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The Get Ready Podcast

Sports & Recreation Podcasts

”The Get Ready Podcast” is an essential guide for those seeking to be thoroughly prepared for an unforeseen, catastrophic event. This 15-episode series is meticulously crafted to transition listeners from complete novices to being fully equipped for a 3-month ’Sh*t Hits The Fan’ (SHTF) scenario. Join our Telegram channel and our website Each episode introduces key survival skills, strategies, and knowledge necessary for enduring and thriving in extreme situations. Topics range from making sure you have enough food and water, medication, setting up your retreat, getting home and bugging out. What sets this podcast apart is its practical approach, ensuring that every listener, regardless of prior knowledge or experience, can achieve a level of preparedness that could be life-saving in a crisis. ”The Get Ready Podcast” is not just about survival; it’s about preparation, resilience, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re ready for anything.


United States


”The Get Ready Podcast” is an essential guide for those seeking to be thoroughly prepared for an unforeseen, catastrophic event. This 15-episode series is meticulously crafted to transition listeners from complete novices to being fully equipped for a 3-month ’Sh*t Hits The Fan’ (SHTF) scenario. Join our Telegram channel and our website Each episode introduces key survival skills, strategies, and knowledge necessary for enduring and thriving in extreme situations. Topics range from making sure you have enough food and water, medication, setting up your retreat, getting home and bugging out. What sets this podcast apart is its practical approach, ensuring that every listener, regardless of prior knowledge or experience, can achieve a level of preparedness that could be life-saving in a crisis. ”The Get Ready Podcast” is not just about survival; it’s about preparation, resilience, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re ready for anything.



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17 - Scavenging

What will your scavenging plan be when society falls apart and the trucks stop running? Will you move around the apocalyptic landscape collecting resources for your family, or will you hunker down and ride out the chaos? In this episode of the Get Ready Podcast, RB and JD discuss the advantages and disadvantages of scavenging during a grid down event. They tackle the moral dilemmas that occur when you're not sure if you're scavenging or stealing. They also discuss the sweet spot at the beginning of an SHTF event when everyone is panicking, and you're on your scavenging hunt, staying one step ahead of the masses at all time. This episode is full of ideas and recommendations for how to secure the best resources you'll need for the end of the world as we know it.


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16 - Area Study

When SHTF hits, you may not have access to all of the information on the Internet that we take for granted. An Area Study is like an off-line version of the most critical information for your area. What the climate is like, natural disaster risks, crime maps, population trends, doctor contact information, gas station locations, critical infrastructure maps and anything else that can help you plan out what to do in the apocalypse when the Internet is down. Most of us are visual learners, and need an example to fully understand what a good Area Study should look like. The Get Ready team has put together 4 workbooks, each with a complete area study example that relates to specific areas: The Urban OperatorThe Suburban WarlordThe Small Town HeroThe Ranch KingPickup a workbook and follow along as RB and JD discuss the fine art of preparing the Area Study. We also want to announce our new website, GetReady.Life for those who are looking for preparedness products and training.


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15 Bugging Out II

Do you have a P.A.C.E. plan for your bug out journey? P.A.C.E. stands for, "Primary", "Alternate", "Contingency" and "Emergency" and can be used in many different ways. You should have a P.A.C.E. plan for where your bugging out to, what route you're taking and your methods of transportation. In this episode, RB and JD go in depth on their Bug Out Plan's modes of transportation. Cars, trucks, off-road vehicles, bikes, scooters, horses, boats... you've got to think outside the box when it's SHTF. The big consideration when bugging out is of course, family. Transporting your family is very different than a solo Get Home journey, and your gear selection should reflect that specific mission. Loved the show? Drop a rating or review, and check out the show's Telegram Channel:


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14 - Bugging Out

Will you bug out when the time comes? Leaving your home behind when a crisis makes it too dangerous to stay is a daunting task. When should you leave? What should you take with you? What if your spouse refuses to go? What if you have nowhere to go? In this last part of the 10 part series in, "Getting ready for a 90 day SHTF event", RB and JD discuss how preppers can overcome the challenging Bug Out Journey. Have a question for the guys? Ask them now on the Get Ready Podcast Telegram channel:


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EP13 - Getting Home

RB and JD explore one of the most overlooked aspects of prepping, the Get Home Journey. The guys get out their Get Home Bags and go through item by item discussing what the item is and why its in their bag. JD's bag is focused on getting to and from work, and is disguised as a laptop backpack, but is packed with the necessities one needs to make it home on foot. RB took a page from ultralight through hikers, and has optimized his bag to be lightweight and comfortable in even the most demanding weather conditions. As they go through each others bags, they critique each other systems, looking for ideas to improve their own. If you would like to download a free copy of the guy's Get Home Bag checklist, which includes every item, weight, price and link to buy, swing by the Get Ready Podcast telegram channel.


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EP12 - Medical for SHTF

RB and special guest, Dr. Lee, discuss medical concerns for a 90-day SHTF event. They cover how to prepare your first aid kit for a bug out journey, how to setup a emergency clinic at a prepper retreat, and how to deal with combat wounds. Grab a notepad, because there are dozens of practical tips that could save your life, or the life of a family member. Here is just a sample of the many topics discussed in this episode: Dr. Lee is a respected physician in the field of emergency medicine in Central, Virginia. The Get Ready Podcast is a weekly podcast for preppers and survivalists who are interested in getting prepared for an unexpected event that could change society as we know it. Full of practical tips and humor, this show is a "must subscribe" for anyone looking to get more prepared. Join our podcast's telegram channel by going to where you'll find tons of experienced preppers who question questions, share advice and keep the group informed of breaking news related to prepping.


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Ep11 Retreat Security III

Defending your retreat does not necessarily need to be done from your doorstep. Sometimes the best defense is a strategic withdraw, tricking your enemy into thinking you've run away all the while you are actually setup a sniper siege where you hold all the cards. In this conclusion to Retreat Security, RB and JD discuss the pros and cons to both Castle defense and Guerrilla warfare while sharing practical steps you can take to protect your loved one during an SHTF event. A few of the topics cover: The prepping info doesn't end when you join our Get Ready Podcast telegram channel at https://t.m/getreadypodcast The Get Ready Podcast is motivating you get ready for the unexpected. RB and JD are experienced preppers and survivalists who are helping both new and experienced preppers better protect their family.


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Ep10 - Retreat Security II

RB and JD continue their deep dive into Retreat Security with Part II, covering Delay and Deny tactics every prepper should be aware of. Grab a notebook, because this episode is jam packed with practical tips like how to layout your retreat defensive positions, fencing, wire obstacles, ways to slow down approaching vehicles, fox holes, spider holes, bunkers and how to deal with enemy snipers. Want access to expert preppers you can ask for advice on anything? Come join our amazing telegram channel at
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Ep 9 - Retreat Security

Protecting your family and loved ones is top priority when things begin to break down, but how do you defend your retreat when you're outnumbered and outgunned. RB and JD will break down the 5 concentric rings of retreat security: Grab your notebook, because this episode is jammed packed with useful tips, recommended products and creative ideas to stop an attacker before they even set foot on your property.


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Ep 8 - Comms for SHTF Part II

RB and Patrick Adams discuss how to set up the communication infrastructure for a survival retreat. Questions we answer in this episode: and that is just the tip of the ice burg. This is a game changing information drop for those who just learning about the importance of communication for an SHTF event.


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EP 7 - Communications for SHTF

How can you establish contact with your loved ones during an emergency when traditional phone communication is unavailable? In today's interview, we'll be talking to Patrick Adams, an expert in critical infrastructure communications. He'll guide you through the process of maintaining communication in a situation where the power grid and phones are down. We'll delve into three distinct scenarios: Discover the essential equipment you'll need, the importance of creating a communication plan, methods to remain undetected, strategies for gathering crucial information, the optimal use of encryption, and much more. This episode presents this valuable information in a straightforward manner, making it a must-listen for any prepper.
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EP 6 - Prepping Groups: Joining and Forming a Survival Team

The hardest part of prepping is finding a group to ride out the end of the world as we know it. This episode of the Get Ready Podcast is all about how to find or form a prepping group. Now when we say Prepping Group, what we're referring to is a group of people who plan on living together in an SHTF event. Other names for Prepping Groups might be, "Teams", "Crews" or "Tribe". MAGs, which stands for Mutual Assistant Groups, are a wider network of preppers that you work with before and possibly after an SHTF event, but don't necessarily plan on living together. RB and JD discuss how to find MAGs, and how to use MAGs to build your close-knit Team. In this hour long episode you'll learn all the tricks and tips on where to meet other preppers. How to get an invite to an existing group. What questions to ask the Group Leader. Pitfalls to watch out for. Even how to properly leave a group that isn't working out. This is a MUST-LISTEN to episode for all preppers, because help you navigate the complex social environment of the Preparedness Community. If you enjoyed it, please leave a rating and review. Share it with a friend, and come say Hi to us on Telegram:


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EP 5 - Energy, Fuel and Heating for SHTF

How you heat and cook when the power is out? In this episode RB and JD discuss all of the available energy sources including natural gas, propane, wood, gas and renewables (solar, wind and hydro). Off-grid energy is all about layers, so we'll help you put together an energy plan that'll help keep your family warm and fed for a 90 day outage. Lastly, Jerfferies showcases his writing talent with a short prepper fiction story. Join our telegram channel at:


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Ep 4 - Sanitation in SHTF

Nobody likes to talk about it, but what do you do with all that sewage in an SHTF situation? How do you pump full septic tanks? How do you make a composting toilet or outhouse work? How do you dispose of trash and dead bodies? They guys dive head first into the world of sanitation and hygiene to give you info needed to survive. Of course the guys share all sorts of data on how much toilet paper you should store, how to do laundry, what cleaning agents you need and much more. *Make sure listen to the very end to get a special behind the scenes look at how hard it was to actually record this podcast. Grab our sanitation calculator at:


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Ep 3 - How Much Water Do You Need for SHTF?

Do you really need just 1 gallon of water a day to survive, or is survival more about just staying hydrated? The average American uses an outstanding 90 gallons of water a day in their homes. In a survival situation we'll use a fraction of that, but how much do we really need to drink, cook, wash our bodies, wash our clothes and keep a homestead alive in a grid down event? RB and JD grab their handy dandy SHTF Water Calculator, available for free on the Get Ready Podcast telegram channel: to crunch the numbers and help you figure out exactly how many gallons of water your team needs to make it through an emergency. For those outside the US, remember that 1 gallon = 3.78541 liters.


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Ep 2 - How to Feed your Family During 3 Month Emergency

In this episode, RB and JD discuss 5 methods to feed your family during an SHTF emergency. It all starts with calculating exactly how many calories your family or group needs to survive. Grab the Get Ready Podcast SHTF Calorie Calculator free from our Telegram Channel: Once you know your calorie requirements, you can use one of 5 methods to stock the food you need: Each system has pros and cons, and should be used together as layers to develop a robust food security plan for your family.


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Ep 1 - SHTF Retreat Considerations

In this first episode, we review different SHTF retreat scenarios, rating them from best to worst, along with recommendations on how to make a poor retreat more sustainable.
