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Velo Performance Cycling Podcast

Sports & Recreation Podcasts

Hey there, welcome to the Velo Performance cycling podcast aimed at master cyclists. As an experienced cycling coach in my 50s, I understand the unique challenges faced by master cyclists. Certainly from my own experience, I'm pushing back on age, I lift heavy, regularly include hard efforts on the bike and eat well. One of my biggest ambitions with this podcast is to empower cyclists and people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to challenge the conventional wisdom that age limits our potential. My interviews with nutritionists, fitness professionals, and seasoned master cyclists who are still killing. Together we will uncover what is possible for all of us when we unlock the evidence, educate and inspire you to continue riding your bikes hard and fast, increase your health span, and live fuller, longer, and more active lives as you age. So, if you're NOT interested in defying the odds and living your best life, this isn't for you. If however, you are interested in stepping up to push your boundaries then Join me on this journey to challenge the status quo and learn how to stay fit, healthy, fast on your bike and strong well into your 40s, 50s and 60s.


United Kingdom


Hey there, welcome to the Velo Performance cycling podcast aimed at master cyclists. As an experienced cycling coach in my 50s, I understand the unique challenges faced by master cyclists. Certainly from my own experience, I'm pushing back on age, I lift heavy, regularly include hard efforts on the bike and eat well. One of my biggest ambitions with this podcast is to empower cyclists and people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to challenge the conventional wisdom that age limits our potential. My interviews with nutritionists, fitness professionals, and seasoned master cyclists who are still killing. Together we will uncover what is possible for all of us when we unlock the evidence, educate and inspire you to continue riding your bikes hard and fast, increase your health span, and live fuller, longer, and more active lives as you age. So, if you're NOT interested in defying the odds and living your best life, this isn't for you. If however, you are interested in stepping up to push your boundaries then Join me on this journey to challenge the status quo and learn how to stay fit, healthy, fast on your bike and strong well into your 40s, 50s and 60s.





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Training sessions that make masters cyclist faster climbers

What's the point of training, Why don't we just ride our bikes to get fit? From experience coaching master cyclists and myself using the methods I'm just about to talk about they are all stronger, faster better climbers than anyone who "Just rides their bikes" If you want to improve your average speed over longer distances and climb hills faster stay tuned My core focus in my own training and the cyclists I coach is to Grow strength Increase Vo2 Max Increase lactate Threshold Increase Lactate Clearance Develop an aerobic engine to go faster with less effort All this is possible as we age. You know that to be true because there are master cyclists out there still smashing in exceptional times in sportives, Time Trials and cracking out stunning PB's on KOMS One thing is for sure older cyclists who stay fast and strong up hills are not JUST RIDING their bikes week in and week out they are being focused, specific and consistent In this episode, I talk about the training that got me fast and give examples of sessions that helped me stay fast up hills. I'm trying a new shorter format. I hope you like it.


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Enhancing Cycling Speed, Power, Health, and Longevity: Strength Training for Masters Cyclists.

In the first of 4 podcasts about training effectively for master cyclists to get and stay fast on their bike, improve health, and increase longevity and quality of life I talk to Chris from Bar Bells and Bikes. Chris is a keen cyclist and strength and conditioning expert. We talk about why master cyclists should focus on lifting, how to progress from body weight to lifting heavy why you should and why yoga and pilates are not enough to make you strong.


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Blood Glucose Monitors, Carbohydrate and Insulin (Debunking Myths)

In this podcast, I talk to Renee McGregor about carbohydrates, and sugar and why they DON'T make you instantly gain body fat. We get deep into the subject of Blood Glucose Monitors, why they are useful and why companies that produce them are misleading and potentially harming our understanding of health and nutrition. Key Takeaways From The Podcast: Carbohydrates are an important energy source, especially for the brain. They don't instantly lead to weight gain. Insulin helps absorb nutrients and facilitates recovery after exercise. Fear of insulin is misguided. Blood sugar naturally fluctuates throughout the day. Trying to keep it in a very narrow range is unrealistic. Continuous glucose monitoring is unnecessary for most people and can promote dysfunctional eating habits. CGM companies are giving false and potentially harmful nutrition advice based on poor science. The Importance of Carbohydrates: Carbs provide glucose, which is the preferred fuel for the brain and central nervous system. Complex carbs break down slowly while simple carbs digest quickly. Overeating simple carbs like sugar can lead to excess calories. But complex carbs like potatoes are important for energy and fiber. Carbs don't instantly turn into fat. Overall balance matters over weeks/months, not day-to-day. Insulin and Blood Sugar Insulin helps absorb nutrients, not just glucose. It facilitates recovery after exercise by increasing uptake. Blood sugar fluctuates naturally throughout the day based on many factors. Trying to overly control blood sugar can be counterproductive and disrupt hormones. Problems with Continuous Glucose Monitoring CGM's: CGM is unnecessary for most people and promotes dysfunctional eating habits. CGM's apps and companies that promote them can provide false nutrition advice based on poor science. CGM's can lead to obsessive food restriction, especially for women affecting menstruation.


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Effective winter training for masters cyclists

I speak to Pete and Sue the other coaches at Velo Performance in this episode. We clarify the misconception between insulin and carbohydrates and talk about what older cyclists should be focusing on with their bike training at this time of year and why they should be lifting heavy for strength, power and overall health.


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Motivation is a lie and what to do about it - with Jens Heitland

In this podcast, Jens and I talk about the LIE of motivation and how discipline and the act of DOING are the motivation you are looking for, more importantly, we talk about ways everyone can change their habits and thoughts to get even more from themselves. Jens is an innovator in leadership who has worked with global companies like Ikea to help managers become great leaders and connect with their staff on a deeper more meaningful level that builds a stronger team ethic and a happier more productive workforce.


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Coach Sue Discusses Cycling Training Through Menopause: How To Fuel Your Ride And Boost Your Power.

In this episode, I talk to Velo Performance coach Sue Allen our Menopause Specialist coach about how to effectively train through Menopause to stay fit, and maintain performance and energy levels. In this episode, we also talk about nutrition and what female cyclists should be focusing on to look and feel stronger and more energised.


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Inspirational Guest Louise Harris On Becoming A World Record Holder

In this episode, I interview Louise Harris who took on the challenge of breaking the world record cycling from Lands End To John'Ogroats and back to Lands End. This is a fascinating chat about her adventure, how much money she raised for Galgos Del Sol and some of the challenges she faced along the way. Her account of hallucinating when riding deep into the night is candidly inspiring. Lous Charity Page To Save The Spanish Dog Breed Galgos


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Coaching masters cyclists to be the best on and off the bike

In this episode, I go solo and talk about my ethos of coaching, the most important aspects of training all masters cyclists should focus on, discuss nutrition and why its important that masters cyclists need to eat differently than the mainstream media suggest and have a rant about some of the dumbest things I've seen on the internet recently Body composition changes associated with fasted versus non-fasted aerobic exercise Under an hour training s not affected either way by fasted or a fed state. However, over an hour there are performance advantages of feeding pre-training. The current RDA for protein is 0.8g per kg per day. This is aimed at the general sedentary population and doesn’t take into consideration athletes or older populations exercising to the level we do. My suggestion is that we should aim for total protein between 1.8g per kg of body weight and as much as 2g per kg of body weight for older athletes. And, as much as 2.2g per kg of body weight for cyclists over 55. Practical recommendations. 3 meals a day between 0.4 and 0.5g per kg of body weight with a recovery shake post training that’s 0.3g per kg of body weight. Plus a protein meal/bolus before bed of 0.5 - 0.6g per kg. Further Reading: Strength Training Training and master athletes DNA Nutrition Blood Type Diet Training in a fasted state Dietary protein Weight and metabolism as you get older


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Richie Sheeran Inspirational Guest - From Cancer Diagnosis To Gold, Silver and Bronze.

In this podcast, I chat with Richie Sheerin about his cancer diagnosis his battle through groundbreaking stem cell therapy getting back on the bike and setting his sights to compete and win at the transplant games in Australia 2023. This is a jaw-dropping interview about one person's determination to not let cancer beat him and why the bike means so much to him. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it inspires you to keep on keeping on. All my best, Simon


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Healthy diets and habits that improve performance and longevity with Rebecca Guy

Rebecca Guy is an experienced nutritionist who works with swim teams, athletes, and the general public to assist them make the best dietary decisions for peak performance. Along with providing her customers with the best evidence-based knowledge, she also works more closely with them to help them develop sustainable behaviours that will last a lifetime. In this episode, we discuss what constitutes a healthy diet and what macronutrients we should pay particular attention to as we age. We dispel some myths and discuss evidence-based health supplements. We also cover perimenopausal and menopausal women's nutrition. Rebecca was a fantastic guest on this Velop Performance Podcast. It's energising to hear someone discuss food and nutrition in a down-to-earth manner. We both agreed that eating doesn't have to be challenging, constricting, or trendy. Of course, there are some things that we all need to watch out for when it comes to our diets in order to improve our performance and longevity, especially as we get older. If you wish to get in contact with Rebecca, the link to her website is below All my best, Simon


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Inspirational Guest - Andy Petersen 2219KMS in 7 days

Andy is my first inspirational guest on the podcast. At 55 he took on an ambitious challenge to cycle 4 points in the UK cycling 2219 KMS in 7 days training charity for the 40TUDE Org a charity that is doing amazing things to beat colon cancer. Andy talks about his struggles fitting training around a very busy work schedule, how we made sure he focused on what was important and gives insights into nutrition for long-distance riding. In this episode, he talks about how he raised a phenomenal amount of money for Completing this UK challenge is massive enough but wait till you hear how much he raised, it's beyond impressive! This is a candid and fun chat with a now 56 year old endurance cyclist who is taking on another big bike challenge in 2024. Link to 40TUDE.ORG.UK = >


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Why strength training will make you a faster cyclist as you age and live longer

In this month's podcast, I speak to Chris Gibson (BSC CSCS EXOS) to talk about why strength training is critical for performance and ageing well. We cover what you should be doing in the gym, what are the best reps, sets and what forms of strength training are pointless and why. If you find this podcast helpful please leave a review and share it with your friends. Thank you. Simon PS: Right at the end Chris lets us into a very funny story about a concept 2 rower and climbing mountains with it on his back.


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What is possible as a cyclist as you age? Challenging boundaries!

Hey there, welcome to the Velo Performance cycling podcast aimed at master cyclists. As an experienced cycling coach in my 50s, I understand the unique challenges faced by master cyclists. Certainly from my own experience, I'm pushing back on age, I lift heavy, regularly include hard efforts on the bike and eat well. EPISODE 1: In this first podcast (also on my Youtube channel) I give insights into my coaching practice, what I get the master cyclists I coach to focus on in training and nutrition to keep them strong, fast on their bikes and healthier plus I talk about where I want to go with each episode. One of my biggest ambitions with this podcast is to empower cyclists and people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to challenge the conventional wisdom that age limits our potential. My interviews with nutritionists, fitness professionals, and seasoned master cyclists who are still killing. Together we will uncover what is possible for all of us when we unlock the evidence, educate and inspire you to continue riding your bikes hard and fast, increase your health span, and live fuller, longer, and more active lives as you age. So, if you're NOT interested in defying the odds and living your best life, this isn't for you. If however, you are interested in stepping up to push your boundaries then Join me on this journey to challenge the status quo and learn how to stay fit, healthy, fast on your bike and strong well into your 40s, 50s and 60s. Let's get into it! Link to extra reading: Master athletes are exceeding limits Dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss Combining explosive and resistance training Age associated loss of vo2 Effects of concurrent training Optimising strength training Protein and Leucine Protein and renal function (No detrimental effect to people who don’t have an existing kidney disease) Creatine Omega 3 and cell health
