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A Pathology podcast for everyone.


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A Pathology podcast for everyone.





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PathPod Listens to the Pediatric and Developmental Pathology Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Margaret Collins of Cincinnati Children's Hospital speaks hosts Dr. Jason Wang and Dr. Michael Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath) about the Pediatric and Developmental Pathology Podcast. Hear about the journal Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, and what makes it unique. We also listen back to the first episode of the Pediatric and Developmental Pathology Podcast, featuring a conversation about the article co-authored by Dr. Collins, Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders: A New Path. Featured public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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PathPod Looks Back at Episode 1 of the Diversify in Path Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Michael Williams (@bluehatcomics85) and Dr. Nicole Jackson (@NicoleJacksonMD) talk with hosts Dr. Michael Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath) and Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) about how the Diversify In Path podcast got started, why the podcast is important and how the series remains as relevant as ever! We also listen back to Diversify In Path Season 1 Episode 1. Featured public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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Beyond the Scope: Cytopathology with Dr. Ritu Nayar

In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. On this episode, host Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Ritu Nayar (@NayarRitu). Dr. Nayar is the Vice Chair of Education and Faculty Development in the Department of Pathology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, where she is also the Director of Cytopathology and Professor of Pathology. Dr. Nayar is also the Past President of the American Society for Cytopathology, a past member of the Executive Council of the International Academy of Cytology and is currently a Trustee and President of the American Board of Pathology. She has published over 200 papers, including her work on The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology. She has been recognized with lifetime achievement awards from College of American Pathologists, American Society of Cytopathology and the International Academy of Cytology. Links to papers referenced in the episode: Cervical cancer prevention in the United States—where we've been and where we're going: The American Cancer Society Primary HPV Screening Initiative. Cancer Cytopathology in action: Collaborating on the transition to primary HPV screening for cervical cancer in the United States - PubMed ( time has come to implement primary human papillomavirus screening for cervical cancer in the United States - Franco - 2023 - Cancer - Wiley Online Library Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue


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Around The Scope: Pediatric Pathology Fellowship

In this series, PathPod gathers pathologists Around The Scope to discuss their work in depth. In this episode, Dr. Vidyadhari Karne, a pathology resident at the University of Southern California, speaks with recent pediatric pathology fellows Dr. Lauren Kroll-Wheeler of Seattle Children's Hospital and Dr. Catherine Gestrich of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. What is different about fellowship compared with residency? What is it like to transition to practice as an attending? Featured public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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Around The Scope: Pathology in a Post-Roe World

In this series, PathPod gathers pathologists Around The Scope to discuss their work in depth. In this episode, we hear from the authors of a Letter to the Editor: Pathology and Abortion Rights Advocacy: Considerations in a Post-Roe World, published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology (@ajcpjournal). Dr. Mike Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath) speaks with authors Dr. Jeremy Jacobs (@jwjacobs12), Dr. Nicole Jackson (@NicoleJacksonMD), Dr. Anne Mills (@AnneMillsMD), Dr. Elisheva Shanes (@ElishevaShanes), and Dr. Garrett Booth (@DrGSBooth1) about how the end of Roe v. Wade has impacted patient care pathologists provide, from perinatal pathology, cancer diagnosis and treatment, transfusion medicine, to forensic and autopsy pathology. Featured public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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PathPod Quiz Show: Shrimp, Mushrooms, and even MORE FOOD!

Test your pathology knowledge with our next Quiz Show! Join hosts Dr. Christina Arnold (@CArnold_GI), Dr. Mike Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath), Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza), and Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang). Our guests, Dr. Casey Schukow (@CaseyPSchukow) PGY1 transitional year applying for #PathMatch23, Dr. Margarita Loxas (@margaritaloxas), PGY1 at Northwestern, and Dr. Daniel Lubin (@dannyjlubinpath), Assistant Professor at Emory, play our games and attempt to win an exclusive PathPod clear ruler! Learn about mushroom foraging, dwarf shrimp, and get even deeper into the intersection of pathology and food with us - you might want to grab a snack before listening! Featured public domain music by The U.S. Army Blues


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IHC Talk: The VALID Act with Dr. Emily Volk and Dr. Jonathan Myles

The Chromogen Siblings are back to talk about the proposed VALID Act. Drs. Mike Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath), Andrew Bellizzi (@IHC_guy), and Sanam Loghavi (@sanamloghavi) speak with Dr. Emily Volk (@EEVMD) of the University of Louisville and President of the College of American Pathologists (CAP, @Pathologists), and Dr. Jonathan Myles (@JonathanMyles10) of the Cleveland Clinic and Chair of the Council on Government and Professional Affairs for the College of American Pathologists. The VALID act has both strong support and strong opposition from groups such as patient advocacy groups and professional organizations. We'll learn about how the proposed VALID Act could change the way laboratory developed testing is regulated, the role of CAP in shaping legislation, and why CAP is supportive of the current version of the VALID Act despite concerns. Read more about the CAP position on the VALID Act: And previous regulatory issues that have shaped the proposed VALID Act: Ovisure letter from the FDA: New York Times Article on Prenatal Testing: Featured public domain music: Alpha Hydrae, Won't see it comin'. Featured public domain cover image:


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Around the Scope: Navigating ERAS and Residency Applications

In this episode, our host Dr. Swikrity U Baskota (@baskotacytopath), founder of discusses the Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS®) pathology residency process with our expert panelists. The speakers include Dr. Thomas Cummings (@tjcmd888) Professor of Pathology, Director of Neuropathology and Ophthalmic Pathology and Residency Program Director at Duke University, North Carolina, Dr. Carlos Pagan (@CAPaganPath) Assistant Professor of Surgical and Molecular Pathology and Residency Program Director at Columbia University, Dr. Clarissa Jordan (@pathcejmd), PGY-3 resident at Mayo Clinic, Future hematopathology fellow at Mayo Clinic and Dr. Melissa Meija Bautista (@Melissa_MB91), PGY-4 resident at Northwestern University, Future Pediatric pathology Fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and future neuropathology fellow at Northwestern University, Chicago. Join us to learn more about the 2023 ERAS application timeline. What is a program looking for in a candidate’s application? How can you strengthen your ERAS CV, and personal statement? How can you ensure your application is ready before the deadline...and many other tips shared by our expert guests! Reference: ERAS® 2023 Residency Timeline | Students & Residents ( MatchtoPath: Twitter: @matchtopath; Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn: matchtopath


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Around The Scope - Renal Pathology

In this series, PathPod gathers pathologists Around The Scope to discuss their work in depth. Today, we learn about renal pathology. Our host, Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Mei Lin Bissonnette (@BCRenalPath), Director of the British Columbia Provincial Renal Pathology Laboratory, Dr. Carla Ellis (@theglasspusher), Director of Renal Pathology in the Department of Pathology at Northwestern University, Dr. Alcino Gama (@AlcinoGama), PGY2 at Northwestern Pathology, and Dr. Vighnesh Walavalkar (@vighnesh_w), Director of Histology at the University of California San Francisco. What is new and exciting in the field of renal pathology? How is the Renal Pathology Society supporting DEI efforts? What is two-handed fly fishing? Learn about these questions as well as about our expert guests! Renal pathology society: Twitter: @Renalpathsoc Public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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Beyond the Scope: Pathologist Leadership and Photography with Dr. Kalisha Hill

In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. On this episode, host Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Kalisha Hill (@KalishaHillMD). Dr. Hill is regional chief medical officer for Ascension St Joseph Joliet and Ascension Saint Mary Kankakee, Medical director of pathology and laboratory services. Dr. Hill also serves on the board of governors for the College of American Pathologists, is the immediate past president of the Illinois Society of Pathologists and recipient of the CAP distinguished patient care award. Why should pathologists take on leadership roles? How does seeing a teratoma influence your choice of career? What brings Dr. Hill a moment of peace in a busy day? Hear about all these questions and more! Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue


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Around The Scope: Pathology in a Cyberattack

In this series, PathPod gathers pathologists Around The Scope to discuss topics in depth. Today, we hear about the role of the laboratory and IT in navigating a cyberattack. Our host, Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Joanna Conant (@joconantmd), Dr. Andrew Goodwin (@ajgoodwiIV), Dr. Alexandra Kalof (@PathosDr), and Mr. John McConnell about the cyberattack at the University of Vermont. Hear their first-hand experiences, the procedures they adopted, and lessons learned. For more from the UVM team on their experience, please read their two-part series in AJCP: Anatomy of a Cyberattack: Part 1: Managing an Anatomic Pathology Laboratory During 25 Days of Downtime Anatomy of a Cyberattack: Part 2: Managing a Clinical Pathology Laboratory During 25 Days of Downtime Public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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PathPod Turns Two!

It's PathPod's Second Birthday Afternoon Tea! PathPod celebrates another year! Join Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza), Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang), Dr. Christina Arnold (@CArnold_GI), Dr. Mike Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath), Dr. Jerad Gardner (@JMGardnerMD), Dr. Sanam Loghavi (@sanamloghavi), Dr. Raul Gonzalez (@RaulSGonzalezMD), Dr. Nicole Riddle (@NRiddleMD) and Dr. Lisa Zhang (@MLisaZhang) as they share memories, their favorite parts of PathPod this past year, and look forward to the future! Featured public domain music: John Bartmann, Gameshow Brazz


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Beyond the Scope: Thoracic Pathology and Powerlifting with Dr. Jennifer Sauter

In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. On this episode, host Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Jennifer Sauter (@JL_Sauter). Dr. Sauter is an Assistant Attending Pathologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York with expertise in thoracic pathology and cytopathology. How does a new WHO book come together? What's new in thoracic pathology? How does a pathologist get to be a national record holder in powerlifting? Hear about all these questions and more! Cover powerlifting photo credits: @watts.squats and @usapowerlifting on IG Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue


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Beyond the Scope: Dr. David Fajgenbaum, author of ”Chasing My Cure, A Doctor’s Race To Turn Hope Into Action”

In this episode of Beyond The Scope, our host, Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza) speaks with award-winning author, physician-scientist, Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease Warrior, pathologist-admiring all-round badass, Dr. David Fajgenbaum (@DavidFajgenbaum), author of "Chasing My Cure, A Doctor’s Race To Turn Hope Into Action" - Learn more about David’s story; living life as if its in overtime; the silos in medicine and research; repurposing what we have already discovered; turning scientific hypotheses on their head; social media; and last but not least, pathologists. Get your copy of Chasing my Cure here: and check out more at Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue


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Beyond the Scope: Ace My Path/Ace The Boards

In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. In this episode, our host Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza) talks to Dr. Akanksha Gupta (@hemepath_doc), founder of the Ace My Path series of books and discussion groups, and some of her fantastic team members about the amazing success of the Ace The Boards books, how it all came about, and what's next for this creative team! The episode also features Dr. Nupur Sharma (@NupurSharmaMD), Dr. Brian Cox (@Dr_Brian_Cox), Dr. Rajeswari Jayakumar (@rajeswari52), Dr. Deepa Iyer Kotari (@DeepaIyerKotari), Dr. Swikrity Baskota (@Baskotacytopath), Dr. Priya Skaria (@PriyaSkariaMD), and Dr. Snehal Sonawane (@Snehalshankar).


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Beyond the Scope: Former New York City Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson

In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. On this episode, our host Dr. Nicole Jackson (@NicoleJacksonMD), an Associate Medical Examiner at the King County Medical Examiner's Office, speaks with Dr. Barbara Sampson, the first woman to lead the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. We'll hear their conversation about mentorship and leadership, as well as cutting edge techniques being used to identify decedents, find undiagnosed genetic diseases, track the opioid crisis, and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. What was it like to be in a New York City Medical Examiner on 9/11? How is the COVID-19 pandemic similar and different? What surprising public health discovery did Dr. Sampson play a role in as a Medical Examiner? Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue


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PathPod Quiz Show: Bears, KITTENS, and Pathology ABCs!

Test your pathology knowledge with our next Quiz Show! Join hosts Dr. Christina Arnold (@CArnold_GI), Dr. Mike Arnold (@MArnold_PedPath), Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza), and Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang). Our guests, Lauren Miller, (@LJMiller_MJ), fourth-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Dr. Brett Kurpiel, (@basophil_brett), PGY2 at UVA Pathology, and Dr. Kossivi Dantey, Assistant Professor, Drexel University College of Medicine, play our games and attempt to win an exclusive PathPod clear ruler! What do you do when faced with a bear? Who can get KITTENS? And relearn your ABCs in pathology with us! Featured public domain music by The U.S. Army Blues


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Around The Scope: Pathways for International Medical Graduates

In this series, PathPod gathers pathologists Around The Scope to discuss their work in depth. Today, we hear about the pathways for international medical graduates to become practicing US physicians. Our host, Dr. Mike Arnold (@MArnold_Pedpath) speaks with practicing pathologists about their personal and career journeys to the United States. We'll hear from Dr. Sonja Chen (@IslandJewelsena)of Nationwide Children's Hospital, Dr. Kamran Mirza (@KMirza) of Loyola University, Dr. Archana Shenoy (@AShenoy_MD) of Nationwide Children's Hospital, and Dr. Sanam Loghavi (@sanamloghavi) of MD Anderson Cancer Center about how they decided to come to the US, and all of the steps in the application and visa processes that led them to their current positions. Public domain music: Main Stem by US Army Blues


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Beyond the Scope: Forensic Pathology with Dr. Heather Jarrell

In this segment, Beyond the Scope, we speak to pathologists about their pursuits and interests in and outside of pathology. On this episode, our host is Dr. Nicole Jackson (@NicoleJacksonMD), and Assistant Medical Examiner at the King County Medical Examiner's Office. We'll hear her conversation with Dr. Heather Jarrell, Chief Medical Examiner for the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque, New Mexico. What makes forensic pathology and neuropathology training different, and how do those careers differ? What can you do when you do both? Featured public domain music: US Army Blues, BugaBlue


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Around the Scope: History of Pathology

In this series, PathPod gathers pathologists Around The Scope to discuss their work in depth. Today, we hear about the History of Pathology. Our host, Dr. Sara Jiang (@Sara_Jiang) speaks with Dr. Marie Christine, Aubry, current president of the History of Pathology Society, Dr. Jim Wright, a professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Calgary, Dr. Susan Lester, pathologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dr. Santo Nicosia, emeritus professor of pathology at the University of South Florida in Tampa, and Dr. Julie Lemmon, a private practice pathologist and a student in the history of medicine program through Hopkins. How are medical museums related to medical education? What are the ethical challenges with anatomical collections? How does 3D printing relate to Phineas Gage? Do you know of a medical collection somewhere? Reach out to us! History of pathology society: Twitter: @Histpathsoc Recommended books and articles: Guiding the Surgeon's Hand, by Juan Rosai: Dorothy in a Man's World, by Peter Dawson: Bathsheba's Breast, by James Olson: The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, by Siddhartha Mukherjee: The Great Influenza, by John Barry: Roses and Rosettes-the two sides of James Homer Wright, by Jim Wright: The Radicalization of Breast Cancer Surgery: Joseph Colt Bloodgood’s Role in William Stewart Halsted’s Legacy,, by Jim Wright:
