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Bella Grayce Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Helping you transform your life: mind, body, and soul.


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Helping you transform your life: mind, body, and soul.





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3-11 Finding Your Passion and Purpose

Send us a Text Message. Ever wondered why some people live with purpose and others just go through the motions? This week on the Bella Grace podcast, we share heartfelt stories and actionable insights to help you uncover what truly drives you. From the charming introduction of a kitten named Mel to real-life experiences of supporting people in sobriety and trauma recovery, this episode is packed with inspiration and practical advice on how to discover and follow your passions. If you've ever felt like you're just existing and not truly living, this episode is your wake-up call. Feeling like the "black sheep" of your family can be isolating, but it might just be your greatest strength. We discuss how identifying with this role can break generational curses and bring about positive change for future generations. Through personal stories and biblical references, we explore how God-given gifts such as discernment, craftsmanship, and encouragement can shape your life and help others. Hear about the joy and patience that come from creating something beautiful, like a flower wall for a birthday celebration, and find out how to maintain faith and strength even when enduring life's most challenging moments. Teaching is often seen as a noble profession, but it comes with its own set of challenges. This episode sheds light on the overlooked aspects of being a teacher, including overstimulation and the need for better support and compensation. Listen to a personal journey of transitioning from teaching to pursuing passions in event planning and creative work, all guided by faith. We discuss how love languages and meaningful gift-giving can strengthen relationships, and explore the nuanced relationship between passion, purpose, and profession. With testimonies and reflections, we emphasize the importance of counting your blessings, forming meaningful connections, and using your gifts to positively impact others. Tune in and transform your life by finding your passion and purpose. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-10 Navigating Social Situations without Drugs or Alcohol

Send us a Text Message. What if you could navigate social gatherings without the crutch of alcohol, and still have an amazing time? Join us this week as we uncover the secrets of thriving in social situations while sober. Rosalva, better known as Rosie, and Teresa open up about their personal journeys towards sobriety, sharing authentic stories and practical tips. Teresa reflects on her significant milestones, being free from alcohol since August 2020 and celebrating 19 years of sobriety from drugs. Rosie candidly discusses the social pressures of drinking, especially during family events, and how she manages to remain steadfast in her sobriety. We dive into the growing market for non-alcoholic beverages and explore a variety of refreshing alternatives that can make any social setting enjoyable without the need for alcohol. Learn how to handle social pressures with confidence, whether it's by bringing your own drinks, changing the topic, or simply saying no. We address the discomfort others might feel about your choice to stay sober and emphasize the importance of maintaining boundaries. Our goal is to empower you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision, highlighting that true happiness and fulfillment come from within. Lastly, we touch on the transformative power of spirituality and self-acceptance. Hear inspiring stories about finding joy in sobriety, from dancing at college parties to enjoying gatherings without a drink. Teresa and Rosie share their personal tips for managing social anxiety and building confidence without relying on alcohol. We also offer some refreshing drink recommendations and express our heartfelt gratitude to our listeners. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that underscores the peace and fulfillment that come from embracing sobriety and cultivating a strong relationship with oneself. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-9 Cultivating Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Send us a Text Message. Can working out be both the hero and villain of your stress relief journey? It was for me after a tough separation. On the Bella Grace podcast, we dive into the complex world of coping mechanisms, shedding light on how each person's response to life stressors like medical diagnoses or major life changes can drastically differ. We share candid personal stories, such as how hitting the gym became my sanctuary, while for others, it might lead to obsessive behavior. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how identifying the right coping strategies can genuinely support mental health and resilience rather than just offering temporary solace. Balance is key, and we emphasize that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to coping mechanisms. Through our own experiences with alcohol, including the shift to non-alcoholic options, we discuss the importance of finding what truly works for you. From the benefits of supportive social networks to the perils of unhealthy habits like excessive partying and substance abuse, we cover it all. Tune in to hear real-life examples and the significance of wise counsel in processing emotions like grief and trauma. Join us as we respect individual needs and boundaries on the path to emotional well-being. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-8 The Power of Positive Self-Talk

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever caught yourself being your own worst critic? We've all been there, and in this heartfelt conversation, we strip back the layers to reveal how shifting from self-criticism to positive self-talk can uplift not only ourselves but also the impressionable minds of our children. Join us for an intimate discussion on the transformative magic that positive affirmations can work in our lives, and how the words we silently repeat to ourselves shape our reality and the legacy we leave for the younger generation. Picture this: a child's confidence blossoming, not wilting, in the face of life's challenges. That's the world we envision as we examine the intricate relationship between self-talk and self-identity. Through inspiring stories and personal insights, we uncover the significance of knowing one's worth, supported by the pillars of faith, identity, and friendship. These narratives showcase the journey from self-doubt to self-assurance, a path that's as relevant for the introverted as it is for the extroverted, and equally crucial for every adult steering through the trials of life. Wrapping up our soulful exploration, the transformative effects of positive self-talk take the spotlight. Listen to real-life tales of triumph over negativity, where dreams once deemed unreachable are now celebrated realities. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's an invitation to rewrite your mental script, to choose positivity, and to watch as newfound confidence turns the page toward a chapter of joy and success. So, let's break free from the chains of self-doubt together and step into a life where every compliment and affirmation is a step closer to the joyous existence we all deserve. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-7 Building Healthy Relationships

Send us a Text Message. Ever felt the tug of loneliness in a bustling city or the ache for a friend who doesn't just share a laugh but also a prayer? Rosie and I have been there, and in our latest podcast episode, we unwrap the journey from solitude to soul-nourishing community. We're talking about those God-centered bonds that transform lives, sharing not only our own stories of finding such connections but also how to discern the friendships that lift us up from those that could drag us down. Navigating the intricacies of human relationships can be as challenging as it is rewarding. Join us as we celebrate diversity's role in enriching our lives, the kind of acceptance that fosters true connection, and how a melding of different backgrounds mirrors a heavenly community. We don't shy away from the hard-hitting topics, like the impact of gossip or the need for mutual respect amidst differing beliefs. And if you've ever wondered about Jesus' take on friendships, we dive into the tale of Zacchaeus and the profound lessons it teaches us about love and forgiveness. Ending on a practical note, we discuss the underestimated power of humor, small talk, and the slow dance of building trust. Whether it's through shared hobbies or simply reaching out with a genuine compliment, we explore creating lasting friendships that respect boundaries and encourage personal growth. So, let's connect! You're invited to become part of the Bella Grace community, both on this podcast and beyond—find us spreading grace (with a 'y') on Instagram and TikTok. Join us for conversations that might just change the way you think about the relationships in your life. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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Overcoming the Fear of Judgement

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever found yourself shrinking back from your full potential, haunted by the weight of what others might think? Join Rosie, who courageously shares her heartfelt journey on the Bella Grace podcast, revealing how she's battled and is overcoming the paralyzing fear of judgment by embracing her God-given uniqueness. Our conversation traverses the rocky terrain of seeking approval, the strength discovered through vulnerability, and the liberating realization that we are not bound by others' expectations, but rather, we're called to rise above them. Rosie's personal anecdotes, including a career detour and a baptismal vision, serve as poignant examples of the internal tug-of-war we face when stepping into our fears and daring to live out our calling. As we unpack these stories, we also confront the spiritual aspect of judgment within the Christian faith, understanding that it is God alone whose opinion truly matters. The episode is not just about Rosie's experiences; it's a mirror reflecting the universal human struggle, offering solace and a path forward for anyone who's felt stifled by the fear of others' opinions. We wrap our heart-to-heart with an exploration of purpose—how it anchors us amidst the storm of judgment and guides us in serving those in desperate need of empathy and support, such as those grappling with substance and alcohol addiction. Rosie's profound interactions, particularly a transformative encounter with a young woman battling heartache, illustrate the redemptive power of mentorship and coaching. This episode is an invitation to walk alongside us in a journey towards healing, not just for ourselves, but in the service of others, honoring the divine imprint within each of us. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-5 The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise in Daily Living

Send us a Text Message. Ever found yourself reaching for that sugary breakfast cereal, knowing it's not the best choice for your body? Rosie and I are here to help! We get real about the transformational power of health and nutrition, tackling the tough topics like food deserts and the surprising impact a high-protein morning meal can have on a child's day. Join us as we share our personal journeys with emotional health, where exercise isn't just about the physical benefits, but a gateway to an endorphin-fueled clarity. We dive into the fascinating relationship between dopamine and our survival instincts, and how the foods we eat can fuel both our bodies and our joy. Plus, get ready to blend up some beet-powered smoothies and find out why dark chocolate might just be your new best friend. As we wrap up, I'll take you through the exhilarating experience of giving back through fitness, and the profound effects it's had on my life. From charity relay races to heartfelt advice on reducing sugar intake, this episode is packed with heartfelt stories and actionable advice. We're so grateful for your support, and as a thank you, we've got a special mental health journal for you to explore. Here's to a healthier, happier you! All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-4 The Power of Gratitude in Daily Living

Send us a Text Message. Ever found yourself fixated on the tiny imperfections of life, like that one black dot on a pristine whiteboard? Join Teresa and Rosie as we unravel the remarkable effects of shifting our focus towards gratitude, a change so powerful, it redefines what fulfillment truly means. We weave through personal experiences, from the delight of thrifting with pals to embracing life's myriad blessings, affirming how the practice of gratitude is more than just saying 'thank you'—it's a transformative state of being. In our latest episode, Teresa and Rosie get candid about the practicalities of cultivating an attitude of gratitude, sharing everything from the humble gratitude jar to the reflective power of a reverse to-do list. It's about celebrating the strides we've made, recognizing our silent victories, and fostering resilience during life's storms. And when Rosie chimes in, she brings an enriching layer of wisdom to the table, illuminating how acknowledging the good in life can ripple outward, enhancing our well-being and the lives of those around us. As we conclude our heart-to-heart, we draw parallels between the ancient journey of the Israelites and our own modern-day quests towards contentment. We discuss the beauty of living in the present and preparing our hearts for the future's gifts. So, grab your favorite mug, brew some ginger tea, and settle in for a conversation that's not just about being thankful—it's a call to live with open hearts, open hands, and a spirit that truly appreciates the simple, often overlooked pleasures that life offers. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-3 Practicing Self-Care and Self-Love

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever felt torn between the hustle of your daily routine and the aching need to pause for self-care? Teresa and Rosie from Bella Grace Coaching are here to share a heartfelt journey through the tangled vines of nurturing oneself amidst life's demands. In an episode packed with personal anecdotes, we promise to equip you with strategies that will seamlessly blend self-care into your busy life. Whether it's the tranquility of nature, the warmth of social connections, or the occasional spa indulgence, we're diving into how these practices can significantly uplift both your mental and physical health. Imagine planning the perfect beach vacation, only to have it swerve into a vibrant New York City escapade. We've been there, and we're unpacking the highs and lows of such twists and turns. The conversation takes a stroll through the pressures of adapting on the fly, maintaining self-care rituals on the go, and finding solace in treatments like massages and facials to counter the effects of a bustling city experience. Also on the table are the challenges of navigating travel in a COVID-19 world, with all its unexpected impacts on our well-being. Wrapping up this episode, we're not shying away from the tough stuff. Life throws curveballs like grief and the relentless chase for success, and we're opening up about how these experiences can put self-care on the backburner. Join us as we spotlight the art of setting boundaries, the healing rhythm of routines, and the vital recognition of your own needs. Teresa and I invite you to reflect on your self-care journey, understanding that self-love is far from a selfish luxury—it's the very essence of a balanced and joyous existence. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3-2 Finding Joy in the Little Things

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever been struck by how a moment as simple as the sun peeking through clouds can lift your spirits? Rosie and I have, and we're excited to share our conversation on the Bella Grace podcast about the profound impact of life’s small delights. We weave through our personal narratives of struggle and triumph, uncovering the joy hidden in everyday life's nooks and crannies. From the cathartic release found in childhood play to the tranquility of gardening, we underscore the myriad ways to find happiness in the ordinary. Life's challenges don't come with instruction manuals, but in this heartfelt exchange, Rosie and I grapple with the intricacies of grief and loss. We open up about personal battles with sorrow, and how, amidst the loneliness of the pandemic and the sorrows of personal losses, we found solace through community and support networks. The transformative role of play therapy for children and the journey to sobriety reveal the power of connection and the resilience of the human spirit – lessons we're eager to pass along to our listeners. As we wrap up our chat, the theme of joy in daily activities takes center stage. We celebrate the subjective nature of happiness and discuss how stress can be just as personal. By illustrating the beauty in receiving dandelions from a child or the thrill of a bike ride, we hope to inspire you to discover what makes your heart sing. Join us on this expedition of self-discovery, and remember to like and subscribe for more episodes that help you craft a life brimming with contentment. Rosi's Episode All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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3.1 Introduction to living a joy-filled, purpose-driven, successful, sober life

Send us a Text Message. When my new co-host, Rosie, shared her harrowing yet inspiring journey through childhood trauma, it struck a chord with so many of you. Now, she's joining me full-time to explore the intricate dance of nurturing mind, body, and soul. Together, we're peeling back the layers on the daily habits that shape our lives, from the disciplined choice of a social media fast to the emotional crutch of retail therapy. This episode is a heartfelt conversation about evolving beyond our coping mechanisms and planting the seeds for a more intentional existence. Confronting addiction can be an eye-opener, especially when we discover its disguise in our everyday behaviors. Whether it's the relentless pull of a smartphone or the comfort found in food, we're examining the subtleties that signal when a habit morphs into something more sinister. Rosie and I open up about our own encounters with these less-discussed addictions, humbly sharing our paths to self-awareness and the delicate art of maintaining healthy boundaries. It's a candid look at the fine line between nurturing and numbing ourselves through the choices we make. Wrapping up this enlightening chat, we turn our attention to the aspiration of leading a life overflowing with purpose and joy, unhampered by dependency on any substance or behavior. Rosie's presence on the show promises a wealth of experience and empathy as she stands beside me on this venture. We're not just sharing our stories—we're on a mission to accompany you on this transformative journey, providing the encouragement and strategies you need to thrive. Join us, and let's embark on this path towards a life brimming with fulfillment and authentic connection. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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Unlocking the Power of the Subconscious: Overcoming Addiction through Rapid Transformational Therapy with Diane

Send us a Text Message. Meet Diane, a woman who's journey through her late husband's fierce battle with addiction led her to become the founder and CEO of Advanced Mind Health. Through the heart-wrenching trials she faced, Diane came to understand the power our subconscious minds hold over us, how they influence our decisions, and ultimately shape our lives. Join us as she shares insights on why understanding our subconscious programming is paramount in overcoming addiction habits. Did you know that neuroscience and hypnosis have the potential to identify and reverse ingrained thought patterns that cause addiction and other behavioral issues? Discover how these fascinating methods have helped individuals break free from the shackles of long-lasting habits in just a single session. We chat about the intriguing role of positive repetition and how it can lead to lasting change. Be prepared to challenge your understanding of the mind, and the power held within the words we repeat to ourselves. Finally, we address the skepticism surrounding rapid transformational therapy and its distinction from traditional hypnotherapy. Listen as Diane shares stirring accounts of clients who have successfully battled anxiety, depression, and addictions to emerge with a newfound sense of motivation, confidence, and a performance-driven mindset. Get ready to uncover how revisiting earlier childhood memories and adopting positive affirmations can be instrumental in creating long-term behavioral changes. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together, shedding light on the power of the mind, the strength of words, and the transformative potential of therapy. Diane's website Diane's Facebook All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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A Siblings Journey to Healing Through Grace with Jesse

Send us a Text Message. Ever wrestled with the ghosts of addiction, trauma, and strained family dynamics? Ever felt the pressing weight of your past shaping your present? Join us as we sit down with Jesse, a diehard Bruce Springsteen fan, who bravely bares his soul in this heartfelt episode. Raised in a strict Baptist home that was transformed to something else after his parent's divorce, Jesse's narrative is a gripping exploration of how our experiences can dictate our present-day decisions and coping strategies. Jesse touches upon his strained relationships, particularly with his brother and explores how his and their stepfather's substance use influenced his choices. His candid conversation offers a rare insight into the societal judgements surrounding addiction and how we can extend grace towards those grappling with it. Not only does Jesse talk about his family's struggles with addiction but also he shares his personal transformations and the power of acceptance in the face of adversity. The latter part of the episode turns to the haunting themes of loss, grief, and reconciling with a troubled past. Jesse's heartfelt recounting of his brother's death and the process of rebuilding bridges is both heartbreaking and inspiring. His experience stands as a powerful reminder of the importance of grace in our relationships and how it can catalyze healing and transformation. So immerse yourself in this stirring episode and gain a fresh perspective on addiction, trauma, and recovery. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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2-15 Intentional Dating as a Christian with Joe

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever wondered how dating dynamics differ for Christians? Are you curious about the role of male figures in shaping a girl's future relationships? As your host, I am excited to bring back our returning guest, Joe, who brings to the table an enlightening discussion on these matters. We dissect the complexities of dating from a Christian perspective, the part 'nice guys' may play in deceiving women, and how to promote male personal development—all wrapped up in an engaging conversation. Buckle up, as we venture into the realities of dating, healing, and personal growth before stepping into a relationship. We scrutinize gender dynamics within the church, urging women to ascend into leadership roles and underscoring the worth of male friendships for understanding and support. We open a candid dialogue about mixed signals, ulterior motives, and navigating these intricate dynamics. Join us in our deep dive into intentional dating, gender dynamics, and setting healthy boundaries. We also unveil Joe's transformative journey of sobriety and how it has shaped his view on dating. So, if you're looking for insights into the Christian dating scene, the significance of male role models, or just want to hear Joe's take on these subjects, you won't want to miss this episode. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together. Books referenced: Connect with Joe! All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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2-14 Breaking Chains: An Addict's Road to Redemption

Send us a Text Message. Ever wondered how one manages to break free from the shackles of drug addiction, childhood abuse, and a tumultuous past? Meet Mike, our guest on this episode, a man of extraordinary resilience who achieved just that. From an unsettling childhood, a battle with PTSD, addiction, and near-death experiences, to fighting human trafficking, being in the military, and becoming an a diction and recovery coach, Mike's journey is nothing short of inspiring. Mike's story is a testament to the power of human resilience and the efficacy of self-discipline. His commitment to change led him to not only survive but also overcome a childhood of drug-addicted parents and physical abuse, later grappling with his own addictions. Witness his candid narration of how he battled complex PTSD, the unique challenges he faced in the military, and how he weathered the storm of addiction and withdrawal. His later pursuits saw him in admirable roles - fighting human trafficking, and as an author, entrepreneur, and addiction coach, dedicating his life to helping others. Emphasizing the power of support and connection, Mike strongly believes that connecting with someone who has walked a similar path can make a world of difference. His experiences have led him to become a beacon of hope for others, with a mission to save lives and combat the alarming rate of opioid-related deaths in the U.S. Listen in as Mike uncovers the power of resilience, the importance of education in addiction coaching, and his journey to entrepreneurship, in this enlightening episode. His story serves as a powerful reminder that our pasts do not define us - what we choose to do with them does. Connect with mike TikTok His books: From the Streets to Redemption:: Choosing to Live when the World Wants you to Die How To Find Happiness In The Worst Possible Times All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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2-13 Embracing Authenticity: A Journey of Recovery, International Travel, and Self-Discovery

Send us a Text Message. Do you ever wonder what it feels like to awaken the authentic you and embrace the world with new perspectives? Strap in as we are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation with our dear friend Arthur. Tag along as we unravel Arthur's path to recovery from addiction, shedding light on the power of self-confidence and the narrative we can master. We delve into his experiences with vintage clothing, past fascination with the lifestyle of Scarface, and ponder over the influence of environment and media on our choices and behavior. Imagine tasting the salty air of Valencia, hear the soft hum of chatter in Paris cafes, and feel your consciousness expand as we charter the course of international travel and the unique perspectives it offers. The challenges of sobriety in a culture that celebrates alcohol and the quest for balance becomes the cornerstone of our conversation. We unravel the influence of environment on authenticity, noting the subtle differences between a croissant in France and Brazil. Finally, we wander down the path of self-discovery through travel and sharing. Together, we unlock the power of community and its role in shaping us, relive tales from our high school years and the profound impact they had on our development. Arthur takes us through his journey of faith and redemption, exploring themes of overcoming shyness, prayer as a path to God, and the transformative experience of sharing personal stories. Wrap up the episode with us as we glean insightful lessons on personal growth, overcoming trials, and retaining authenticity amidst life's challenges. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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2-12 The Transformative Journey of Ed: From Addiction to Sobriety Coach

Send us a Text Message. Today I take you through the poignant and compelling story of Ed, a dedicated personal trainer, nutrition coach, and creator of a transformative online men's sobriety coaching program. Today we traverse his inspiring path to sobriety, paved with fears, self-help resources, and an unwavering commitment to shatter the chains of addiction in his lineage. Ed bares it all, from his challenging upbringing in a home that was a breeding ground for addiction, to his struggles with alcohol, and eventually, the inception of his sober coaching program. As Ed's narrative unfolds, we illuminate the significance of nurturing communities and fostering emotional and social intelligence in healing and recovery. This intimate exploration of Ed's life brings to light the crucial role upbringing plays in shaping our mental health. As the conversation deepens, we uncover the integral parts stoicism, spirituality, and physical health have played in Ed's recovery. We delve into the subtle art of mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, and positive thinking Ed employs to manage triggers and cravings. We conclude the discussion on a hopeful note, emphasizing the need for a "detox of the mind", the power of replacing unhealthy habits, and the profound impact of setting a good example for our future generations. Let's embark on this enlightening journey, and discover the resilience of human spirit and the transformative power of sobriety. Connect with Ed here: All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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Unraveling the Impact of Childhood Trauma: A Journey Towards Healing and Ending the Cycle of Addiction

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever wondered how childhood traumas can shape our lives and influence our choices as adults? Join us in a heart-to-heart conversation as Rosie and I explore our personal journeys and struggles, delving into the gritty realities of toxic relationships, addiction, and the roller coaster of emotions that come with it. Rosie courageously shares her journey towards a life that doesn’t revolve around alcohol, starting from her traumatic experiences with alcohol at a young age in Mexico, to her experiences of growing up in a toxic environment caused by her mother’s partner's drug addiction and her father's alcoholism. We also shed light on the critical importance of teaching children about their right to refuse, a seemingly simple lesson that can serve as a powerful shield against potential abuse. Sharing our experiences, we find common ground in the protective mechanisms we adopted to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones, and how these mechanisms are often shaped by the traumas we experienced in our childhood. We find ourselves delving into the compelling narrative of how childhood trauma can shape our coping mechanisms, and the healing power of confronting and expressing our emotions. In this candid conversation, we navigate through past experiences and its profound influence on our relationships. We unravel how alcohol has impacted our relationships, the unhealthy dynamics we've faced, and the tough choices we've made to protect ourselves and our children. We emphasize that there are resources available for support, and that it's okay to ask for help. Listen in as we share Rosi's stories, explore the effects of trauma, and discuss the importance of making better choices for a healthier life and ending the cycle of addiction. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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2-10 Embracing Sobriety: 5 Tips for Starting Your Recovery Journey

Send us a Text Message. I never thought I'd be able to have fun without alcohol, but my recent birthday weekend proved me wrong! My friends went above and beyond to make sure I had a fantastic celebration, even while my husband was away. Throughout my two and a half years of sobriety, I've learned some valuable tips on how to enjoy an abundantly fulfilling life in recovery, and I'm sharing them all with you in this week's episode. We discuss the importance of having a support system, like my guest Joe, who shared his experiences growing up Latino and being a sober Latino in a previous episode. Together, we explore various coping mechanisms to replace drugs and alcohol, such as exercise, nature walks, art-making, and cooking. I also share advice on finding a coach, counselor, or peer recovery support person to guide you through this journey. Plus, get ready for some delicious mocktail recipes and tips on handling non-alcoholic drink requests at the bar. Starting your recovery journey can seem daunting, but it's essential to take care of your mental and physical health throughout the process. In this episode, I share my experience transitioning from an everyday drinker to living a sober life and offer some practical advice on setting realistic goals and seeking professional help if needed. Don't miss out on the joys of recovery, like celebrating your successes and trying new activities that bring you genuine happiness. Tune in and discover the life-changing benefits of living an abundantly fulfilling life in recovery. All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook


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2-9 When Alcohol is Effecting Your Ability to be a Good Mom

Send us a Text Message. This week we talk to my friend, Amanda aka The Sober Hope Dealer. She is an amazing momma and woman who has made the choice to live a sober life. Last year, she came to the realization that alcohol was keeping her from being the best mom she could. It was allowing her to be ok with being physically present but emotionally absent. Then, one day enough was enough and she did the hard work to get and stay sober. Today, she helps other women get and stay sober. She offers suggestions on ways to get sober that are the traditional norm. She offers advice for moms who are wondering about a sober life and tells us about how her life is different without alcohol. Follow Amanda here All about the Bella Grayce Co. Schedule your FREE consultation appointment here: Youtube Channel Let's Get Social! TikTok Instagram Facebook
