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Kielder Observatory Podcast

Science Podcasts

The official monthly podcast from Kielder Observatory in Northumberland UK, situated under some of the darkest skies in the world. If you've ever wondered what happens when you fall into a black hole, if intelligent life is watching us from other galaxies, or how the North East is at the forefront of the British Space programme, then you can find out more in this series! Each month we also update you on the things to look out for in the night sky wherever you are, and of course update you on what's happening at the observatory too! Subscribe now, and maybe we'll see you at Kielder soon!


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The official monthly podcast from Kielder Observatory in Northumberland UK, situated under some of the darkest skies in the world. If you've ever wondered what happens when you fall into a black hole, if intelligent life is watching us from other galaxies, or how the North East is at the forefront of the British Space programme, then you can find out more in this series! Each month we also update you on the things to look out for in the night sky wherever you are, and of course update you on what's happening at the observatory too! Subscribe now, and maybe we'll see you at Kielder soon!



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The "Super Earth" & New Rockets - May Update!

In this episode Ian Brannan & Director of Astronomy Dan Pye take a look at some of the recent space stories making the news, including the discovery of an Exo Planet dubbed "Super Earth". Find out why though it is probably not a place you want to book a holiday to just yet. We also look at Black Holes, NASA have simulated what it would be like to fall into one..! And a new kind of rocket is set to blast off to space, built by Boeing..! It however doesn't resemble the kind of Boeing craft you might be used to..! See for privacy information.


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Astrophotography, Eclipses & Aurora!

This month we record the podcast at the observatory itself, and it's a Dan fest. Host Ian Brannan is joined by Director of Astronomy Dan Pye, and Director of Astrophotography Dan Monk, to discuss a couple of hot topics and give you some top tips heading into April! On April 8th there is due to be a total eclipse which will be best viewed in the United States, but discover Kielder's plans to bring this event to you LIVE from one of our astronomers who is heading to Texas to take in and share the spectacle with you. Plus with the constant likelihood of an Aurora display at this time of year, Dan Monk explains how to maximise your chances of getting an awesome photo, and shares his adventures to Iceland chasing the phenomenon..! See for privacy information.


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The Black Hole from the dawn of time & meet our new CEO!

The spring equinox is approaching, and in this month's episode Director of Astronomy at Kielder Observatory Dan Pye joins us to look ahead to an interesting time of year as the seasons change! Plus will look at a few news stories from the universe including the discovery of the oldest Black Hole ever found, lurking near the very dawn of time! We are also joined by 2 CEOs, as way say goodbye and look back on the time of Catherine Johns, who has been CEO of the observatory since 2019. We also meet new CEO Leigh Venus, who has spent many years in culture and tourism, and both speak about why CEO of Kielder Observatory is a job like no other! See for privacy information.


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Aurora Hunting Inside The Arctic Circle!

February is the month of love, and in this episode of the Kielder Observatory Podcast discover how to see a heart light years away in space! Our Director of Astronomy Dan Pye explains the other celestial events occurring through February including our Pye in the Sky challenge! The main theme of this episode is the Aurora, our science communicator Ishbel Wright has recently ventured north of the Arctic Circle as part of a university project to install a network of cameras to give us a better understanding of this phenomenon. But of course she also saw the northern lights for herself more intensely than ever! As we move towards another peak time to see the Aurora in the UK, we also give you a few tips to improve your chances of bagging a photo for yourself! Aurora Borealis, Arctic Circle, Night Sky, Planetary Conjunctions, Venus, Heart Nebula, Cassiopeia, Pleiades, Constellations, Andromeda Galaxy, Science Communicator, Ionosphere, Tromso Norway, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Star Clusters, Caroline Rose Cluster, Ishbel Wright, Dan Pye See for privacy information.


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Kielder Narratives: How we brought art & space together!

In this episode we are joined by some of the team behind out "Kielder Narratives" project: Composer Will Todd, Poet Dan Simpson, and musician & Producer Chad Male join Ian Brannan & Director of Astronomy Dan Pye to tell the story behind the work, and we will also hear the final production in full too! Kielder Narratives is a collaborative project which builds upon the work we have already delivered with Southpaw Dance Company as part of Kielder Dark Skies. We wanted to find different ways of engaging the communities in and around Kielder, so that they themselves can tell their story of working, living and playing in such a unique environment. Funded by Arts Council England, Kielder Observatory were able to commission a poet, Dan Simpson, to complete a residency in the area- engaging with local communities to find out what the dark skies mean to them. The poet co-created poems, plays, songs and spoken word pieces to help articulate the thoughts and feelings of the communities were work in. See for privacy information.


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@VirtualAstro Adrian West - Night Sky Show Host

This month we are joined by Adrian West, an astronomer with over 30 years' experience. Better known as Virtual Astro, he has one of the largest independent astronomy and space accounts on social media. He's passionate about the night sky and inspiring people to look up. Adrian is author of the book "The Secret World of Stargazing", and is now touring the UK with his show "The Night Sky Show Live". You can see Adrian performing in the North East at the Sunderland Empire on January 6th 2024. For more info visit See for privacy information.


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Kids Takeover - Family Events, Rockets & More!

In this episode we hand over to Amber, age 6 (nearly 7!) from Sunderland who came to visit and take part in one of out many family events. Rather than a grown up talk all about it, we thought it best to hear about the experience from one of our younger guests! Rockets & More is one of the summer events which has become a firm part of the Kielder programme, ultimately ending with kids building and launching their own rockets into the sky! There are many family events all year round, they take place much earlier at around 5pm, and suitable for a variety of ages. Find out more about them at and book your visit. See for privacy information.


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Astronomical Darkness Returns! What to look for in August

This month Ian and Dan head out to combine recording a podcast, with a spot of stargazing as they highlight some of the other great and free locations across the North East offering a great view of the night sky. They have a chat on a hill near Derwent Reservoir which despite some patch weather on the day is a great vantage point to see the Aurora, the Milky Way and meteor showers. August sees the return of proper astronomical darkness at night, but it's also a month filled with great events such as the Perseids meteor shower, the Milky Way being visible, and the possibility of the Aurora putting on a show! See for privacy information.


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Renaming Our Telescope!

This month for the first time ever we record the Kielder Observatory Podcast on location at the observatory! And it has been a busy time, not least with one of our telescopes being renamed. Find out its new name, and why it was chosen in the podcast! Plus Ian Brannan and Director of Astronomy Dan Pye look at some of the recent scientific breakthroughs in space, and what this could mean for our understanding of the universe. See for privacy information.


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The Laws Of Space! With space lawyer Lauren Napier

Who is responsible if something goes wrong in space? Whilst we are a way off having an intergalactic police force, there are many laws and regulations specific to space. From space junk & satellites to who owns a planet, the countries of Earth have come together to make agreements on the rules of space. Northumbria University is one of the few places which specialises in the subject of "Space Law", and in this episode we chat to lecturer Lauren Napier to find out more about the rules that keep space a safe-ish place, and also keeps out dark skies clear! See for privacy information.


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Analogue Astrophotography - Melanie King

This month on the Kielder Observatory podcast we speak to photographic artist Melanie King, and explore her work capturing scenes of the night sky via classic analogue methods. Many of us now have switched to digital cameras or even smart phones, but Melanie explains her love for space and the constellations that inspire her the most. We also update you on the latest news from the observatory, and take a look at some of the things to look out for at night, even though the nights are getting lighter! See for privacy information.


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James Webb Space Telescope - 1 Year On!

In this episode of the Kielder Observatory Podcast Ian Brannan and our Director of Astronomy Dan Pye are joined by special guest Dr Olivia Jones, to look back on the first year since first light on the James Webb Space Telescope. Dr Olivia Jones was involved in the launch mission, and is one of a number of scientific researchers working on the project and now analysing the data sent back from JWST. Even after a short period of operation the JWST has given us stunning images and data from deep into the universe, looking billions of years into the past. It has also detected characteristics in the atmospheres of some Exo Planets which show that deep in the universe, if there is other life, it may well not be as we know it..! We also give you a round up of what's been happening at Kielder Observatory over the past few weeks, and details of the major things to look for in the night sky though April. See for privacy information.


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In search of the Aurora - Dr Melanie Windridge

The Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights are widely regarded as a Holy Grail for any sky watchers. For those lucky enough to see a display it's all about the beautiful serene colours lighting up the sky. However what we witnessing is the Earth's magnetic field protecting us from a violent onslaught of energised particles from the Sun, slamming into the planet at 45 million MPH! Dr Melanie Windridge is a physicist, explorer and author of “Aurora: In Search of the Northern Lights” who has travelled the world to witness the Aurora, and tells us about the phenomena and also the best places to see it.! We also talk about fusion, which is the source of the Aurora, and how this could one day lead to unlimited energy here on Earth. See for privacy information.


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Quasars and the evolution of the universe! Dr Victoria Fawcett

This month we talk to observational astronomer Dr Victoria Fawcett, about some of the research she has been involved in including the DESI & MOONs projects. As we get more data about the deeper universe scientists like Victoria hope to learn more about the formation of galaxies and even the origins of the universe. Dr Victoria is also very active sharing her knowledge via outreach programmes, and was awarded an outstanding contribution award at the North East STEM awards last year. See for privacy information.


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Dr Jarita Holbrook - Cultural Astronomy

In this month's episode Ian Brannan, and astronomers Dan Pye & Ellie Macdonald explore the relationship between humans and the night sky, with cultural astronomy expert Dr Jarita Holbrook. Since the dawn of time humans have gazed into the night sky, with many civilisations drawing their own inspiration and meaning from what they saw. Timeless stories, even whole religions has been formed from the inspiration the universe has given particularly in times of great turbulence and upheaval. We also look at some of the great space superstitions held by various civilisations and cultures around the globe too. Plus we have a look at the latest news from Kielder Observatory, and who to look out for in the night sky over the coming final few weeks of 2022. See for privacy information.


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Winter Astrophotography & Why Wind Is Important to Kielder!

This month the spotlight is on both wind, and astro photography..! Firstly we introduce our new crowd funding initiative to raise money for a 2nd wind turbine on the Kielder Observatory site. One of the first features many visitors notice will be the general hum coming from the existing wind turbine. In order to rely less on a diesel generator we are looking to add a second turbine elsewhere on the site. Dan Pye our director of astronomy explains why the wind turbine is so important, and how you can get involved to help out. This month we also catch up with Dan Monk, our director of Astro Photography. You will likely have seen some of Dan's stunning images, but this month he explains a few of the ingredients you need to get a stunning shot of the night sky, as well as a few of the things to particularly point your camera at through the winter months. See for privacy information.


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Black Holes Explored! With Prof Martin Ward

Ever wondered what would happen if the Earth should fall into a black hole? A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, no particles or even light can escape from it, and time literally ends. Prof Martin Ward is currently the Temple Chevallier Chair of Astronomy at Durham University and has spent over 50 years studying black holes. In this episode he shares his findings, and explains what a black hole is, why planets can exist perfectly well near one, and what might happen if we were to venture into one..! Martin is joined by Kielder astronomer Finn Burridge to explore black holes, and why there's no reason for us here on earth to have any worries about them, for a few million years at least. See for privacy information.


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Chris Lintott - BBC The Sky at Night Presenter!

Joining us this month is Chris Lintott, a Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University but known to millions as a current presenter on the BBC's The Sky At Night, a show which has been on our screens ever since 1957! He co-authored Bang! – The Complete History of the Universe and The Cosmic Tourist with Sir Patrick Moore and Queen guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May. A book which has had a recent revision having been published originally in 2006. He's also co founder of Galaxy Zoo, an online crowdsourcing project where members of the public can volunteer their time to assist in classifying over a million galaxies. See for privacy information.


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New James Webb Images Explained!

In our July episode we try and explain as simply as possible, exactly what we are seeing in the first stunning images from the James Webb Telescope. Positioned 1 million miles away from earth, and looking billions of light years into the universe, to a time relatively shortly after the Big Bang, we are already seeing thousands of previously unknown galaxies. Not only that, but even in the first images there are some questions posed which scientists are very intrigued by. Joining us in this episode is someone who worked on the James Webb project, Jurgen Scholl, Senior Optical Engineer at the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation (CfAI) of Durham University. So who better to explain how we are seeing these images than someone who helped create the technology right here in the north east! Along with Jurgen are our own Kielder astronomers Finn Burridge and Adam Shore. You can also watch this episode on our Facebook page, head to videos and you will see the original live recording. See for privacy information.


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The Secret Life of Stars!

This month Ian Brannan chats with Kielder Observatory Director of Astronomy Dan Pye, about the Secret Life of Stars. From our nearest star, The Sun, to how that compares with the very largest star in the known universe..! We also explore the life cycles of stars, from the birth, to their slow but dramatic deaths. Plus find out how things might end for for our own Sun, and what that would mean for life on Earth, and the rest of the Solar System. In addition we bring you a round up of all the latest things going on at Kielder Observatory, and a look ahead to the events in the summer night sky to look out for over the next few weeks! See for privacy information.
