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AFK Discussions


Join host, Jason a true believer, Ti the skeptical thinker, and Phill the Explorer as they travel down this winding road of the bazaar, weird, and paranormal, We will attempt to weed out the myths and legends to the real facts about Bigfoot, UFOs, conspiracies, hauntings, and other supernatural occurrences, but also we will have a good time as we approach the subjects with a nerdy point of view.


United States


Join host, Jason a true believer, Ti the skeptical thinker, and Phill the Explorer as they travel down this winding road of the bazaar, weird, and paranormal, We will attempt to weed out the myths and legends to the real facts about Bigfoot, UFOs, conspiracies, hauntings, and other supernatural occurrences, but also we will have a good time as we approach the subjects with a nerdy point of view.



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Ghost, UFOs , and NASA Oh My!

AFK Discussions, paranormal investigations, technology, sponsors, AI, brain-computer interfaces, reality, UFO sightings, NASA, strange object, Black Knight satellite, thermal blanket, moon landing, conspiracy theories, moon rotation, ancient stories


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What Dwells Beneath with Kris Bell

tonight we are joined by the grand Duke of spook Kris bell, We talk about his up coming film and paranormal experiences he has had


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Conspire a theory with Chris Holm

Tonight we welcome Chris home from conspire a theory podcast. We talk all things strange and UFO. We even delve a little bit into the flat Earth but come along on the ride. Conspire a theory link tree


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Deliverance from a Blood Curse: Daniel Swarthout

Daniel G. T. Swarthout grew up on the banks of the Colorado River, in a small town called Big River, California. He is the second oldest of six children, all of whom are adopted. Swarthout enjoys movies and a good story, something to keep him captivated in his free time. He also enjoys writing poetry. He now lives in mid-Missouri with his four-year-old boxer, Obsidian and his eight-year-old husky, Rub


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Time keeps on slippin'

tonight we talk time slips and have fun talking with some listeners about movies and other things. join our live next week to be part of the show


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Ghost Girl a conversation with Allie Rose

Tonight we welcome Allie Rose, a poet and author. we talk about her many supernatural experiences. " Throughout my childhood, I had paranormal experiences that still shake me to this day. My encounters with the unknown had such a big impact on my life that my fascination with the supernatural became a huge part of who I am-- so much so that as I grew up, parents of friends and people in school knew me by the nickname "ghost girl". As time passed, I began to search for answers by ghost hunting and researching the paranormal, which inevitably led to even more unsettling experiences. "Ghost Girl" is a collection of these experiences; some of them are dark and eerie and others are more lighthearted. I hope that by sharing my story, I can provide a sense of comradery for others whose lives have also been affected by the paranormal." -Allie Rose


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It lives in the Attic

Welcome Laura from Midnight in the Mountains, which focuses on paranormal topics. They discuss a potential Bigfoot encounter and an EVP captured at Burnbrae Mansion. Laura shares her experiences at the mansion, including hearing footsteps, feeling cold air, and witnessing strange occurrences. They analyze the EVP and discuss the possibility of spirits mimicking voices. Laura also mentions other paranormal experiences at the mansion, such as a man breaking down in tears and a creepy FLIR image. The conversation ends with a discussion about the creepy room in the mansion. During the conversation, Laura shares her experiences at the Burnbrae Mansion and the Shanley Hotel. She describes encounters with paranormal activity, including EVPs, physical sensations, and unexplained phenomena. Laura also discusses her suspicions about the owners of the Burnbrae Mansion and their possible involvement with the supernatural occurrences. The conversation ends with a discussion about another haunted location, Huguenot Street.


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Joel Thomas Sasquatch and the Missing Man

Tonight, we are thrilled to welcome the talented Joel Thomas, as he joins us to delve into the mysteries of his latest cinematic masterpiece, 'Sasquatch and the Missing Man.' Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey as we unravel the secrets behind this gripping film, exploring the realm of the legendary Sasquatch and the perplexing disappearance. Stay tuned for an insightful conversation with Joel Thomas, where we uncover the magic behind the scenes and discover what makes this cinematic adventure a must-watch!


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Exploring Portals and Astral Projection

The conversation explores the concept of portals and astral projection. The guest, Michael L. Martin, shares his personal experiences with astral projection and the different dimensions and realms he has encountered. He discusses the manipulation and control of portals by beings in other dimensions and the potential for humans to manipulate portals in their waking state. The conversation also touches on the thinning of the veil between dimensions and the potential for entities to bleed over into our reality. The importance of personal exploration and questioning is emphasized. The conversation covers various topics related to astral projection, dream manipulation, and the importance of staying present and focused in the current reality. The guest emphasizes the need to question everything, look within oneself for answers, and not be swayed by fear and manipulation. He also discusses his books, 'My Dark Explorations: Portals' and 'The Spiritualist Manifesto: A Guide to Freedom,' which delve deeper into these subjects.


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out of this world and under the sea

In this episode, Jason and Phill discuss various topics, including Jason's new job, a paranormal experience Phill had, and a listener's observation of a strange noise in a previous episode. They also engage in some light-hearted banter about geography. In this part of the conversation, Phill and Jason discuss a video of a mysterious underwater anomaly called the Blob. They watch the video and speculate about what it could be. They also talk about the recent solar eclipse and their experiences with it. Jason then mentions his appearance in the trailer for the documentary 'Sasquatch and the Missing Man'. They briefly discuss their podcast subscriptions and mention some of their favorite shows. In this episode, Jason and Phill discuss their favorite podcasts and their listening habits. They talk about the podcasts they enjoy, the ones they don't, and the reasons why they continue to listen to certain shows. They also touch on the challenge of finding time to listen to podcasts and the oversaturation of paranormal content. The conversation ends with a discussion about their recent paranormal investigation and upcoming videos.


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it whispered my name

On this episode, we're thrilled to welcome Tommy from the Let's Get Freaky podcast. Tommy brings a wealth of captivating experiences, from his upbringing in a haunted house to encounters with shapeshifters and eerie late-night calls from disembodied voices of children. Be sure to catch Tommy's episodes wherever you enjoy podcasts, and now also on YouTube. Dive into the world of the Let's Get Freaky podcast once again for spine-tingling tales and intriguing discussions.


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Kristen Evans the Bridgewater Triangle

Kristen Evans, the Bridgewater Triangle, a 200 square mile so-called paranormal vortex with 3 points in Abington, Rehoboth and Freetown. And inside? The communities of Taunton, Raynham, Berkley, Dighton, Brockton, Easton and Bridgewater. So why is it called the triangle? Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman came up with the nickname back in 1983. "King Philip's War was the bloodiest battle in U.S. or British history ever per capita, meaning the greatest population percentage died. Seventy-five to eighty percent of the natives were wiped out, twenty-five percent of the colonists. That leaves a stain that I don't think can ever be washed away. in the Bridgewater Triangle there have been asylums here, prisons here. There have been cult murders, There have been all kinds of human activity - UFO sightings, Bigfoot sightings, strange serpents, Pukwudgies, Willow of the Wisps, glowing balls of light, hauntings. I think these stories not only connect us to our past but to our region and to each other


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Bigfoot, EVPs, and Easter special

On this episode of AFK discussions, Phill and I delve into my recent adventure tracking the elusive Sasquatch in my friend's backyard, Phill's intriguing EVP encounters during his latest trip to the Freetown State Forest, and a captivating Easter special where we explore the profound significance of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. Don't miss out – AFK discussions offers a diverse range of fascinating topics. Stay tuned for an engaging conversation!


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The Cowboy and the missing princess

Ladies and gentlemen, let us extend a grandiose welcome to the return of Phil, who emerges from his odyssey in the enchanting realm of Texas, where unicorns boast not one, but two magnificent horns, and the expanse of the sky rivals the brilliance of the sun itself. But hold onto your hats, dear friends, for amidst our jovial banter lies a riveting enigma—the clandestine affair of the vanishing princess. What clandestine machinations unfold in the heart of England? Dare we unravel the mystery of her disappearance? Join us, as we delve deep into the depths of intrigue and suspense to unearth the truth. Tune in, for the saga unfolds before your very eyes


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it followed me home

Tonight we joined by Gina Black. Gina comes back on the show to talk about a harrowing experience she had with an entity that followed her home.


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Tonight, we'll be discussing an expedition I recently undertook to an undisclosed location where we encountered a mysterious creature. Additionally, we'll delve into EVPs featured in Phil's latest video and explore the intriguing question of whether children can perceive spirits. Join us for this week's episode of AFK discussions.


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Welcome to the Devil's Den

Get ready for an exhilarating episode of AFK discussions! Join us as we dive into the thrilling world of exploration with Matt. We'll unravel tales of his daring adventures and delve into the mysterious realm of the supernatural. Brace yourself, because once you experience the supernatural firsthand, you'll become a believer faster than you can say welcome to the Devil's Den


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Demonization and Spiritual warfare

Have you ever wondered if a Christian can be demonized? Or maybe you're curious about what spiritual warfare really entails and how it impacts our lives. Well, guess what? We're diving deep into these thought-provoking topics and much more on this episode of AFK discussions. So grab a seat, tune in, and let's unravel the mysteries together!


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move this car or I'll knock you out

Tonight's episode of AFK discussions is a mixed bag of a little of everything from demons EVPs biblical text to move your car or I'll knock you out


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Creepy Nuns and the Boiler Man

Get ready for a spine-tingling evening as Brooks returns from the Smokey's Unforgotten Spirits, unveiling the mysteries of a church he once worked at, teeming with spooky entities. Stay tuned as we delve into our investigations at Elkmont and speculate on encounters with cryptids lurking in the shadows of the Smoky Mountains. Join us for a captivating journey, and don't forget to follow us on social media while leaving a stellar five-star rating and review!
