recovery Industry. Stanton Peele, Ph. D., J.D., is a licensed psychologist, attorney, practicing psychotherapist and the author of books and articles on the subject of alcoholism, addiction and addiction treatment. Wikipedia Stanton Peele has been a cutting-edge figure in the addiction field...


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Professionals forced to Alcoholics Anonymous - pilots, nurses and doctors

In this 30 minute show, Monica Richardson, filmmaker and victims advocate will discuss how to stop all coercion. How can you fight back . Recently a nurse in Vancouver fought back and won that fight. Pilots, nurses and doctors all over the country and coming toegther to stop coercion to a 1930's religious lay person support group , with a 5 % success rate. #stopthemaddness. #notoaa, #exposeaa, Educate yourself on Civil Rights, Human Rights, HIPPA Rights, Religious Freedom, and The...


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LifeRing with Byron Kerr

Join Monica Richardson for a 30 minute podcast with Board Member from LifeRING- Byron Kerr has been active in LifeRing for approximately 8 years. He has served on the LifeRing Board of Directors for almost 6 years. He has served as executive director for one year and was recently appointed to another one year term. Life RING is a non 12 step self help support group for alcohol or drug issues . LifeRING is available online and in some cities there are face to face meetings -


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AA, Scientology and EST How they changed American culture

AA is an ideology? How has this affected our society as a whole in America. Scientology and EST also experienced a huge boost of members in the late 60's to mid 1970's. There are similarities within these groups -cults. In this episode we will take a look at the similarities and the group think and how these and the "Human Potential Movement" changed America. We as Americans, were once fiercely independent, creative and strong willed. So what went wrong. Join Monica Richardson for a show...


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US of AA - How the 12 Steps Highjacked the Science of Alcoholism by Joe Miller

A one hour show with host Monica RIchardson and author and Professor Joe Miller. COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) - April 2, local author and associate professor of English at Columbus State University, Joe Miller has released a new book, US of AA: How the Twelve Steps Hijacked the Science of Alcoholism. Miller is the author of 2006's Cross-X: The Amazing True Story of How the Most Unlikely Team from the Most Unlikely of Places Overcame Staggering Obstacles at Home and at School to Challenge the Debate...


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EVO Health and Wellness - Founder Koorosh Rassekh

Join us for a one hour show - about EVO - and incredible Intensive Out-Patient Clinic in Venice , CA- Founder Koorosh Rassekh offers compassion , Science and Harm Reduction for many sustance use issues. Koorosh Rassekh, MMFT Founder “Our work is to remain curious about the human experience and unlocking our individual and collective possibilities.” Having confronted addiction in his own life, Koorosh founded Evo Health and Wellness with the vision to break the stigma around mental health and...
