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Air Quality Matters

Science & Technology News

Over the last two decades, I have had the privilege to talk with and even consider as friends some of the brightest minds, innovators and leaders in the field of air quality, ventilation and the built environment. My hope is to bring some of these conversations to you in this podcast. Conversation with the people at the heart of this sector. About them and their organisations. What they are working on, where this is going.




Over the last two decades, I have had the privilege to talk with and even consider as friends some of the brightest minds, innovators and leaders in the field of air quality, ventilation and the built environment. My hope is to bring some of these conversations to you in this podcast. Conversation with the people at the heart of this sector. About them and their organisations. What they are working on, where this is going.



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#27 - Charles Weschler: Unpacking the Impact of Ozone on Indoor Air Quality and Health

Send us a Text Message. A converation with Charles Weschler After completing his Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Chicago, Dr. Weschler did postdoctoral studies with Prof. Fred Basolo at Northwestern University. In 1975 he joined Bell Laboratories as a research scientist in the Physical Chemistry Division. He conducted research at Bell Labs and its successor institutions until 2001 being named a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (1986). In 2001 he retired from Bellcore/Telcordia and accepted positions at the Environmental & Occupational Health Science Institute, Rutgers University, and the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark. He has continued in those positions through the present. In 2010 he joined the faculty of the Building Science department at Tsinghua University (Beijing) as an ongoing Visiting Professor. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Rutgers School of Public Health. He was a Member of the Committee on Air Quality in Passenger Cabins in Commercial Aircraft, National Academy of Sciences, 2000-2001; Advisor on Strategies to Protect the Health of Deployed US Forces, National Academy of Sciences, 1998-2000; Member of the Committee to Review the Structure and Performance of the Health Effects Institute, National Academy of Sciences, 1991-1993; And Member of the Committee on Advances in Assessing Human Exposure to Airborne Pollutants, National Academy of Sciences, 1987-1990. From 1999-2005 he served on the US EPA’s Science Advisory Board, and from 2012-2023 was an advisor for the Sloan Foundation’s Chemistry of Indoor Environments program. He was elected to the International Academy of Indoor Air Sciences in 1999 and received the Pettenkofer Award, its highest honor, in 2014. He has been conferred the 2017 Haagen-Smit Prize from Atmospheric Environment; “Distinguished Visiting Professor” at Tsinghua University (2018); “Doctor Technices Honoris Causa” from the Technical University of Denmark (2018); and was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2020, AAAS). We spoke about Ozone, it impacts on human health and the air chemistry in our indoor environments. And needless to say, if you go looking for information and papers on Ozone Charles Weschler if not an author will be cited somewhere. So it was a pleasure and honour to talk to Charles, who is an absolute gentleman and so generous with his time. Ozone is fascinating, never far from controversy and quite a naughty little pollutant by all accounts. It plays a fascinating role in our indoor environments. This is a really insightful episode and full of information, so strap in, get ready to Google some chemistry names, and enjoy. Charles Weschler - Linkedin Rutgers DTU Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#26 - Simon Jones: What is the risk to long term health and productivity in home working?

Send us a Text Message. You have me this week. Sitting at home on a beautiful day with the window open, I wonder.... Could remote working and hybrid working, represent the single largest chronic occupational environmental health risk of this century? While we've been enjoying the flexibility and comfort of working from home, a new, insidious risk is potentially emerging – one that could have profound implications for our long-term health and well-being. This risk is the deteriorating quality of our indoor environment at home Imagine this: you're working at your home desk, basking in the convenience of avoiding the daily commute, only to discover that your home environment may be quietly undermining your health and productivity. The potential health risks associated with prolonged remote working conditions might represent the single largest chronic environmental health risk of our century. The surge in remote and hybrid work, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, has persisted well into 2024, with nearly 49% of desk workers now splitting their time between home and office, and 17% working fully remote. This could translate to around 900 million people globally who are exposed to home environments that were never designed for full-time work. Harvard Paper Ventilation and indoor air quality in new homes Ventilation provision and use in homes in Great Britain: A national survey Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#25 - Achim Haug & Anika Krause: Open-Source Air Quality Monitoring and Community Engagement

Send us a Text Message. Achim Haug and Anika Krause Achim is an ex senior Seimans exec of some two decades with a masters in science who now lives in Thialand and founded Air Gradient, an air quality monitor with a unique approach in the sector. That started as a volunteer project to help a school in Northern Thailand monitor the air quality in classrooms during the highly polluted “burning season”. From the beginning he put a strong focus on open designs, robust and long-lasting hardware and a strong desire to support people from all around the world with affordable and effective air quality solutions. Anika is Air Gradients scientific advisor and lives in Italy. With a Masters in science and a PhD in philosophy and atmospheric sciences from Cambridge, an expert in air pollution exposure science and data analysis. She has spent several years in research and industry Before joining Air Grandient last year. AirGradient is currently the only global air quality monitoring company that makes all its hardware design available for free under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license. This means that all electronic schematics, firmware code, CAD files are openly available and allow (and encourage) other organizations to use them. They openly publish all their research and algorithms so that others can benefit from the extensive work they are doing. Its a fascinating approach that cuts against the mainstream and opens up all sorts of potential, risk, challenges and benefits. At a time when the air quality community and particularly the low cost sensor sector is figuring out the what next, Air Grandient is forging a unique path. And one I was fascinated to discuss. Achim Haug - Linkedin Anika Krause - Linkedin AirGradient Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#24 - Chris Rush: Elevating Air Quality in our Indoor Spaces - Strategies, Communication, and Career Paths

Send us a Text Message. A conversation with Chris Rush Chris is a Director and air quality consultant lead at Hoare Lea, an award-winning, multi-discipline engineering consultancy with a creative team of engineers, designers, and technical specialists. Part of the Tetra Tech Group, a global provider of environmentally focused consulting and engineering services, and part of its renowned Tetra Tech High-Performance Buildings Group. Chris is focused on promoting air quality's crucial health and well-being role in our built environment and the opportunity that buildings play as part of this. Through his involvement as chair of the professional body for air quality in the UK – the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM), vice chair of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Air Quality Working Group and council member of the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) he aims to improve and is passionate about harnessing the value of air quality through the design and operation of buildings. He is a Chartered Environmentalist, a Member of the Institute of Acoustics, a Full Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, a Member of the IES as well as Full Member of the IAQM. Chris is a thought leader in this field, and the impact he and large consultancy practices play in moving the needle, not just with customers but internally in the cross pollination of ideas and idials, is enormous. He is at the vanguard of air quality in the built environment not just through Hoare lea but also in the development and growth of the IAQM. Chris Rush - LinkedIn Hoare Lea Tetra Tech Institute of Air Quality Management Institute of Environmental Science Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#23 - Mazen Jamal: Navigating the Future of Healthy Buildings and Smart Buildings

Send us a Text Message. A conversation with Mazen Jamal With two decades of experience in the built environment, Mazen's journey in sales has led him from the Middle East to Sweden, where he started working in early prop-tech companies specializing in space utilization, occupancy detection, Indoor Air Quality monitoring, and smart/healthy building analytics. Since he has conducted business across North America, and Continental Europe, all the way to India, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. I always think it's interesting talking to people involved in business development, account management and sales it is at the bleeding commercial edge of the sector. It's close to my heart, but professionals like Mazen are also having conversations daily with the people who count, the customers, in whatever form they take, from C-suite executives to space users. So it was a real pleasure to talk to Mazen, someone driven to grow the digital smart built environment. And someone who has worked at the coal face in sensor tech, smart buildings and healthy buildings. Mazen is a straight shooter, and full of insight. Well respected and worth a listen to, in my opinion. Mazen Jamal - LinkedIn Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#22 - Tom Robins: Shaping the Future of Living Spaces with Data Insights and Switchee

Send us a Text Message. Tom Robins - CEO - Switchee Founded in 2015 by Adam Fudakowski (CEO) and Ian Napier (CCO), they believed that internet-connected technology could be applied to help social landlords better manage their stock and reduce residents' fuel bills. The solution: a smart thermostat designed specifically for landlords with a dashboard providing real-time data and insights, including some of the environmental conditions within the home. Following Ian’s death in tragic circumstances in 2019, Adam and the team resolved to continue growing the business in his memory. In 2020 Tom came into the business and a year later promoted to CEO. Under his stewardship, the business has continued to grow. Tom has spent his career in scale-up leadership roles; Manufacturing Consulting with Newton, Financial Services Analytics with BIPB, A Board Decision Platform with Board Intelligence and Telecommunications with Community Fibre. He has been working with the Housing Sector since 2015 and believes in the power of technology to improve the quality of life for residents while transforming the operating model for providers. Tom is a real people-focused leader with a track record in building and motivating teams. He also has a technical background, with a master's in chemical engineering from the University of Cambridge. I have followed Switchee’s journey from its early days and have been fascinated by the passion of the people in it and its mission-led approach to data from the built environment. I was intrigued to chat with Tom about Switchee’s lived experience of translating data in a meaningful way, that they genuinely try to answer important questions in the sector and how that potential can be unlocked. As more and more of the spaces we occupy provide meaningful data about the environment around us, the lessons companies like Switcee are learning could be valuable insight for others. Moreover, Tom can paint a picture of what scale-up in this space looks like and the potential it holds. Tom Robins - Linkedin Switchee Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#21 - Richard Corsi: Do particulates matter? - The National Academies report and a CR Box

Send us a Text Message. Dr. Richard Corsi Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of California, Davis. His team has researched indoor source dynamics, indoor chemistry, and innovative and accessible control technologies for reducing exposure to indoor air pollutants. During his 24 years as a faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin. He was an endowed research chair and member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, and served as Director of a National Science Foundation program on Indoor Environmental Science and Engineering that spawned many successful scholars of indoor air science. Richard's work has been cited in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Economist, Forbes, National Geographic ……. He is a past President of the Academy of Fellows of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) and past President of the society’s signature conference Indoor Air 2011 in Austin, Texas. He recently chaired a National Academies committee report on Health Risks of Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Solutions. A truly multidisciplinary endevour that has produced a state of the science report that is truly phenomenal. And I think is going to be the go to reference for some time. I was really keen to talk to Richard about this report, as his overview of the work is a must listen for anybody working in the built environment, and his ability to bring to life a 270 odd page report in plain english is truly a skill. I was also keen to talk to one of the people behind the Corsi Rosenthal box, the DIY air cleaner that burst into prominence during the pandemic and turned the sector on its head in many ways. Ive been looking forward to bringing this conversation to you, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Richard Corsi LinkedIn Richard Corsi UC Davies National Academies Report Corsi-Rosenthal Foundation Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#20 - Simon Jones :Mandating indoor air quality for public buildings

Send us a Text Message. An article recently published in Science, advocating for air quality standards in public buildings, is a fantastic position from many leading voices in the scientific air quality community. I spent a little bit of time this week talking about it and some of the issues and challenges with the proposition. Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#19 - Dan Hyde: Impact of User Experience in the Built Environment, Ventilation and Air Quality

Send us a Text Message. Dan Hyde Dan is a UX strategist, researcher, co-host of the Zero Ambitions Podcast (a podcast about sustainability and the built environment), and co-founder of the magazine that ultimately evolved into Passive House Plus. At Everything is User Experience, Dan and Alex his co-founder develop the strategy that underpins everything from apps and websites, to bid writing, service design, and corporate sustainability communications. Working in the built environment, finance, and healthcare sectors, they carry out practical research that can be turned into simple, strategic packages that enable their clients to create experiences that work for all users. In a full circle, Dan is a partner in a spin-off of the Zero Ambitions podcast, the Zero Ambitions Partnership offering much of the same strategy advice around UX, but focused specifically on the built environment, with Alex and Jeff Colley, the editor and owner of Passive House Plus and co-host of the podcast of the same name. I wanted Dan on because he is just a great value to talk to anyway. One of his many skills. However, beyond the performance gap in IAQ and ventilation in general, we have a significant communications gap, both with users of spaces and the stakeholders who deliver and manage them. Good UX and design in how we structure strategy, communicate it, and provide ongoing support are everything. This chat scratches at some of these ideas. EIUX website - EIUX LinkedIn - Dan’s LinkedIn - Futurebuild panel on YouTube (Does deep retrofit = deep impact Insights) - ZAP LinkedIn - ZAP episodes - Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#18 - Simon Jones: If not you, then who?

Send us a Text Message. This week I ask the question. If not you then who? Who is going to measure ventilation in the context of retrofit assessment and other housing scenarios, beyond competent ventilation installers and assessors, and how might that look? It was a question I raised in response to the publication of the RICS Residential Retrofit Standard. Have a listen and let me know what you think RICS Residential Retrofit Standard Air quality matters in housing Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#17 Ellora Coupe: Pioneering Healthy Homes Through Her Own Space

Send us a Text Message. A Conversation with Ellora Coupe Discover how Ellora Coupe, founder of Her Own Space, is transforming the renovation and retrofit industry for women homeowners. Join us, where Ellora shares her innovative strategies that are making air quality and ventilation relatable and actionable. With her unique blend of branding expertise and renovation savvy, she advocates for healthier living environments and provides a platform that empowers women to take charge of their homes. Collaboration and trust are key in the realm of home retrofit. Through Her Own Space, Ellora has cultivated a thriving community of over 3,000 women who support each other through the trials and triumphs of retrofit projects. If you listen to the podcast, you have probably heard me talk several times about the need to better frame subjects like air quality in the built environment. To understand stakeholder needs and find ways to communicate in more effective ways. I have a lot of respect for Ellora; she has created in her own space a place of story telling, knowledge building and trust. Something we could learn a lot from in nieces like air quality and ventilation. Learn how to understand a stakeholder group, in this case, women in retrofit, renovation, and home building. But more importantly, open communication up into a dialogue—a conversation, a network. Ellora Coupe - LinkedIn Her Own Space Her Own Space - Facebook Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#16 - Simon Jones: Particles Matter and so does accountability

Send us a Text Message. Simon Jones I look back at the last 4 episodes of Air Quality Matters this week. I discuss a good National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine document. 2024. - Health Risks of Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation A recently released paper on Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort, and Ventilation in Deep Energy Retrofitted Irish Dwellings Plus, I might have a few things to say about the outcomes of studies like this! Health Risks of Indoor Exposures to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Solutions Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Comfort, and Ventilation in Deep Energy Retrofitted Irish Dwellings Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#15.1 - Cath Noakes: On the Frontiers of Air Quality and Disease Prevention in Buildings

Send us a Text Message. Part - 1 Professor Catherine Noakes is a chartered mechanical engineer with a background in fluid dynamics. She is the Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation for the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Leeds where she leads research into ventilation, indoor air quality and infection control in the built environment using experimental and modelling-based studies. From April 2020- 22 she participated in the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), where she co-chaired the Environment and Modelling Group sub-focusing on the science underpinning environmental transmission of COVID-19. She has also contributed to numerous advisory and working groups including with WHO and as part of the working group for the Royal Academy of Engineering work on Infection Resilient Environments. In 2021, she was awarded an OBE for her contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic response, and in 2023, she was awarded the Royal Society Gabor medal for her contribution to interdisciplinary science in understanding the transmission of infection. We discussed as you would imagine, her work over the last few years and what the built environment can take away from this global pandemic. We talked about risk, air cleaners and her experience as a domain expert suddenly thrust into the pandemic's whirlwind. Cath Noakes - LinkedIn Cath Noakes - University of Leeds Christmas Lectures - Going Viral SAGE Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#15.2 - Cath Noakes: The Air Quality Puzzle for Pandemic Resistance and the Vision of a National Indoor Air Quality Observatory

Send us a Text Message. Part - 2 Professor Catherine Noakes is a chartered mechanical engineer with a background in fluid dynamics. She is the Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation for the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Leeds where she leads research into ventilation, indoor air quality and infection control in the built environment using experimental and modelling-based studies. From April 2020- 22 she participated in the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), where she co-chaired the Environment and Modelling Group sub-focusing on the science underpinning environmental transmission of COVID-19. She has also contributed to numerous advisory and working groups including with WHO and as part of the working group for the Royal Academy of Engineering work on Infection Resilient Environments. In 2021, she was awarded an OBE for her contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic response, and in 2023, she was awarded the Royal Society Gabor medal for her contribution to interdisciplinary science in understanding the transmission of infection. We discussed as you would imagine, her work over the last few years and what the built environment can take away from this global pandemic. We talked about risk, air cleaners and her experience as a domain expert suddenly thrust into the pandemic's whirlwind. Cath Noakes - LinkedIn Cath Noakes - University of Leeds Christmas Lectures - Going Viral SAGE Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#14.1 - Priyanka Kulshreshtha: On the Frontlines of India's Indoor Air Quality Revolution

Send us a Text Message. Part 1 Priyanka Kulshreshtha - is a founding member and Secretary of the Society of Indoor Environment (SIE), a policy think tank for issues related to indoor environmental quality in India. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Delhi. She has been on the editorial board of prominent international journals, including the Journal of Health and Pollution, Sustainability in Environment, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, Environmental Research, to name just a few. She has been the Editor of SIE's quarterly newsletter, “THE INDOORS “, since 2019. She has experience working on the European Union Project “HEALTH EVENT” and has, to her credit, more than 30 publications in international journals, articles, and conference papers. A visiting faculty at the International Centre for Environmental Audit and Sustainable Development and has also worked with policymakers in India regarding formulation and scoping of IAQ guidelines. With two decades in the field of indoor air quality management. Her core domain of work is research on Indoor Air Quality and its exposure assessment. Priyanka is a fascinating window into the field of air quality in India right now, where it has come from and where it may be heading. She is at the heart of an exciting yet challenging environment, with so much at stake and potential. You really get the sense talking to Priyanka that things are on the move in India, and there is a generation of bright and committed researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals making waves. We had a great conversation about the particular challenges of air quality in Dehli and other parts of the country, her work around homes, schools, the workplace, standards and where all this might be going. Priyanka Kulshreshtha - LinkedIn Society of Indoor Environment (SIE) Indian Insititute of Sustainable Development Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#14.2 - Priyanka Kulshreshtha: Engaging Citizens in the Pursuit of Clean Air

Send us a Text Message. Part 2 Priyanka Kulshreshtha - is a founding member and Secretary of the Society of Indoor Environment (SIE), a policy think tank for issues related to indoor environmental quality in India. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Delhi. She has been on the editorial board of prominent international journals, including the Journal of Health and Pollution, Sustainability in Environment, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, Environmental Research, to name just a few. She has been the Editor of SIE's quarterly newsletter, “THE INDOORS “, since 2019. She has experience working on the European Union Project “HEALTH EVENT” and has, to her credit, more than 30 publications in international journals, articles, and conference papers. A visiting faculty at the International Centre for Environmental Audit and Sustainable Development and has also worked with policymakers in India regarding formulation and scoping of IAQ guidelines. With two decades in the field of indoor air quality management. Her core domain of work is research on Indoor Air Quality and its exposure assessment. Priyanka is a fascinating window into the field of air quality in India right now, where it has come from and where it may be heading. She is at the heart of an exciting yet challenging environment, with so much at stake and potential. You really get the sense talking to Priyanka that things are on the move in India, and there is a generation of bright and committed researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals making waves. We had a great conversation about the particular challenges of air quality in Dehli and other parts of the country, her work around homes, schools, the workplace, standards and where all this might be going. Priyanka Kulshreshtha - LinkedIn Society of Indoor Environment (SIE) Indian Insititute of Sustainable Development Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#13.2 - Stephanie Taylor: The Role of Building Microbiomes in Our Health, the ASHRAE conference and more. more

Send us a Text Message. Part -2 Stephanie Taylor received her Medical Degree from Harvard and subsequently practised pediatric oncology while researching cellular growth control mechanisms for the next several decades. While taking care of hospitalised patients, she became increasingly convinced that the healthcare facility played a significant role in patient healing and in healthcare-associated infections. Determined better to understand the built environment's impact on patients, she returned to school and obtained her Master's in Architecture. She is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and is on the Standards Committee for Performance Metrics for Occupied Buildings. She is also a member of the US Green Building Council technical advisory board on Indoor Air Quality. In 2019 she founded Building4Health to scale the powerful yet underutilised approach of managing IAQ from a medical perspective to support occupant health. She brings together a fascinating convergence of human health, microbiology and architecture, I first met her a few years ago in Athens where she was giving a plenary presentation on the impacts of the microbiom of buildings on human health and it was one of the presentations that has stuck with me ever since. So it was a real privilege to get to have an extended conversation with her about her journey from medicine to buildings, the philosophy and approach of Build4Health and how these two areas of expertise can come together. After all, we mostly build buildings for people and a human-centred approach is a perspective we sometimes lose. Stephanie Taylor - LinkedIn Build4Health Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#13.1 - Stephanie Taylor: Transforming Spaces into Healing Places – The Convergence of Architecture and Medicine for Healthier Indoor Air

Send us a Text Message. Part -1 Stephanie Taylor received her Medical Degree from Harvard and subsequently practised pediatric oncology while researching cellular growth control mechanisms for the next several decades. While taking care of hospitalised patients, she became increasingly convinced that the healthcare facility played a significant role in patient healing and in healthcare-associated infections. Determined better to understand the built environment's impact on patients, she returned to school and obtained her Master's in Architecture. She is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and is on the Standards Committee for Performance Metrics for Occupied Buildings. She is also a member of the US Green Building Council technical advisory board on Indoor Air Quality. In 2019 she founded Building4Health to scale the powerful yet underutilised approach of managing IAQ from a medical perspective to support occupant health. She brings together a fascinating convergence of human health, microbiology and architecture, I first met her a few years ago in Athens where she was giving a plenary presentation on the impacts of the microbiom of buildings on human health and it was one of the presentations that has stuck with me ever since. So it was a real privilege to get to have an extended conversation with her about her journey from medicine to buildings, the philosophy and approach of Build4Health and how these two areas of expertise can come together. After all, we mostly build buildings for people and a human-centred approach is a perspective we sometimes lose. Stephanie Taylor - LinkedIn Build4Health Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#12.1 - Francesca Brady: Investing in the Air We Breathe and a Thriving Workplace Environment.

Send us a Text Message. Part 1 Francesca Brady - is CEO and Co-Founder of AirRated an indoor air quality (IAQ) certification company She is an advisory member for the Camden Clean Air Initiative, the BREEAM Health and Wellbeing technical group, and a member of the International WELL Building Institute's Covid-19 Taskforce. A rising star in air quality in many ways including on the Forbes 30 under 30 list in 2021 for her work with Air rated. With a Masters in Environmental Geoscience specialising in indoor atmospheric chemistry she was Formerly Head of Research for Air Rated, before taking on the role of CEO in 2020. Since then she has been dedicated to promoting and educating audiences from all walks of life about the importance, benefits and management of good indoor air quality. Francesca is a top-tier communicator and can frame a complex subject in ways that are resonating with the audience, clearly. Air rated is a standard with a laser focus on air quality and is growing in recognition year after year under her leadership. We discussed the value of labelling air quality in buildings and the challenges around building the business case. How Air rated is approaching the sector and creating accessible on-ramps for all classes of building. How air quality impacts performance, the bottom line ESG and so much more. Air Rated Francesca Brady LinkedIn Our Air in Review Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….


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#12.2 - Francesca Brady: Harmonizing Air Quality and ESG Strategies for Healthier Workspaces and Sustainable Futures

Send us a Text Message. Part 2 Francesca Brady - is CEO and Co-Founder of AirRated an indoor air quality (IAQ) certification company She is an advisory member for the Camden Clean Air Initiative, the BREEAM Health and Wellbeing technical group, and a member of the International WELL Building Institute's Covid-19 Taskforce. A rising star in air quality in many ways including on the Forbes 30 under 30 list in 2021 for her work with Air rated. With a Masters in Environmental Geoscience specialising in indoor atmospheric chemistry she was Formerly Head of Research for Air Rated, before taking on the role of CEO in 2020. Since then she has been dedicated to promoting and educating audiences from all walks of life about the importance, benefits and management of good indoor air quality. Francesca is a top-tier communicator and can frame a complex subject in ways that are resonating with the audience, clearly. Air rated is a standard with a laser focus on air quality and is growing in recognition year after year under her leadership. We discussed the value of labelling air quality in buildings and the challenges around building the business case. How Air rated is approaching the sector and creating accessible on-ramps for all classes of building. How air quality impacts performance, the bottom line ESG and so much more. Air Rated Francesca Brady LinkedIn Our Air in Review Support the Show. Good ventilation and air quality are central to our experience of the built environment. Unlocking better ventilation and air quality in housing, the workplace and more….
