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Sustainable Futures: Designing Green Communities and Buildings

Science Podcasts

Sustainable Futures: Designing Green Communities and Buildings explores the many ways we can utilize the natural world and nature based solutions to combat climate change, enhance resilience, and improve communities


United States


Sustainable Futures: Designing Green Communities and Buildings explores the many ways we can utilize the natural world and nature based solutions to combat climate change, enhance resilience, and improve communities



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Episode 15 - Integrating Food Systems in the Urban Landscape with Sabine O'Hara

In this episode, Sustainable Futures sits down with professor, researcher, and advocate Dr. Sabine O’Hara to discuss urban agriculture, food justice, and the fostering of a better relationship with the products that sustain us. Dr. O’Hara’s work has focused on enhancing food equity, promoting health and wellbeing through sustainable food systems, and enhancing urban sustainability with the ability to sustain itself. She has consistently focused on the enhancement of local communities through a diverse array of sustainable food programming and access. Join us for a conversation on food, agriculture, and community resilience with the power of green infrastructure.


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Episode 14 - Seeing the Future of Agriculture with Dickson Despommier

In this episode, Sustainable Futures sits down with microbiologist and Columbia University Professor Emeritus Dr. Dickson Despommier to discuss his pioneering work and thought leadership on vertical farming. Beginning as a thought experiment for his students in 1999, Dr. Despommier quickly recognized the impact that vertical farming could have in revolutionizing our food systems and mitigating climate change. Since then he has been a tireless advocate for this sustainable food practice, and has helped throw the doors open on the viability of vertical farms. Join us for a conversation on food, sustainability, and how a microbiologist came to re-envision the future of agriculture and the power of the built environment to do so.


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Episode 13 - Pioneering Ecology Based Architecture with Ken Yeang

In this episode, Sustainable Futures sits down with architect and visionary Ken Yeang to discuss the the practice of ecological design and how it can and must be used to enhance global resilience and combat climate change.


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Episode 12 - Better Buildings through Biophilic Design

Sustainable Futures sits down with designer and consultant Bill Browning to discuss the science and practice of biophilic design and how it can influence and affect our interaction with the world around us.


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Episode 11 - Water and the Systems that Drive Ecology

Sustainable Futures sits down with ecologist, educator, and researcher Dr. Olyssa Starry to discuss how plants use what and what that means for our environment.


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Episode 10 - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Water

Sustainable Futures sits down with artist, designer, and thought leader Herbert Dreiseitl to discuss the critical role of water in natural ecosystems.


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Episode 9 - Biodiversity and the Role of Insects

Sustainable Futures sits down with Assistant Professor Scott Macivor of the University of Toronto to discuss the critical role of insects in the natural world.


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Episode 8 - Replicating Ecologies with Dusty Gedge

Sustainable Futures sits down with noted ecologist Dusty Gedge, president of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations.


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Episode 7 - Food, Social Justice, and Community Healing

Sustainable Futures is joined by Nicole Austin, Black Student Engagement Coordinator, and Arlene Throness, Urban Farm Manager, to discuss their work with the urban rooftop farms at Toronto Metropolitan University.


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Episode 6 - Green Infrastructure Among the Stars

Sustainable Futures is joined by Dr. Mike Dixon, PhD to discuss his futuristic work in developing a biological life support system based on plants for the International Space program.


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Episode 5 - In The Weeds With Ed Snodgrass

Sustainable Futures is joined by green roof luminary Ed Snodgrass to discuss his pioneering work in sustainable farming practices, his leadership in the green roof industry, and his contributions to our understanding of native planting practices.


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Episode 4 - Bringing Agriculture Home to the Roofs

This episode, Sustainable Futures is joined by Ben Flanner to discuss the business of urban agriculture, how the Brooklyn Grange weathered the pandemic, and how a rooftop urban food revolution can help improve our communities and the people who live there.
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Episode 3 - Water, The Universal Connector

Sustainable Futures is joined by Howard Neukrug to discuss the management of water in the city of Philadelphia, how it can be addressed through green infrastructure.
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Episode 2 - Synthesizing Strategies Through Rooftop Agrivoltaics

Sustainable Futures is joined by Dr. Jennifer Bousselot to explore the burgeoning field of rooftop agrivoltaics to enhance food security, and improve clean energy pathways
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Episode 1 - Cooling the Urban Heat Island

Sustainable Futures is joined by Dr. Brad Bass to explore one of the most direct manifestations of climate change, the urban heat island - what it is, how it works, and what can be done about it.
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Sustainable Futures: Designing Green Communities and Buildings

Sustainable Futures: Designing Green Communities and Buildings is a Living Architecture Monitor podcast presented by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities. Learn more at and Music provided by Muzaproduction