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Miniature Wargaming Labs

Sports & Recreation Podcasts

No miniature wargamer ever has enough time, space, or money to pursue their games and hobby. We seek ways to use our miniatures and rule sets to get the most value for money.


United States


No miniature wargamer ever has enough time, space, or money to pursue their games and hobby. We seek ways to use our miniatures and rule sets to get the most value for money.



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Games Workshop: Reluctant Monopoly or Benevolent Oligopoly?

Every podcast has to do the "is GW a monopoly episode." This is ours. BLUF: They Are not a monopoly because they do not want to be one, but they do not have a problem being the standard setting body for miniature wargaming.


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What we listen to

This is a short episode where Brian and I talk about what we listen to while hobbying.


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Running a Tournament Part 2: The Retribution

In the first season Brian told us the sad tale of his failure running a once popular Infinity tournament. Now he is back...and this time it is personal. He wants Retribution. Learn more about the Rio Grande Retribution 2024.


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High Altitude Low Opening Return From Adepticon 2024

Brian and I meet up again so he might regain me with the stories of his adventures in the Chicagoland area.


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Spearhead in Adepticon 2024 with Black Powder Read Earth

Jon joins us on his way to Adepticon 2024 where he is showing of the third and final expansion of Black Powder Red Earth: Spearhead. In this expansion the Mustard Gas est muy caliente.


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Paint Brian, Paint...Adepticon is Coming

Brian and I catch up as we talk about getting ready for Adoption 2024. Some day I will make it.


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On The Edge of BLKOUT

Julian with Enemy Spotted Studios stops in again to discuss his new game BLKOUT. Set in the Killwager universe BLKOUT pushes the timeline forward and gives you the feel of Edge of Tomorrow and Elysium in a tabletop miniature wargaming experience.


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Force of Virtue: Renaissance skirmish

I talk to Sam and Jack about their Renaissance Skirmish game Force of Virtue. If you have Warhammer Old World miniatures you are already half way there; and the rulebook is up for free download so that the rest of the way. You do not have an excuse not to play.


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Brian and LVO in Las Vegas

Brian is back from LVO. Did he actually go to LVO - kinda. But, he shopped and competed.


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Gaddis Gaming: I love the smell of Weird Warfare in the morning

We meet up with Gaddis Gaming to talk about The GUARDS system pushing into the Cold War starting with the Second Indochina War (aka Vietnam War).


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2022 is Done: Review of Failed Expectations

No plan survives first contact with it designer.


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No One Plays Code One: What is the role of the simple game

Some game systems have simple rule versions or advanced play modes that just don't catch on. Does it make sense to have various versions of the same game and how different should those games be?


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You Got Product Design In My Game Design: Come Recon with Enemy Spotted Studios

We meet up with Julian from Enemy Spotted Studios and talk over the interconnectedness of game design with product design. That may appear like an evil capitalist plan to take money from customers, but is actually what customers expect to stay engaged; with just a sprinkle of community champions. Also, this is really what Julian sounds like. It is not a voice modulator. Nor is it a deep fake AI simulator.


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NOVA 2023 Is Over: Time to Sleep

Nova is over and we share our thoughts on the convention before we go to bed.


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NOVA Open 2023: Parking Not Included

It is Friday at NOVA. We talk about what we have done and what we plan to do if Brian can stop swearing. Come one. This is a family friendly show.


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HISTORICON 2023: A Graves Report

Windham Graves returns to tell us about his time at HISTORICON 2023.


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More Gaddis, More Gaming

We interview Lee Gaddis of Gaddis Gaming as he launches his new Kickstarter: Empires Fall: Conflict in the East. The Ball Tanks in this game have gotten bigger. Check out:


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From Ashes to Leviathan

It is that time to gawk at a new Warhammer 40K edition. But what does it mean for, and do for, the local stores?


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Adepticon 2023 Part II: The Wrath of Games

Brian goes over how he did on the tournament scene at Adepticon. He did well enough that he had plenty of time to demo and play test a bunch of games which he will go over in this episode. A lot of them were from Black Site Studios.


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Coming Down from Adepticon 2023: The Gluttony of Consumerism

Brian regales us with stories of his insatiable need to consume by walking through all the sings he bought and acquired during his trip to Adepticon 2023.
