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A Scientific Approach To Magic

Dean Radin, Ph.D.

Scientist Radin separates magic into three categories: divination, force of will, and theurgy (evoking spirits - God force - through ceremony). Toms and Radin share some fascinating “magical” stories from their own lives. Radin posits that ”The secret power of the universe is not made out of matter and energy and physical stuff but is probably made out of consciousness.” Duration - 57m. Author - Dean Radin, Ph.D.. Narrator - Justine Willis Toms. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023. Copyright - © 2018 New Dimensions Foundation ©.


United States


Scientist Radin separates magic into three categories: divination, force of will, and theurgy (evoking spirits - God force - through ceremony). Toms and Radin share some fascinating “magical” stories from their own lives. Radin posits that ”The secret power of the universe is not made out of matter and energy and physical stuff but is probably made out of consciousness.” Duration - 57m. Author - Dean Radin, Ph.D.. Narrator - Justine Willis Toms. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023. Copyright - © 2018 New Dimensions Foundation ©.



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