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The Universe Next Door

Science Podcasts

The Universe Next Door is a program of Apologetics Inc. that seeks to answer your questions on the meaning of life, worldview, and the existence of God.


Freehold, NJ


The Universe Next Door is a program of Apologetics Inc. that seeks to answer your questions on the meaning of life, worldview, and the existence of God.




Dr. Tom Woodward and Kevin Wirth 1957 Sourwood Blvd. Dunedin, Fl 34698 6177178102

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Q&A: Abortion, Eden and New Dimensions, My Biases

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Send in your questions to for our next Q&A! Abortion and Amendment 4: The Evidence for the Resurrection is Overwhelming: Support the Show.


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Do Ancient Israelite Scientific Views Contradict Inerrancy? (Inspiration and Inerrancy Part 2)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Did Ancient Israel believe that the earth was flat and had a solid dome over it? Did they believe stars were living beings rather than balls of gas? Should the way they viewed the world affect the reliability of the Bible? Join us for the second part of our series on inspiration and inerrancy! Send your questions to Part 1 of the Inspiration Series: Were Stars viewed as Angels in the Bible? Support the Show.


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Abortion Amendment 4 and Incrementalism vs Abolitionism | Scott Klusendorf

Send us your Questions and Comments Here What is Amendment Four on the Florida ballot? Why does it seem people have been deceived by it? What's the difference between the incrementalist and abolitionist positions when it comes to abortion? Is there a practical way to ban abortion all at once or is this some sort of virtue signaling? Scott Klusendorf (The Case for Life) joins Nick Shalna to discuss these issues among others. Send your questions or disagreements to Other related episodes: Marxist Olympics and Mental Gymnastics, and you - Trans Visibility Day and Gnosticism: The Second Edition of The Case for Life: Support the Show.


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Did God Providentially or Directly Inspire the Bible? (Inspiration and Inerrancy Series Pt. 1)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here What does it mean for the Bible to be inspired by God? How specific is the famous term used in 2 Timothy 3:16, "God-Breathed" (Theopneustos)? Did the authors of Scripture think for themselves or did they mindlessly record ideas that came directly from God? Why has there been so much debate over how to define the Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture? Join us next week for our interview on Amendment 4 (yes, it's a pro-abortion amendment) with Scott Klusendorf -- author of The Case for Life Send your questions to! Article References and Main Passages: 2 Tim. 3:16 2 Peter 1:19-21 Acts 27:15-17 Mark 15:22 Support the Show.


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Archeologist: When did the Exodus Actually Happen? | Titus Kennedy

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Did the Exodus take place in (roughly) 1476 BC or around 1200 BC? Why is this date important and what significance does it have? Where do we find clues for this date both inside and outside of the Bible? Is archeology as fun as it looks? Nick Shalna and Dr. Tom Woodward interview Archeologist Titus Kennedy on the date of the Exodus and more! Episode on a later date for the Exodus: Most Recent Episode: Support the Show.


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Marxist Olympics, Mental Gymnastics and You

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Why is everything getting increasingly more chaotic and what can we do about it? Was the 'Last Supper" re-enactment at the Olympics more than just a 'woke' skit? What are the four stages of ideological subversion and why is it crucial that we be aware of it? Article Referenced: Jill Biden Quote: Support the Show.


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How Can We Pray for America After the Events this Weekend?

Send us your Questions and Comments Here In what ways can we pray for our country after the devastating events we all witnessed? Join us back here next Tuesday at 5 pm for the episode on Inspiration and Innerrancy! The Christ is King Trap: What's Behind Trans Visibility Day?: Support the Show.


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Was Genesis Wrong About Creation? (Alex O'Connor vs Dinesh D'Souza)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Was Genesis Chapter 1 intended to be a scientific account of creation? Why does Genesis 1-11 seem to have so much in common with other writings from Israel's surrounding neighbors? In this debate, Nick responds to Alex O'Connor catching Dinesh D'Souza off-guard with some questions about the Bible. Are you prepared to defend your views on creation? Is the Bible Inerrant and Can it be Trusted? | Mike Licona: Video in episode: Support the Show.


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Is the Bible Inerrant and Can It Be Trusted? | Mike Licona

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Nick Shalna interviews Dr. Michael Licona, author of Jesus, Contradicted, on the ideas of inspiration, inerrancy, and the reasons for differences among New Testament Gospels. How does the way that the gospels present the same story differently reflect the writing standards of the 1st century? What kinds of things did 1st Century authors do that may surprise us? If there is a surface contradiction or error in the Bible, does it disqualify its reliability and trustworthiness? Similar Episodes: What's with All of these Bible Contradictions? Did Joshua Make the Sun Stand Still? Houston Baptist: Support the Show.


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Is This the Most Evil Idea In the New Testament? (@Richard Dawkins & CosmicSkeptic - Rapid Response)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Are we born into the world guilty of sin? Did Jesus Himself say He came to die for our sins? Can everyone recognize that there is some standard we all fall short of, and why does it matter which standard it is? Is morality possible apart from God? Send your questions or video to! Video Referenced: Related Episodes: What's with all of these Bible Contradictions? Support the Show.


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Is God Responsible for People Going to Hell? (@The Atheist Experience - Rapid Response)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Nick responds to a throwback video of Matt Dilahaunty taking a phone call from a Christian on "The Atheist Experience". Does the reality of God's foreknowledge necessitate the idea that He causes all of our actions? Is God responsible for all who go to hell because He created it? How should believers carry a conversation about the faith, and how SOULDN'T they? Send your video or questions to for the Rapid Response series! Most Recent Episode: What's with all of the Bible Contradictions? (Cosmic Skeptic Response) Is Hell Eternal? Clip Referenced: Support the Show.


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What's With All Of These Bible Contradictions? (@Cosmicskeptic - Rapid Response)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Was the Israelite conquest genocide? Are there contradictions in the New Testament that bring doubt to the reliability of the Four Gospels? What does it mean for the Bible to be "true"? Did the Gospel writers forget when events happened? How does comparing the Gospels to other Ancient Greco-Roman Biographies add significance to the discussion? Send your video or questions to for the Rapid Response series! Most Recent Episode: Did Jesus Go to Egypt to Learn Ancient Secrets? Related Episodes: Are Jesus' Genealogies Filled with Contradictions? Satan in the Old Testament Clip used: Full Debate between Dinesh and Alex: Alex O'Connors Channel: Support the Show.


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Did Jesus Go To Egypt to Learn Ancient Secrets? (@Billy Carson - Rapid Response)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here How much time did Jesus spend in Egypt? Is the term "God" a mistranslation in the Bible? Is Yahweh just a Deity from another Pantheon? Where do modern-day gnostic ideas come from? Send a video to for Nick to respond to in the Rapid Response Series! Former Psychic: Communicating with Demons: Who were the Angels of the Seven Churches? Video Referenced: Greg Bahnsen Quote: Support the Show.


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Does this One Verse Undermine the Whole Bible? (@HolyKoolaid - Rapid Response)

Send us your Questions and Comments Here In the first episode of the rapid response series, Nick Shalna responds to a popular video by Youtube content creator Holy Koolaid. Was it unnecessary for Jesus to die on the cross to forgive sins? Is the Bible unreliable? Send in a video for Nick to respond to - Related Episodes: Trans Visibility Day vs Easter - Do Christians Indoctrinate Their Children? Videos Used: Daily Dose of Wisdom and Michael Jones: Holy Koolaid Video: Support the Show.


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Did Jesus Come to Bring A Sword? (Are You Sure You Know) [Pt. 7]

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Why did Jesus say that He came to bring a sword in Matthew 10:34? Furthermore, why does Luke's account differ, saying He came to bring division? What is Matthew intending to communicate by using the term "sword"? What differences were prominent between Jewish and Gentile audiences in the 1st century? Send your questions to now for our Q&A on Friday, June 28! Sim Article TUND Episodes: Most Recent: Satan in Job Mike Licona Differences in the Gospels Support the Show.


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The Satan in Job Isn't Who You Think It Is [Are You Sure You Know Pt. 6]

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Who is "the satan" figure in the Book of Job? Is the term "satan" ever used in the Old Testament to describe the Devil? Where is Satan mentioned in the Old Testament and why does it matter? Send your questions to for the Q&A on the last Friday of the month! Intro to Divine Council Worldview: Who is Satan? Paul Evans Article on 1 Chr - Unseen Realm Book by Michael Heiser Support the Show.


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5 Reasons Why I'm Protestant

Send us your Questions and Comments Here What are some of the key differences between Protestantism and the Roman Catholic church? How does one's view of Scripture affect their objectivity when studying biblical concepts? Did God ordain or command for there to be an authoritative church body to interpret the Bible? Is purgatory a biblical concept and was Mary sinless? Send your questions to for our Q&A on Friday June 28! On this Rock: What Catholics and Protestants Both Miss - Support the Show.


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Q&A: Preterism, Book of Jasher, End of the World

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Send in your questions now to information@apologetics for our Q&A on Friday June 28! Joshua and the Sun Standing Still: Why Did Jesus Say "You are all gods"? Support the Show.


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Did You Know This About CS Lewis? | Dr. Hal Poe

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Nick Shalna and Dr. Tom Woodward interview Dr. Hal Poe - CS Lewis expert and descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - on the incredible life of CS Lewis. What tragedies occurred in Lewis's life that helped shape him? How did his upbringing influence who he became? Why did CS Lewis originally convert to Atheism and then later become a profound Christian author? Don't forget to send your questions to for our Q&A coming up Friday May 31! CS Lewis Biography Series: Max McClean on Becoming CS Lewis: Support the Show.


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On this Rock: What Catholics and Protestants Both Get Wrong [Are You Sure You Know Pt.5]

Send us your Questions and Comments Here Was Peter the first Pope? What Rock was Jesus referring to when He spoke to Peter in Matthew 16? What were "the Gates of Hell" and why is this concept crucial for understanding this passage? What does the geography of the event have to do with the meaning of what Jesus is communicating? Send your questions to for our Q&A on the last Friday of May! The Meaning of the Transfiguration: Binding and Loosing: Videos used: Support the Show.
