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Don’t understand epigenetics? Don’t worry. There was a time when genetic analysis was hardly known or understood. Now, genetic analysis is performed by thousands of companies and your full genome can be decoded for less than $100. Epigenetics is how your behaviors change your outcome .Epigenetics gives us knowledge on how to change your life, and the ability to read biology to understand your current health status. You ARE in control. Your host, Hannah Went, is here to discuss the insights which can improve your life and health. She is here to bring you Everything Epigenetics, simplified.


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Don’t understand epigenetics? Don’t worry. There was a time when genetic analysis was hardly known or understood. Now, genetic analysis is performed by thousands of companies and your full genome can be decoded for less than $100. Epigenetics is how your behaviors change your outcome .Epigenetics gives us knowledge on how to change your life, and the ability to read biology to understand your current health status. You ARE in control. Your host, Hannah Went, is here to discuss the insights which can improve your life and health. She is here to bring you Everything Epigenetics, simplified.



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A therapeutic trip: From experience to epigenome with Dr. Candace Lewis

We are entering a new phase of understanding how our social environments affect our biology, particularly how they influence the genes involved in brain development and function. This knowledge helps us see how experiences like stress, trauma, and isolation can cause changes at the molecular level that may increase the risk of mental disorders. On the other hand, we're also exploring how positive experiences induced by psychedelics, which create feelings of unity and insight, might lead to beneficial molecular changes. Most mental health disorders, whether psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, or neurodegenerative, arise from both genetic and environmental factors. Recognizing this, research now combines studies of these exposures with molecular biology to better understand how our behaviors and environments can directly impact our genetic expression, shedding light on why some people are more vulnerable to mental health issues. This field, known as behavioral epigenetics, explores how our experiences can shape our genetic makeup and influence our brain health. In this week’s episode of the Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Candace Lewis shares her insights into epigenetics, discussing how early life stress can affect gene regulation and how attachment and societal influences shape our biology. The conversation then turns to psychedelics, with Candace outlining the history and ongoing research into their potential as a therapeutic tool for mental health disorders. She explains the mechanics of psychedelic-assisted therapy and the importance of understanding its broader context. We then chat about the therapeutic possibilities of psychedelics and their role in epigenetics, and the importance of creating a safe environment for individuals to explore their emotions and experiences with psychedelics. Candace draws parallels between acute stress and the psychedelic state, suggesting that research into psychedelics could reveal important information about the epigenetic changes they induce. Lastly, Candace also mentions the Psychedelic Genome Project and the significance of collecting data to advance the field. Candace is currently the director of the BEAR Lab at Arizona State University aiming to acknowledge the harm caused by psychology and genetic sciences on minorly groups, increase diversity in training and study cohorts, and change policy to improve mental health for all. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: The Brain, Epigenetics, & Altered states Research (BEAR) labWhat is up with psychedelics anyway?Where to find Candace: - ASU profile - LinkedIn Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Personalized Nutrition and Epigenetics with Dr. Lucia Aronica

Personalized nutrition tailors dietary recommendations to an individual's unique biological needs, factoring in genetics, lifestyle, and health conditions to optimize health, prevent disease, and maintain overall well-being. Central to this approach is the role of epigenetics, which studies changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence but can be influenced by external factors such as diet. For instance, certain nutrients can affect DNA methylation patterns or modify histone structures, which in turn can activate or repress specific genes. Understanding how diet impacts these epigenetic changes is crucial for determining how an individual’s gene expression can be influenced by their dietary choices. This knowledge allows for the development of tailored dietary advice that can promote better health outcomes based on an individual's specific genetic and epigenetic profile, making personalized nutrition a powerful tool in modern healthcare. In this week’s episode of the Everything Epigenetics podcast, I discuss the connection between epigenetics and nutrition with Dr. Lucia Aronica. We explore how lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, stress, sleep, and environmental toxins influence epigenetic modifications. Dr. Aronica highlights the role of epinutrients, such as methyl donors and phytochemicals, in gene regulation and emphasizes key nutrients like folate and choline that are essential for methylation reactions. Our conversation also covers nutrigenetics, examining how genetic variations affect individual dietary responses, while cautioning against relying solely on genetic testing for nutritional guidance. Dr. Aronica advocates for integrating nutri-genetics with other health markers to develop personalized nutrition plans. We also discuss findings from the DIETFITS study about the impacts of low carb and low fat diets on gene activity and epigenetic modifications, and insights from the "You Are What You Eat" documentary series. This discussion further highlights the significant influence of diet on epigenetic aging and overall health. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Where to find Lucia: - Website - Instagram - YouTube - Nutritional epigenetics course (20% OFF) - Nutrigenetic variants for personalized low-carb ketogenic diets - Unveiling the Epigenetic Impact of Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diets on Aging: Insights from the Twins Nutrition Study (TwiNS) Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Epigenetic Gestational Age Prediction with Kristine Løkås Haftorn

Determining a newborn's due date traditionally relies on maternal reports of the last menstrual period and ultrasound scans. These conventional approaches can lead to uncertainties, especially when it comes to identifying deviations from normal fetal development that could impact research into the effects of preterm or post-term births on newborns. However, researchers, including Kristine Løkås Haftorn, have now developed a more precise method to ascertain newborns' gestational age through analyzing DNA methylation patterns in blood samples, utilizing machine learning. This is crucial because accurate knowledge of gestational age is fundamental for understanding the risks and implications of preterm and post-term births on infant health. Moreover, the ability to accurately determine gestational age in utero could revolutionize prenatal care by providing deeper insights into fetal development, potentially allowing for earlier identification of developmental issues and more tailored interventions to support healthy pregnancies. This breakthrough, driven by machine learning's ability to sift through and interpret complex epigenetic information, underscores the potential of combining technology with biology to enhance our understanding of human development. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, I speak with Kristine about epigenetic gestational age prediction, how we can use gestational age clocks to look at developmental timing and how this can improve pregnancies, assisted reproductive technology (ART), and more. Kristine is particularly interested in epigenetic patterns in newborns, how these patterns are linked to development in the fetus and child, and how they can be affected by various exposures during pregnancy. In this Everything Epigenetics episode, you’ll learn about: Where to find Kristine: X LinkedIn University Profile Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Causal Epigenetic Age Uncouples Damage and Adaptation with Kejun (Albert) Ying

Machine learning models that use DNA markers can estimate the age of biological samples. However, understanding why these markers change with age is challenging because it's hard to prove that these changes cause aging-related traits. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, I speak with Kejun Ying who uses large datasets to find specific DNA markers that directly influence aging traits. We explore his recently published study which found casual CpGs that speed up aging and others that protect against it. Kejun and colleagues created two new models, DamAge and AdaptAge, to measure harmful and beneficial changes related to aging. DamAge, which indicates negative aging effects, is linked to several health risks, including higher chances of dying. AdaptAge, on the other hand, shows positive aging adaptations. Interestingly, only the negative changes seen in DamAge can be reversed by a process that makes aged cells young again. The research findings provide a detailed understanding of the DNA markers that truly affect lifespan and overall health as we age. This helps us develop more accurate aging biomarkers and evaluate treatments aimed at reversing aging, improving longevity, and understanding events that speed up the aging process. In this Everything Epigenetics episode, you’ll learn about: Where to find Kejun: XLinkedInGoogle ScholarKejun Ying is a 4th year Ph.D. student in Harvard Medical School, Gladyshev lab. His research focuses on understanding cause of aging and develop ML-based aging biomarkers to facilitate the discovery of novel anti-aging interventions. Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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The Importance of the Imprintome with Dr. Randy Jirtle

The idea of the impintome is still foreign to many people. So, let’s start with a simple explanation. For the majority of genes, we inherit two functional copies—one from our mother and one from our father. However, imprinted genes follow a different pattern, as we inherit only one functional copy. Depending on the specific gene, either the copy from our mother or our father undergoes epigenetic silencing. This silencing process typically involves the addition of methyl groups during the formation of eggs or sperm. The epigenetic modifications on imprinted genes typically stay put throughout the organism's lifespan but undergo a reset during the formation of eggs and sperm. Regardless of their origin, certain genes are consistently silenced in eggs, while others are consistently silenced in sperm. Soon after egg and sperm meet, most of the epigenetic tags that activate and silence genes are stripped from the DNA. However, in mammals, imprinted genes keep their epigenetic tags. Imprinted genes begin the process of development with epigenetic tags in place. Imprinted genes are not the only genes that bypass epigenetic reprogramming in the early embryo. Studying imprinting may help researchers understand how other genes make it through reprogramming without losing their epigenetic tags. – The field of epigenetics and the imprintome has grown exponentially in the past decade, largely fueled by Randy Jirtle's groundbreaking research. Picture this: his 2003 study on how nutrition impacts gene regulation is the single most talked-about paper in the history of science. Jirtle's discoveries have been a game-changer, unraveling secrets about human health and the roots of diseases. In this week's Everything Epigenetics podcast, I dive into a captivating conversation with Dr. Jirtle. We explore the fascinating intricacies of his research, unravel its profound implications for understanding disease development, and uncover the urgent call for more scientists to embark on the mesmerizing journey into the world of epigenetics. In this Everything Epigenetics episode, you’ll learn about: Where to find Randy: Website: https://www.geneimprint.com Professor Randy L. Jirtle joined the Duke University Department of Radiology in 1977, and headed the Epigenetics and Imprinting Laboratory until 2012. He is now a Professor of Epigenetics in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Jirtle’s research interests are in epigenetics, genomic imprinting, and the fetal origins of disease susceptibility. He is known for his groundbreaking studies linking environmental exposures early in life to the development of adult diseases through changes in the epigenome, and for determining Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Integrating Epigenetics into the Social Models of Heath Disparities with Dr. Lauren Schmitz

Did you know that the Great Depression—the worst economic downturn in US history—impacted how fast individuals aged biologically decades later according to their epigenetic aging profiles?! Yep… you read that right. Results show that faster epigenetic aging later in life is associated with worse economic conditions, specifically, during the prenatal period, suggesting it may be a sensitive window for the development of later-life disparities in aging. As a result, early-life investments may help postpone age-related morbidity and mortality. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Lauren Schmitz speaks with me about just that. We take a deep dive into several of her studies which focuses on using genetic and epigenetic measures alongside data on the social environment from population-based longitudinal studies and randomized control trials. Lauren and I also discuss the methodology she uses for uncovering causal effects from observational data, with the ultimate goal of identifying policy targets that enhance quality of life and extend healthspan. We also chat about her study results that support DNA methylation-based epigenetic aging as a signature of educational inequalities in life expectancy emphasizing the need for policies to address the unequal social distribution of these World Health Organization (WHO) risk factors, as well as, social disadvantages which may contribute additively to faster biological aging. I’m extremely excited and passionate about Lauren’s work myself, as it suggests that epigenetic aging measures may contain additional valuable information that could further our understanding of the causes of social disparities in aging and health span. Lauren is now actively working on assessing measures of biological age in a low-income context, specifically “The Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health”. In this Everything Epigenetics episode, you’ll learn about: Where to find Lauren: Website: www.laurenlschmitz.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenlschmitz LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-schmitz-8156785b/ Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Prioritizing Your Health Investment with Dr. Jeoff Drobot

I always have a great time chatting with Dr. Jeoff Drobot, and in this podcast he doesn’t disappoint. He is an expert in “age accounting” and often speaks about biological age in terms of environmental debits and credits.. What does this look like? Well, retirement should not be the first time you start thinking about longevity. Just like a small amount of money invested well can grow to become significant wealth, a small investment in your health can lead to years of a healthier, enjoyable life. So, what’s the first step for making this investment? First, know how to cut through the fluff. A huge number of supplements, devices, lifestyle plans, and even prescription drugs claim to promote longevity. While some have true health benefits, others are all hype and may even cause harm. Second, you need an expert in the field of longevity. Ideally, this is a professional who believes in the power of innovative technology, and has the training and experience to discern what is really worthwhile. Your longevity expert will need to know how to tailor your longevity plan for your unique physiology and how to make adjustments as needed. In this episode of the Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Drobot and I chat about making this type of health investment in yourself along with the role of epigenetics and bioregulatory medicine in wellness. Additionally, we discuss how to leverage the power of technology and implement customized medical “biohacking” protocols to protect your investment in longevity. Remember, your health is your greatest investment. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Where to find Dr. Jeoff Drobot Website - https://drdrobot.com/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdrobot/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drobotlongevity/ Dr. Drobot has spent the last twenty years harnessing the cutting edge science of Biological Medical technology to assess and amplify human biology and physiology. He is passionate about guiding people near and far who envision being free from chronic illness and those dedicated to preventing a serious diagnosis from ever manifesting. Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Unlocking the Epigenome from a Single Drop of Blood with Dr. Toinét Cronjé

In this week’s Everything Epigenetics episode, I speak with Dr. Toinét Cronjé about what epigenetics can do for the field of epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in populations and the application of this study to control health problems. By studying epigenetics and epidemiology in tandem, Dr. Cronjé seeks to understand patterns of diseases in populations, identify risk factors, and develop strategies to prevent or control health issues. More specifically, Dr. Conjé researches epigenetics in understudied populations including the association between DNA methylation and noncommunicable diseases and how DNA methylation clocks perform in these groups. By making the most of the data we have available at the moment (from high-income countries) and of opportunities provided to researchers like herself to work at leading universities like the University of Copenhagen, she hopes that we will get closer to finding the tools to ease the burden on the research communities in low and middle income countries (LMICs). If we can truly start to investigate data from LMICs can you imagine the richness of the information we will unearth? Many of the questions that we are struggling with will be easier to address if we have more diversity in research data sets (e.g. genetics, cultural, dietary, and environmental), as rich (diverse) data sets allow researchers to see more angles to approach their questions from that they might not have been able to see before. Dr. Cronjé’s hope is to develop blood-based screening tools for a disease. Only then, when disease screening is accessible to all (e.g. through a blood test instead of intensive and invasive procedures) will we actually know what proportion of populations around the world actually suffer from diseases like these. Using that as a starting block we can finally proceed to addressing stigma and improving care. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Could unlocking methylation-based blood cell counts revolutionize epidemiology?Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Tracking and Measuring Biomarkers to Maximize Longevity with Dr. Michael Lustgarten

In this week's Everything Epigenetics episode, I speak with Michael Lustgarten on tracking and measuring biomarkers to maximize longevity. His long-standing goal is to live longer than everyone that has ever lived. To do that, he plans on using the best available science to “biohack” his way to super-longevity. Contrary to the prevailing belief that aging is an inescapable and uncontrollable process, Michael is an advocate for longevity, and he's eager to impart valuable tools and insights that could potentially extend our lifespan beyond 120 years. During this episode, you'll gain insight into various aspects, such as what inspired Michael to adopt a personalized health approach, his definition of optimal health, the vital role that data plays in improving your overall health, the specific blood panels Michael recommends, and the benefits of tracking diverse health data. We also discuss his epigenetic age results in depth, as he has measured this process around 10 times, and strategies for optimizing nutrition, exercise, sleep, and biological aging. Michael Lustgarten is currently a scientist at the Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston, Massachusetts. His research currently focuses on the role of the gut microbiome and serum metabolome on muscle mass and function in older adults. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Where to find Michael: YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1UMLpZ_CrQ_8I431K0b-g Twitter: https://twitter.com/mike_lustgarten Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Methylation Risk Scores with Dr. Mike Thompson

You may be familiar with polygenic risk scores (PRS), but have you ever heard of methylation risk scores (MRS)? MRS are crucial to understand, as they’re a tool that quantifies DNA methylation levels at specific genomic regions linked to particular conditions, shedding light on the potential impact of epigenetic modifications on disease susceptibility. In contrast, PRS calculates an individual's genetic disease risk by considering multiple genetic variants across the genome, often identified through genome-wide association studies. While PRS offers valuable insights into genetic predisposition for complex diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, it has its limitations, including the risk of false positives and challenges in clinical interpretation. The choice between MRS and PRS depends on the specific disease or research context and the available data, as both scores provide unique perspectives on disease risk. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Michael Thompson and I chat about the importance and benefits of MRS, how to calculate such scores, and how these scores compare to PRS. For example, in his recent paper, Mike discovered that MRS significantly improved the imputation of 139 outcomes, whereas the PRS improved only 22. We focus on the results from a study Mike published last year that showed MRS are associated with a collection of phenotypes with electric health record systems. Mike’s work added significant MRS to state-of-the-art EHR imputation methods that leverage the entire set of medical records, and found that including MRS as a medical feature in the algorithm significantly improves EHR imputation in 37% of lab tests examined (median R2 increase 47.6%). His publicly available results show promise for methylation risk scores as clinical and scientific tools. Mike is currently in Barcelona working on using artificial intelligence to map and learn the biological effects of mutating everything (and anything) in every single position from a genetic variant to the change in splicing or to some other interesting phenotype. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Where to find Mike: Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lFjujsAAAAAJ&hl=en Mike’s MRS Study: Methylation risk scores are associated with a collection of phenotypes within electronic health record systems: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41525-022-00320-1 Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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The Role of Epigenetics in Functional Medicine with Dr. Jeffrey Bland

In this Everything Epigenetics episode, Dr. Jeffrey Bland and I discuss his significant contributions to functional medicines and how he has shaped this field. We also define functional medicine as a multidisciplinary approach that draws on the expertise of various healthcare professionals, including doctors, nutritionists, and researchers, to address complex health issues from a holistic perspective. Dr. Jeffrey Bland, considered one of the pioneers in the field of functional medicine, has made notable contributions to the development and popularization of this approach to healthcare. We talk about his journey in co-founding the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) in 1991 alongside his wife, Susan Bland, and how he established a prominent institution dedicated to promoting and advancing functional medicine principles. Dr. Bland has authored influential books, including "The Disease Delusion," which explores the root causes of chronic illnesses. Through lectures, workshops, and educational initiatives, he has played a pivotal role in educating healthcare professionals and the public about functional medicine's core principles, emphasizing the interconnectedness of various body systems. Dr. Bland and I also chat about his research in nutrition, genetics, and chronic diseases that has expanded our understanding of how dietary factors, genetics, and lifestyle choices influence health. We discuss advocating for personalized healthcare and for individualized treatment plans that consider each patient's unique genetic and epigenetic makeup and health history. Additionally, Dr. Bland underscores the importance of lifestyle medicine, integrating principles like diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep into functional medicine's holistic approach. Lastly, we chat about the importance of epigenetics in Functional Medicine and how epigenetics is shaping the future of healthcare. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Where to find Dr. Jeffrey Bland: Website - https://jeffreybland.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drjeffreybland/ Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Assessing the Reproducibility and Integrity of DNA Methylation with Dr. Karen Sugden

The reliability of testing epigenetic DNA methylation using Illumina beadchips is of paramount importance due to the specific intricacies of this technology. Illumina beadchips are widely used platforms for high-throughput epigenetic analysis, employing thousands of probes to measure DNA methylation levels at specific genomic loci. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Karen Sugden and I talk about how the reliability of these probes directly impacts the accuracy and validity of the results obtained. Keep in mind that in the context of Illumina beadchips, reliability refers to the consistent and accurate performance of each individual probe across multiple samples and experimental replicates. Each probe is designed to target a specific CpG site, and the methylation signal it generates must be dependable and reproducible. We discuss how reliable probes ensure the accuracy of DNA methylation measurements and how the reliability of probes becomes crucial for reproducibility when conducting large-scale studies using Illumina beadchips, such as epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS). Dr. Sugden and I also discuss how the reliability of probes on Illumina beadchips has implications for cross-study comparisons. For example, if the probes exhibit inconsistent behavior across different experiments or cohorts, it becomes challenging to compare results and draw meaningful insights from combined analyses. Furthermore, we chat about the efficient utilization of resources being linked to probe reliability. Unreliable probes might necessitate repeating experiments or allocating additional resources to validate results, potentially delaying research progress and increasing costs. In the context of epigenetic research, where subtle changes in DNA methylation can hold profound biological significance, the accuracy and consistency of data generated by Illumina beadchips are pivotal. Lastly, we explore Dr. Sugden’s current research which includes how epigenetic clocks are associated with cognitive impairment and dementia and marijuana use. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Karen Sugden’s profile at Duke - https://moffittcaspi.trinity.duke.edu/karen-sugden-0 Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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MOSAIC: Multi-Organ Scores of Aging across Integrated Components with Raghav Sehgal

Various aging clocks have been developed to quantify the aging process and predict age-related diseases. These biological age clocks are powered by different types of omics data and clinical biomarkers, and they’re especially useful for observational studies, clinical trials, and basic science aimed at combating biological aging. Nonetheless, current research indicates that there is significant variation in aging, with deterioration and diseases affecting different organ systems and functional domains at different rates among individuals. While existing aging clocks can measure variations in the degree of aging, they do not account for variations in the way that aging occurs, such as in specific organ systems or functional domains. This is exactly what Raghav Sehgal has been working on during his career at Yale University - biological age clocks for 11 organ systems such as immune function, metabolic function, hepatic function, cardiac function, renal function and more. Knowing the age of your organs can provide several advantages over knowing just your biological age. Some of these include: Better understanding of disease risk Precision medicine Earlier detection of disease Improved health and lifestyle choicesIn this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Raghav and I chat about his novel epigenetic aging clock called the “Systems Aging Clock” which is based on a combination of epigenetic changes and organ and bodily function-based mortality indices. Raghav is a PhD student at Yale University presently solving Aging using deep learning on multi-omic and multi-granular data. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Personalized Biomarkers to Predict Surgery Outcomes with Dr. Christopher Ames

Risk stratification in surgery is a crucial aspect of modern medical practice that involves assessing the potential risks and benefits associated with a surgical procedure for an individual patient. The goal is to optimize patient outcomes and improve decision-making by identifying those who may be at higher risk for complications. While vital for guiding clinical decision-making, current risk stratification in surgery faces several limitations. For example, incomplete or inaccurate patient data can impact the accuracy of risk assessments, and existing risk scoring systems may not encompass all relevant factors or lack predictive power for certain patient populations or procedures. Generalization of risk models can lead to inaccurate estimations when applied to different patient groups or healthcare settings, and the challenge of individualizing risk assessment for each patient remains. Despite these limitations, risk stratification continues to play a crucial role in surgical practice, guiding preoperative planning and perioperative care while facilitating informed discussions between patients and healthcare providers. Dr. Christopher Ames, Spine Tumor and Spinal Deformity Surgery Neurosurgeon at UCSF, has made extreme efforts to improve accuracy and individualization while addressing these challenges as medical research and technology advance. Surgery for spinal deformity has the potential to improve pain, disability, function, self-image, and mental health. These surgeries carry significant risk and require careful selection, optimization, and risk assessment. As many of you know, epigenetic clocks are age-estimation tools derived by measuring methylation patterns of specific DNA regions. The study of biological age in the adult deformity population has the potential to shed insight on the molecular basis of frailty and improve current risk assessment tools. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Christopher Ames and I talk about how risk calculators will play an increasingly important role in the future of healthcare and the limitations of current risk stratification in surgery. Our conversation also encompasses the utilization of adult deformity as a model for studying the aging demographic, adopting a multifaceted approach to stratify risks, and exploring the indications from data that aging biomarkers could contribute to evaluating surgical risks. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Reduce Your Biological Age in Just 8-Weeks with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald's work in epigenetics revolves around the concept of "nutrigenomics" and "nutrigenetics," which are areas that investigate how nutrients and dietary factors can influence gene expression and how an individual's genetic makeup may affect their response to different nutrients. She has been at the forefront of applying epigenetic principles in the context of functional medicine to help patients optimize their health. By understanding an individual's unique genetic makeup and epigenetic influences, she aims to tailor personalized therapeutic strategies that can positively impact gene expression and improve health outcomes. Through her clinical practice, research, and educational efforts, Dr. Fitzgerald has contributed to advancing the understanding and application of epigenetics in functional medicine. She emphasizes the importance of lifestyle factors, diet, and other environmental influences in modulating gene expression to promote better health and prevent disease. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Fitzgerald speaks with me about the growing popularity of biological age, healthspan, lifespan, and longevity, and why you should care about these important concepts. We also discuss how to know if you’re methylating correctly, if aging should be considered a disease, and the impact of epigenetics on longevity. Furthermore, we dive into her Younger You program and how it has proven to reverse biological age. Dr. Kara and I then chat about why she continues to stay focused on this space, why this new research is important, how we should think about this in the context of other anti-aging interventions that are being studied, and more. Dr. Fitzgerald is on the faculty at IFM, is an IFM Certified Practitioner and lectures globally on functional medicine. She runs a Functional Nutrition Residency program, and maintains a podcast series, New Frontiers in Functional Medicine and an active blog on her website, www.drkarafitzgerald.com. Her clinical practice is in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Where to find Dr. Kara Fitzgerald: Website - https://www.drkarafitzgerald.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drkarafitzgerald/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/kfitzgeraldnd Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33844651/ Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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A Deeper Dive into DunedinPACE with Dr. Daniel Belsky

According to Dr. Daniel Belsky at Columbia University, there are three limitations of epigenetic biological age clocks: 1. Mortality selection Essentially, biological age measures may underestimate true aging because older participants represent slower agers. 2. Cohort Effects Biological age measures may overestimate true aging because older participants carry an excess burden of early-life exposure to environmental toxicants, pathogens, poor nutrition, smoking, etc. 3. Uncertain Timing Biological age measures summarize total aging over the lifespan and cannot distinguish differences established early in development from ongoing processes of aging. As a result, biological clocks may have lower sensitivity to effects of intervention. So, you’re probably wondering, how do we account for these limitations? Dr. Belsky and his team have created a tool that enhances the precision of measuring the rate of biological aging. Their work involved observing the health outcomes of 954 participants across four different age groups spanning from the mid-20s to the mid-40s. The researchers examined biomarkers believed to indicate how well various organs are functioning, as well as others linked to general health. Using this data, they devised an epigenetic "speedometer" to forecast how these values would change over time. This tool is called the DunedinPACE. As you may already know, the DunedinPACE measures how fast you are aging biologically for every one chronological year. If you need an introduction to DunedinPACE, check out my episode with Dr. Terrie Moffitt HERE. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dan Belsky and I take a deeper dive into why Biological Age is limited and how DunedinPACE overcomes these limitations. Dr. Belsky speaks with me about a geroscience model of aging-related burden of disease, DunedinPACE test-retest reliability, and why the DunedinPACE indicates a faster pace of aging in individuals with an older chronological age. We also discuss the effect of long-term caloric restriction on DNA methylation measures of biological aging in healthy adults from the CALERIE trial. The DunedinPACE is a new tool for geoscience to investigate etiology in epidemiological studies and to evaluate the treatment effects of randomized controlled trials. Dr. Belsky continues to validate the DunedinPACE in other populations around the world. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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How Fit Are You According to Your DNA? With Kristen McGreevy

As we age, physical fitness tends to decline. This decline can be attributed to various factors such as changes in body composition, reduced muscle mass and strength, decreased flexibility, and diminished cardiovascular endurance. Additionally, the body's ability to recover from physical exertion also tends to slow down with age. It has been well validated that the rate at which this decline occurs varies among individuals. However, those who maintain their physical fitness as they age experience a lower risk of various diseases and tend to enjoy longer lives. At the molecular level, changes in fitness and related indicators of functional capacity coincide with molecular markers of decline, which are believed to reflect underlying biological aging processes. Therefore, measurements of fitness offer a novel perspective on biological aging. Nevertheless, the measurement of fitness parameters presents challenges due to the need for in-person data collection by skilled experts utilizing specialized equipment. Moreover, remote data collection or studies involving stored biospecimens do not facilitate direct assessments of fitness. To overcome this limitation and facilitate the evaluation of fitness in such scenarios, Kristen Mcgreevy has developed blood-based DNAm biomarkers that encompass various aspects of fitness, including mobility (gait speed), strength (grip strength), lung function (forced expiratory volume in one second), and cardiovascular fitness (VO2 max). These biomarkers form the basis of a groundbreaking indicator known as DNAmFitAge, which quantifies biological age based on fitness levels. This research also highlights the influence lifestyle has on the aging methylome. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Kristen and I chat about the importance of physical fitness as we age, how she developed blood DNAm biomarkers for four fitness parameters, and how she created DNAmFitAge. We also focus on FitAgeAcceleration in age-related conditions and DNAmFitAge relationship to physical activity and body builders. Kristen is in the final year of her PhD, studying biostatistics at UCLA. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Predicting Mental Illnesses Using Epigenetics with Dr. Zachary Kaminsky

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 20% of adults (around 51.5 million people) experience a mental illness each year. I believe that is 51.5 million people too many! There is a HUGE need for the ability to predict mental illness, as the current diagnostic process has many limitations and challenges. By analyzing epigenetic markers associated with mental disorders, we can actually predict the likelihood of developing these conditions and tailor personalized treatment plans for improved outcomes. Predicting mental illness using epigenetics is paramount for early intervention, personalized medicine, and improved outcomes. With DNA methylation marks in peripheral tissues serving as predictive biomarkers, healthcare professionals can identify those at high risk and initiate targeted support. Early detection enables timely interventions, potentially mitigating the severity and progression of these disorders. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and natural language processing, we can even analyze social media data to predict suicidal thoughts and behaviors, revolutionizing suicide prevention strategies. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Zach and I chat about his work which primarily concentrates on identifying the epigenetic factors that contribute to psychiatric diseases, specifically focusing on mood disorders. We discuss the microarray technology he utilizes to conduct genome-wide exploratory analyses, aiming to discover disease associations in both human subjects and animal models. We focus on Zach’s investigations which encompass a range of conditions, including major depression, postpartum depression, and suicide. Another significant area of Zach’s research that we explore is centered around the development of predictive biomarkers for disease risk, using DNA methylation patterns in peripheral tissues. Furthermore, we talk about his research program that involves the development and application of artificial intelligence-driven natural language processing techniques, and how he applies these techniques to social media data to predict the likelihood of future suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Additionally, Zach is focused on creating and evaluating innovative digitally delivered suicide interventions that make use of these technologies. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Epigenetic Coaching with Lindsey Lekhraj

Epigenetic coaching is a revolutionary approach to health and wellness that leverages the latest research on epigenetics to optimize gene expression. As you all know, epigenetics refers to changes in gene activity that are not caused by changes in the underlying DNA sequence, but rather by environmental factors such as diet, stress, and exercise. With the help of an epigenetic coach, like Lindsey Lekhraj, you can learn how to modify your lifestyle to positively influence gene expression, leading to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life. Who doesn’t want that?! Epigenetic coaching involves a personalized approach to wellness, taking into account your unique genetic makeup and environmental factors. By identifying specific genetic markers that are associated with different health outcomes, Lindsey is able to provide targeted recommendations for dietary and lifestyle changes that can optimize gene expression. These changes may include modifications to diet, exercise, stress management, and other factors, all with the goal of enhancing overall health and well-being. If you’re looking to take control of your health and wellness, you need to check out epigenetic coaching… now! Understanding how to regulate your genes through epigenetic coaching offers a cutting-edge approach that will lead to lasting results. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, I chat with Lindsey about how she became an epigenetic coach and her company, The Designer Genes Co. During our discussion, we also took a deep dive into my own genetic results, as I was actually lucky enough to go through Lindsey’s epigenetic coaching program myself. If you’re looking to upgrade your life, I highly recommend checking out her program and everything she has to offer… It really is a one-stop shop to improve your health. This is an incredibly useful conversion, so make sure to tune in! Lindsey is currently on a mission to help a million people understand their genetic makeup and to grow awareness of practitioner-grade genetic testing. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: The Designer Genes Co.Where to find Lindsey: Website: thedesignergenesco.com Instagram: instagram.com/thedesignergenesco Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.


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Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance with Dr. Michael Skinner

I hate to break it to you, but yes - what your grandmother did directly influences how your DNA is regulated today. This is called epigenetic transgenerational inheritance. Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance refers to the transmission of epigenetic marks from one generation to the next. This phenomenon can occur through the germline and affect the development and health of future generations. To further explain, it is possible for environmental factors that affected our grandmother to influence our epigenetics through epigenetic transgenerational inheritance. For example, if our grandmother was exposed to a toxin that caused changes in her epigenetic marks, those changes could be passed down to subsequent generations. This could lead to an increased risk of disease or other health conditions in her grandchildren, even if they were not directly exposed to the toxin themselves. Additionally, lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise habits can also have epigenetic effects that can be inherited. If your grandmother had a poor diet or was sedentary, for example, this could have altered her epigenetic marks and potentially contributed to a higher risk of obesity or other metabolic disorders in her grandchildren. In this week’s Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Michael Skinner speaks with me about just that - epigenetic transgenerational inheritance, a term he coined in 2005. We discuss how Dr. Skinner and his team have shown that exposure to certain environmental factors, such as chemicals, nutrition, and stress, can cause changes in the epigenome that can be passed down through multiple generations. Dr. Skinner and I also chat about the mechanisms underlying this transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and the implications for human health and disease, including developmental disorders, obesity, and reproductive problems. In this episode of Everything Epigenetics, you’ll learn about: Support the Show. Thank you for joining us at the Everything Epigenetics Podcast and remember you have control over your Epigenetics, so tune in next time to learn more about how.
