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09 - Revolutionising the Music Industry with Mo Jalloh

Ever wondered how blockchain works? In this episode I chat to Mo Jalloh. He is launching a blockchain music startup that will disrupt the music industry. If you're interested in new technology and launching your own startup this is a must listen. You can find Mo's website here


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08 - Morning Routines and the Anti Fragile Mindset

Motivation is such a jerk, some days you have it, other days it goes missing. In this episode I talk about the strategies I use to stay motivated and consistently move the needle of my long term goals.


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07 - The Secrets of 40 Years of Success with Pat Welsh

Pat Welsh is a sports journalist who has been at the top of his game for 40+ years - he’s covered 9x Olympics Games, countless World Cups, he’s done it all. In our chat he shares the secrets to his success and some great inside stories from the sporting world.


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06 - The Power of Asking with Hayden Wilson

Want to create opportunities for yourself that you couldn’t even dream of? You need to listen to his. Hayden went from shy, anxious 20 something guy to thought leader, renowned public speaker, successful entrepreneur and podcaster. The catalyst for his success? Asking questions. You can find Hayden’s website here & his book here For links to all of the stuff mentioned in the show - click here


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05 - We're All Just Monkeys With iPhones

Feel like you’re constantly sabotaging yourself? In this episode, Regan breaks down the 5 human design flaws that consistently hold us back and talks about the systems he uses to overcome them. Click here to get the show notes


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04 - The Ridiculously Simple Tool That Helped me 10x my Productivity

Do you struggle to achieve your goals? Well that was me, I would continually set goals only to be left disappointed that I never achieved them (sometimes I never even started them). That was until I developed a tool that dramatically improved my productivity and held me accountable, the best part? It only takes 10mins per week to implement. Click here to get the show notes.


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03 – The 5 Steps You Must Do To Validate Your New Business Idea

So you have just come up with an awesome new business idea... what do you do next? In this episode you will learn the 5 steps you must do before you spend $1 on your new idea. This information could save you thousands of dollars, weeks of your life & avoid happiness destroying stress. Click here to get the show notes


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02 - Bad Mentors and Invisible Walls

Have you ever taken a second to question where you might end up on your current trajectory... What happens if you stay in the same job for the next 10 years? Continue to eat & exercise the same way? In this episode, I will introduce a way of thinking that can change your life. Not only will it help you see if you're on the right track but it will give you a plan to optimise your current situation. Click here to get the show notes
