Iriss.fm, Scotland's social services podcast
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Research, projects and events on topics related to social work and social care.
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Research, projects and events on topics related to social work and social care.
+44 141 559 5059
Enable Respect Group: raising awareness of hate crime
The Enable Respect Group is composed of champions who increase awareness of hate crime in Scotland, and provide training to anyone interested to learn more about it.
In this episode, Michael McEwan speaks to Jason Methven from Fortune Work Enable Scotland, and Sally Elfverson, a member of the Respect Group about the initiative.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Moving community social work upstream
The community social work conference was held on 8 November 2022 in Dunfermline. It was focused on a new model of community social work, which has been launched in Fife.
We spoke to Colin Turbett, social work author and consultant; and Kathy Henwood, the CSWO of Fife Education and Children’s Services. They provided an introduction to community social work and the set up in Fife.
We also heard from Anne Fitzpatrick, the Team Manager at Fife, Leanne Christie, social work assistant; and Janet, a woman who was supported by the community hubs. They told us about the community social work model in practice.
Community social work in Scotland: a critical history.
Iriss Insight: Rediscovering and mainstreaming community social work in Scotland
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
This is Me: valuing the lives of people with learning disabilities
This is Me is a campaign that aims to increase public awareness of the experiences of people with learning disabilities.
It is a partnership of the Scottish Learning Disability Observatory (SLDO), the Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD), Down's Syndrome Scotland and Promoting a More Inclusive Society (PAMIS).
Michael McEwan speaks to Dr Deborah Kinnear at SLDO about the campaign.
Follow the hashtag: #ThisisMe22
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
ENRICH Scotland: supporting research in care homes
ENRICH Scotland is a programme of work that supports research in care homes.
We speak to the Co-chairs, Emma Law and Susan Shenkin about the programme, what it’s achieving and it’s ambitions.
They explain how research undertaken in care homes improves the lives of people who live in care homes, their families and care home staff.
Care home research: an introduction for care home staff
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Heart Community Teams
Heart is a wellbeing model of service delivery for children and their families in East Ayrshire. It is an approach in keeping with the principles of a human rights-based, inclusive service design and delivery.
Michelle from Iriss speaks to Andrew Bryers about the model, its aims and progress to date. Andrew has been social worker since 2007 and has worked in Scotland, London and Australia. He spent six years as a team manager in East Ayrshire before taking on the role of Programme Lead of Heart Community Teams in 2020.
if you would like to chat to Andrew about the model and the approach in East Ayrshire, email: WellbeingModel@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
New Routes Home
New Routes Home is a partnership of interested individuals and organisations across Scotland who campaign for the right of all people with disabilities to have their own home and to have meaningful choices around where they live, and who (if anyone) lives with them. This includes having choices around how support is organised and directed.
Michael McEwan speaks to Alastair Minty from In Control Scotland about the campaign.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
The role of technology in rural social work
Is technology the answer for rural social work?
Jane Pye, Lecturer in Social Work at Lancaster University. explores the potential benefits of using technology, for social workers and people who live rurally and use services.
She also considers the dangers of suggesting that the use of technology is the answer to the challenges of working with rural and remote people and diverse communities.
This presentation was recorded at an event held on 4 May 2022.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Changing how homecare is commissioned and delivered
How do we help people live their lives as they want? How can we commission services in a more ethical and person-centred way?
The Gwynedd social care team and local health board in Wales have been changing how home care has been commissioned and delivered. They’ve created a model that moves away from ‘time and task’ to one that is more person- and relationship-centred.
Meilys Heulfryn-Smith, Programme Lead of Community Transformation at Gwynedd Council and Alison Hughes, Manager at Gofal Seibiant Care tell us about their work and experiences in Wales.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
'We all have human rights'
Scottish Learning Disability Week 2022 takes place from 2 until 8 May, and the theme for this year is ‘We all have human rights’.
Michael McEwan speaks to Libby Clement and Oonagh Brown from the Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD) about the theme, its importance and what's happening over the week.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
ENABLE Works helps people with learning disabilities and other barriers to employment to obtain and sustain rewarding employment.
What are some of the barriers and what is the current situation for disabled people seeking employment?
Michael McEwan speaks to Lianne Williams, Depute Director at ENABLE Scotland, and Mark Cuff, who speaks about his experiences of seeking and sustaining employment.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
A new model of support for independent living
In November 2021, Iriss held event that explored how to shape and support independent, inclusive living for people.
Our guest speaker was Kiana Kalantar-Hormozi, an artist, filmmaker and activist. She was nominated one of the 30, most inspirational women in Scotland under the age of 30 in 2017, and was Muscular Dystrophy UK Campaigner of the Year in 2018.
Kiana gives her views from her own personal experiences of how we can move forward with independent living support, and how to get it right for everyone.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Disability: what's the learning from Covid-19?
For disabled people, what has been the learning from the Covid-19 pandemic? And what now needs to happen to ensure better lives?
Michael McEwan, a reporter on disability issues, speaks to Health Journalist and Broadcaster, Pennie Taylor about the history of care and support for people with disabilities, the impact of Covid-19 and how support and services can be improved.
He also speaks to Tracey Campbell, a parent whose daughter has Angelman syndrome, and Sanjeev Man, a Freelance Journalist and Disability Campaigner, to understand their experiences and get their views on what needs to change.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Rural lives: poverty and social exclusion
Jayne Glass and Mark Shucksmith present the findings from the Rural Lives report published in March 2021.
It investigates why and how people in rural areas experience poverty and social exclusion, with a focus on financial hardship and vulnerability.
The research is based on three study areas: Harris, East Perthshire and Northumberland.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Rural social work: staying connected
What can rural social workers take from the experiences of the pandemic and how can they stay connected?
Digital technologies and our experiences during COVID-19 have highlighted new ways for rural social workers to connect to and support one another, and gain access to new learning opportunities.
Iain Ramsay, Professional Social Work Adviser at Scottish Government, shares his experiences as a social worker in a rural area.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Climate change and disabled people
Cop 26, the global United Nations climate change conference took place this month in Glasgow.
What is the impact of the climate emergency on disabled people and how do they have their voices heard?
Michael McEwan speaks with Susie Fitton, Policy Officer at Inclusion Scotland about their involvement at Cop 26, the impacts of climate change on disabled people, the challenges, and what needs to happen to make sure disabled people are included as decision makers.
Transcript of episode.
It's our planet too: climate change, disabled people and climate action in Scotland - Inclusion Scotland report.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Doing public service management differently
The Centre for Public Impact, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Iriss are together delivering events in November and December 2021 that will explore how a Human Learning Systems approach can support people and organisations to commission health and social care differently.
In this episode, Toby Lowe, Visiting Professor of Public Management at the Centre for Public Impact; and Diana Hekerem, Head of Transformational Redesign Support at Healthcare Improvement Scotland tell us about the Human Learning Systems approach. They explain what it is, how it works and talk through some practical examples.
Transcript of episode.
Human Learning Systems: public service for the real world (ebook)
Human Learning Systems website
Case study examples
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Adapting social work for a changing planet
Cop 26, the global United Nations climate change conference is underway in Glasgow, Each country will bring their plans for reducing emissions and combatting climate change.
As a people, community and society focused profession, is there a role for social work in the environment and climate change agenda? And if so, what is it?
Dr Heather Lynch, MSc (Social Work) Programme Lead at Glasgow Caledonian University believes so. In this episode, she interviews Sian McKinnon, a social worker and climate activist; TzeYeng Ng, a recently qualified social worker; and Professor Susan Kemp who provides insight from an international perspective.
Transcript of episode.
IPCC, AR6 climate change 2021: the physical science basis
IFSW Climate Justice Programme
Grand challenges for social work – create social responses to a changing environment
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Recovery Conversation Cafés
The Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, Kevin Stewart MSP, officially launched a recovery conversation cafe toolkit for organisations and services.
Developed by the Scottish Recovery Network, the toolkit provides a guide and resources to help people engage in meaningful discussions about what is important to them and their communities.
We spoke to Ann Jones, Manager of the Mental Health Network, Greater Glasgow & Clyde about the cafes - what they are, how they work and what they achieve.
Contact Ann at: ann@mhngg.org.uk
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Human Rights Town
The Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD) has launched an app, Human Rights Town, to help people with learning disabilities understand their human rights.
The development of the app has been led by a group of people with learning disabilities who have been working with SCLD. It invites users to travel around a virtual ‘Human Rights Town’ where they encounter different scenarios at each location, such as using public transport or working at the supermarket.
Michael McEwan speaks to Oonagh Brown, Human Rights Adviser at SCLD and Fiona Dawson, a member of the app development team.
Download the app on Apple App Store or Google Play.
Transcript of episode.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.
Lifelong Links
Lifelong Links is a project led by Family Rights Group and delivered by local authorities. It supports children and young people in care to connect with and develop relationships with family members, and other people who care about the young person, so they can become part of a lasting support network.
Anne Begbie, Coordinator of the Lifelong Links programme at Edinburgh City Council, tells us about their Lifelong Links service - the set-up, aims and achievements. We also speak to Megan Tait, a social worker involved in the service.
Transcript of episode.
Further resources
Video introduction to Lifelong Links.
What Lifelong Links meant to me: Sandy's story.
Impact of Lifelong Links.
Stand Up For Siblings - a Scotland wide partnership aimed at improving and changing legislation, policy and practice.
Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.