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Shaman Sister Sessions PODCAST WITH SHAMANS MICHELLE HAWK AND KATHERINE BIRD Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities. Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely expressed life of service. Michelle and Katherine's visionary work inspires spiritual seekers, practitioners, psychics, empaths, energy healers to step fully into their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change. Like our Facebook page to receive the latest information and invitations to upcoming events!


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Shaman Sister Sessions PODCAST WITH SHAMANS MICHELLE HAWK AND KATHERINE BIRD Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities. Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely expressed life of service. Michelle and Katherine's visionary work inspires spiritual seekers, practitioners, psychics, empaths, energy healers to step fully into their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change. Like our Facebook page to receive the latest information and invitations to upcoming events!



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Alchemy for Your Spiritual Awakening

Are you going through a spiritual awakening or deepening of your awakening experience? Did you know that the Death, Purification, and Rebirth phases of Alchemy can be some of the most powerful support and spiritual tools for your awakening? The esoteric wisdom teachings of the ancient alchemists are relevant today on your journey of self-healing and evolving consciousness. Alchemy is a powerful spiritual technology that helps us master the process of creation and transformation in our lives and in the world. With Alchemy, transformation can go from feeling chaotic, unpredictable, and scary to organized and empowering. Through our spiritual awakening and evolution experiences, we naturally move through the cycle of Alchemy as we release our old identities, align with Universal Truth and Divine Law, and embody our higher selves. Michelle and Katherine, both practicing Alchemists, discuss the process of Alchemy and how it can support your spiritual awakening. Learn about how Alchemy can help you heal from trauma and release old energy, as well as purify and cultivate radiance and illumination. Do you desire Alchemy in your life? Michelle’s I AM Alchemy apprenticeship begins March 2024. Check out all the details and submit your application here:


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Light Language feat. Galactic Ashley

Are you experiencing a Light Language activation? What is Light Language and what does it mean for you and your spiritual practice? Maybe you’re speaking in tongues or seeing symbols. Now what? Michelle and Katherine are pleased to welcome Galactic Ashley to discuss Light Language activation, integration, and mastery. Join the Shaman Sisters for a special guest episode and learn about common experiences in Light Language awakening, blockages or challenges that might occur, and how to integrate your Light Language transmissions into your personal and professional spiritual practice. Galactic Ashley channels guidance for those seeking intimacy with the Divine as Source originally intended. She uses Light Language frequencies and works with your Souls Guidance System to facilitate high-frequency healing transmissions and encoded activations. She desires a world filled with leaders led by love. After earning a Masters in Fine Art from the University of Arizona in Tucson, she merged her passion for art and metaphysics with her cross-cultural mentoring and teaching background to lovingly develop Divine Immersion Programs. Her work focuses on the intersection of cosmic consciousness and embodied wisdom. These channeled courses invite you deeper into your Divine leadership and resourced god-self while empowering you to heal and walk your unique Ascension path. Register for Galactic Ashley’s Light Language Activation course here:


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Exorcism and Spirit Extraction

Do you have unwanted spiritual attention? Are you concerned about entities, demons, or spirit attachments? What is a shamanic extraction or exorcism, and why might it not be enough to help you? Following up on episodes 92 and 93, Michelle and Katherine talk about shamanic extractions and removing entities. They share what they commonly hear from consultations, some of the reasons why an extraction may not work or be helpful, and best practices to make extractions more effective. This episode is for healers, shamanic practitioners, energy workers, psychics, and those going through spiritual and psychic awakenings. It is also for those that feel they are struggling with ghosts, entities, and spirit possession. Extractions can be a deep and challenging healing process, so we do not recommend you attempt this without specialized training to ensure safety for you and your client. Please choose your healing practitioners wisely. We have other videos about how to choose a shaman or healing practitioner. ~~~ Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower psychics, empaths, energy healers, Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely expressed life of service. Michelle and Katherine’s visionary work inspires spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities to step fully their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change. You can contact Michelle and Katherine at See our page on Patreon to discover the offers we have for those supporting our work in the world. Katherine Bird is a Shamanic and Energetic Medicine Practitioner, mentor, and trainer of healers and spiritual practitioners. She supports people through the processes of healing themselves and bringing their magic to the world. Utilizing energy work, hands on healing, practice cultivation and deep coaching she shepherds people through their awakening and the journey to become the healers, coaches and guides they were designed to be. Michelle Hawk is truly a 21st century Shaman. In addition to her natural gifts as a psychic and intuitive Channel, Michelle's work with Shamanic energies and certification as a Usui-Tibetan Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master and Illumination Reiki™ Master allow her to offer healing work at the deepest level. She has committed herself to the health and well-being of her global Tribe and works in service through private sessions, classes, community involvement and Spiritual mentorship in the Divine Feminine lineage for children and adults of all ages. Growing from her lifelong connection with animals and her natural abilities as an animal communicator, Michelle also works deeply with animal guides to bring forth their teachings so that we may share in their wisdom.


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Toxic Spiritual Ascension Community

Elevate your consciousness. Ascend to the 5th dimension. Access the quantum field. Yes, and… There's a fine line between elevating consciousness and using spirituality to avoid discomfort. Ascending to the 5th dimension doesn't mean you get to bypass anything inconvenient in this dimension. It's great to do quantum healing or work in the quantum field, but can you ground that field effectively into your embodied Earthwalk? Michelle and Katherine discuss “spiritual ascension culture,” including what these ideas mean, how they might be helpful, and where they might be toxic. Can “ascension culture” do more harm than good? Are you looking for support on your spiritual awakening, healing skill development, or mentorship for bringing your soul's purpose to the world? Connect with Michelle Hawk at Katherine Bird at ~~~ Welcome to Shaman Sister Sessions! We created this podcast to empower psychics, empaths, energy healers, Shamans and all those on the path of awakening. We offer a deep look into our personal and professional experiences as healers and Universal seekers, along with tools for navigating the expansion of human consciousness, cultivation of psychic and Shamanic gifts and living a fulfilled, uniquely expressed life of service. Michelle and Katherine’s visionary work inspires spiritual seekers and practitioners of all modalities to step fully their roles as catalysts for social evolution and global change. You can contact Michelle and Katherine at See our page on Patreon to discover the offers we have for those supporting our work in the world. Katherine Bird is a transformational leader, healer, Shamanic channel, and guide here to help facilitate the shift in human consciousness and the raising of the vibratory frequency. She supports people through the processes of healing themselves and bringing their magic to the world. Utilizing energy work, hands on healing, practice cultivation and deep coaching she shepherds people through their awakening and the journey to become the healers, coaches and guides they were designed to be. Michelle Hawk is truly a 21st century Shaman. In addition to her natural gifts as a psychic and intuitive Channel, Michelle's work with Shamanic energies and certification as a Usui-Tibetan Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master and Illumination Reiki™ Master allow her to offer healing work at the deepest level. She has committed herself to the health and well-being of her global Tribe and works in service through private sessions, classes, community involvement and Spiritual mentorship in the Divine Feminine lineage for children and adults of all ages. Growing from her lifelong connection with animals and her natural abilities as an animal communicator, Michelle also works deeply with animal guides to bring forth their teachings so that we may share in their wisdom.


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How to Get in Shamanic Shape

Shamanic work can take a lot of energy and requires not only energetic stamina, but also physical resilience and endurance. When in Shamanic trance, practicing incorporation mediumship, or holding ceremony for 10 hours, your body has specific needs for minerals, muscle strength and flexibility, and ion exchange. Michelle and Katherine offer tools and practices for how to get into Shamanic shape so you can best support your health and sustainability of your practice, and channel more energy effectively and safely without burning yourself out.


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How to Recover from Practitioner Abuse

The Shaman Sisters continue their conversation about abuse and harm within the spiritual and personal development community. Following up on episode #121 (Gaslighting, Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse in the Spiritual and Coaching Community) and episode #46 (Predators in the Spiritual Community), Michelle and Katherine share what they have observed when supporting people after leaving cults and abusive practitioner relationships. Michelle and Katherine discuss the recovery process, how to assess your energy body for unwanted attachments and implants, and offer support for re-matrixing your relationship with Spirit and your spiritual practice in a healthy, sovereign way. If you or someone you know has experienced harm at the hands of a spiritual practitioner, coach or facilitator, we believe you. What happened was wrong, and it was not your fault. There are resources available to help you. National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and Their Loved Ones:


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Shamanic Medicine Work

Psychedelic and entheogenic medicine work have been emerging in the western world as powerful spirit allies for healing and guidance. The spectrum of “medicine work” includes the western clinical pathology model, the traditional church, the ceremonial shamanic devotional experience, the recreational trip and more. Big reveal in this episode! Introducing the Shaman Sisters mushroom temple (not the actual name, but tune in to find out about this temple and what we’re offering). What’s the difference between a traditional church, trip sitting/psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and a ceremonial shamanic medicine experience? Which option is right for you? What are some things to consider when pursuing medicine work for your healing journey? Michelle and Katherine open up about their path with medicine work and share their perspectives on these different paths. This episode also includes a sneak peek at their work with serving psilocybin, their shamanic mushroom ceremonies and upcoming shamanic training experiences that include medicine work, mediumship and mystical devotion and healing practices.


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Gaslighting, Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse in the Spiritual and Coaching Community

The spiritual, personal development, coaching community has narcissists, abusers, sociopaths and shitty people in it, just like everywhere else. Unfortunately, these people are very skilled at distorting and manipulating spiritual teachings, language and practices to take advantage of and harm clients who come to them for help. These abusers may be so good at hiding behind spirituality that they could have harmed many people over the years, or even decades. This is wrong. This is out of integrity. We will not stand for this in our community. It can sometimes feel hard to tell if a practitioner is safe or not, especially if you’re new to the path or new to a particular community. Following up on their episode #46: Predators in the Spiritual Community, Michelle and Katherine go over the dangerous red flags to watch out for, and green flags to look for in a practitioner, teacher or medicine facilitator. Please use careful consideration whenever choosing a practitioner. While there may be some truly horrible abusers in the spiritual and coaching industry, there are plenty of safe and wonderful teachers as well. If you or someone you know has experienced harm at the hands of a spiritual practitioner, coach or facilitator, we believe you. What happened was wrong, and it was not your fault. There are resources available to help you. National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and Their Loved Ones:


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How To Trust Yourself, Shaman Sister Sessions #120

Many of us struggle with self-trust. Maybe you have trouble making decisions, you are easily swayed by the opinions and expectations of others, or seem to put your own needs and desires last. If so, you’re not alone. We live in a world that systematically undermines our connection to inner wisdom and guidance, and unless we actively learn the skills to cultivate self-trust, we’re stuck in self doubt. Relax! We’ve got you covered. Join Michelle Hawk and Katherine Bird for some real talk about how to trust yourself, including perspective from their own journeys of self-trust, ways we can get stuck in doubt and the top three tools you can use to build rock-solid trust in yourself.


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#119 Resistance to Spiritual Initiation

Spiritual initiation cycles often bring up a lot of resistance. You’ve probably experienced this: initiations can be uncomfortable, confronting, challenging and triggering. But, as Michelle and Katherine discuss in this powerful episode, “resistance is fertile.” Resistance shows us where there is potent energy available for transformation, and when we understand and work with resistance, it can help catapult us forward into the next cycle. Join the Shaman Sisters for a very real look at resistance through initiation cycles (and get a peek behind the scenes at some on-air epiphanies as they discuss their own resistance experiences).


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#118 Judgment on the Spiritual Path

We hear so much in the spiritual and “conscious” world about being non-judgmental, not judging ourselves or others. But what if judgment is actually a really helpful, valuable and positive tool? Judgment is incredibly important for setting boundaries, evaluating integrity, aligning with right action and opening to high-frequency spiritual experiences. Michelle and Katherine love judgment. Join them for a conversation about the “anatomy of judgment,” why judgment is essential for your spiritual practices and tools to cultivate and trust your excellent judgment.


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#117 Compassion Fatigue

What happens when our emotional systems become overwhelmed by a constant barrage of stress, suffering, disaster and crisis? Unfortunately, “compassion fatigue” is all too common these days, especially among healers, caretakers and empaths. It might feel like you’re numb or simply can’t bring yourself to care anymore, but it’s actually a sign of needing to protect yourself and draw your energy and power back home to your heart. Michelle and Katherine talk about their experiences with compassion fatigue and offer tools for working with compassion in action so you can stay connected, grounded and empowered.


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#116: How to Make Shamanic and Alchemical Tools for Transformation

Creating sacred healing tools, tinctures and elixirs, visionary art, jewelry, talismans and totems are all ways to anchor powerful energy into the Earthly plane through physical objects. These sacred totems, crafted with intention, prayer and guidance, can work with shamanic energies, alchemical correspondences, elemental frequencies and energies encoded for specific healing and initiation. When working with these sacred objects, we cultivate a powerful relationship with those frequencies and receive the gifts encoded in the items. Michelle and Katherine share some of their sacred tool creations, inspiration behind magical art, and offer guidance and tips to create your own objects of power.


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#115 Quantifying Transformation (in Ourselves and Our Clients)

It’s one thing to advertise oneself as a “transformational guide,” but how do we actually measure and quantify that transformation in our clients? Transformation and results are not the same thing. To truly support a transformational experience for our clients requires subtlety, attention, curiosity and working collaboratively with the ecosystem of self and spirit for that to take place. Michelle and Katherine share their understandings of transformation and how to best support that in their clients.


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#114 Shapeshifting Your Practice

As soul-aligned practitioners, sometimes our practice asks us to radically shapeshift the way in which we serve, altering our personal and professional identities. This process can be incredibly challenging and uncomfortable, inviting us into deeper layers of trust, surrender and possibility. What happens when our practice changes so dramatically? How long do these shapeshifting phases take? What are the effects on other areas of our lives? Michelle and Katherine are both in shapeshifting phases now, so this episode is supercharged with their immediate wisdom and experience! Join the Shaman Sisters for a powerful conversation about what it’s like to completely shapeshift your service, and how that impacts every part of your life.


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#113 Soul Aligned Offerings for Practitioners

As a practitioner, it’s easy to build programs and offerings in our business that we think “should” be there, either because we’re trying to fit our work into a traditional business paradigm, we’re coming from the place of just trying to make money, or we’re modeling our work after others (teachers, colleagues, others in the field). As a soul-aligned practitioner, these offerings usually fail. Not because there’s anything wrong with a traditional business paradigm, trying to make money or the work of others, but because all of those things pull our offerings away from the true, soul-aligned essence of our practice. What does a soul aligned offering look like? How do we know if our practice is aligned with our soul essence? How do we as practitioners create powerful, soul-aligned offerings that serve our communities effectively? Michelle and Katherine continue the conversation from last episode (Your Healing Business). They share some potent examples of soul-aligned offerings in their work and give you some powerful tools and takeaways to audit your own practice to make sure your offerings are coming from a soul-aligned place.
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#112 My Healing Business

If you’re self-employed as a healer, chances are that you’ve tried to fit your business into traditional entrepreneurial models (even ones aimed at coaching) and found that it doesn’t work for you and/or feels super icky. You are not alone. There are some really good reasons why your healing business needs a unique approach and expression. Michelle and Katherine dive into “new paradigm” business and entrepreneurship in the healing industry: what works, what doesn’t, what’s total BS, and what your healing business truly needs to thrive and evolve. Regardless of where you are in your healership business journey, this episode is for you!
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#111 My Shaman/Coach/Healer gave me bad advice. Now what?

Bad advice is everywhere! Michelle and Katherine have seen tons of bad advice: on social media, in articles, received from their mentors/healers. Their clients have also come to them and shared bad advice offered by other practitioners. What gives? In this episode, they share the hallmarks of “good” versus “bad” advice and how to recognize it. They offer tools, perspective and yes, advice, on what to do when you come across bad advice from your mentor. Resources: Apply for Michelle’s I AM Alchemy course or a Dragon Initiation on her website: Join Katherine’s Hieros community membership from her website or register for Healer’s Process course:
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#110 Visionary Creation through Collaboration

What is the nature of collaboration through a creative partnership? Often in the field of spiritual growth and practice, we feel called to collaborate with other practitioners. Sometimes these efforts go well, and others go really poorly. Michelle and Katherine have been in creative soul partnership collaboration for 6 years. In this episode, they share some behind the scenes wisdom of what works and what doesn’t. Tune in for some powerful questions and considerations for your own visionary creation through collaboration, and a special invitation from the Shaman Sisters! Resources: Apply for Michelle’s I AM Alchemy course or a Dragon Initiation on her website: Join Katherine’s Hieros community membership from her website or register for Healer’s Process course:
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#109 Enhanceformation for your Transformation: How to Hack your Awakening

Yes, you read that right. Despite the silly title, the Shaman Sisters drop some powerful knowledge on how to hack your process of transformation by creating positive feedback loops within and between energy systems in your life. Michelle and Katherine get scientific and silly in this powerful episode. Learn about essential Keystone Practices and how to map and track a feedback loop in your energy body to create more effective cycles of change and awakening. Resources: Apply for Michelle’s I AM Alchemy course on her website: Join Katherine’s Hieros community membership from her website or register for 5 Elements for Empaths course: